
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/07/02 17:52:00
第一课时Section A(1a-2c)


  A:What were you doing when the UFO arrived ?

     B:I was standing in front of the library when the UFO arrived.

  A:What was the boy doing when the UFO landed?   

B:He was sleeping late.

一、Do the following exercise and check the answers by group leader.

1.一个飞碟_________2.理发店_________3.在盥洗室_________4.在卧室__________ 5. 在厨房里______6.出去______7.一个外星人_____8.buy(过去式)__________9.get(过去式)______10.一次不寻常的经历______11. 起飞________12.kid(现在分词)_________


①       They were talking     the phone .

②       I was     the barber’s chair .

③       The boy was walking     the street when a UFO landed .

④       I had a very unusual experience     Sunday .

⑤       The alien visited the Museum     Flight .


    1. What ______ you _______ when she came in? 
        A. did, do           B. are, doing      C. do, do       D. were, doing
    2. The girl is ill. She’s ______. 
        A. in hospital       B. in the hospital      C. at hospital        D. at the hospital
    3. The patients (病人)are waiting _______. 
        A. at the doctor      B. at the doctor’s    C. in the doctor        D. in doctor’s
    4. Where was Davy ______ Linda was looking for him? 
        A. that               B. while         C. at                 D. where
    5. They are thinking about _______ the poor children. 
       A. help               B. to help       C. helping              D. helps

(  )6. The woman couldn’t see her son ________. She’s very worried. 
        A. anywhere            B. somewhere      C. nowhere           D. where
    7. They are talking about something ______ the telephone. 
        A. in                 B. on        C. at                   D. for
    8. We were very ________ that Jim didn’t pass the exam. 
        A. surprise            B. surprising       C. surprised       D. surprises
    9. Just now she saw the man ________ into the room. 
        A. go                B. went        C. goes              D. to go 
    10. There’s a big tree _______ the building. 
         A. in front of       B. in the front of       C. in front         D. at the front of 


1.when是“当……时候”,相当于at that time,既可以表示某一时刻又可以表示某一段时间,所以when引导的时间状语从句动词既可以是延续性的,又可以是非延续性的。when引导的时间状语如果是一般过去时,主句一般用过去进行时。而while也意为“当……时候””,相当于during the time,表示某一段时间历里的情况,故其引导的时间状语从句中的动词必须是延续性的。eg

While I was watching TV, my mother came back.

=When my mother came back, I was watching TV.


She was listening to music while I was playing computer games.


1_____ the teacher came in, we were talking and laughing.

2)I got home______ my mother was cooking dinner.

3)They were dancing _____ we came to meet them.

4)_______the alien was visiting the museum, the boy called the police.


过去进行时: 1.含义:表示过去的某一时刻或某一时间内正在进行或发生的动作。


3.标志:at that time, this time yesterday, all the evening, from 8:00 to 10:00yesterday, just then, at nine yesterday, when等表示明确有具体的时间状语。eg

I was doing my homework at this time yesterday.

What was Tom doing at ten yesterday.

I was eating dinner when the phone rang.


(1)肯定句:主语+was/were+v-ing eg

 They were having a meeting that time.

 (2)否定句:主语+was not(wasn’t)/were not(weren’t) +v-ing

 上句改写为:They were having a meeting that time._____________________

 (3)一般疑问句式:Was/Were +主语+v-ing

 肯定回答:Yes…was/were. 否定回答:No…wasn’t/weren’t.

EgWas she reading a book when the teacher came in?

Yes,she was.  / No, she wasn’t.


第二课时Section A(3a-4)


1)一次不寻常的经历 __________   2)大约在十点左右                  

3) 跟随某人做某事______        4)它是多么的奇怪! _______             



1When did the UFO land ? what was the writer doing ?_____________________

2) What places did the alien go ? what did they do ?__________________________

3) Did the alien buy any souvenirs in the shop __________________________

4) What did the writer do while the alien was in the museum ?_________________


1.My sister was watching TV w_______ she was having supper.

2.My mother was cooking in the k_______ when I got home yesterday.

3.My friend b_________ me a book as a birthday present last week.

4.The plane l_______ safely at last.

5.I graduated from Shandong University this year. So I have no e_______in teaching English.


1.What an ________(amaze) sight!

2.I often see Mrs. Green________(water) flowers in her garden.

3.When they came into the room, Jack and Mike ________(read) books.

4.While I________(sing) an English song, he ________(come) in.

5.What______ you_______(do) at this time yesterday?

6.We ________(listen) to the radio at 7:00 yesterday evening.

7. Father _____ still ______sleepwhen I ______getup yesterday morning. 
8. Grandma ______
cookbreakfast while I ______washmy face this morning. 
 9. Mother ______
sweepthe floor when I ______leavehome. 
10. The students ______
havea biology class when the visitors ______come
11. The driver ______
drivehome when it ______rainlast night. 
 12. Some students from Class Four ______
playbasketball when I ______see                      them on the playground. 


第三课时Section B(1-4B)


1.       ……前面 _______________      理发店 ___________________

2.       睡懒觉 _______________         ……出去 ___________________

3.       打电话给警察 ___________       跳下来 ___________________

4.       run away _______________       in hospital ___________________

5.       at the doctor’s _____________     talk on the phone ___________________

6.       look outside ______________     take off ___________________


    1.We heard someome ______ in the next room.

A.sings   B.sang   C.to sing    D.singing

    2.There are many trees _____ the classroom.

A.in front of   B.in the front of    C.in front    D.at the front

    3.His mother wanted to know what he ______ at that time.

A.is doing    B.was doing    C.has done    D.will do

    4.-I was doing my homework at eight o’clock last night.

-You are______. I saw you in the cinema.

A.hard-working    B.kidding    C.kiding    D.kidded

    5.They were playing football         it rained.

        A.while     B.when       C.as         D.before

    6.____we were eating dinner in the restaurant, the owers dog took my bag away quietly.

A.Because           B.While      C.If         D.Until

三、读课文224a,Use these pictures to write a story.










  1. Linda couldn’t see Davy _______where.

  2. The bus station was _______crowdwith many people.

  3. In many _______Asiacountries people eat moon cakes on that day.

  4. The girl was _______shopwhile she saw the alien get out.

  5. The _______dieold man told us all about the matter.

  6. The room is _______fillof light.

  7. He took the boy to the hospital _______safe.

  8. The girl was _______scarewhen she saw the dog.

  9. The alien visited the Museum of _______fly.

  10. We are thankful to the great _______inventby them.


hear (过去式)_____ fly(过去式)_____(名词形式)_____beome(过去式)_________ring (过去式)________tell(过去式)_____ 现代的_____________ 杀死,杀害_______谋杀,凶杀__________明亮的__________寂静,沉默_____________英雄__________ _________ (复数)发生___________ ….一样__________ 在地球上__________     


   1. What ______ you ______ when you father came back?

    A. did, do   B. are, doing   C. were, doing    D. do, do

   2. ______ the boy was walking down the street, the UFO landed.

   A. While    B. After   C. As     D. Before

   3. What happened while Linda was ______ the telephone?

   A. in         B. at      C. on      D. into

   4. They are waiting ______.

   A. at the doctor B. at the doctor’s   C. in the doctor D. in doctor’s

   5. There is a big tree ______ the house.

   A. in the front of   B. at the front of    C. in front    D. in front of

   6. The old man was ill. Now he is ______.

   A. in the hospital   B. in hospital     C. at hospital    D. at the hospital

   7. The boy is running ______ a big dog.

   A. in         B. at           C. with        D. from

   8. Linda couldn’t see Alice ______.

   A. Somewhere   B. anywhere   C. nowhere  D. everywhere

    9. We were very ________ that Jim didn’t pass the exam. 

A. surprise      B. surprising        C. surprised         D. surprises

    10. Just now she saw the man ________ into the room. 
     A. go            B. went      C. goes             D. to go 


重要事件____           重要的事件之一___________  ______ 


在这一天                    在操场上玩___________________

被破坏______   ________对。。。来说有意义_________________ 

在月球上行走_________________ 环球飞行____________________



What happened on April 4 ,1968 in the United States ?


What was Robert Allen doing when he heard the news ?

_____________________ _              

When did Dr Martin Luther King’s murder take place ?

________________ ______________      

What was wrong with the World Trade Center in New York on September 11,2001? ________________________________

 What do you know about Yang Liwei in China ? what did he do ?



1.总结含有 off 的短语:

关闭____  ___起飞_________脱下_________….掉下来______________

2. 用上面的短语填空。

1) Please ___________ the TV. I want to sleep now.

2) I ________________the ladder(梯子) yesterday.

3) While we were driving to the airport, the plane ________.

4) It’s hot in the room. You had better __________ your coat.



1.The boy _________(look) out of the window when the policeman came.

2.While they _________(play) soccer, we were watching TV.

3.My father was reading a book when I _______(get)back.

4.The weather ______(be) fine while we were in Beijing.

5.The girl was really _____ (scare) when she saw the snake.



While Linda was buying a newspaper, the dog ___ ___ ___thebox and___ ____ .


The Greens are ______ _______ going to the Great Wall.

3.汤姆发生了什么事?    What _______ ______Tom?

4.对我来说,学开小汽车很难。It’s ________ for me ____learn to drive a car.


He met an old friend______ _______ ________ .

() 单项选择。

    1._____ I was cooking, Tina called me.

A.Why   B.While    C.After    D.Before

    2.We can see a big tree in _____ front of the classroom.

A.its    B.that      C.the    D./

    3.She hoped nothing bad would ________ him.

A.happen   B.take place   C.happen to   D.take place of

    4.—Did you see him come into the building?

No, I ____ a football game at that time.

A.watch    B. was watching   C.watched  D.am  watching

    5.When his mother got home , he _____ computer.

A.plays   B.playing   C.is playing   D.was playing


1.  Don′t  f______ to bring my book to me tomorrow . I need it.

2.       Many people like to go s_____ in famous or interesting places.

3.       Tom asked Mary what she was doing for v______.

4.       My aunt gave birth to a baby last week, so I am now b____ my sister.

5.       Many students in our class have decided to have a very r_____ holiday.

6.       Every day after breakfast, the little boy went f_____ with his grandfather by the river.

7.       Peter is taking a long vacation this summer. He is s_______ with Mike for four weeks.

8.       She is going bike r____ with her friends tomorrow.

9.       That s____ nice. Who are you going with?

10.   He usually l____ to music in the evening.


1. It is nine and Li Ming ______(read) a newspaper by the

2.       Is it time for me _____(get) back?

3. Tom ______(do) his homework. You had better (not make) any noise.

4. I ____(go ) to the park if it ______(be) fine tomorrow.

5. Tom ________(take) a vacation with his parents now.

6. Let us go ______(hike) together. I am going___ (swim) this afternoon.

7.They_________(leave) for Shenzhen tomorrow.

8. The train ____(come) in 5 minutes.

9. He thought about ______(go) to Canada .

10. He finished _______ (make) his kite.


1Gina is going for a walk with her parents after dinner.(变否定句)

Gina ____ ____ _____ for a walk with her parents after dinner.

2. The rain stopped at about four yesterday afternoon.(变一般问句)

_____ the rain _____ at about four yesterday afternoon.?

3. Mr. King often has a good time with his students.(同义句)

Mr king often ___ ____ with his students.

4.Tom likes going for a walk.( 同义句)

Tom likes _____ _____.

5. It is very cold today.(划线提问)

_____ ______ _____ ______ today

6. I am going with my friends.

____ are you going with?

7. I’m staying here for a week.

______ ______ are you staying here?


1. 谢谢你帮助我照顾我妹妹。

Thank you ____ ___ me _____ my sister.

2. 你想要一些苹果吗? _____ you ____ ___ apples?

3. 当我们去野营时经常随身带一些事物和饮料。

We often ____ some food and drink ____ ______ when we go camping.

4. 他们正在考虑去哪儿钓鱼。

They are _____ ______ where they are _____ _______.


I _____ ______ _____ _________ the present mum gave me.


I don’t like going ______ for too __________.

7.这个周末你打算干什么? What _____ you _____ this weekend?

8英语歌听着很有趣。The English song ______  ________.


I have ______ ________ to tell you.


I _____ _______ my friends for vacation.
