诺埃尔.考沃德:考研英语词汇复习(30): 表示“尽管”意思的短语

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/07/02 01:48:19







 in spite of




 这组词都可表示“尽管……”。in spite of普通用语,语气较强;despite 语气较弱,常用于文体。Notwithstanding仅用于出现不利情况。


1) In spite of/Despite its good performance, the instrument is too complicated and expensive to be generally introduced.


2)In spite of/Despite their many differences of temperament and of literary perspective, Emerson, Thoreau, Hawthorne, Melville, and Whitman share certain beliefs.


3) Despite/In spite of its wide distribution, carbon constitutes only 0.19 per cent of the earth’s crust.


4) Notwithstanding/Despite her parents’ strong opposition, Mary married the poor young man.



for all

with all   




1) For all his learning, he has little experience in practical work.


2) For all my efforts, I had no success is convincing him of my point of view. He always has his own opinion on the problems.



       3) With all his achievements, he is very modest and never shows off in front of others.


4) With all his genius, man is still unable to master one of the major forces in his life — the weather.

           (尽管人类很聪明,但人类仍无法掌握生活中的一大要素,—— 天气。)