
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/10/02 17:53:11


文转  goodmemory(美好回忆)







It is okay to make mistakes.

Making mistakes is sometimes we all do,and I am still a fine and worthwhile person when I make them.I can handle making a mistake. It is okay for others to make mistakes ,too. I will accept mistake in myself and also mistakes that others make.



Everybody doesn’t have to love me

Not everybody has to love me or even like me.I don’t necessarily like everybody,I know, so why should everybody else like me ? I don’t need approval all the time .If someone does not approve of me ,I will still be okay.



I don’t have to control things

I will survive if things are difference than what I want them to be. I can accept things the way they are ,accept people the way they are ,and accept myself the way I am.There is no reason why I should have to like everything.Even if I don’t like it, I can live with it.



I am responsible for my day

I am responsible for how I fell and what I do.Nobody can make me feel anything.If I have a rotten day,I am the one who allows it to be that way.If I have a great day,I am the one who deserves credit for being positive.It is not the responsibility of other people to change so that I can feel better. I am the one who is in charge of my life.




I can handle it when things go wrong

I don’t need to watch out for things to go wrong. Things usually go just fine,and when they don’t ,I can handle it. I don’t hhave to waste my energy worrying.The sky won’t fall in; things will be okay.



I don’t need someone else to take care of my problem.I am capable.I can take care of myself.I can make decisions for myself.I can think for myself .I don’t have to depend on somebody else to take care of me.



I can be flexible

There is more than one way to do something.More than one person has had good ideas that will work.There is no one and only “best”way.Everybody has ideas that are worthwhile. Some may make more sense to me than others,but everyone’s ideas are worthwhile,and everyone has something worthwhile to contribute.



繁写的你拥有幸福 生活中,当你不把金钱放在第一位时,你会生活的幸福吗? 你说爱我爱的就差跳楼,说和我一起生活是最幸福的生活 爱谈恋爱的进来教你几招 怎样才是幸福的生活?你的理解是什么 被人爱了!!你会幸福么??内心深处的幸福?? 你要怎样的生活才感到幸福? 你会爱谁一生说出来你会幸福的 人们拥有什么样的生活才算幸福的生活? 短暂的幸福,拥有就足够,只要舍得就会快乐!!! 你的幸福是什么? 你眼中的幸福? 你的幸福是什么? 你们认为你拥有的家庭是个幸福美满的家庭吗? 请热爱生活享受生活的你举出十条使你幸福的理由吧!!! 见了你,到了屋子里面就抱你吻你,你会觉得是中幸福吗? 看看他们,你会觉得你生活的其实非常幸福~~~~http://post.baidu.com/f?kz=65793705 能帮我翻译一句话吗? 只要你幸福,我们就会幸福。 生活有时阴差阳错,你错过了一时,就似乎错过了一生!爱是一种感受,即使痛苦也会觉得幸福 请到这里留下你幸福的经历 和所有的人分享你的幸福?那么你的幸福就变成了好多个幸福啦 我问一个很无聊的问题,现今的社会拥有多少钱你才会觉得自己会生活的比较轻松? 如果是你你会选择那种生活的方式 如果初恋情人闯入你的生活,你会离婚吗? 爱你的,你爱的,那个会让你幸福,,幸福的概念又是什么呢??