
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/07/06 15:57:31


http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年10月31日 17:25   环球网

  As one of the world's symbolic seven billionth occupants, little Danica May Camacho's birth is not only significant to mother and father。

  Danica was born two minutes before midnight and arrived to a celebratory cheer at the packed Government-run hospital in Manila。

  Weighing 5lbs 5oz, Danica was delivered amid an explosion of media flash bulbs in the delivery room at the hospital。

  Mother Camille said: “She looks so lovely. I can't believe she is the world's seventh billion。”

  The parents and the baby were met by top United Nations officials in the Philippines, who presented the child with a small cake。

  There were also gifts from local benefactors including a scholarship grant for the child's study, and a livelihood package to enable the parents to start a general store。

  The child is one of several in countries around the world being declared a symbolic seven billionth human. The United Nations has declared October 31 as Seven Billion day - the date when the globe’s population is estimated to reach seven billion。

  It was hoped she would arrive at exactly midnight, but she was delivered two minutes early。









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