对甲苯磺酸溶于水颜色:肖申克的救赎 (下)

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/10/05 12:44:44


  121 EXT -- EXERCISE YARD -- SHAWSHANK -- DAY (1954) 121 外景—操场—白天

  Andy reads the letter to Red and the others:



  P.S. Tell Heywood I‘m sorry I put a knife to his throat. No hard feelings.


  A long silence. Andy folds the letter, puts it away. Softly:



  He should‘a died in here, goddamn it. “他一定死在那儿了,见鬼!”

  122 INT -- PRISON LIBRARY -- DAY (1954) 122 内景—图书馆—白天

  Andy is sorting books on the cart. He replaces a stack on the shelf -- and pauses, noticing a line of ants crawling up the wood. He glances up. The ants disappear over the top. He pulls a chair over and stands on it, peers cautiously over.



  Red! “瑞德”

  Red steps in with an armload of files. Andy gingerly reaches in, grabs a black feathered wing, and pulls out a dead crow. 


  RED (softly)瑞德(轻轻地)

  Is that Jake? “是杰克吗?”

  123 INT -- WOOD SHOP -- DAY (1954) 123 内景—木材厂—白天

  Red is making something at his bench, sanding and planing.


  RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

  It never would have occurred to us, if not for Andy. It was his idea. We all agreed it was the right

  thing to do...


  124 EXT -- FIELDS -- DAY (1954) 124 外景—田地—白天

  Low hilly terrain all around. A HUNDRED CONS are at work in the fields. GUARDS patrol with carbines, keeping a sharp eye. We find Andy, Red, and the boys working with picks and shovels. They glance over to the pickup truck. Hadley‘s chewing the fat with Mert and Youngblood. A WHISTLE BLOWS.



  Water break! Five minutes! “喝水时间!五分钟!”

  The work stops. Cons head for the pickup truck, where water is dispensed with dipper and pail. Red and the boys look to Andy. Andy nods. Now‘s the time. The group moves off through the confusion, using it as cover. They head up the slope of a nearby hill and quickly decide on a suitable spot. The guards haven‘t noticed.


  Jigger and Floyd start swinging picks into the soft earth, quickly ripping out a hole. Red reaches into his jacket and pulls out a beautiful wooden box, carefully stained and varnished. He shows it around to nods of approval.



  That‘s real pretty, Red. Nice work. “真漂亮!瑞德,干得好!”


  Shovel man in. Watch the dirt. “铁锨人来啦,看我的吧。”

  124 CONTINUED 124 

  Heywood jumps in and starts spading out the hole. 海沃德跳进去开始住洞外铲土。

  125 BY THE TRUCK 125 卡车旁

  Youngblood glances up and sees the men on the slope. 杨伯拉德抬起头看到斜坡上的人们。


  What the fuck. “怎么搞的?”

  HADLEY (follows his gaze)哈雷(随着他的眼光望去)



  (works his rifle bolt) (他拉上枪栓)



  Suddenly, other cons start breaking away in groups, dozens of them heading toward the slope. The guards look around.



  What am I, talkin‘ to myself? “我在跟自己说话吗?”

  126 ON THE SLOPE 126 斜坡上

  Andy pulls a towel-wrapped bundle from his jacket and unfolds it. Jake. Andy lays him in the box, followed by Brook‘s letter. Red places the casket in the hole. A moment of silence. Andy gives Red with an encouraging nod.



  Lord. Brooks was a sinner. Jake was just a crow. Neither was much to look at. Both got institutionalized. See what you can do for ‘em. Amen.


  Muttered "amens" all around. The boys shovel dirt onto the small grave and tamp it down.


  127 INT -- SHAWSHANK CORRIDORS -- DAY (1955) 127 内景—肖申克监狱走廊—白天

  RAPID DOLLY with Hadley. He‘s striding, pissed-off, a man on emission. He straight-arms a door and emerges onto--


  128 EXT -- SHAWSHANK PRISON WALL -- DAY (1955) 128 外景—监狱高墙—白天

  -- the wall overlooking the exercise yard. He leans on the railing, scans the yard, sees Andy chatting with Red.



  Dufresne! What the fuck did you do? (Andy looks up) Your ass, warden‘s office, now!


  Andy shoots a worried look at Red, then heads off. 安迪担心的看了一眼瑞德,然后走了。


  Dozens of parcel boxes litter the floor. WILEY, the duty guard, picks through them. Hadley enters, trailed by Andy. 



  What is all this? “这些是什么?”


  You tell me, fuck-stick! They‘re addressed to you, every damn one!


  Wiley thrusts an envelope at Andy. Andy just stares at it. 



  Well, take it. “喂,拿着。”

  Andy takes the envelope, pulls out a letter, reads: 安迪接过信封,抽出信,念道:


  "Dear Mr. Dufresne. In response to your repeated inquiries, the State Senate has allocated the enclosed funds for your library project..."

  “亲爱的杜弗兰先生,为了答复您重复的请求,州议院已经拔款(信内附支票)给您的图书馆方案。”(stunned, examines check) (惊喜地看着支票)

  This is two hundred dollars. 是两百美元。

  Wiley grins. Hadley glares at him. The grin vanishes.



  "In addition, the Library District has generously responded with a charitable donation of used books and sundries. We trust this will fill your needs. We now consider the matter closed. Please stop sending us letters. Yours truly, the State Comptroller‘s Office."


  Andy gazes around at the boxes. The riches of the world lay at his feet. His eyes mist with emotion at the sight.



  I want all this cleared out before the warden gets back, I shit you not.


  Hadley exits. Andy touches the boxes like a love-struck man touching a beautiful woman. Wiley grins.



  Good for you, Andy. “你真行,安迪!”


  Only took six years. (beat)(q12) From now on, I send two letters a week instead of one.



  (laughs, shakes his head) (大笑,摇摇头)

  I believe you‘re crazy enough. You better get this stuff downstairs like the Captain said. I‘m gonna go pinch a loaf. When I get back, this is all gone, right?


  Andy nods. Wiley disappears into the toilet, Jughead Comix in hand. Alone now, Andy starts going through the boxes like a starving man exploring packages of food. He doesn‘t know where

  to turn first. He gets giddy, ripping boxes open and pulling out books, touching them, smelling them.


  He rips open another box. This one contains an old phonograph player, industrial gray and green, the words "Portland Public School District" stenciled on the side. The box also contains stacks and stacks of used record albums.


  Andy reverently slips a stack from the box and starts flipping through them. Used Nat King Coles, Bing Crosbys, etc. He comes across a certain album -- Mozart‘s "Le Nozze de Figaro." He pulls it from the stack, gazing upon it as a man transfixed. It is a thing of beauty. It is the Grail.


  130 INT -- BATHROOM -- DAY (1955) 130 内景—洗手间—白天

  Wiley sits in one of the stalls, Jughead comic on his knees.



  131 INT -- GUARD STATION/OUTER OFFICE -- DAY 内景--播音室/外间办公室—白天

  Andy wrestles the phonograph player onto the guards‘ desk, sweeping things onto the floor in his haste. He plugs the machine in. A red light warms up. The platter starts spinning.


  He slides the Mozart album from its sleeve, lays it on the platter, and lowers the tone arm to his favorite cut. The needle HISSES in the groove...and the MUSIC begins, lilting and gorgeous. Andy sinks into Wiley‘s chair, overcome by its beauty. It is "," a duet sung by Susanna and the Contessa.

  他从封套中取出唱片,放在托盘上,把唱臂放到他最喜欢的一节上,唱针在唱片的凹槽上发出’嘶嘶’声,音乐响起,明快、宜人。安迪躺在韦利的椅子上,为音乐的美丽而沉醉。’Deutino: Che soave zeffiretto’苏珊娜和孔德萨的二重唱。

  132 INT -- BATHROOM -- DAY (1955) 132 内景—洗手间—白天

  Wiley pauses reading, puzzled. He thinks he hears music.



  Andy? You hear that? “安迪,你听到了吗?”


  Andy shoots a look at the bathroom...and smiles. Go for broke. He lunges to his feet and barricades the front door, then the bathroom. He returns to the desk and positions the P.A. microphone. He works up his courage, then flicks all the toggles to "on." A SQUEAL OF FEEDBACK echoes briefly...


  134 INT/EXT -- VARIOUS P.A. SPEAKERS -- DAY (1955) 134 内/外景—各个扬声器—白天

  ...and the Mozart is suddenly broadcast all over the prison.


  135 INT -- BATHROOM -- DAY (1955) 135 内景—洗手间—白天

  Wiley lunges to his feet, pants tangling around his ankles. 韦利猛得站起来,裤子缠在脚踝处。



  Cons all over the prison stop whatever they‘re doing, freezing in mid-step to listen, gazing up at the speakers.


  137 The stamping machines in the plate shop are shut down... 137


  138 The laundry line goes silent, grinding to a halt... 138


  139 The wood shop machines are turned off, buzzing to a stop... 139


  140 The motor pool...the kitchen...the loading dock...the exercise thru yard...the numbing routine of prison life itself...all grinds thru 140


  143 to a stuttering halt. Nobody moves, nobody speaks. Everybody just stands in place, listening to the MUSIC, hypnotized. 143


  144 INT -- GUARD STATION -- DAY (1955) 144 内景—播音室—白天

  Andy is reclined in the chair, transported, arms fluidly conducting the music. Ecstasy and rapture. Shawshank no longer exists. It has been banished from the mind of men.


  145 EXT -- EXERCISE YARD -- DAY (1955) 145 外景—操场—白天

  CAMERA TRACKS along groups of men, all riveted. 镜头掠过人群,所有的人都怔在那儿。

  RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

  I have no idea to this day what them two Italian ladies were singin‘ about. Truth is, I don‘t want to know. Some things are best left unsaid. I like to think they were singin‘ about something so beautiful it can‘t be expressed in words, and makes your heart ache because of it.


  CAMERA brings us to Red. 镜头拉回瑞德。

  RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

  I tell you, those voices soared. Higher and farther than anybody in a gray place dares to dream. It was like some beautiful bird flapped into our drab little cage and made these walls dissolve away...and for the briefest of moments -- every last man at Shawshank felt free.


  146 INT -- PRISON CORRIDOR -- DAY (1955) 146内景—走廊—白天

  FAST DOLLY with Norton striding up the hallway with Hadley.


  RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

  It pissed the warden off something terrible. “这声音十分地激怒了监狱长。”

  INT -- GUARD STATION/OUTER OFFICE -- DAY (1955) 内景--播音室/外间办公室—白天

  Norton and Hadley break the door in. Andy looks up with a sublime smile. We hear Wiley POUNDING on the bathroom door:


  WILEY (O.S.)韦利

  LET ME OUUUUT! “让我出……去!”

  148 INT -- SOLITARY WING -- DAY (1955) 148 内景—禁闭室大门—白天

  LOW ANGLE SLOW PUSH IN on the massive, rust-streaked steel door. God, this is a terrible place to be.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  Andy got two weeks in the hole for that little stunt.


  149 INT -- SOLITARY CONFINEMENT -- DAY (1955) 149 内景—禁闭室—白天

  Andy doesn‘t seem to mind. His arms sweep to the music still playing in his head. We hear a FAINT ECHO of the soaring duet.


  150 INT -- MESS HALL -- DAY (1955) 1 50内景—食堂—白天


  Couldn‘t play somethin‘ good, huh? Hank Williams?



  They broke the door down before I could take requests.



  Was it worth two weeks in the hole? “在那洞里呆两星期值得吗?”


  Easiest time I ever did. “我曾有过的最轻松的一段时间。”


  Shit. No such thing as easy time in the hole. A week seems like a year.



  I had Mr. Mozart to keep me company. Hardly felt the time at all.



  Oh, they let you tote that record player down there, huh? I could‘a swore they confiscated that stuff.



  (taps his heart, his head) (拍拍胸口、脑袋)

  The music was here...and here. That‘s the one thing they can‘t confiscate, not ever. That‘s the

  beauty of it. Haven‘t you ever felt that way about music, Red?



  Played a mean harmonica as a younger man. Lost my taste for it. Didn‘t make much sense on the inside.



  Here‘s where it makes most sense. We need it so we don‘t forget.



  Forget? “忘记?”


  That there are things in this world not carved out of gray stone. That there‘s a small place inside of us they can never lock away, and that place is called hope.



  Hope is a dangerous thing. Drive a man insane. It‘s got no place here. Better get used to the idea.



  (softly) Like Brooks did? (轻轻地)“就像布鲁克斯?”



  151 AN IRON-BARRED DOOR 151 一扇铁栅门

  slides open with an enormous CLANG. A stark room beyond. CAMERA PUSHES through. SEVEN HUMORLESS MEN sit at a long table. An empty chair faces them. We are again in:


  INT -- SHAWSHANK HEARINGS ROOM -- DAY (1957) 内景—听讯室—白天

  Red enters, ten years older than when we first saw him at a parole hearing. He removes his cap and sits.


  MAN #l男1

  It says here you‘ve served thirty years of a life sentence.


  MAN #2男2

  You feel you‘ve been rehabilitated? “你觉得你已改过了么?”


  Yes sir, without a doubt. I can say I‘m a changed man. No danger to society, that‘s the God‘s honest

  truth. Absolutely rehabilitated.



  A big rubber stamp slams down: "REJECTED." 大大的橡皮图章砸下:’驳回’。

  152 EXT -- PRISON YARD -- DUSK (1957) 152 外景—监狱操场—傍晚

  Red emerges into fading daylight. Andy‘s waiting for him.



  Same old, same old. Thirty years. Jesus. When you say it like that...



  You wonder where it went. I wonder where ten years went.


  Red nods, solemn. They settle in on the bleachers. Andy pulls a small box from his sweater, hands it to Red.



  Anniversary gift. Open it. “周年礼物,打开它。”

  Red does. Inside the box, on a thin layer of cotton, is a shiny new harmonica, bright aluminum and circus-red.



  Had to go through one of your competitors. Hope you don‘t mind. Wanted it to be a surprise.



  It‘s very pretty, Andy. Thank you. “它真漂亮,安迪,谢谢你!”


  You gonna play something? “想来一段儿吗?”

  Red considers it, shakes his head. Softly: 瑞德考虑了一下,轻轻地摇摇头:


  Not today. “今天不。”

  CELLBLOCK FIVE/ANDY‘S CELL -- NIGHT (1957) 153内景—五号/安迪的号房—夜晚

  Men line the tiers as the evening count is completed. The convicts step into their cells. The master switch is thrown and all the doors slam shut -- KA-THUMP! Andy finds a cardboard tube on his bunk. The note reads: "A new girl for your 10 year anniversary. From your pal. Red."


  154 INT -- ANDY‘S CELL -- LATER (1957) 154内景—安迪的号房—一会儿

  Marilyn Monroe‘s face fills the screen. SLOW PULL BACK reveals the new poster: the famous shot from "The Seven Year Itch," on the subway grate with skirt billowing up. Andy sits gazing at her as lights-out commences...


  INT -- RED‘S CELL -- NIGHT (1957) 155内景—瑞德的号房—夜晚

  ...and we find Red gazing blankly as darkness takes the cellblock. Adding up the months, weeks, days...


  He regards the harmonica like a man confronted with a Martian artifact. He considers trying it out -- even holds it briefly to his lips, almost embarrassed -- but puts it back in its box untested. And there the harmonica will stay...





  RED (V.O.)瑞德

  Andy was as good as his word. He kept writing to the State Senate. Two letters a week instead of one.


  ...and the BLACKNESS disintegrates as a wall tumbles before our eyes, revealing a WORK CREW with picks and sledgehammers, faces obscured outlaw-style with kerchiefs against the dust. Behind them are GUARDS overseeing the work.


  Andy yanks his kerchief down, grinning in exhilaration. Red and the others follow suit. They step through the hole in the wall, exploring what used to be a sealed-off storage room. 安迪扯下毛巾,愉快的笑着,瑞德和其他人也都笑了起来。他们跨过墙洞,在这个曾被封闭的储藏室中搜寻。

  RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

  In 1959, the folks up Augusta way finally clued in to the fact they couldn‘t buy him off with just a

  200 dollar check. Appropriations Committee voted an annual payment of 500 dollars, just to shut him up.


  157 INT -- PRISON LIBRARY -- DAY (1960) 157 内景—图书馆—白天

  TRACKING the construction. Walls have been knocked down. Men are painting, plastering, hammering. Lots of shelves going up. Red is head carpenter. We find him discussing plans with Andy.


  RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

  Those checks came once a year like clockwork. “那些支票准确无误的一年一到。”

  158 INT -- PRISON LIBRARY -- DAY (1960) 158 内景—图书馆—白天

  Red and the boys are opening boxes, pulling out books.


  RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

  You‘d be amazed how far Andy could stretch it. He made deals with book clubs, charity groups...he bought remaindered books by the pound...



  Treasure Island. Robert Louis... “金银岛,罗伯特.路易斯”


  (jotting) (记下)

  ...Stevenson. Next? “下一个是斯蒂文森吗?”


  I got here an auto repair manual, and a book on soap carving.



  Trade skills and hobbies, those go under educational. Stack right behind you.



  The Count of Monte Crisco... “基科山恩仇记……”


  Cristo, you dumbshit. “基督山,你个笨蛋。”


  ...by Alexandree Dumb-ass. “亚力山大.大马屎著……”


  Dumas. You boys‘ll like that one. It‘s about a prison break.


  Floyd tries to take the book. Heywood yanks it back. I saw it first. Red shoots Andy a look.

  弗洛伊德试图拿那本书,海沃德赶忙把书收了回来。(请教:I saw it first.I指的是谁?)瑞德瞄了安迪一眼。


  Maybe that should go under educational too. “也许也应归教育类。”

  159 INT -- WOOD SHOP -- DAY (1961) 159内景—木材厂—白天

  Red is making a sign, carefully routing letters into a long plank of wood. It turns out to be--


  160 INT -- PRISON LIBRARY -- DAY (1963) 160内景—图书馆—白天

  -- the varnished wood sign over the archway: "Brooks Hatlen Memorial Library." TILT DOWN to reveal the library in all its completed glory: shelves lined with books, tables and chairs, even a few potted plants. Heywood is wearing headphones, listening to Hank Williams on the record player.

  上过漆的牌子挂在图书馆的门上:’纪念布鲁克斯.哈特兰图书馆’。镜头向下,显示出图书馆 内:书架上摆放着成行的书,桌子、椅子,甚至还有几盆植物。海沃德戴着耳机在听汉克.威廉姆斯的唱片。

  RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

  By the year Kennedy was shot, Andy had transformed a broom closet smelling of turpentine into the best prison library in New England.



  161 EXT -- SHAWSHANK PRISON -- DAY (1963) 161外景—肖申克监狱—白天



  RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

  That was also the year Warden Norton instituted his famous "Inside-Out" program. You may remember reading about it. It made all the papers and got his picture in LIFE magazine.



  ...a genuine, progressive advance in corrections and rehabilitation. Our inmates, properly supervised, will be put to work outside these walls performing all manner of public service. Cutting pulpwood, repairing bridges and causeways, digging storm drains...


  ANGLE TO Red and the boys listening from behind the fence.



  These men can learn the value of an honest day‘s labor while providing a valuable service to the community -- and at a bare minimum of expense to Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Taxpayer!



  Sounds like road-gangin‘, you ask me. “听起来像修路队,要问我的话。”


  Nobody asked you. “没人问你。”

  162 EXT -- HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION SITE -- DAY (1963) 外景—筑路工地—白天

  A ROAD-GANG is grading a culvert with picks. There‘s dust and the smell of sweat in the air. GUARDS patrol with sniper rifles, A pushy WOMAN REPORTER in an ugly hat bustles up the grade, trailed by a PHOTOGRAPHER.



  You there! You men! We‘re gonna take your picture now!



  Give us a break, lady. “让我们休息会儿,女士。”


  Don‘t you know who I am? I‘m from LIFE magazine! I was told I‘d get some co-operation out here! You want me to report you to your warden? Is that what you want?



  (sighs) (叹口气)

  No, ma‘am. “不,夫人。”


  That‘s more like it! Now I want you all in a row with big bright smiles on your faces! Grab hold of your tools and show ‘em to me!


  She turns, motioning her photographer up the grade. Heywood glances around at the other men.



  You heard the lady. “你们听到她说的了吧。”

  Heywood unzips his pants, reaches inside. The others do likewise. The woman turns back and is greeted by the sight of a dozen men displaying their penises and smiling brightly. Her legs go wobbly and she sits heavily down on the dirt grade.



  C‘mon! We‘re showin‘ our tools and grinnin‘ like fools! Take the damn picture!


  163 INT -- SOLITARY CONFINZMENT -- NIGHT (1963) 163内景—禁闭室—夜晚

  Heywood sits alone in the dark. He sighs. 海沃德独自坐在黑暗中,叹息着。

  RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

  None of the inmates were invited to express their views...


  164 EXT -- WOODED FIELDS -- DAY (1965) 164外景—林区—白天

  A ROAD-GANG is pulling stumps, bogged down in mud.


  RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

  ‘Course, Norton failed to mention to the press that "bare minimum of expense" is a fairly loose term. There are a hundred different ways to skim off the top. Men, materials, you name it. And, oh my Lord, how the money rolled in...


  Norton strolls into view with NED GRIMES at his heels. 诺顿走过来视察,耐德紧跟着。


  This keeps up, you‘re gonna put me out of business! With this pool of slave labor you got, you can

  underbid any contractor in town.



  Ned, we‘re providing a valuable community service. “耐德,我们正在提供有意义的社会服务。”


  That‘s fine for the papers, but I got a family to feed. The State don‘t pay my salary. Sam, we go

  back a long way. I need this new highway contract. I don‘t get it, I go under. That‘s a fact. (hands him a box) Now you just have some‘a this fine pie my missus baked specially for you, and you think about that.


  Norton opens the box. Alongside the pie is an envelope. He runs his thumb across the thick stack of cash it contains.


  IN THE BACKGROUND, a winch cable SNAPS and whips through the air, damn near severing a man‘s leg. He goes down, screaming in mud and blood, pinned by a fallen tree stump. Men rush over to help him. Norton barely takes notice.



  Ned, I wouldn‘t worry too much over this contract. Seems to me I‘ve already got my boys committed elsewhere. You be sure and thank Maisie for this fine pie.


  165 INT -- NORTON‘S OFFICE -- NIGHT (1965) 165内景—诺顿办公室—夜晚

  ANGLE on Maisie‘s pie. Several pieces gone. 镜头对着梅齐的馅饼,已经吃掉了几块。

  RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

  And behind every shady deal, behind every dollar earned...


  TILT UP to Andy at the desk, munching thoughtfully as he totals up figures on an adding machine.


  RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

  ...there was Andy, keeping the books. “都由安迪登记入帐。”

  Andy finishes preparing two bank deposits. Norton hovers near the desk, keeping a watchful eye.



  Two deposits, Casco Bank and New England First. Night drop, like always.


  Norton pockets the envelopes. Andy crosses to the wall safe and shoves the ledger and sundry files inside. Norton locks the safe, swings his wife‘s framed sampler back into place. He cocks his thumb at some laundry and two suits in the corner.



  Get my stuff down t‘laundry. Two suits for dry-clean and a bag of whatnot. Tell ‘em if they over-

  starch my shirts again, they‘re gonna hear about it from me. (adjusts his tie) How do I look?



  Very nice. “非常好!”


  Big charity to-do up Portland wa(q12). Governor‘s gonna be there. (indicates pie) Want the rest of that? Woman can‘t bake worth shit.


  166 INT -- PRISON CORRIDOR -- NIGHT (1965) 166内景—监狱走廊—夜晚

  Andy trudges down the corridor with Norton‘s laundry, the pie box under his arm.


  167 INT -- LIBRARY -- DAY (1965) 167 内景—图书馆—白天

  TILT UP FROM PIE to find Red munching away as he helps Andy sort books on the shelves.



  Got his fingers in a lot of pies, from what I hear. “他把手伸到了许多的馅饼里,我听说的。”


  What you hear isn‘t half of it. He‘s got scams you haven‘t dreamed of. Kickbacks on his kickbacks.

  There‘s a river of dirty money flowing through this place.



  Money like that can be a problem. Sooner or later you gotta explain where it came from.



  That‘s where I come in. I channel it, funnel it, filter it...stocks, securities, tax free municipals... I send that money out into the big world. And when it comes back...



  It‘s clean as a virgin‘s whistle(q13)? “干净的就像处女吗?(请教:virgin’s whistle?)”


  Cleaner. By the time Norton retires, I will have made him a millionaire.



  Jesus. They ever catch on, he‘s gonna wind up wearing a number himself.



  (smiles) (微笑)

  I thought you had more faith in me than that. “我以为你相信我的能力的。”


  I‘m sure you‘re good, but all that paper leaves a trail. Anybody gets too curious -- FBI, IRS, whatever -- that trail‘s gonna lead to somebody.



  Sure it will. But not to me, and certainly not to the warden.



  Who then? “那是谁?”


  Peter Stevens. “皮特.斯蒂文斯。”


  Who? “谁?”


  The silent, silent partner. He‘s the guilty one, your Honor. The man with the bank accounts. That‘s

  where the filtering process starts. They trace it back, all they‘re gonna find is him.



  Yeah, okay, but who the hell is he? “是的,好吧,但他倒底是谁?”


  A phantom. An apparition. Second cousin to Harvey the Rabbit. (off Red‘s look) I conjured him out of thin air. He doesn‘t exist...except on paper.



  You can‘t just make a person up. “你怎么能编造出一个人呢!”


  Sure you can, if you know how the system works, and where the cracks are. It‘s amazing what you can accomplish by mail. Mr. Stevens has a birth certificate, social security card, driver‘s license.

  They ever track those accounts, they‘ll wind up chasing a figment of my imagination.



  Jesus. Did I say you were good? You‘re Rembrandt.



  It‘s funny. On the outside, I was an honest man. Straight as an arrow. I had to come to prison to

  be a crook.


  168 EXT -- PRISON YARD -- DUSK (1965) 外景—操场—傍晚


  Does it ever bother you? “这使你苦恼过吗?”


  I don‘t run the scams, Red, I just process the profits. That‘s a fine line, maybe. But I‘ve also built

  that library, and used it to help a dozen guys get their high school diplomas. Why do you think the

  warden lets me do all that?



  To keep you happy and doing the laundry. Money instead of sheets.



  I work cheap. That‘s the trade-off. “我工作的廉价,这就是交易。”

  TWO SIREN BLASTS draw their attention to the main gate. It swings open, revealing a prison bus waiting outside.


  169 INT -- PRISON BUS -- DUSK (1965) 169 内景—囚车—黄昏

  Among those on board is TOMMY WILLIAMS, a damn good-looking kid in his mid-20‘s. The bus RUMBLES through the gate.


  170 EXT -- PRISON YARD -- DUSK (1965) 170 外景—操场—黄昏

  The new fish disembark, chained together single-file. The old- timers holler and shake the fence. A deafening gauntlet.



  171 INT -- CELLBLOCK EIGHT -- NIGHT (1965) 171 内景—八号囚室—夜晚

  Tommy and the others are marched in naked and shivering, covered with delousing powder, greeted by TAUNTS and JEERS.


  172 INT -- TOMMY‘S CELL -- NIGHT (1965) 172 内景—汤米的号房—夜晚

  The bars slam with a STEEL CLANG. Tommy and his new CELLMATE take in their new surroundings.



  Well. Ain‘t this for shit? “好哇,这是人住的地儿吗?”

  173 INT -- PRISON CORRIDOR -- DAY (1965) 173 内景—走廊—白天

  DOLLYING Tommy as he struts along, combing his ducktail, cigarette behind his ear. (We definitely need The Coasters or Del Vikings on the soundtrack here. Maybe Jerry Lee Lewis.)

  移动拍摄 汤米大步走来,梳着鸭尾式的发型,耳朵上夹着香烟。(毫无疑问,这时的电影配乐应是可斯特斯或是戴尔.维京的,也许应该是杰瑞.李.路易斯。)

  RED (V.O.)瑞德

  Tommy Williams came to Shawshank in 1965 on a two year stretch for B&E. Cops caught him sneakin‘ TV sets out the back door of a JC Penney.


  174 INT -- WOOD SHOP -- DAY (1965) 174 内景—木材厂—白天

  A SHRIEKING BUZZSAW slices ten-foot lengths of wood. Red runs the machine while some other OLD-TIMERS feed the wood.


  RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

  Young punk, Mr. Rock n‘ Roll, cocky as hell... “一个小混混--摇滚先生,极其骄傲自大……”

  Tommy is hauling the cut wood off the conveyor and stacking it, It‘s a ball-busting job, but the kid‘s a blur(q13).



  (slapping his gloves) C‘mon there, old boys! Movin‘ like molasses! Makin‘ me look bad!


  The old guys just grin and shake their heads. 老家伙们只是笑着摇摇头。

  RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

  We liked him immediately. “我们很快就喜欢上了他。”

  175 INT -- MESS HALL -- DAY (1965) 175 内景—食堂—白天

  Tommy regales the old boys with his exploits: 汤米正向大家吹嘘他的事情:


  ...so I‘m backin‘ out the door, right? Had the TV like this... (mimes his grip) Big ol‘ thing. Couldn‘t see shit. Suddenly, here‘s this voice: "Freeze kid! Hands in the air!" Well I just stand there holdin‘ on to that TV, so the voice says: "You hear what I said, boy?" And I say, "Yes sir, I sure did! But if I drop this fuckin‘ thing, you got me on destruction of property too!"

  “于是我退出门,对吧?像这样拿着电视机……(做出抱着东西的样子)它太大,我什么东西也看不见啦!突然,一个声音传来:‘不许动,小子!举起手来!’ 这时我还是站在那抱着电视,那个声音又说:‘听到我说什么了吗?小子!’ 然后我说:‘是的,警官,我听到了。但是我要把这倒霉玩意放下来的话,你就会再给我加上一条毁坏财物啦!’”

  The whole table falls about laughing. 整个桌子上的人笑做一团。

  176 INT -- LIBRARY -- DAY (1965) 176 内景—图书馆—白天

  Poker game in progress. Tommy, Andy, Red and the boys. 汤米、安迪、瑞德和其它人在打扑克。


  You did a stretch in Cashman too? “你还在凯什曼服过刑?”


  Yeah. That was an easy ride, let me tell you. Work programs, weekend furloughs. Not like here.



  Sounds like you done time all over New England. “听起来你走遍了整个新英格兰。”


  Been in and out since I was 13. Name the place, chances are I been there.



  Perhaps it‘s time you considered a new profession. (the game stalls) What I mean is, you don‘t seem to be a very good thief. Maybe you should try something else.



  What the hell you know about it, Capone? What are you in for?



  (wry glance to Red) Everyone‘s innocent in here. Don‘t you know that?


  The tension breaks. Everyone laughs. 紧张感被打破,大家笑了起来。

  177 INT -- VISITOR‘S ROOM -- DAY (1965) 177 内景—探访室—白天

  CAMERA TRAVELS the room. Chaotic. CONS are waiting their turn or talking to visitors through a thick plexi shield.


  RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

  As it turns out, Tommy had himself a young wife and new baby girl...


  Tommy‘s at the end of the row, phone to his ear. Other side of the glass is BETH, near tears, fussing with a BABY on her lap.



  ...said we can stay with them, but Joey‘s gettin‘ out of the service next month, and they barely got

  enough room as it is. Plus they got Poppa workin‘ double shifts and the baby cries half the night. I just don‘t know where we‘re gonna go...


  PUSH IN on Tommy‘s face as he listens. 镜头推进正在仔细倾听的汤米的面部。

  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  Maybe it was the thought of them on the streets...or his child growing up not knowing her daddy...


  178 INT -- LIBRARY -- DAY (1965) 178 内景—图书馆—g白天

  Tommy enters, the strut gone from his step. A little scared. He finds Andy filing library cards.


  RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

  Whatever it was, something lit a fire under that boy‘s ass.



  I‘m thinkin‘ maybe I should try for high school equivalency. Hear you helped some fellas with that.



  I don‘t waste time on losers, Tommy. “我不想把时间浪费到废物身上,汤米。”


  (tight) (紧张地)

  I ain‘t no goddamn loser. “我可不是他妈的废物。”


  That‘s a good start. If we do this, we do it all the way. One hundred percent. Nothing half-assed.


  Tommy thinks about it, nods. 汤米考虑了一下,点头同意。


  Thing is, see... (leans in, mutters) ...I don‘t read all that good.



  (smiles) Well. You‘ve come to the right place then.(微笑)“很好,那你就来对地方了。”

  179 INT -- LIBRARY -- DAY (1965) 179 内景—图书馆—白天

  We find Andy giving an impassioned reading: 安迪在热情的朗读:


  "...and the lamplight o‘er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor...and my soul from out that

  shadow that lies floating on the floor, shall be lifted nevermore!"


  Andy slaps the book shut, immensely pleased with himself.



  So this raven just sits there and won‘t go away? “那只乌鸦就坐在那儿没有离开吗?”


  That‘s right. “没错。”


  (beat) Why don‘t that fella get hisself a 12-gauge and dust the fucker(q13)?

  180 INT -- LIBRARY -- DAY (1965) 180 内景—图书馆—白天

  Tommy tries to read as Andy looks on: 汤米努力阅读,安迪一旁看着:


  "The cat sh--The cat shh..." (glances up) The cat shat on the welcome mat?


  Andy shakes his head. 安迪摇摇头。


  Not exactly. “不对。”


  181 INT -- LIBRARY -- DAY (1965) 181 内景—图书馆—白天

  Andy chalks the alphabet on a blackboard. 安迪在黑板上写字母。

  RED (V.O.) 瑞德

  So Andy took Tommy under his wing. Started walking him through his ABCs...


  182 INT -- MESS HALL -- DAY (1965) 182 内景—食堂—白天

  TRACK the table to Tommy and Andy. Discussing a book.


  RED (V.O.)瑞德

  Tommy took to it pretty well, too. Boy found brains he never knew he had.


  183 EXT -- EXERCISE YARD BLEACHERS -- DAY (1965) 183 外景—操场看台—白天


  The cat sh--shh--shimmied up the tree and crept st--stel--stealthily out on the limb...


  184 INT -- WOOD SHOP -- DAY (1965) 184 内景—木材厂—白天

  Tommy intent on a paperback, mouthing the words. Behind him, wood is piling up on the conveyor belt.


  RED (V.O.)瑞德

  After a while, you couldn‘t pry those books out of hands. “再看一会儿,你就拔不出来啦!”


  Ass in gear, son! You‘re putting us behind! “抬起你的屁股,小子!大家都等着你呢!”

  Tommy shoves the book in his back pocket and hurries over. 汤米把书塞进口袋,赶忙干活。

  185 INT -- LIBRARY -- DAY (1965) 185 内景—图书馆—白天

  Tommy writes a sentence on the blackboard. Andy steps in, shows him how to reconstruct it.


  RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

  Before long, Andy started him on his course requirements. He really liked the kid, that was part of it. Gave him a thrill to help a youngster crawl off the shit heap. But that wasn‘t the only reason...


  186 INT -- ANDY‘S CELL -- NIGHT (1966) 186 内景—安迪的号房—夜晚

  TIGHT ANGLE on chessboard. Most of the pieces complete. PAN TO Andy lying in his bunk, carefully polishing...


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  Prison time is slow time. Sometimes it feels like stop-time. So you do what you can to keep going...


  ...and we keep going past Andy in a SLOW PAN of the cell. Sink. Toilet. Books. Outside the window bars, we hear another TRAIN passing in the night...


  RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

  Some fellas collect stamps. Others build matchstick houses. Andy built a library. Now he needed a new project. Tommy was it. It was the same reason he spent years shaping and polishing those rocks. The same reason he hung his fantasy girlies on the wall...


  ...STILL PANNING, past a chair, a sweater on a hook...and finally to the place of honor on the wall...


  RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

  In prison, a man‘ll do most anything to keep his mind occupied.


  ...where the latest poster turns out to be Racquel Welch ins fur bikini. Gorgeous. "One Million Years, B. C. " SLOW PUSH IN

  ……最新换上的海报是穿着裘皮比基尼的兰蔻.薇芝。海报上写着’ 公元前一百万年’镜头推进……

  RED (V.O.)瑞德

  By 1966...right about the time Tommy was getting ready to take his exams...it was lovely Racquel.


  187 INT -- LIBRARY -- DAY (1966) 187 内景—图书馆—白天

  Tommy‘s taking the big test. Andy‘s monitoring the time. Deep silence, save for Tommy‘s pencil-scribbling. A few old-timers are browsing the shelves, sneaking looks their way. Tommy tries to ignore them. Concentrate.


  Andy clears his throat. Time‘s up. Tommy puts his pencil down,



  Well? “怎么样?”


  Well. It‘s for shit. (gets up in disgust) Wasted a whole fuckin‘ year of my time with this bullshit!



  May not be as bad as you think. “也没你想的那么坏。”


  It‘s worse! I didn‘t get a fuckin‘ thing right! Might as well be in Chinese!



  We‘ll see how the score comes out. “我们先看看你得了多少分。”


  I‘ll tell you how the goddamn score comes out... “我来告诉你那该死的分数吧……”

  Tommy grabs the test, wads it, slam-dunks it into the trash.



  Two points! Right there! There‘s your goddamn score! (storms out) Goddamn cats crawlin‘ up trees, 5 times 5 is 25, fuck this place, fuck it!


  Tommy is gone. Red and others stare. Andy gets up, pulls the test from the trash, smoothes it out on the desk.


  188 INT -- WOOD SHOP -- DAY (1966) 188 内景—木材厂—白天

  Rest break. Tommy and Red sipping Cokes. 休息时间,汤米和瑞德喝着可乐。


  I feel bad. I let him down. “我感觉很糟,我让他失望了。”


  That‘s crap, son. He‘s proud of you. Proud as a hen. (off Tommy‘s look) We been friends a long time. I know him as good as anybody.



  Smart fella, ain‘t he? “聪明之人,是吗?”


  Smart as they come. Used to be a banker on the outside. “聪明之极,没进来时曾是银行家。”


  What‘s he in for anyway? “那他是怎么进来的?”


  Murder. “杀人。”


  The hell you say. “瞎扯。”


  You wouldn‘t think, lookin‘ at him. Caught his wife in bed with some golf pro. Greased ‘em both. C‘mon, boy, back to work...


  SMASH! Red turns back. Tommy‘s Coke has slipped from his hand and shattered on the floor. The kid‘s gone white as a sheet.



  (bare whisper) Oh my God...


  189 INT -- LIBRARY -- DAY (1966) 189 内景—图书馆—白天

  Tommy sits before Andy and Red: 汤米坐在安迪和瑞德的面前:


  ‘Bout four years ago, I was in Thomaston on a 2 to 3 stretch. Stole a car. Dumbfuck thing to do. (beat) Few months left to go, I get a new cellmate in. Elmo Blatch. Big twitchy fucker. Crazy eyes. Kind of roomie you pray you don‘t get, know what I‘m sayin‘? 6 to 12 for armed burglary. Said he done hundreds of jobs. Hard to believe, high-strung as he was. Cut a loud fart, he‘d go three feet in the air. Talked all the time, too, that‘s the other thing. Never shut up. Places he‘d been, jobs he pulled, women he fucked. Even people he killed. People that gave him shit, that‘s how he put it. One night, like a joke, I say: "Yeah? Who‘d you kill?" So he says...

  “大约四年前,我在托马斯顿服两到三年的刑期,因为偷车,真是件蠢事!(拍了一下桌子)出狱前的几个月,来了一个新狱友,埃尔默.布赖奇,极爱紧张的人渣,一双疯狂的眼睛,是那种永远不想与其住在一起的人,明白我说的吧?判6到12年因入室抢劫,号称犯了几百件案子。难以想像他的那种极度紧张感,就是放一个响屁,都会把他惊的蹦起来。总是在说话,(请教:that’s the other thing)从不住嘴。说他去过的地方、犯下的事情、干过的女人,甚至杀过的人。那些跟他废话的人,这就是他为什么杀人的原因。一天晚上,开玩笑似的,我说:’是吗?你杀过人吗?’他就说:……”


  ...I got me this job one time bussin‘ tables at a country club. So I could case all the big rich pricks that come in. I pick out this guy, go in one night and do his place. He wakes up and gives me shit. So I killed him. Him and the tasty bitch he was with. (starts laughing) That‘s the best part! She‘s fuckin‘ this prick, see, this golf pro, but she‘s married to some other guy!

  Some hotshot banker. He‘s the one they pinned it on! They got him down-Maine somewhere doin‘ time for the crime! Ain‘t that choice?


  He throws his head back and ROARS with laughter. 他狂笑起来,前仰后合。


  191 INT -- PRISON LIBRARY -- DAY (1966) 191 内景—图书馆—白天

  Silence. Tommy has finished his story. Red is stunned...but Andy looks like he‘s been smacked with a two by four.



  Andy? “安迪?”

  Andy says nothing. Walks stiffly away. Doesn‘t look back.


  192 INT -- NORTON‘S OFFICE -- DAY (1966) 192 内景—诺顿办公室—白天


  Well. I have to say, that‘s the most amazing story I ever heard. What amazes me most is you were taken in by it.



  Sir? “狱长…”


  It‘s obvious this fellow Williams is impressed with you. He hears your tale of woe and quite naturally wants to cheer you up. He‘s young, not terribly bright. Not surprising he didn‘t know what a state he‘d put you in.



  I think he‘s telling the truth. “我认为他说的是真话。”


  Let‘s say for a moment Blatch does exist. You think he‘d just fall to his knees and cry, "Yes, I did it! I confess! By all means, please add a life term to my sentence!"



  It wouldn‘t matter. With Tommy‘s testimony, I can get a new trial.



  That‘s assuming Blatch is even still there. Chances are excellent he‘d be released by now. Excellent.



  They‘d have his last known address. Names of relatives... (Norton shakes his head) Well it‘s a chance. isn‘t it? How can you be so obtuse?



  What? What did you call me? “什么?你说我什么?”


  Obtuse! Is it deliberate? The country club will have his old time cards! W-2s with his name on them!



  (rises) Dufresne, if you want to indulge this fantasy, that‘s your business. Don‘t make it mine. This meeting‘s over.



  Look, if it‘s the squeeze, don‘t worry. I‘d never say what goes on in here. I‘d be just as indictable as you for laundering the money!



  Don‘t you ever mention money to me again, you sorry son of a bitch! Not in this office, not anywhere! (slaps intercom) Get in here! Now!



  I was just trying to rest your mind at ease, that‘s all.



  (as GUARDS enter) Solitary! A month!(守卫走进来)“禁闭!一个月!”

  Andy gets dragged away, kicking and screaming: 安迪被拖着,乱踢着叫喊:


  What‘s the matter with you? It‘s my chance to get out, don‘t you see that? It‘s my life! Don‘t you understand it‘s my life?


  193 EXT -- PRISON YARD -- DAY (1966) 193 外景—操场—白天

  Mail call. Men crowd around as names are called out. Red and the boys are parked on the bleachers.



  A month in the hole. Longest damn stretch I ever heard of.



  It‘s my fault. “都怨我。”


  Like hell. You didn‘t pull the trigger, and you didn‘t convict him.



  Red? You saying Andy‘s innocent? I mean for real innocent? (Red nods) Sweet Jesus. How long‘s he been in here?



  Since ‘47. Going on nineteen years. “从47开始,已经19年了。”


  Thomas Williams! “汤马斯.威廉姆斯”

  Tommy raises his hand. The envelope gets tossed to him. He stares at it. Red peers over his shoulder.



  Board of Education. “教育委员会。”


  The son of a bitch mailed it. “狗日的寄的!”


  Looks that way(q14). You gonna open it or stick your thumb up your butt?



  Thumb up my butt sounds better. “还是站着傻看好了。”

  He gets hemmed in by the older men. Red snatches the letter.



  C‘mon, just throw it away. Will you please? Just throw it away?


  Red rips it open, scans the letter. Expressionless. 瑞德撕开信封,开始看信,面无表情。


  Well, shit. “喔,他妈的!”

  194 INT -- VISITOR‘S ROOM -- DAY (1966) 194

  Tommy makes his way through the chaos, finds Beth and the baby waiting behind the thick plexi shield. He sits, doesn‘t pick up the phone. Just stares at Beth. She doesn‘t know what to make of it.


  He presses a piece of paper against the glass. A high school diploma. Her face lights up, blinking back tears.


  195 INT -- SOLITARY WING -- NIGHT (1966) 195 内景—禁闭室大门—夜晚

  LOW ANGLE on steel door. Somewhere behind it, unseen, is Andy, A rat scurries along the wall. FOOTSTEPS approach slowly.


  196 INT -- SOLITARY -- NIGHT (1966) 196 内景—禁闭室—夜晚

  Andy listens in darkness. The FOOTSTEPS pause outside his door. The slot opens. An ELDERLY GUARD peers in.



  Kid passed. C-plus average. Thought you‘d like to know.


  The slot closes. The FOOTSTEPS recede. Andy smiles. 门洞关闭,脚步声远去,安迪微笑着。

  197 INT -- PRISON CORRIDOR -- NIGHT (1966) 197 内景—监狱走廊—夜晚

  We find Tommy on evening work detail, mopping the floors with bucket and pail. Mert Entwhistle comes into view.



  Warden wants to talk. “典狱长找你谈话。”

  198 EXT -- PRISON -- NIGHT (1966) 198 外景—监狱—夜晚

  A steel door rattles open. Mert leads Tommy outside to a gate, unlocks it. Tommy looks around.



  Out here? “在外面吗?”


  That‘s what the man said. “狱长就这么说的。”

  Mert swings the gate open, sends Tommy through, turns and heads back inside. Tommy proceeds out across a loading-dock access for the shops and mills. Some vehicles parked. The place is deserted. He stops, sensing a presence.



  Warden? “监狱长吗?”

  Norton steps into the light. 诺顿走过来。


  Tommy, we‘ve got a situation here. I think you can appreciate that.



  Yes sir, I sure can. “是的先生,我当然理解。”


  I tell you, son, this really came along and knocked my wind out. It‘s got me up nights, that‘s the truth.


  Norton pulls a pack of cigarettes, offers Tommy a smoke. Tommy takes one. Norton lights both cigarettes, pockets his lighter.



  The right decision. Sometimes it‘s hard to figure out what that is. You understand? (Tommy nods)

  Think hard, Tommy. If I‘m gonna move on this, there can‘t be the least little shred of doubt. I have

  to know if you what you told Dufresne was the truth.



  Yes sir. Absolutely. “是的先生,绝对真话。”


  Would you be willing to swear before a judge and jury...having placed your hand on the Good Book and taken an oath before Almighty God Himself?



  Just gimme that chance. “我盼望着这个机会。”


  That‘s what I thought. “我正是如此想法。”

  Norton drops his cigarette. Crushes it out with the toe of his shoe. Glances up toward the plate shop roof as--



  -- a rifle scope pops up into frame, jumping Tommy‘s image into startling magnification, framed in the crosshairs.


  200 THE SNIPER 200 狙击手

  rapid-fires a carbine -- BLAM!BLAM!BLAM!BLAM! -- his face lit up by the muzzle flashes. Captain Hadley.



  201 TOMMY 201 汤米

  gets chewed to pieces by the gunfire. He smacks the ground in a twitching, thrashing heap. Eyes wide and staring. Dead. Surprise still stamped on his face. Silence now. Norton turns, strolls into darkness.


  202 INT -- SOLITARY WING -- DAY (1966) 202 内景—禁闭室大门—白天

  GUARDS approach Andy‘s cell. The door is unlocked. Andy emerges slowly, blinking painfully at the light.


  203 INT/EXT -- PRISON -- DAY (1966) 203 内/外景—监狱—白天

  Andy is marched along. Convicts stop to stare. 安迪往前走着,犯人们停下来看他。

  204 INT -- NORTON‘S OFFICE -- DAY (1966) 204 内景—诺顿办公室—白天

  Andy is led in. The door is closed. Alone with Norton. Softly,



  Terrible thing. Man that young, less than a year to go, trying to escape. Broke Captain Hadley‘s

  heart to shoot him, truly it did.



  I‘m done. It stops right now. Get H&R Block to declare your income.


  Norton lunges to his feet, eyes sparkling with rage. 诺顿猛地站了起来,眼睛里充满着愤怒。


  Nothing stops! NOTHING! Or you will do the hardest time there is. No more protection from the guards. I‘ll pull you out of that one-bunk Hilton and put you in with the biggest bull queer I can find. You‘ll think you got fucked by a train! And the library? Gone! Sealed off brick by brick! We‘ll have us a little book-barbecue in the yard! They‘ll see the flames for miles! We‘ll dance around it like wild Indians! Do you understand me? Are you catching my drift?


  SLOW PUSH IN on Andy‘s face. Eyes hollow. His beaten expression says it all...


  205 EXT -- PRISON YARD -- DAY (1966) 205 外景—操场—白天

  Red finds Andy sitting in the shadow of the high stone wall, poking listlessly through the dust for small pebbles. Red waits for some acknowledgment. Andy doesn‘t even look up. Red hunkers down and joins him. Nothing is said for the longest time. And then, softly:



  My wife used to say I‘m a hard man to know. Like a closed book. Complained about it all the time. (pause) She was beautiful. I loved her. But I guess I couldn‘t show it enough. (softly) I killed her, Red.


  Andy finally glances to Red, seeking a reaction. Silence.



  I didn‘t pull the trigger. But I drove her away. That‘s why she died. Because of me, the way I am.



  That don‘t make you a murderer. Bad husband, maybe.


  Andy smiles faintly in spite of himself. Red gives his shoulder a squeeze.



  Feel bad about it if you want. But you didn‘t pull the trigger.



  No. I didn‘t. Someone else did, and I wound up here. Bad luck, I guess.



  Bad luck? Jesus. “运气不好?天!”


  It floats around. Has to land on somebody. Say a storm comes through. Some folks sit in their living rooms and enjoy the rain. The house next door gets torn out of the ground and smashed flat. It was my turn, that‘s all. I was in the path of the tornado. (softly) I just had no idea the storm would go on as long as it has. (glances to him) Think you‘ll ever get out of here?



  Sure. When I got a long white beard and about three marbles left rolling around upstairs.



  Tell you where I‘d go. Zihuatanejo.“告诉你我会去哪儿,泽华塔尼。”


  Zihuatanejo? “泽华塔尼?”


  Mexico. Little place right on the Pacific. You know what the Mexicans say about the Pacific? hey say it has no memory. That‘s where I‘d like to finish out my life, Red. A warm place with no memory. Open a little hotel right on the beach. Buy some worthless old boat and fix it up like new. Take my guests out charter fishing. (beat) You know, a place like that, I‘d need a man who can get things.


  Red stares at Andy, laughs. 瑞德瞪着安迪,大笑。


  Jesus, Andy. I couldn‘t hack it on the outside. Been in here too long. I‘m an institutional man now. Like old Brooks Hatlen was.



  You underestimate yourself. “你小看自己了。”


  Bullshit. In here I‘m the guy who can get it for you. Out there, all you need are Yellow Pages. I wouldn‘t know where to begin. (derisive snort) Pacific Ocean? Hell. Like to scare me to death, somethin‘ that big.



  Not me. I didn‘t shoot my wife and I didn‘t shoot her lover, and whatever mistakes I made I‘ve paid

  for and then some. That hotel and that boat...I don‘t think it‘s too much to want. To look at the stars

  just after sunset. Touch the sand. Wade in the water. Feel free.



  Goddamn it, Andy, stop! Don‘t do that to yourself! Talking shitty pipedreams! Mexico‘s down there, and you‘re in here, and that‘s the way it is!



  You‘re right. It‘s down there, and I‘m in here. I guess it comes down to a simple choice, really. Get

  busy living or get busy dying.


  Red snaps a look. 瑞德瞅了一眼安迪。


  What the hell does that mean? “那到底是什么意思?”

  Andy rises and walks away. Red lunges to his feet. 安迪站起身走开,瑞德也赶紧站起来。


  Andy? “安迪?”


  (turns back) (转身)Red, if you ever get out of here, do me a favor. There‘s this big hayfield up near Buxton. You know where Buxton is?



  (nods) (点头)Lots of hayfields there. “那有很多草场。”


  One in particular. Got a long rock wall with a big oak at the north end. Like something out of a Robert Frost poem. It‘s where I asked my (MORE)(q14) (cont.)wife to marry me. We‘d gone for a picnic. We made love under that tree. I asked and she said yes. (beat) Promise me, Red. If you ever get out, find that spot. In the base of that wall you‘ll find a rock that has no earthly business in a Maine hayfield. A piece of black volcanic glass. You‘ll find something buried under it I want you to have.



  What? What‘s buried there? “什么东西?那儿埋的什么?”


  You‘ll just have to pry up that rock and see. “你翻开岩石就知道了。”

  Andy turns and walks away. 安迪转身走了。

  206 INT -- MESS HALL -- DAY (1966) 内景—食堂—白天


  I tell you, the man was talkin‘ crazy. I‘m worried, I truly am.



  We ought to keep an eye on him. “我们应该盯紧他。”


  That‘s fine, during the day. But at night he‘s got that cell all to himself.



  Oh Lord. Andy come down to the loading dock today. Asked me for a length of rope. Six foot long.



  Shit! You gave it to him? “见鬼!你给他了?”


  Sure I did. I mean why wouldn‘t I? “当然!我为什么不给?”


  Christ! Remember Brooks Hatlen? “老天!还记得布鲁克斯.哈特兰吗?”


  How the hell was I s‘pose to know? “我又怎么会知道呢!”


  Andy‘d never do that. Never. “安迪不会那样的,不会!”

  They all look to Red. 他们都看向瑞德。


  Every man‘s got a breaking point. “每个人的都会有忍耐的极限。”

  207 EXT -- PRISON YARD -- ANGLE ON P.A. -- DUSK (1966) 207 外景—操场—扬声器

  VOICE (over P.A.) Report to your cellblocks for evening count.


  BOOM DOWN to Red and the boys. Convicts drift past them.



  Where the hell is he? “他到底在哪儿?”


  Probably still up in the warden‘s. “可能还在监狱长那儿。”





  Christ. What do we do? “天!我们怎么办?”


  Nothing we can do. Not tonight. “没有办法,今晚不行。”


  Let‘s pull him aside tomorrow, all of us. Have a word with him. Ain‘t that right, Red?



  (unconvinced) Yeah. Sure. That‘s right.(没信心的)“是呀,当然,没错。” 

  20B INT -- NORTON‘S OFFICE -- NIGHT (1966) 208 内景—诺顿办公室—夜晚

  Andy‘s working away. Norton pokes his head in. 安迪在埋头工作,诺顿探进头来。


  Lickety-split. I wanna get home. “快点儿!我要回家了。”


  Just about done, sir. “马上就完,先生。”

  We follow Norton to his wife‘s sampler. He swings it aside, works the combination dial, opens the wall safe. Andy moves up, shoves in the black ledger and files. Norton shuts the safe.



  Three deposits tonight. “今晚三笔款项。”

  Andy hands him the envelopes. Norton heads for the door.



  Get my stuff down t‘laundry. And shine my shoes. I want ‘em lookin‘ like mirrors. (pauses at door)

  Nice havin‘ you back, Andy. Place just wasn‘t the same without you.


  Norton exits. Andy turns to the laundry. He opens the shoebox. Nice pair of dress shoes inside. He sighs, glances down at the old ragged pair of work shoes on his own feet.


  209 INT -- NORTON‘S OFFICE -- NIGHT (1966) 209 内景—诺顿办公室—夜晚

  Andy is diligently shining Norton‘s shoes. 安迪在努力的擦鞋。

  210 INT -- PRISON CORRIDOR -- NIGHT (1966) 210 内景—监狱走廊—夜晚

  Andy trudges down the hallway, laundry slung over his shoulder,



  211 INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- NIGHT (1966) 211 内景—五号囚楼—夜晚

  Andy nods to the GUARD. The guard BUZZES him through.


  212 INT -- RED‘S CELL -- NIGHT (1966) 212 内景—瑞德的号房—夜晚

  Red hears Andy coming, moves to the bars. He watches Andy come up to the second tier and pause before his cell.


  GUARD (O.S.) 守卫

  Open number twelve! “打开12号。”

  Andy gazes directly at Red. A beat of eye contact. Red shakes his head. Don‘t do it. Andy smiles, eerily calm...and enters his cell. The door closes. KA-THUMP! We hold on Red‘s face.


  213 INT -- ANDY‘S CELL -- NIGHT (1966) 213 内景—安迪的号房—夜晚

  Andy is polishing a chess piece. 安迪正在打磨棋子。

  VOICE (O.S.) 人声

  Lights out! “熄灯!”

  The lights bump off. He finishes polishing, holds up the piece to admire. A pawn. He sets it down with the others -- and we realize it‘s the final glance for the board. A full set. He gazes up at Racquel and smiles. Pulls a six foot length of rope from under his pillow. Lets it uncoil to the floor.


  214 INT -- RED‘S CELL -- NIGHT (1966) 214内景—瑞德的号房—夜晚

  Red sits in the dark, a bundle of nerves, trying to hold himself still. He feels like he might scream or shake to pieces. The seconds tick by, each an eternity.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  I have had some long nights in stir. Alone in the dark with nothing but your thoughts, time can

  draw out like a blade...


  A FLASH OF LIGHTNING outside his window sends harsh barred shadows jittering across the cell. A storm breaking.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德

  That was the longest night of my life... “这是我一生中最长的夜晚……”

  215 INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- MORNING (1966) 215内景—五号囚楼—早晨

  KA-THUMP! The master lock is thrown. The cons emerge from their cells and the headcount begins. Red looks back to see if Andy‘s in line. He‘s not. Suddenly the count stalls:


  GUARD 守卫

  Man missing on tier two! Cell 12! “二层少人!12号牢房!”

  The head bull, HAIG, checks his list: 卫兵头,海格,查看名单。

  HAIG 海格

  Dufresne? Get your ass out here, boy! You‘re holding up the show! (no answer) Don‘t make me come down there now! I‘ll thump your skull for you!


  Still no answer. Glaring, Haig stalks down the tier, clipboard in hand. His men fall in behind.


  HAIG 海格

  Dufresne, dammit, you‘re putting me behind! You better be sick or dead in there, I shit you not!


  They arrive at bars. Their faces go slack. Stunned.


  HAIG(Softly)Oh my Holy God.海格(轻轻地)“哦,我的上帝呀!”

  216 REVERSE ANGLE 216视角反转

  reveals the cell is empty. Everything neat and tidy. Even the bunk is stowed. They wrench the door open and rush in, tossing the cell in a panic as if Andy might be lurking under the Kleenex or the toothpaste. CAMERA ROCKETS IN on Haig as he spins toward us, bellowing at the top of his lungs:


  HAIG 海格

  WHAT THE FUCK! “操他妈的!”

  217 INT -- NORTON‘S OFFICE -- MORNING (1966) 217内景—诺顿办公室—早晨

  Norton is kicking back with the morning paper. He notices ha dingy his shoes are. He glances at the shoebox on the desk. kicks his shoes off, opens the box -- and gulls out Andy‘s grimy work shoes. He stares blankly. What the fuck indeed.


  An ALARM STARTS BLARING throughout the prison. He looks up.


  218 EXT -- PRISON -- DAY (1966) 218 外景—监狱—白天

  Norton and Hadley stride across the grounds, ALARM BLARING.



  I want every man on that cellblock questioned! Start with that friend of his!



  who? 谁?

  INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- RED‘S CELL -- DAY内景—五号囚楼—瑞德的号房—白天

  Red watches as Norton storms up with an entourage of guards.



  Him. “他”。

  Red‘s eyes widen. Guards yank him from his cell. 瑞德睁大双眼,卫兵把他从牢房里拽出来。

  220 INT -- ANDY‘S CELL -- DAY (1966) 220 内景—安迪的号房—白天

  Norton steps to the center of the room, working himself up into a fine rage:



  What do you mean "he just wasn‘t here?" Don‘t say that to me, Haig! Don‘t say that to me again!



  But sir! He wasn‘t! He isn‘t! “可是长官!他就是没在,没在!”


  I can see that, Haig! You think I‘m blind? Is that what you‘re saying? Am I blind, Haig?



  No sir! “不,长官!”

  Norton grabs the clipboard and thrusts it at Hadley. 诺顿抓过来点名册塞给哈雷。


  What about you? You blind? Tell me what this is! “你呢?你也瞎了?告诉我这是什么!”


  Last night‘s count. “昨晚的点名。”


  You see Dufresne‘s name? I sure do! Right there, see? "Dufresne." He was in his cell at lights out! Stands to reason he‘d still be here this morning! I want him found! Not tomorrow, not after breakfast! Now!


  Haig scurries out, gathering men. Norton spins to Red.



  Well? “你呢?”


  Well what? “我怎么?”


  I see you two all the time, you‘re thick as thieves, you are! He must‘a said something!



  No sir, he didn‘t! “不,长官,他没说!”

  Norton spreads his arms evangelist-style, spins slowly around.



  Lord! It‘s a miracle! Man up and vanished like a fart in the wind! Nothin‘ left but some damn rocks on the windowsill and that cupcake on the wall! Let‘s ask her! Maybe she knows! What say there, Fuzzy- Britches? Feel like talking? Guess not. Why should you be different?


  Red exchanges looks with the guards. Even they‘re nervous. Norton scoops a handful rocks off the sill. He hurls them at the wall one at a time, shattering them, punctuating his words:



  It‘s a conspiracy! (SMASH) That‘s what this is! (SMASH) It‘s one big damn conspiracy! (SMASH) And everyone‘s in on it! (SMASH) Including her!


  He sends the last rock whizzing right at Racquel. No smash.


  It takes a moment for this to sink in. All eyes go to her. The rock went through her. There‘s a small hole in the poster where her navel used to be. You could hear a pin drop. Norton reaches up, sinks his finger into the hole. He keeps pushing...and his entire hand disappears into the wall.



  221 ANGLE FROM BEHIND POSTER 221[视角来自海报后面]

  as Norton rips the poster from before our eyes. Stunned faces peer in. CAMERA PULLS LOWLY BACK...to reveal the long crumbling tunnel in the wall.


  222 INT -- ANDY‘S CELL -- MINUTES LATER (1966) 222 内景—安迪的号房—几分钟后

  RORY TREMONT, a guard barely out of his teens, tries not to look nervous as they lash a rope around his chest. He‘s getting instructions from six different people at once.


  RED (V.O.)瑞德(旁白)

  They got this skinny kid named Rory Tremont to go in the hole. He wasn‘t much in the brains department, but he possessed the one most important qualification for the job... (they slap a flashlight in his hands) ...he was willing to go.


  223 INT -- TUNNEL -- DAY (1966) 223 内景—隧道—白天

  Rory squeezes down the tunnel on his belly. 罗里紧紧的贴着隧道爬行。

  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  Probably thought he‘d win a Bronze Star or something.


  224 INT -- VERTICAL SHAFT -- DAY (1966) 224 内景—竖井—白天

  Dark as midnight. Concrete walls rise on both sides. If you imagine them as two huge slices of bread, the meat of this particular sandwich is about three feet of airspace and a dark tangle of pipes between the cellblocks. Rory‘s appears, shining his flashlight down the shaft. Somewhere, a rat SQUEAKS.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  It was his third day on the job. “这是他干这活儿的第三天。”

  RORY 罗里

  Warden? There‘s a space here between the walls ‘bout three feet across! Smells pretty damn bad!


  NORTON (O.S.) 诺顿

  I don‘t care what it smells like! “我不管有多难闻!”

  HADLEY (O.S.) 哈雷

  Go on, boy! We got a hold of you! “继续,孩子!我们支持你!”

  Looking none too happy about it, Rory squeezes from the tunnel and dangles into the shaft. He gets lowered, shining his light, smothered by darkness. Not having a good time.


  RORY 罗里

  Hoo-whee! Smell‘s gettin‘ worse! 呜~~,越来越难闻!

  NORTON (O.S.) 诺顿

  Never mind, I said! Just keep going! “不要管!我命令,继续!”

  RORY 罗里

  Smells pretty damn bad, Warden! In fact, it smells just like shit.


  His feet touch the ground -- or what he assumed was the ground. It‘s not. In fact, it‘s just what it smells like. He sinks in past his ankles. He slips and sits heavily in it.


  RORY 罗里

  Oh God, that‘s what it is, it‘s shit. oh my God it‘s shit. pull me out ‘fore I blow my groceries, oh

  shit it‘s shit, oh my Gawwwwwwd!


  225 INT -- ANDY‘S CELL -- DAY (1966) 225 内景—安迪的号房—白天

  Red and others listen to violent barfing from below.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德

  And then came the unmistakable sound of Rory Tremont losing his last few meals. The whole cellblock heard it. I mean, it echoed.


  That‘s it for Red. He starts laughing. Laughing, hell, he‘s bellowing laughter, laughing so hard he has to hold himself, laughing so hard tears are pouring down his cheeks. The look of rage on Norton‘s face makes him laugh all the harder.


  226 INT -- SOLITARY WING -- NIGHT (1966) 226 内景—禁闭室门—夜晚

  Abrupt silence. LOW ANGLE on steel door. 突然寂静,低角镜头照在门上。

  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  I laughed myself right into solitary. Two week stretch. “我把自己直接笑进了禁闭室,两星期。”

  227 INT -- SOLITARY -- NIGHT (1966) 227 内景—禁闭室—夜晚


  It‘s shit, it‘s shit, oh my God it‘s shit... “是屎,是屎,我的上帝,就是屎……”

  He starts laughing all over again, fit to split. 他又开始大笑,笑得死去活来。

  RED (V.O.) 瑞德

  Andy once talked about doing easy time in the hole. Now I knew what he meant.


  228 EXT--SHAWSHANK PRISON--WIDE SHOT--DAY 外景—肖申克监狱—宽镜头—白天

  Virgin landscape. Charming rural road. Suddenly, State Police cruisers rocket up the road with SIRENS AND LIGHTS.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德

  In 1966, Andy Dufresne escaped from Shawshank Prison.


  229 EXT -- FIELD -- DAY (1966) 229 内景—操场—白天

  Shawshank is half a mile distant. WE TRACK ALONG a muddy creek as STATE TROOPERS and PRISON GUARDS scour the brush. A TROOPEE fishes a prison uniform out of the creek with a long stick.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德

  All they found of him was a muddy set of prison clothes, a bar of soap, and an old rock-hammer damn near worn down to the nub.


  trooper g2 pulls the rock-hammer from the weeds. swish pan to a police photo grapher. His FLASHBULB GLARE produces:



  of the hapless cops posing with Andy‘s reeking uniform and the worn rock-hammer. PUSH IN on the hammer.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德

  I remember thinking it would take a man six hundred years to tunnel through the wall with it. Andy did it in less than twenty.



  231 INT -- ANDY‘S CELL -- NIGHT (1949) 231 内景—安迪的号房—夜晚

  Once again, we see Andy using the rock-hammer to scratch his name into the cement. Suddenly, a palm-sized chunk of cement pops free and hits the floor. He stares down at it.


  232 INT -- ANDY‘S CELL -- NIGHT (1949) 232 内景—安迪的号房—夜晚

  Andy lies in the dark, studying the chunk of concrete in his hands. Considering the possibilities. Wrestling with hope.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德

  Andy loved geology. I imagine it appealed to his meticulous nature. An ice age here, a million years of mountain-building there, plates of bedrock grinding against each other over a span of millennia...


  233 INT -- ANDY‘S CELL -- NIGHT (1949) 233 内景—安迪的号房—夜晚

  Andy stands peering at the small hole left by the fallen chunk. Carefully runs his fingertip over it.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德

  Geology is the study of pressure and time. That‘s all it takes, really. Pressure and time.


  234 INT -- ANDY‘S CELL -- NIGHT (1951) 234 内景—安迪的号房—夜晚

  Rita is now on the wall, hanging down over Andy‘s back. 丽塔挂在墙上,搭在安迪的后背。

  RED (V.O.) 瑞德

  That and a big damn poster. “和一张大大的海报。”

  TRACK IN to reveal Andy scraping patiently at the concrete. 镜头显现出安迪在耐心的挖墙。

  RED (V.O.) 瑞德

  Like I said. In prison, a man‘ll do most anything to keep his mind occupied.


  He hears FOOTSTEPS approaching. He smoothes the poster down and dives into bed. A GUARD strolls by a moment later, shining his flashlight into the cell.


  235 EXT -- PRISON YARD -- DAY (1953) 235 外景—操场—白天

  Andy strolls along, whistling softly, hands in both pockets. TILT DOWN to his pantleg. Concrete grit trickles out.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德

  It turns out Andy‘s favorite hobby was totin‘ his wall out into the exercise yard a handful at a time...


  236 INT -- 2ND TIER -- NIGHT (1962) 236 内景—2层—夜晚

  A GUARD strolls the tier, shining his flashlight into the cells. He pauses at Andy‘s bars, playing the beam over the sleeping form huddled under the blankets.


  p37 REVERSE ANGLE (FROM INS1DE ANDY‘S CELL) 237 镜头反转,从牢房里往外拍

  We see what the guard doesn‘t: instead of Andy‘s head under the blanket, it‘s a wadded-up pillow. The flashlight plays across the cell, pinning Marilyn Monroe in a circle of light.


  238 ANGLE FROM BEHIND POSTER 238 视角转到海报背面

  The light illuminates her face through the paper. WIDEN to reveal Andy lying in his tunnel, holding his breath. The light clicks off. The FOOTSTEPS move on. He gets back to work.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德

  While the rest of us slept, Andy spent years workin‘ the nightshift...


  239 INT -- SHAFT -- NIGHT (1965) 239 内景—竖井—夜晚

  BOOMING SLOWLY UP the shaft. Rats scurry the pipes. Suddenly, a piece of concrete the size of a quarter jumps free and plummets down the shaft as the rock-hammer pushes through. The pick withdraws, replaced by Andy‘s peering eye.


  240 A SERIES OF DISSOLVES (1965 through 1966) 240 一系列淡入淡出的画面(1965--1966)

  takes us through the widening of the hole. First as big as a tea cup. Then a saucer. Then a dinner plate.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德

  Probably took him most of a year just to get his head through.


  Andy finally gets his head through, scraping his ears. He‘s got a penlight clenched in his teeth. He peers down into the shaft. At the very bottom, maybe 20 feet down, a big ceramic pipe runs the length of the cellblock. Beneath its coat of grime and dust, the word "SEWER" is stenciled.



  241 EXT -- LOADING DOCK ACCESS -- NIGHT (1966) 241 外景—装卸处入口—夜晚

  ANGLE LOOKING STRAIGHT DOWN. Below us, Tommy Williams lies facedown at Norton‘s feet. Blood is spreading, fanning out on the pavement. Norton turns, strolls out of frame.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德

  I guess after Tommy was killed, Andy decided he‘d been here just about long enough.


  Again we see: Andy working. Norton pokes his head in.



  Lickety-split. I wanna get home. “快点儿,我要回家了。”

  ANDY 安迪

  Just about done, sir. “马上就完,先生。”

  Norton crosses to the wall safe and works the dial, his back turned. This time, though, we stay on Andy:


  He pulls up his sweater, yanks out a large black book and a stack of files, lays them on the desk. He then grabs the real ledger and files, jams them down his pants and smoothes his sweater down. He picks up the bogus stack, crosses to Norton, and shoves everything in.


  243 INT -- HALLWAY -- NIGHT (1966) 243 内景—走廊—夜晚

  Norton exits his office and strolls off whistling. PUSH IN on the open door. We see Andy at the guard‘s desk, pulling Norton‘s dress shoes from their box.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德

  Andy did like he was told. Buffed those shoes to a high mirror shine.


  244 INT -- NORTON‘S OFFICE -- MINUTES LATER (1966) 内景—诺顿办公室—几分钟后

  Andy sorts through Norton‘s three suits. He pauses, checking the gray pinstripe. Nice.


  245 INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- NIGHT (1966) 245 内景—五号囚楼—夜晚

  The guard BUZZES Andy through. Andy walks toward us. 随着守卫的声音,安迪走过来。

  RED (V.O.) 瑞德

  The guard simply didn‘t notice. Neither did I. I mean, seriously, how often do you really look at a

  man‘s shoes?


  TILT DOWN as he passes by. Yep, he‘s wearing Norton‘s shoes.


  246 INT -- ANDY‘S CELL -- NIGHT (1966) 246 内景—安迪的牢房—夜晚

  The lights go out. Andy places the last chess piece. Gazes up at Racquel. Smiles. Pulls the rope from under his pillow. He stands and unbuttons his prison shirt, revealing Norton‘s gray pinstripe suit underneath. A FLASH OF LIGHTNING floods the cell, throwing wild shadows.


  247 INT -- ANDY‘S CELL -- NIGHT (1966) 247 内景—安迪的牢房—夜晚

  The storm rages. Andy, naked, carefully slips Norton‘s folded suit into a large industrial Zip-Lock bag. Next to go in are the shoes, chess pieces (already in a smaller bag), black ledger and files. Last but not least, a bar of soap wrapped in a towel.


  248 INT -- TUNNEL -- NIGHT (1966) 248 内景—隧道—夜晚

  Andy, again wearing prison clothes, inches down the tunnel.


  249 INT -- SHAFT -- NIGHT (1966) 249 内景—竖井—夜晚

  Andy squeezes through the hole head-first, emerges to the waist, He reaches for the opposite wall, manages to snag a steel conduit with his fingers.


  Suddenly, a huge rat darts for his hand. Andy yanks away and almost plummets head-first down the shaft. He dangles wildly upside-down for a moment, arms windmilling, then gets his hands pressed firmly against the opposite wall. The rat scurries off, pissed.


  Andy snags the conduit again. He contorts out of the hole and dangles into the shaft. We now see the purpose for the rope: the plastic bag hangs from his ankle with about two feet of slack, He kicks his legs across the shaft, gets his feet braced. Wit3 his back against one wall and feet against the other, he starts down the shaft. Sliding dangerously. Using pipes for handholds. Flinching as rats dart this way and that, scurrying in the shadows. He drops the last few feet to the bottom.


  He approaches the ceramic sewer pipe and kneels before it. Pulls out the rock-hammer and says a quick silent prayer. Raises the rock-hammer high and swings it down with all his might. Once, twice -- third time lucky. An enormous eruption of sewage cascades into the air as if rocket-propelled, the Mount St. Helens of shit. Andy is instantly coated black. He turns away and heaves his guts out. The shit keeps coming.


  250 INT -- SEWER PIPE -- NIGHT (1966) 250 内景—下水道—夜晚

  Andy peers down through the hole, playing his penlight around, The inside diameter is no more than two feet. Tight squeeze. Coated with crud. It seems to go on for miles. No turning back. He wriggles into the pipe and starts crawling, plastic bag dragging behind.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德

  Andy crawled to freedom through five hundred yards of shit-smelling foulness I can‘t even imagine. Or maybe I just don‘t want to.



  251 EXT -- FIELD -- NIGHT (1966) 251 外景—旷野—夜晚

  Rain is falling in solid sheets. Shawshank is half a mile distant. BOOM DOWN to reveal the creek...and PUSH IN toward the mouth of the sewer pipe that feeds into it.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德

  Five hundred yards. The length of five football fields. Just shy of half a mile.


  Fingers appear, thrusting through the heavy-gauge wire mesh covering the mouth of the pipe. Andy‘s face looms from the darkness, peering out at freedom. He wrenches the mesh loose, pushes himself out, and plunges head-first into the creek. He comes up sputtering for breath. The water is waist-deep.


  He wades upstream, ripping his clothes from his body. He gets his shirt off, spins it through the air over his head, flings the shirt away. He raises his arms to the sky, turning slowly, feeling the rain washing him clean. Exultant. Triumphant. A FLASH OF LIGHTNING arcs from horizon to horizon.


  252 INT -- ANDY‘S TUNNEL -- DAY (1966) 252 内景—隧道—白天

  Once again, we see stunned faces as CAMERA PULLS BACK.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德

  The next morning, right about the time Racquel was spilling her little secret...


  253 INT -- CASCO BANK OF PORTLAND -- MORNING 内景—波特兰凯斯科银行—早晨

  The door opens. Spit-shined shoes enter. DOLLY the shoes to the counter.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德

  ...a man nobody ever laid eyes on before strolled into the Casco Bank of Portland. Until that moment, he didn‘t exist -- except on paper.


  FEMALE TELLER (O.S.) 女银行出纳

  May I help you? “需要帮忙么?”

  TILT UP to Andy. Smiling in Norton‘s gray pinstripe suit.


  ANDY 安迪

  My name is Peter Stevens. I‘ve come to close out some accounts.


  254 INT -- BANK -- SHORTLY LATER (1966) 254 内景—银行—一会儿

  The teller is cutting a cashier‘s check while the MANAGER carefully examines Mr. Stevens‘ various I.D.s.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德

  He had all the proper I.D. Driver‘s license, birth certificate, social security card. The signature was a spot-on match.


  MANAGER 银行经理

  I must say I‘m sorry to be losing your business. I hope you‘ll enjoy living abroad.


  ANDY 安迪

  Thank you. I‘m sure I will. “谢谢你!我想会的。”

  TELLER 出纳员

  Here‘s your cashier‘s check, sir. Will there be anything else?


  ANDY 安迪

  Please. Would you add this to your outgoing mail? “请您把这个,帮我发出去。”

  He hands her a package, stamped and addressed. Gives them a pleasant smile. Turns and strolls from the bank.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德

  Mr. Stevens visited nearly a dozen banks in the Portland area that morning. All told, he blew town

  with better than 370 thousand dollars of Warden Norton‘s money. Severance pay for nineteen years.


  255 INT -- OFFICE -- DAY (1966) 255 内景--办公室--白天

  A MAN in shirtsleeves is going through the mail on his desk. He finds Andy‘s package, rips it open. Pulls out the black ledger and files. Scans a cover letter. Holy shit. He dashes to his door and yanks it open, revealing the words on the glass: "PORTLAND DAILY BUGLE -- Editor In Chief."


  MAN 此人

  Hal! Dave! Get your butts in here! “哈尔!戴夫!马上过来!”

  256 INT -- SHAWSHANK PRISON -- DAY (1966) 256 内景--肖申克监狱--白天

  Norton walks slowly toward his office. Dazed. The morning paper in his hand. He goes wordlessly past the DUTY GUARD into his office. Shuts the door. Lays the paper on his desk.


  The headline reads: "CORRUPTION AND MURDER AT SHAWSHANK." Below that, the sub-headline: "D.A. Has Ledger. Indictments Expected." Norton looks up as SIRENS SWELL in the distance.

  报纸头条:“肖申克监狱的腐败和谋杀”,下面是副标题:“检察官拿到账本 准备指控”诺顿仰起头来,此时警笛声从远处传来,越来越大。

  EXT -- SHAWSHANK PRISON -- WIDE SHOT -- DAY 外景--肖申克监狱--宽角镜头--白天

  For the second time, State Police cruisers go rocketing up the road with SIRENS AND LIGHTS.


  258 INT -- NORTON‘S OFFICE -- DAY (1966) 258 内景--诺顿办公室--白天

  Norton opens his safe and pulls out the "ledger" -- it‘s Andy‘s Bible. The title page is inscribed by hand: "Dear Warden. You were right. Salvation lay within." Norton flips to the center of the book -- and finds the pages hollowed out in the shape of a rock-hammer.


  259 EXT -- PRISON -- DAY (1966) 259 外景--监狱--白天

  Police cruisers everywhere. A media circus. REPORTERS jostle for position. A colorless DISTRICT ATTORNEY steps forward into CLOSEUP, flanked by a contingent of S.ATE TROOPERS.


  D.A. 检察官

  Byron Hadley? “拜伦.哈雷?”

  ANGLE SHIFTS to reveal Captain Hadley. Staring. Waiting. 镜头转向傻站在那儿的哈雷队长。

  D.A. 检察官

  You have the right to remain silent. If you give up that right, anything you say will be used against you in court...


  TROOPERS move in, cuffing Hadley‘s hands behind his back. The D.A. drones on. FLASHBULBS POP. Hadley says nothing. His face scrunches up. He begins to cry.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  I wasn‘t there to see it, but I hear Byron Hadley was sobbing like a little girl when they took him away.


  Hadley sobs all the way to the car. The D.A. snaps a gaze up toward Norton‘s window, motions his men to follow.


  260 INT -- NORTON‘S OFFICE -- DAY (1966) 260 内景--诺顿办公室--白天

  Norton is staring out the window as they approach the building. He goes to his desk, opens a drawer. Inside lies a revolver and a box of shells.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  Norton had no intention of goin‘ that quietly. “诺顿并不想这样被带走。”


  261 INT -- PRISON CORRIDORS -- DAY (1966) 261 内景--监狱走廊--白天(1966)

  The D.A. marches along amidst a phalanx of TROOPERS. 检查官走在州警中间。

  262 INT -- NORTON‘S OFFICE -- DAY (1966) 262 内景--诺顿办公室--白天(1966)

  Norton sits blankly at his desk, revolver before him. The doorknob rattles, a VOICE is heard:


  D.A. (O.S.) 检察官

  Samuel Norton? We have a warrant for your arrest! Open up!


  The POUNDING starts. Norton dumps the box of bullets out on thr desk. He starts sorting them to see which ones he likes.


  263 OUTSIDE HIS OFFICE 263 办公室外

  Troopers hustle the hapless duty guard to Norton‘s door as he fumbles nervously with a huge key ring.



  I‘m not sure which one it is... “我不清楚哪一个是……”

  He starts trying keys in the lock. And as the keys go sliding in one after another...


  264 INT -- NORTON‘S OFFICE -- DAY (1966) 264 内景--诺顿办公室--白天

  ...so do the bullets. Norton is riveted to the door. For every key, he loads another bullet. Methodical and grim. He gets the final bullet in just as the right key slams home. The door bursts open. Men muscle in. Somebody SHOUTS. Troopers dive in all directions as Norton raises the gun -- -- and jams it under his chin. His head snaps back as the wall goes red. His swivel chair does a slow half-turn and creaks to a final stop. Troopers rise slowly, gazing in horror.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  I like to think the last thing that went through his head...other than that bullet...was to wonder how the hell Andy Dufresne ever got the best of him.


  PUSH SLOWLY to the wall to reveal Mrs. Norton‘s framed sampler trickling blood and brains...and we get our final Bible lesson for today: "HIS JUDGMENT COMETH AND THAT RIGHT SOON."


  265 EXT -- PRISON YARD -- DAY (1966) 265 外景--监狱操场--白天

  Mail call. Red hears his name. They pass him a postcard.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  Not long after the warden deprived us of his company, I got a postcard in the mail. It was blank. But the postmark said, "McNary, Texas."


  266 INT -- LIBRARY -- DAY (1966) 266 内景--图书馆--白天

  Red sits with an atlas, tracing his finger down the page.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  McNary. Right on the border. That‘s where Andy crossed. (shuts the book) When I picture him heading south in his own car with the top town, it makes me laugh all over again...


  267 EXT -- MEXICO -- HIGHWAY -- DAY (1966) 267 外景--墨西哥--高速公路--白天(1996)

  A red convertible rips along with Andy at the wheel, cigar jutting from his grin, warm wind fluttering his tie.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  Andy Dufresne, who crawled through a river of shit and came out clean on the other side. Andy Dufresne, headed for the Pacific.


  268 INT -- MESS HALL -- DAY (1966) 268 内景--监狱餐厅--白天

  Heywood is regaling the table with some anecdote about Andy.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  Those of us who knew him best talk about him often. I swear, the stuff he pulled. It always makes us laugh.


  A wild burst of laughter. PUSH IN on Red. Feeling melancholy.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  Sometimes it makes me sad, though, Andy being gone. I have to remind myself that some birds aren‘t meant to be caged, that‘s all. Their feathers are just too bright...


  269 EXT -- FIELDS -- LATE DAY (1966) 269 外景--田野--傍晚

  Convicts hoe the fields. Guards patrol on horseback. 犯人们在锄草,守卫骑在马背上巡逻。

  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  ...and when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoice...but still, the place you live is that much more drab and empty that they‘re gone.


  A DISTANT RUMBLE OF THUNDER. Red pauses, gazes off. Storm clouds coming in, backlit by the sun. A light drizzle begins.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  I guess I just miss my friend. “我想我失去了朋友。”

  270 INT -- PRISON CELL -- NIGHT (1966) 270 内景--牢房--夜晚

  Red is sleeping. He wakes with a start. 瑞德从梦中惊醒。

  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  But there are times I curse him for the dreams he left behind...


  He senses a presence, looks over his shoulder. There‘s a Rita Hayworth poster on his wall. He gets out of bed. Rita just keeps smiling, inscrutable. As Red watches, a brilliant round glow builds behind the poster, shining from the tunnel. The poster rips free, charred to ash in the blink of an eye as a shaft of holy white light stabs into the cell. Sunlight. Red staggers back against the glare.


  A whirlwind kicks up, whipping everything into the air. The hole in the wall is like a giant vacuum cleaner -- papers, book, toiletries, bedding -- if it ain‘t nailed down, it gets sucked down the hole toward the light. Red fights it, but the suction drags him closer and closer...



  271 RED‘S POV 271 瑞德的视线

  ...and CAMERA rockets into the hole, getting sucked down an endless tunnel at impossible speed, the ROAR of air mixing with his drawn-out SCREAM, closer and closer to the light...  


  ...and erupting out the other side into total silence and a beautiful white beach. The Pacific Ocean before us. Enormous. Mind-blowing. Beautiful beyond description. All we hear now are the gentle sound of waves.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  ...dreams where I am lost in a warm place with no memory.


  A lone figure stands at water‘s edge. CAMERA KEEPS MOVING, coming up behind him and TRACKING AROUND to reveal -- Red.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  An ocean so big it strikes me dumb. Waves so quiet they strike me deaf. Sunshine so bright it strikes me blind. It is a place that is blue beyond reason. Bluer than can possibly exist. Bluer than my mind can possibly grasp.


  272 AERIAL SHOT 272 高空镜头

  Nothing for a million miles but beach, sky, and water. Red is a tiny speck at water‘s edge. Just another grain of sand.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  I am terrified. There is no way home. “我很害怕,找不到路回家。”

  273 INT -- RED‘S CELL -- NIGHT (1966) 273 内景--瑞德的号房--夜晚

  Red wakes from the nightmare. He gets out of bed. Moves to the barred window of his cell. Peers up at the stars.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  Andy. I know you‘re in that place. Look at the stars for me just after sunset. Touch the sand...wade in the water...and feel free.


  FADE TO BLACK 屏幕渐变至全黑

  274 AN IRON-BARRED DOOR 274 一记扇铁栏门

  slides open with an enormous CLANG. A stark room beyond. CAMERA PUSHES through. SIX MEN AND ONE WOMAN sit at a long table. An empty chair faces them. We are again in:


  INT -- SHAWSHANK HEARINGS ROOM -- DAY (1967) 内景--听讯室--白天(1967)

  Red enters, sits. 20 years older than when we first saw him.


  MAN #1 男1

  Your file says you‘ve served forty years of a life sentence. You feel you‘ve been rehabilitated?


  Red doesn‘t answer. Just stares off. Seconds tick by. The parole board exchanges glances. Somebody clears his throat.


  MAN #1 男1

  Shall I repeat the question? “用我重复一下问题么?”

  RED 瑞德

  I heard you. Rehabilitated. Let‘s see now. You know, come to think of it, I have no idea what that means.


  MAN #2 男2

  Well, it means you‘re ready to rejoin society as a--


  RED 瑞德

  I know what you think it means. Me, I think it‘s a made-up word, a politician‘s word. A word so young fellas like you can wear a suit and tie and have a job. What do you really want to know? Am I sorry for what I did?


  MAN #2 男2

  Well...are you? “嗯,你后悔么?”

  RED 瑞德

  Not a day goes by I don‘t feel regret, and not because I‘m in here or because you think I should. I

  look back on myself the way I was...stupid kid who did that terrible crime...wish I could talk sense to him. Tell him how things are. But I can‘t. That kid‘s long gone, this old man is all that‘s left, and I have to live with that. (beat) "Rehabilitated?" That‘s a bullshit word, so you just go on ahead and

  stamp that form there, sonny, and stop wasting my damn time. Truth is, I don‘t give a shit.


  The parole board just stares. Red sits drumming his fingers.



  A big rubber stamp SLAMS down -- and lifts away to reveal the word "APPROVED" in red ink.


  275 EXT -- SHAWSHANK PRISON -- DAY 275 外景--肖申克监狱

  TWO SHORT SIREN BLASTS herald the opening of the main gate. It swings hugely open, revealing Red standing in his cheap suit, carrying a cheap bag, wearing a cheap hat. He walks out, still looking stunned.


  276 INT -- BUS -- DAY 276 内景--公共汽车

  Red rides the bus, clutching the seat before him, gripped by terror of speed and motion.


  277 EXT -- BREWSTER HOTEL -- LATE AFTERNOON 277 外景--布鲁斯特旅馆--黄昏

  Red arrives at the Brewster, three stories high and even less to look at than it used to be.


  27B INT -- BREWSTER -- LATE DAY 278 内景--布鲁斯特--傍晚

  A BLACK WOMAN leads Red up the stairs toward the top floor.


  279 INT -- RED‘S ROOM -- LATE DAY 279 内景--瑞德的卧室--傍晚

  Small, old, dingy. An arched window with a view of Congress Street. Traffic noise floats up. Red enters and pauses, staring up at the ceiling beam. Carved into the wood are the words: "Brooks Hatlen was here."


  280 INT -- FOODWAY MARKET -- DAY 280 内景--福德威超市

  Loud. Jangling with PEOPLE and NOISE. We find Red bagging groceries. Registers are humming, kids are shrieking. Red calls to the STORE MANAGER:


  RED 瑞德

  Sir? Restroom break sir? “先生,去厕所行么?”


  (motions him over)You don‘t need to ask me every time you go take a piss. Just go. Understand?



  28l INT -- EMPLOYEE RESTROOM -- DAY 281 内景--洗手间--白天

  Red steps to the urinal, stares at himself in the wall mirror.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  Thirty years I‘ve been asking permission to piss. I can‘t squeeze a drop without say-so.


  A strange east Indian guitar-whine begins. The Beatles. George Harrison‘s "Within You Without You..."


  282 EXT -- STREET -- DAY 282 外景--街道--白天

  ...which carries through as Red walks. People and traffic. He keeps looking at the women. An alien species.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  Women, too, that‘s the other thing. I forgot they were half the human race. There‘s women everywhere, every shape and size. I find myself semi-hard most of the time, cursing myself for a dirty old man.


  TWO YOUNG WOMEN stroll by in cut-offs and t-shirts.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  Not a brassiere to be seen, nipples poking out at the world. Jeezus, pleeze-us. Back in my day, a woman out in public like that would have been arrested and given a sanity hearing.


  283 EXT -- PARK -- DUSK 283 外景--公园--黄昏

  Red finds the park filled with HIPPIES. Hanging out. Happening. Here‘s the source of the music: a radio. A HIPPIE GIRL gyrates to the Beatles, stoned, in her own world.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  They‘re calling this the Summer of Love. Summer of Loonies, you ask me.


  284 INT -- PAROLE OFFICE -- DAY 284 内景--假释办公室

  Red sits across from his PAROLE OFFICER. The P.O. is filling out his report.


  P.O. 假释官

  You staying out of the bars, Red? “你不要律师,瑞德?”

  RED 瑞德

  Yes sir. That I am. “是的先生,我不要。”

  P.O. 假释官

  How you doing otherwise? Adjusting okay? “那你觉得如何?还适应么?”

  RED 瑞德

  Things got different out here. “外面的事情都变了。”

  P.O. 假释官

  Tell me about it. Young punks protesting the war. You imagine? Even my own kid. Oughtta bust his fuckin‘ skull.


  RED 瑞德

  Guess the world moved on. “我想是世道不一样了。”

  285 INT -- FOODWAY -- DAY 285 内景--福德威--白天

  Bagging groceries. CHILDREN underfoot. One points a toy gun at Red, pumping the trigger. Red focuses on the gun, listening to it CLICKETY-CLACK. Sparky wheel grinding.


  The kids get swept off by MOM. Red starts bagging the next customer. SLOW PUSH IN on Red. Surrounded by MOTION and NOISE. Feeling like the eye of a hurricane. People everywhere, whipping around him like a gale. Strange. Loud. Dizzying. It gets distorted and weird, slow and thick, pressing in on him from all sides. The noise level intensifies. The hollering of children deepens and distends into LOW EERIE HOWLS.


  He‘s in the grip of a major anxiety attack. Tries to shake himself out of it. Can‘t. Fumbles the final items into the bag. Walks away. Trying not to panic. Trying not to run. He makes his way through the store. Blinking sweat. He bumps into a lady‘s cart, mumbles an apology, keeps going. Breaks into a trot. Down the aisle, cut to the left, through the door into the back rooms, faster and faster, running now, slamming through a door marked "Employees Only" into --


  286 INT -- EMPLOYEE RESTROOM -- DAY 286 内景--洗手间--白天

  -- where he slams the door and leans heavily against it, shutting everything out, breathing heavily. Alone now.


  He goes to the sink, splashes his face, tries to calm down. He can still hear them out there. They won‘t go away. He glances around the restroom. Small. Not small enough.


  He enters a stall. Locks the door. Puts the toilet lid down and sits on the john. Better. He can actually reach out and touch the walls now. They‘re close. Safe. Almost small enough. He draws his feet up so he can‘t be seen if somebody walks in. He‘ll just sit here for a while. Until he calms down.


  287 EXT -- STREET -- DUSK 287 外景--大街--黄昏

  Red is walking home. 瑞德走在回家的路上。

  RED (V.O.) 瑞德

  There is a harsh truth to face. No way I‘m gonna make it on the outside.


  He pauses at a pawnshop window. An array of handguns.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德

  All I do anymore is think of ways to break my parole.


  The SHOPKEEPER appears at the glass, locking the door and flipping the sign: CLOSED.


  288 INT -- RED‘S ROOM -- NIGHT 288 内景--瑞德的房间--夜晚

  Red lies smoking in bed. Unable to sleep.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  Terrible thing, to live in fear. Brooks Hatlen knew it. Knew it all too well. All I want is to be back

  where things make sense. Where I won‘t have to be afraid all the time.


  He glances up at the ceiling beam. "Brooks Hatlen was here."


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  Only one thing stops me. A promise I made to Andy.


  289 EXT -- COUNTRY ROAD -- MORNING 289 外景--乡村公路--早晨

  A pickup truck rattles up the road trailing dust and pulls to a stop. Red hops off the back, waves his thanks. The truck drives on. Red starts walking. PAN TO a roadside sign: BUXTON.


  290 EXT -- MAINE COUNTRYSIDE -- DAY 290 外景--缅因州边境--白天

  High white clouds in a blazing blue sky. The trees fiery with autumn color. Red walks the fields and back-roads, cheap compass in hand. Looking for a certain hayfield.



  291 EXT -- COUNTRYSIDE -- DAY 291 外景--乡间--白天

  Walking. Searching. The day turning late. Red finds himself staring at a distant field. There‘s a long rock wall, like something out o f a Robert Frost poem. Big oak tree. Red checks his compass. North end. He crosses a dirt road into the field. 边走边找,天色渐晚。这时,瑞德发现了远处的一片田地,有着一堵长长的石墙,和一棵大橡树,有些像罗伯特.费洛斯特诗中所写的情景。瑞德看看指南针,正北。他穿过一条污浊的公路走入那片场地。

  292 EXT -- HAYFIELD -- DAY 292 外景--干草场

  Red walks the long rock wall, nearing the tree. A squirrel scolds him from a low branch, scurries up higher. Red studies the base of the wall. Nothing unusual here. Just a bunch of rocks set in stone. He sighs. Fool‘s errand. Turns to go.


  Something catches his eye. He walks back, squats, peering closer. Wets a fingertip and rubs a stone. A layer of dust comes off. Volcanic glass. Gleaming black. He tries to get the rock out, anticipation growing. It won‘t come; it‘s too smooth. He pulls a pocketknife and levers the rock free. It tumbles at his feet, leaving a ragged hole.


  Red leans down and solves the mystery at last, staring at the object buried under the rock. Stunned. It‘s an envelope wrapped in plastic. Written on it is a single word: "Red."

  (Red leans down and solves the mystery at last,)看着埋在火山石下的东西,惊呆了。是一个包在塑料布里的信封,上而写着一个单词:“瑞德”。

  Red pulls the envelope out and rises. He just stares at it for a while, almost afraid to open it. But open it he does. Inside is a smaller envelope and a letter. Red begins to read:


  ANDY (V.O.) 安迪(旁白)

  Dear Red. If you‘re reading this, you‘ve gotten out. And if you‘ve come this far, maybe you‘re willing to come a little further. You remember the name of the town, don‘t you? I could use a good man to help me get my project on wheels. I‘ll keep an eye out for you and the chessboard ready. (beat) Remember, Red. Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. I will be hoping that this letter finds you, and finds you well. Your friend. Andy.


  By now, tears are spilling silently down Red‘s cheeks. He opens the other envelope and fans out a stack of new fifty- dollar bills. Twenty of them. A thousand dollars.


  293 INT -- RED‘S ROOM -- DAY (1967) 293 内景--瑞德的房间--白天

  Red is dressed in his suit. He finishes knotting his tie, puts his hat on. His bag is by the door. He takes one last look around. Only one thing left to do. He pulls a wooden chair to the center of the room and gazes up at the ceiling beam.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德

  Get busy living or get busy dying. That is goddamn right.


  He steps up on the chair. It wobbles under his weight.


  294 INT -- BREWSTER -- RED‘S DOOR -- DAY (1967) 294 内景--布鲁斯特旅舍--白天

  The door opens. Red exits with his bag and heads down the stairs, leaving the door open. CAMERA PUSHES through, BOOMING UP to the ceiling beam which reads: "Brooks Hatlen was here." A new message has been carved alongside the old: "So was Red."


  295 INT -- GREYHOUND BUS STATION -- DAY (1967) 295 内景--长途汽车站--白天

  TRACKING SHOT reveals a long line of people at the counter.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  For the second time in my life, I am guilty of committing a crime.


  CAMERA brings us to Red, next in line, bag by his feet.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  Parole violation. I doubt they‘ll toss up any roadblocks for that. Not for an old crook like me. (steps up) McNary, Texas?


  296 EXT -- TRAVELING SHOT -- DAY (1967) 296 外景--移动拍摄--白天

  A gorgeous New England landscape whizzes by, fields and trees a blur of motion. ANGLE SHIFTS to reveal a Greyhound SceniCruiser barreling up the road, pulling abreast of us. CAMERA TRAVELS from window to window, passing faces. We finally come to Red gazing out at the passing landscape.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  I find I am so excited I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it is the excitement

  only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain...


  297 THE BUS 297 长途汽车

  ROARS past camera, dwindling to a mere speck on the horizon.


  RED (V.O.) 瑞德(旁白)

  I hope I can make it across the border. I hope to see my friend and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. (beat) I hope.


  298 EXT -- BEACH -- WIDE PANORAMIC SHOT -- DAY (1967) 298


  A distant boat lies on its side in the sand like an old wreck that‘s been left to rot in the sun. There‘s someone out there.


  299 CLOSER ON BOAT 299 镜头推进游艇

  A MAN is meticulously stripping the old paint and varnish by hand, face hidden with goggles and kerchief mask.


  Red appears b.g., a distant figure walking out across the sand, wearing his cheap suit and carrying his cheap bag.


  The man on the boat pauses. Turns slowly around. Red arrives with a smile as wide as the horizon. The other man raises his goggles and pulls down his mask. Andy, of course.


  ANDY 安迪

  You look like a man who knows how to get things.


  RED 瑞德

  I‘m known to locate certain things from time to time.


  Red shrugs off his jacket and picks up a sander. Together, they start sanding the hull as we.



  THE END 剧终