海南儋州中视金海湾:新目标人教版八年级上册英语学案 Unit 12

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(Go for it)新目标人教版八年级上册英语学案 Unit 12(完整版)
Unit12 What’s the best radio station?
Section A
New words: radio, comfortable, seat, screen, close, theater, cinema, easy, worse, worst
Phrases: radio station, comfortable seat, close to home, good quality clothes, think about。。。
Important sentences:
1. --- What’s the best movie theater?
--- Showtime Cinema, I think.
2. --- Can I ask you a question?
--- Sure.
Learn to 1. Discuss preferences;
2. Make comparisons.
1、              熟练掌握形容词最高级的变化规则及不规则变化形式
A.   一般在词尾加-est;
B.    以字母e结尾的词加-st;
C.   重读闭音节词词尾只有一个辅音字母时,先双写辅音字母,再加-est;
D.   多音节词和部分双音节词在词前加most
E.    不规则变化主要有:
good\well --- better --- best         bad\ill --- worse --- worst
many\much --- more --- most      little --- less --- least
far --- farther --- farthest  / --- further --- furthest
Eg: Town Cinema is the cheapest.
Jason’s has the best quality clothing.
Movie Palace has the most comfortable seats.
(一)            预习导学
1. 1a. How do you choose what movie theater to go to?  Write the things in the box under “Important” or “Not important”.
Comfortable seats    big screen   friendly service   cheap   new movies     close to home      in a fun part of town     popular
Not important
1. 1b. Listen and match the statements with the movie theaters. Write in the names of the theaters.
Movie Theaters
It has the biggest screens.
It’s the most popular.
It’s the closest to home.
Town Cinema
It’s the cheapest.
It has the friendliest service.
It has the most comfortable seats.
Town Cinema   Screen City    Movie Palace
2. 2a. Listen to a reporter interviewing a boy. How does the boy answer the questions? Circle the correct letters below.
Green City Survey
1. Which is the best clothing store?
a. Jeans Corner     b. Jason’s     c. Trendy Teens      d. Funky Fashions
2. Which is the best radio station?
a. Easy Listening 97.9 FM   b. Oldies 102.1 FM    c. All Talk 970 AM   d. Jazz 107.9 FM
Then finish 2b.
3. 3a. Read the article and fill in the chart.
The best
movie theater
Screen City
It has…
Clothing store
radio station
(三) 合作探究
1、1c. Practice the conversation. Talk about the movie theaters that you know with your partner.
Eg. A: What’s the best movie theater?
B: Showtime Cinema. It’s the cheapest.
A: But I think Gold Theater has the most comfortable seats.
2、2c. Role play.
3.  3b. Think of three stores in your town and fill in the chart. Then talk
about the stores with your partner.
(四) 梳理归纳
From this class, you should grasp:
1、                   形容词最高级的变化规则和不规则变化;
2、                   形容词最高级的用法。
1、                I can’t pass the exam _______ your help.
A. with     B. without    C. under      D. having
本句主语、谓语和宾语齐全,可知此处应用介词词组,故可排除D项。C介词不对。由句意“我不能通过考试”可推知是“没有你的帮助”。Without与not 等否定词连用表示强烈的肯定。故选B.
2、I think Yao Ming, the famous basketball player, is becoming _____ new star in NBA.
A. hot    B. hotter     C. hottest      D. the hottest
在NBA联赛中,姚明正成为最杰出明星。形容词最高级前必须加the, 故选D。
3、English is one of _______ important subjects in our school.
A. most   B. the most    C. more   D. much more
“one of+the+形容词最高级+名词复数”这一结构表示“最。。。之一”。句意为:在我们学校英语是最重要的学科之一。故选B。
1.(2008,张家口) --- I think Li Ming is the strongest student in our class.   --- I agree with you, but who is the second ______ one?
A. strong     B. stronger     C. the strongest   D. strongest
2. (2008, 苏州) Daniel is a careful driver, but he drives ___ of my friends.
A. more carefully.     B. the most carefully
C. less carefully       D. the least carefully
3. (2008,上海)Which one is heavier, the wooden ball_the iron ball?
A. or    B. and    C. but     D. so
一、           选词填空
1.     This radio station is pretty ______ (good\ better).
2.     It has _______ (the worst\worse) clothes than Jason’s.
3.     Liuliu Clothing Store has ________ (cheaper\the cheapest) shoes of all the shops in town.
4.     Houhe Theater has ___(more comfortable\ the most comfortable) seats of all.
答案:1. good  2 .worse  3. the cheapest  4. the most comfortable
二、           根据汉语完成句子
1.     镇上最好的学校是哪所?
_________ _______ _______ school in town.
2.     汶南镇比东都镇美。
Wen Nan Town is _____ ______ _____ Dong Du Town.
3.     聂辉为何这么认为呢?
Why _______ Nie Hui _____ _____ ?
4.     惠多多超市有最优质的服务。
Hui Duoduo Supermarket has the _______ _______ .
5.     调频98.8“轻松听”电台比调幅970“大家谈”电台好。
Easy Listening 98.8 FM _______ ______ ______All Talk 970 AM.
答案:1. What’s the best 2. more beautiful than  3. does; think so
4. friendliest\best service   5. is better than
Section B
New words: loud, success, act, without, together, near, farthest, southern, still, lovely, northern, enough.
Phrases: talent show, without doing sth., action movies,
Important sentences:
--- Who do you think is the funniest actor?
--- I think Jim Carrey is the funniest actor.
Learn to 1. Discuss preferences;
2. Make comparisons.
creative           quiet          good          funny
dull               loud           bad         boring
1. 1a. Write these words and phrases next to their opposites in the chart.
2. 2a and 2b. Listen to the tape and finish 2a and 2b.
3. 3a. Read the article about the school talent show. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.
4. Write an article about a talent show.
(三) 合作探究
1.Look at the information about the talent show in 2a and 2b and make a conversation.
Eg. A: Who was the best performer?
B: Eliza was the best performer..
2.Interview three classmates. Write their answers in the chart below.
Eg: A: Who do you is the funniest actor?
B: I think Jim Carrey is the funniest actor.
What\Who do you think is the…..
(student’s name)
(student’s name)
(student’s name)
funniest actor?
most creative music
loudest musical group?
most boring TV show
worst movie
best book
(四) 梳理归纳
From this class, you should grasp:
1、  形容词最高级的变化规则和不规则变化;
2、  形容词最高级的用法。
1、He lives ______ (far) from school in our class.
farthest。句意为“在我们班里他住得离学校最远。”由in our class 可知此处应为最高级, 而far 的最高级为farthest。副词的最高级前面可以不加the。
2、This project is too difficult for me. I can’t do it ____your help.
A. having no    B. no     C. without     D. with
句意为:对于我来说这个课题太难了,没有你的帮助我不能完成它。 without为介词,意为“没有”,故选C。
1.                        Who do you _____ is the funniest actor?
A. think    B. think over    C. think of   D. think about
句意为:你认为谁是最滑稽的演员?do you think”你认为”在这里是插入语,故选A。
1.(2008,重庆) --- What bad weather!
---Yes.The radio says it will be even__________ later on.
A. bad  B. badly  C. worse  D. worst
2. (2007, 长春)--- Who is ________ running star in your college?
--- I think Philip is.
A. famous B. more famous C. the most famous  D. less famous
1.This park is _______ (beautiful) of the three.
2. Which is ________ (heavy), the horse or the elephant?
3. Where is the best _______ (cloth) store in town?
4. He lives ______ (far) from school in our class.
5. Her first movie was a great _______ (successful).
6. The Yellow River is the second ______ (long) river in China?
7. Tom is the _______ (tall) of the two boys.
8. The radio says it’ll be even ______ (cold) tomorrow.
9. What do you think is the ________ (creative) of all the music videos?
10. I think English is _______ (interesting) of all the subjects.
答案:1 the most beautiful  2 heavier    3 clothing  4 farthest
5 success  6. longest    7. taller  8. colder     9. most creative   10. the most interesting
1. Town Cinema is the best movie theater.(对划线部分提问)
_______ ________ the best movie theater?
1.     He can’t sing very well.(改为肯定句)
He ______ sing very well.
2.     I like Huiduoduo Supermarket because it has the best quality
______ ______ you like Huiduoduo Supermarket?
3.     This sweater is cheaper than that one. (改为同义句)
That sweater is ________ than this one.
4.     Who is the best player? Do you know?(句意不变,合并为一句)
______ _______ you think is the best player?
1.What\Which, is 2.can 3.Why do 4.dearer\more expensive
5.Why do