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来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/07/07 11:25:20
Tell me about your experience with this company.

"Tell me about your experience" is by far the most common opening interview question. Employers are looking for the highlights of your career, so this is your time to brag about what you've accomplished, and what you think makes you a qualified applicant.
I worked there for two years.
During that time, I was able to implement a new organization process.
We streamlined this process to make it more efficient.
My accomplishments
I succeeded in increasing my department's productivity.
I delivered this project ahead of schedule.
We were able to successfully troubleshoot problematic issues.

It's not personal, it's business

There's an American saying that goes, "It's not personal, it's business." In the U.S., employers value performance, productivity, and efficiency over personal relationships. Having "connections" sometimes helps applicants get a company to notice them, but in no way guarantees a job. Likewise, meetings in the U.S. are primarily about the work, and very little about the person they are meeting with. Some cultures see this as cold or impersonal; Americans see it as efficient. After all, "time is money."
It is also important to note that, while working in America, the quality of your work and your productivity are usually more important than the relationships you have built. Having good rapport with coworkers and supervisors is helpful in the professional world, but you will be assessed (for raises, promotions, and new jobs) on the basis of your performance.
What does it mean to be a member of a team?

What does it mean to you to be a member of a team?
It's important to be able to trust that your teammates are all pulling their own weight.
Communication is the key to making a team work together successfully.
Team members need to be positive and treat each other respectfully.
How do you deal with conflict?
How do you deal with conflict in the workplace?
I try to work with others to reach a compromise.
It's often possible to find a win-win solution by collaborating.
If it's over something small, sometimes it helps to make a small concession.
I try to be firm but diplomatic when I disagree with someone.