《希特勒传》:这肯定不是我的错! (英汉读物)

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/07/04 18:55:17


It certainly wasn’t my fault.                           
       Last year, the Guardian newspaper printed a story about a man who tripped over his shoelace in a museum in Cambridge. Falling down some steps, he knocked over three priceless Qing dynasty vases, which fell to the ground and broke into more than 400 pieces. He was sitting there in shock when the museum staff arrived. Everyone stood around in silence—only the man kept pointing to his shoelace, saying, “There   it is That’s what made me fall.”
       Today blaming others has turned into big legal business. In one famous case, McDonald’s was ordered to pay 2.7 million dollars to a woman who accidentally burned herself with hot coffee. Although the amount was later reduced to 480,000 dollars, this case terrified businesses so much that they began to create warnings for their products that even an idiot would understand.
       There are limits, though, beyond which even American courts are not prepared to go. Two overweight girls claimed that McDonald’s was responsible for their eating habits. Their lawyer said that McDonald’s food was “ physically and psychologically addictive”. The poor girls had no chance –McDonald’s just reached hamburgers and drink Coke. This time, a United States federal court judge threw the case out.    We may shake our heads at people who pass the blame, but under pressure, few of us are immune to acts of irrationality. How many of us have not cursed a hammer that hit a finger? Or, more commonly these days, have we not shouted at a crashed computer?
        Maybe it is simply human nature to find a whipping boy when things go wrong. Before you go, though, consider the old saying:” He who points the finger of blame at another, does well to remember that three fingers point back at him.”