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计量经济学中的实证分析说白了就是运用计量方法,对事物过去的数据进行的一种分析,既然是过去的数据,那就说明肯定用的是普遍的例子而且是实际的例子,所以计量经济学本身就是实证分析的一种方法,用计量经济学方法进行的分析都应该被认为是实证分析。   实证性研究作为一种研究范式,产生于培根的经验哲学和牛顿——伽利略的自然科学研究。法国哲学家孔多塞(1743-1794)、圣西门(1760-1825)、孔德(1798-1857)倡导将自然科学实证的精神贯彻于社会现象研究之中,他们主张从经验入手,采用程序化、操作化和定量分析的手段,使社会现象的研究达到精细化和准确化的水平。孔德1830到1842年《实证哲学教程》六卷本的出版,揭开了实证主义运动的序幕,在西方哲学史上形成实证主义思潮。实证主义所推崇的基本原则是科学结论的客观性和普遍性,强调知识必须建立在观察和实验的经验事实上,通过经验观察的数据和实验研究的手段来揭示一般结论,并且要求这种结论在同一条件下具有可证性。根据以上原则,实证性研究方法可以概括为通过对研究对象大量的观察、实验和调查,获取客观材料,从个别到一般,归纳出事物的本质属性和发展规律的一种研究方法。 实证研究使我们暂时将目光从域外转向国内,从书本转向行动,从理想转向现实,从理论转向实践,因而它也必然会促使学者开始关注中国的问题,关注基层的问题,进而也是——关注“真正的问题”,实证研究使得法学不再生产和传播“纯粹的演绎知识”,而是累积在制度框架中行动着的知识,从而使得法律经验的累积成为可能,也使得更加务实的实用主义的审判成为可能。同时,我们还应看到,由于法社会学研究注重的不再是国家制定的法律规则,而是影响这种规则制定的各种社会学因素,因此,这种研究更有可能脱离先前的政治法律观而迈向一种社会法律观,显示了一种新的法与社会之关系法学的兴起,构成了一种真正意义上的研究范式的进步。



你连标准都没有,吹嘘建成区多大,这叫感受或者感觉,不叫观点!!!  在做论文时被要求做一个实证分析。题目是证明货币政策对股市板块指数的影响。导师给我的建议是:货币供给量和利率做货币指标做格兰杰假设检验。采用的指标是:隔夜同业拆借利率,一年期贷款利率,居民消费价格指数,工业增加值增长率,沪市房地产板块综合指数,狭义货币增长率这几个。另外再做个Johansen协整检验。

我有点不明白的是为什么要选择这些指标以及为什么要用格兰杰假设检验和Johansen协整检验。哪位大大解答一下。  协整检验可以用来分析存在长期均衡关系的经济变量之间的关系,通过Johansen协整检验,可以检验几个经济变量之间是否存在长期均衡关系,若存在,通过这一方法则能够得到一个或几个描述这几个变量之间均衡关系的方程,此外,这一方法还能够将长期均衡方程转化为描述各变量的变动在短期内的联系的误差修正模型(ECM)。









1. The empirical studies are likely to involve a panel data analysis based on a given data set. (www.yourdictionary.com)

 2. empirical: relying or based solely on experiment and observation rather than theory [the empirical method]  (Webster's New World College Dictionary) 3. empirical: adj. based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than on theory or pure logic. (The Oxford American College Dictionary)

Empirical method

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Empirical method is generally taken to mean the collection of data on which to base a theory or derive a conclusion in science. It is part of the scientific method, but is often mistakenly assumed to be synonymous with the experimental method.

The empirical method is not sharply defined and is often contrasted with the precision of the experimental method, where data are derived from the systematic manipulation of variables in an experiment. Some of the difficulty in discussing the empirical method is from the ambiguity of the meaning of its linguist root: empiric.


  • 1 According to Oxford English Dictionary
  • 2 According to AccessScience@McGraw-Hill

According to Oxford English Dictionary

According to the Oxford English Dictionary (2nd Edition, 1989), empiric is derived from the ancient Greek for experience, ?μπειρ?α, which is ultimately derived from in + πε?ρα trial, experiment. Therefore, empirical data is information that is derived from the trials and errors of experience. In this way, the empirical method is similar to the experimental method. However, an essential difference is that in an experiment the different "trials" are strictly manipulated so that an inference can be made as to causation of the observed change that results. This contrasts with the empirical method of aggregating naturally occurring data.

Adding further confusion is another connotation of empiric. Strict empiricists are those who derive their rules of practice entirely from experience, to the exclusion of philosophical theory.

The OED further states that an empiric is "one who, either in medicine or in other branches of science, relies solely upon observation and experiment" [emphasis added]. In this case, an empiricist can be someone who conducts an experiment but without using a hypothesis to guide the process, i.e., strictly by the trial-and-error method. This is counter to one of the main tenets of the scientific method, that of the hypothetico-deductive method, where the manipulation of the variable in an experiment is dictated by the hypothesis being tested.

According to AccessScience@McGraw-Hill

The empirical method is generally characterized by the collection of a large amount of data before much speculation as to their significance, or without much idea of what to expect, and is to be contrasted with more theoretical methods in which the collection of empirical data is guided largely by preliminary theoretical exploration of what to expect. The empirical method is necessary in entering hitherto completely unexplored fields, and becomes less purely empirical as the acquired mastery of the field increases. Successful use of an exclusively empirical method demands a higher degree of intuitive ability in the practitioner.