
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/10/05 10:09:31


1.我的钥匙丢了。你能帮我找一下吗?I _________  ________ my key, Could you help me___________it

2.现在我没有字典。I ___________________ a dictionary _______ ___________ ________.

3.他父亲过去是商人。His father________ ________ __________ a businessman.

4.知识使我快乐。Knowledge________ me __________ .

5.他动身去日本了。He has _______________ Japan.


________ ____________________,he left the key in the room.


My mother ______ 20 yuan________ the diction yesterday

8. 迟早你会理解我的。You’ll understandme __________ _________ _______

9. 请你尽快赶回北京。

Please ________ __________Beijing ______ ________ _______ _______.

10 你曾经乘火车旅行过吗?Have you ever___________ ________ a train?

11. 最后孩子们想出了一个好主意。

______ ______ the children_______ _______ ________ a good idea.

12. 全市人民都喜欢看足球。People_______ ____ the city like watch footballgames.

13. 你知道这两个城市的区别吗?Do you know the ______ _______ the two cities?

14. 不管我说什么,他还是放弃工作。

______ ____ what I said,he_____              ________his job.

15. 如果可能的话,明天我要游泳。I’ll go swimming tomorrow______ _________.

16. 自那之后一家就一直住在北京。

His family _________ _______________ Paris  ______ _____ _____.

17. 他既不吸烟,也不喝酒。He_________ smokes, ________drinks.

18. 我父亲出差去日本了。My father _______ _______ Japan ________ _________.

19. 到目前为止,你以去过多少个国家?How many countries have you ___ ____?

20. 她是一个如此安静的女孩。She is ________ _________ _______ girl.

21. 你需要更多的练习。You ________ ________ _________.

22. 这道题对我来说太难了。The problem is_______ ________ __________ me.

23. 我想再多两个小时。I want to write for _____ _________ __________.

24. 我已经有两年没有给他写信了。I haven’t _____ ______ ________ for two years.

25. 我已经很久没有收到他的来信了I haven’t ______ _____ him for a long time.

26. 没有人会赞扬他。Nobody could ________ _________ ________ him.

27. 中国陶瓷闻名于世。

China_______ _________________ it’s china _____ ______ the world

28. 不但他努力学习,而且他哥哥学习也努力。

__________________ he___________ _____________ his sister __________ hard.

29. 他今天早上起床太晚了,没有赶上早班车。

He got up so latethis morning that he ________ __________ catch the first bus.

30. 我看见了一座高山。A mountain ________ __________ _________ _________.

31. 我怕晚上出门。I _______ __________ _____  going out at night.

32. 你砍伐过树木吗?Have you ever _______ _________ trees?

33. 你曾经乱扔过垃圾吗?Have you ever_____ things _________?

34. 务必要按时赶到那儿。________ _________ to be there _________ _________.

35. 把你带来的东西带走。________ _________ what you ________ here.

36. 如果每个人都为保护环境作出贡献,那么整个世界将会变得越来越美丽。

If everyone _______ a________ to _________ the environment, they world will become_____ _______________ beautiful .

37. 我们应该阻止人们乱倒垃圾。

We must________ people______ ________ rubbish everywhere.

38. 这个消息令我非常高兴。The good news ________ us very _______.

39. 你多久看一次电影?_____ _________ do you _________ a film?

40. 她擅长跳舞,她将来想当个舞蹈家。

She ___ ____________ dacing.  She wants be to a dance_____ _____ ________ .

41. 你可以在8点到9点之间来这里。

You can come here_________ 8 o’clock _______ 9 o’clock .

42. 我将会给他留言。I’ll _____ _________ _______ ________ him.

43. 他叫我不要为他担心。He asked me ________ _________ worry _________ him.

44. 大部分人都因天气冷而生病。

Most people ________________ _______ _______ the cold weather.

45. 他鼓励大家参加保护环境的活动。

He______everyone______________ _____ _________ _______ our environment.

46. 我和露西对集邮都不感兴趣。_____ Mary _____ interested in______ _________

47. 休息分钟以后,同学们又继续植树。

After ten minutes’ break,the students __________ _______ ________ trees.

48. 你弄清了他为什么迟到了吗?

Have you __________________ why ________ _______ ________?

49. 大部分问题都与他的课程无关。________ _________ the questions _____ _______________ _________ _______ his lesson.

50. 据说,一些人在那次事故丧生。

_________________ __________ a number of people were killed in the _________.

51. 你在其他什么地方找到这样的消息吗?

________ _______ can youfind ________ _________ ?

52. 他们一直在格林先生练习说英语。They _______ ______ ______ with Mr Green

53. 以前我从没有看过一幅如此没有的画。

I have never ________ _______________ _______ _________ before.

54. 我们应该尽可能地多说英语。We should ________ ___________ _______________________  ___________ _________.

55. 昨天老师说地球绕太阳转

The teacher said that theearth __________ _________ the sun.

56. 无论冬夏,农民们总是忙忙碌碌。

________ it’s summer__________ winter, the farmers are always busy.

57. 树越多越好 __________ __________ trees,_________ ________ .

58. 地球面积四分之三被水所覆盖。

Three quarters of the earth________ __________ ________ water

59. 听到这个消息我感到很惊讶。I ________ _______ _________ the news.

60. 他父亲开办了农场。His father _______ _________  a farm.

61. 请你把电视关小声点好吗?Could you _________ your radio ________,please?

62. 这部电影值得一看。The film is _________ _________ .

63. 我太困了,都睁不开眼睛。

I am __________________  __________ I couldn’t  _______ my eyes ________.

64. 他年纪太小而不能干重活。He is _______ ______ _______ ________ hard work

65. 这部电影是以一个真实的故事为基础。

The film _________________  _________ a real story.

66. 我有一些重要是事情要做。I have _____ _______ __________ ___________.

67. 这些蛋是昨天下的。These eggs ________ _________ yesterday.

68. 科学家们尽力解释他们灭绝的原因。

Scientist __________________ __________ their ________

69. 昨天下午所有展览的机器销售一空。

All the machines_______ ________ _________ _______ yesterday afternoon.


Stamps____________ _______paper, they’re _______ _________ ________ letters,

71.她对做蛋糕相当感兴趣。She is _________________ _______ making cakes.

72袋子装满了书。The bag ____________________ _________ books.


____________________ your help, I _________ the exam.


_________ ________ youstudy, _________ ________ you will get.


You can _______you spoken English _______ _________ _______

76.我想让人把我的电脑修一下I want to___________ my computer __________.

77.确保所有的电脑都关了_____ ______ thatall the computers are _____ ________

78.我们已经下决心使西部更加发达起来。We have _______________ ________ ________ to make the West of China developed.

79.我们班学生人数是50 人。

_________ _________ ________the students inour class _______ fifity.

80.那个相机是哪里生产的?__________________ the camera _______ ?

81.不要把这本书借给其他任何学生。_________________ this book __________ ___________ ________ ______________.

82他们迫不及待地打开袜子They ____________ _______ _______ the stockings.

83我们的党是什么时候成立的?When _________our Party __________?

84.我知道他家离学校很远。I know his homeis ______ ______ ________ his school


When we __________ thecinema, the film _________ _______.


The ________ ofthe _______ countries is __________ ________ and __________.

87./你能用少到300 块钱买到一辆二手车吗?Can you ________a _________ car for _________ ___________ __________ 300 yuan.?

88学生们对这个消息感到很兴奋The students________ _______ ______ the news

89工作差不多干完了。The work is________ _______ _________ done.

90你们应按时交作业。Your homework_______ _______ ______ ______ on time.

91.因为天气,我们迟到了。We were late___________ _______ the weather.


She _____________ with us __________ ________ .

93.这条街大约10米宽。This street is__________ ten metres ________.


 We’re meet again __________ __________________ _________ _________.

95.我复习了我学过的单词。I have _________________ the words I’ve learned.


You’d better_______ _______ _________ before you buy the clothes.

97.他成功地游过大海。He _______________ the sea _______ .

98.人民大会堂是名胜。The Great Hall ofthe People is _____ _____ ____ _______.

99.便宜的鞋子不耐穿。Cheap shoes soon_______ ________.

100.他匆忙放下行李,就出去了。He _____ _____his things and went out.

101.我们在广场中间请别人给我们照了相。We ________ ourphotos ________ _______ _________ __________ _________ the __________.

102.我们都把我们的英语老师当作朋友。We all _________our English teacher _______ our friend.

103.看来好要下雨。It___________  ________ it’s going to rain.

104.一生中大部分时间他在那儿工作。There he workedmost of _______ _______.

104.他买这本字典两个星期了.He ______________ for two weeks.

105.工人们正在试验新机器.The works _______________ ____________the new machines


_________________ __________ hard it is, we will never __________ __________ .


_____________________ ___________ he _________ ________ to Bejing.

108.他对美丽的珊瑚大为惊叹.He _______________ ________ the beautiful corals reefs.


There is _________________ with the computer. It __________ _______ .


When I saw him ,he was__________ ________ the bike.


There are ____________twenty trees ______ _________ _______

102.对我来说,学好英语很容易.It’s veryeasy_______ me _____ learn English well.


.It _______ the littlegirl two hours ________ her homework every day.

104.衣服是用保暖.The clothes_______ ________ _______ keeping warm.

105我们买不起电脑.We couldn’t____________ ________ a computer.

106.星期天,公园里有数百人.There are ___________ people in the park on Sunday.

107.我从来没有听说过这事.I’ve never_______ ________ this thing.


He got up early ___________________ he could catch the early bus.

109.他考试不及格.He _____________ _________ the exam.

110.你认为冲浪怎么样? ________ do you_____ ____ surfing?

111.你在中国多久了?______ ___ have you _______in China?

112.多久你才能完成这项任务?___ ____ will you finishthe task?