
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/10/05 10:42:23

                                      作者: Nick Triggle

Health correspondent, BBC News

                                   BBC新闻  健康栏目记者

  Mobile phone safety has been much debated over the past two decades 


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Further research has been published suggesting there is no link between mobile phones and brain cancer.


The risk mobiles present has been much debated over the past 20 years as use of the phones has soared.


The latest study led by the Institute of Cancer Epidemiology in Denmark looked at more than 350,000 people with mobile phones over an 18-year period.


Researchers concluded users were at no greater risk than anyone else of developing brain cancer.


The findings, published on the British Medical Journal website, come after a series of studies have come to similar conclusions.




But there has also been some research casting doubt on mobile phone safety, prompting the World Health Organization to warn that they could still be carcinogenic.


In doing so, the WHO put mobile phones in the same category as coffee, meaning a link could not be ruled out but could not be proved either.


The Department of Health continue to advise that anyone under the age of 16 should use mobile phones only for essential purposes and keep all calls short.


The Danish study, which built on previous research that has already been published by carrying out a longer follow-up, found there was no significant difference in rates of brain or central nervous system cancers among those who had mobiles and those that did not.


Of the 358,403 mobile phone owners looked at, 356 gliomas (a type of brain cancer) and 846 cancers of the central nervous system were seen - both in line with incidence rates among those who did not own a mobile. 


Even among those who had had mobiles the longest - 13 years or more - the risk was no higher, the researchers concluded.


But they still said mobile phone use warranted continued follow up to ensure cancers were not developing over the longer term, and to see what the effect was in children.


Hazel Nunn, head of evidence and health information at Cancer Research UK, said: "These results are the strongest evidence yet that using a mobile phone does not seem to increase the risk of cancers of the brain or central nervous system in adults."

       英国癌症研究院的证据与信息部门的负责人Hazel Nunn说:“手机不会增加成年人患脑癌或中枢神经系统癌症的风险,这些结果是最有利的证明。”

Prof Anders Ahlbom, from Sweden's Karolinska Institute, praised the way the study was conducted, adding the findings were "reassuring".

       瑞典卡罗林斯卡研究院的Anders Ahlbom教授,对这种将结果“反复证明”的研究方式,表示赞赏。

Prof David Spiegelhalter, an expert specialising in the understanding of risk who is based at the University of Cambridge, said: "The mobile phone records only go up to 1995 and so the comparison is mainly between early and late adopters, but the lack of any effect on brain tumours is still very important evidence."

       David Spiegelhalter教授,在剑桥大学专门研究风险,是这方面的专家,他说:“手机记录只能追溯到1995年,所以只能在早期和近期使用者之间进行比较,但手机对脑部肿瘤没有影响,这个仍然是很重要的一个证据。”

And Prof Malcolm Sperrin, director of medical physics at Royal Berkshire Hospital, said: "The findings clearly revealthat there is no additional overall risk of developing a cancer in the brain although there does seem to be some minor, and not statistically significant, variations in the type of cancer. "

       皇家伯克郡医院的医学物理学部门主任Malcolm Sperrin教授说:“这些研究成果,清晰的揭示了,手机对于癌症在脑部的发展没有附加的风险,尽管似乎存在着少数变异的癌症类型,但缺乏显著的数据统计说明。”  

But the researchers themselves do accept there were some limitations to the study, including the exclusion of "corporate subscriptions", thereby excluding people who used their phones for business purposes, who could be among the heaviest users.

       但研究人员自己认为,研究还存在某些局限性, 包括排除项规定的“企业用户”, 这样一来,就排除了那些使用手机从事商业的人,而他们可能也属于使用手机最多的人群。

Start Quote


These results are the strongest evidence yet that using a mobile phone does not seem to increase the risk of cancers of the brain or central nervous system in adults”


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Hazel Nunn
Cancer Research UK

 Hazel Nunn     英国癌症研究院