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英国语言学家D. A. Wilkins在其Linguistics in Language Teaching一书中对词汇在交际中的重要性作了如下论述:“没有语法,能表达的内容很少;没有词汇则什么都表达不了”(Without grammar very little can be conveyed; without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed).


1. audience是集合名词,用作主语时,其谓语可用单数(视为整体)或复数(视为个体)。如:

The audience is [are] listening attentively. 听众都在聚精会神地听着。

The audience was [were] enjoying every minute of the performance. 观众对演出非常欣赏。

The audience is [are] always very excited by a wonderful goal. 一个精彩的进球总会使观众们非常激动。

2. 由于audience 是集合名词,所以an audience 不是指一个观众,而是指某一群观众、某一个场次观众、某一方面的观众等。如:

She has never spoken to such a big audience before. 她以前从未向这么多人讲过话。

He loves holding forth on any subject once he has an audience. 不管是什么问题,只要有人听,他就爱大发议论。

同样地,audiences 也不是指多个观众,而是指多群观众,多个场次观众,多个方面的观众等。

Entertaining audiences is the purpose of movies. 娱乐观众是电影的目的。

The show had to be taken off because of poor audiences. 因观众太少而取消演出。

She has addressed audiences all over the country. 她曾向全国各地的听众演讲。

另外,audience作为集合名词,原则上不能用它表示个体,但every audience是例外,当要强调每一名观众时,可以这样用。如:

The pianist made a conquest of every audience for which she played. 这位钢琴家以她的演奏征服了每一位听众。

3. 形容听()众人数之多或少通常用big, large, huge, mass, vast, wide 以及small, thin等形容词修饰但是不用many, few修饰。如:

There was a large audience of young people at the pop concert. 流行音乐演奏会上有大量青年听众。

Her lecture had a crowded audience. 她的演讲挤满了听众。

The speaker had a small (thin) but attentive audience. 这位演讲者的听众不多(很少),但很专心。(from www.yygrammar.com)

She felt nervous at having to sing before so large an audience [such a large audience]. 要在那么多观众面前唱歌她感到很紧张。


There were at least three hundred people in the audience. 观众至少有300人。

The series has attracted an audience of more than 10 million. 这个系列片吸引了1,000多万观众收看。

An audience of millions watched the royal wedding on TV. 数以百万计的人们在电视上观看皇家婚礼。


Three thousand audience crowded the concert hall. 3,000名听众挤满了音乐大厅。



1. 表示能力能够,多为不可数名词;表示才能才干,多用复数形式。如:

He is a man of ability. 他是位有能力的人。

He is a man of many abilities. 他是位多才多艺的人。

2. 表示有能力做某事或具有做某事的能力等,其后通常要接不定式。如:

He has the ability to speak English fluently. 他能流利地说英语。

The ability to be clearly heard is extremely important for newsreaders. 声音宏亮清晰对新闻广播员来说极为重要。

但在现代英语中,也可后接 of doing sth (不如接不定式普遍,建议初学者谨用)。如:

I admire his ability of doing the work quickly. 我羡慕他工作做得快。

3. ability的反义词是inability,不是disability——inability表示没有能力或没有才能,而disability则指因先天缺陷或受伤变残而导致的无能。如:

Physical disability causes mental anguish. 生理伤残会引起心理苦闷。

His inability to speak French puts him at a disadvantage. 他不会说法语,这使他很吃亏。


1. 表示有能力的能干的,可用作表语或定语。如:

He is an able manager. 他是位有能力的经理。

He is old but still able. 他虽年老,但仍有很能干。

2. 用于 be able to do sth(能或会做做某事)。如:

He is able to speak English. 他会说英语。

Everyone here is able to type. 这儿的每一个人都会打字。

He will be able to get about in a week or two. 再过一两个星期左右他就能走动了。

He studied hard and was able to pass his examinations. 他学习很努力,所以考试及了格。

注:be able to 不仅有多种时态形式(通常不用于进行时或与 be going to 连用),而且还可以与某些情态动词连用(通常不与 can 连用),甚至还可以有非谓语形式。如:

Since his accident he hasn’t been able to leave the house. 自出事之后,他一直未能离开家。

You might be able to persuade him. 你也许能够说服他。

I hope to be able to do the work. 我希望能干得了这项工作。

I regret not being able to help her. 我很遗憾未能帮助她。

3. able 比较级最高级通常是 abler ablest,也可以是 more able most able,有时还可用 better ablebest able。如:

You are better able to do it than I (am). 你比我更有能力做这件事。

She’s the person best able to cope. 她是个最能妥善处理问题的人。

4. 若要加强语气,其前除可very, quite, perfectly等修饰外,有时还可用well修饰。如:

He is quite [well] able to take care of himself. 他完全有能力照顾自己。

He’s a very able student; he’s just too lazy. 他是个很有能力的学生,只是太懒了。

若受just, only just修饰,则表示只能”“仅能。如:

I was just able to make out a dark figure in the distance. 我只能看见远处有个黑影。

5. able的反义词是unable(不能的,不会的),不是disable,后者是动词,其意为使残废”“使无能力。比较:

They were unable to reach a decision. 他们没法做出决定。

Now that he was disabled, his house had become a prison to him. 因为他残废了,他的房子就成了他的牢笼。


用法一  表示承认,值得注意的用法有:

1. 表示承认做了某事,其后通常接动名词不接不定式。如:

She admitted having seen us. 她承认看到过我们。

I admit breaking the window. 我承认打破了窗子。

表示“承认”时,有时用于 admit to, 此时的 admit为不及物动词,但该结构中的介词 to 常可省略,省略介词 admit 即为及物动词。如:

He would never admit to being wrong. 他从不认错。

He admitted (to) stealing. 他供认了偷盗。

2. 有时其后接带不定式的复合宾语,但其中的不定式通常应是 to be。如:

She admitted him to be right. 她承认他是对的。

You must admit the task to be difficult. 你们得承认任务是艰巨的。

3. 有时可后接从句。如:

I admit (that) I was wrong(=I admit my mistake). 我承认我错了。

用法二 表示允许进入”“使能进入等义,既可指进入某一具体场所也可指进入某一组织机构等。如:

This ticket admits one person only. 此券只准一人入场。

There were no windows to admit air. 没有窗子可使空气流入。

The school admits 200 students every year. 这所学校每年招收200名学生。


She was admitted to [into] the Party. 她被吸收入党。

She was admitted as a Party member. 她被接纳为党员。

表示“允许进入”等,也含有动态意味,所以一般不与 enter, go in 之类的词连用。如:

通常不说:He opened the door and admitted me to enter into the house. (可将 to enter )



1. 后接介词 of about, 表示当心留意等。如:

Be careful of the dog; it sometimes bites people. 当心那条狗,它有时候咬人。

You must be careful of [about] your pronunciation. 你要注意你的发音。

注:be careful 后一般不接介词 for。如:


正:I hope you’ll be more careful of[about] your health.

误:I hope you’ll be more careful for your health.

2. 后接介词 with(其后多接名词) in(其后多接动名词),表示做某事时很小心或仔细。如:

He’s careful with [in doing] his work. 他工作很仔细。

Be careful with the vase; it is valuable. 这花瓶很贵,小心点。

Be careful in dealing with such people. 和这种人打交道要小心。

3. 后接不定式。如:

Be careful not to drop it. 小心不要把它掉了。

You must be careful to avoid being caught. 你必须小心,不要被抓住。


He’s careful to read every sentence. 他注意读(即不漏读)每一个句子。

He’s careful in reading every sentence. 他读每个句子都很仔细。

4. 后接从句。如:

Be careful how you hold it. 小心拿好。

Do be careful what you say. 说话一定要小心。

Be careful that you don’t hurt her feelings(Be careful

not to hurt her feelings). 当心别伤害她的感情。

注:后接 what 从句时,可用介词 of, about 等,但通常省略,但是若是接 that, how,  when, where 等引导的从句,则一般不用介词;另外,从句谓语若指将来,通常要用一般现在时代替将来时( 见上例)


1. 注意以下句型


正:It was careless of you to leave your wallet here.

正:You were careless to leave your wallet here.

以上第一句句首的 it 为形式主语,不能改为 that。但是若以上句型后面不出现不定式,那么句首的 it 也可换为 that。如:


:It was very careless of him.

:That’s very careless of him.

2. 比较:

正:He was careless to make the mistake. 他很粗心,结果出 了错。(句中的不定式为结果状语)

正:He was so careless as to make the mistake. (同上)

正:He was careless in typing the letter. 他打这封信时很 粗心。(句中的 in typing the letter有类似 when he was typing the letter 的意思)

误:He was careless to type the letter. (若此句视为正句,则只能理解为:他很粗心,结果把那封信打印了出来)

3. 表示“不在意的”、“不关心的”等,其后可接介词 about, of, with 等。如:

He’s careless of [about] his speech. 他讲话随便。

She is careless of [with] his health. 她不注意身体。

He is careless with his pronunciation. 他对语音不注意。

Don’t be so careless with your money. 你花钱不要这样随便。



1. 用作副词,down 的基本义为“向下”或“在下面”;up 的基本义为向上在上面。如:

He jumped up and caught the ball. 他跳起来接住了球。

He looked the girl up and down. 他上下打量着这个姑娘。

He sat down but she stood up. 他坐下,但她却站了起来。

AIt’s hot up here. 这上面很热。

BReally? But it’s cool down here. 真的吗? 但这下面却很凉快。

A: Is he up yet? 他起床了吗?

B: Yes, he’s up but not down. 起床了,但还没有下楼来。

2. 表示北到南、从中央到地方、从内地到沿海、从城市到乡村、从学校到社会等,用 down;而表示从南到北、从地方到中央、 从沿海到内地、从乡村到城市、从中学到大学等,用 up。如:

He lives down south. 他住在南方。

He’s just come down from the university. 他刚大学毕业。

They have gone up to the city. 他们上城里去了。

He is up from the country. 他是从乡下来的。

When is he going up to Oxford (Beijing)? 他什么时候去牛津(北京)?

3. 表示由大到小、由多到少、由高到低、由浓变淡、由强到弱、由动到静、由近而远等,用 down;而表示由小到大、由少到多、 由低到高、由弱到强、由远而近等。如:

The wind died down [away]. 风平静下来了。

Speak up, Jack. 杰克,说得大声些。

AAre prices coming down? 物价在下跌吗?

BNo, they are still going up. 不,还在上涨。

I asked him to turn the radio down, but he turned it up. 我叫他把收音机的音量关小,但他却把它开大了。

4. 用于句首,其后引出倒装句。如:

Down came the hammer. 锤子突然掉了下来。

Up went the arrow into the sky. 飕地一声,箭飞上了天。


Down it came. 它一下子掉了下来。

Up you come. 你上来。

5. 两者都可用作介词(其后接有名词作宾语)

(1) 表示静态意义,down 指“在……下面”、“在……的末端”; up ……上面。如:

The bathroom is down the stairs. 洗澡间在楼梯下面。

They live just down the road. 他们就住在马路那头。

They live up the hill. 他们住在山上。

His office is up the stairs. 他的办公室在楼上。

(2) 表示动态意义,down 指“沿着……往下(或往远处)”;up表示“沿着……往上(或往近处)”。如:

Tears ran down her face. 眼泪顺着她的脸流了下来。

The boy climbed up (down) the tree. 这男孩爬上()树。

I carried the bag up (down) the stairs. 我把袋子扛上()了楼梯。



正:He got down the ladder.

误:He got down the horse. (一个人不可能“沿马而下”)

比较:He got down from the horse. 他从马上跳下来。


正:He climbed up on the roof.

正:He climbed up to the roof.

误:He climbed up the roof. (此句的意思是:沿着屋顶往上爬,不合逻辑)

比较:He climbed up the hill. 他爬上山(即沿着山往上爬)



1. 表示青春,是不可数名词。如:

She lost (kept) her youth. 她青春不再(青春依旧)

2. 表示青年时代年轻时候,是不可数名词。如:

I often went there in my youth. 我小时候常去那儿。

At the party I met a friend of my youth. 在晚会上我遇到了一个我年轻时候的朋友。

3. 表示青年人,有两种用法:

(1) 用作个体名词(可数),主要用来指男青年而不指女青年。如:

As a youth he showed little promise. 他这个小伙子看不出有什么出息。

Several youths and girls were standing at street corner. 有几个小伙子和姑娘站在街道拐角处。

注:这样用的 youth 有时带有贬义。如:

The police are looking for five youths (=five people). 警察正在找五个青年人。

(2) 用作集合名词,表整体(可指男女青年),用作主语时谓语可用单数复数。如:

The youth of today is [are] fond of dancing. 现在的年青人都喜欢跳舞。

The youth of the country is [are] ready to fight. 全国的青年都准备战斗。




Is your mother back yet? 你母亲回来了吗?

I don’t want to go away yet. 我还不想离开。

I doubt if he has read it yet. 我怀疑他是否读过它。



正:We don’t know the answer yet. (口语或非正式)

正:We do not yet know the answer. (正式)

误:We don’t know yet the answer.


I don’t know yet whether he’ll come or not. 我还不知道他来不来。



正:I haven’t received a letter from him yet. ()

正:I didn’t receive a letter from him yet. ()



We may win yet. 我们迟早会获胜的。

The plan may even yet succeed. 该计划将来说不定会成功。



He said he would be late, yet he arrived on time. 他说他会迟到,但他却准时到了。

注:有时可与另一个连词 and, but 连用(位于其后)。如:

The boy is fat and yet he runs very fast. 这男孩很胖,但却跑得很快。

I agree with you, but yet I can’t consent. 我同意你的意见,但是我不能答应。

四、用于 not (just) yet


AAre you ready to start? 你准备出发了吗?

BNot just yet. 还没有。

AHas he ever been to a foreign country? 他出过国吗?

BNot yet. 没有。




We are lucky to be in Paris at this time of (the) year. 我们很幸运能在一年的这个时候来到巴黎。

It’s the time of (the) year for the rice harvest. 这是一年收获稻子的时节。

注:成语 all the year round(一年到头,整年) 中的定冠词有时也可省略(有时 round 省略)。如:

The farmers are busy all (the) year (round). 农民们一年到头都很忙。

The weather is so good here that we can swim all (the) year round. 这里天气很好,我们整年都可以游泳。

二、the year 的连词用法

the year 有时可用作连词,引导时间状语从句。如:

His father died the year he was born. 他父亲在他出生那年去世。

He left Europe the year World War II broke out. 他是第二次世界大战爆发那一年离开欧洲的。

三、复数 years的用法

复数 years可以表示多年。如:

I’ve known her for years. 我认识她多年了。

He left here years ago. 他已离开这儿多年。

四、year after yearyear by year的区别

1. year after year 年年。如:

It’s always the same, year after year. 年年总是如此。

He sent money year after year to help the poor. 他年年送钱帮助穷人。

2. year by year 一年一年地。如:

Prices tend to rise year by year. 物价总是一年一年地往上涨。

Year by year their business grew. 他们的生意一年一年地发展了起来。



通常用作副词,不要在其前使用 in, at, to之类的介词。如:

I’ve looked everywhere for it. 我到处都找过它了。

He takes his dog with him everywhere. 他无论到哪儿都带着他的狗。

注:有时根据需要可介词 from 连用。如:

Congratulations poured in from everywhere. 祝贺像潮水一样从四面八方涌来。



Girls with long hair were everywhere in the 1960s. 在上个世纪六十年代女孩子留长发的现象相当普遍。



Everywhere seemed to be silent. 万籁俱寂。

The dog followed me everywhere I went. 无论我走到哪,这条狗就跟到哪。



1可指可数名词,也可指不可数名词。用于“none of +名词”时,该名词前必须要用表特指的限定词( the, my,  these ),如:

He likes none of these books. 这些书他一本也不喜欢。

None of the food was left. 没剩一点食物。


正:Neither of my parents went there. 我父母都没去那儿。

误:None of my parents went there.


None of the money is mine. 这笔钱没有一点是我的。

None of the boys like [likes] it. 孩子们谁也不喜欢它。

3. 用于类似祈使句的结构中。如:

None of that! 不许那样!

None of your business! 不关你的事!



I’m afraid I’m none the wiser for your explanation. 恐怕你的解释没使我有所开窍。

2“too so+形容词,意为不太一点也不。如:

He’s none so fond of her. 他并不十分喜欢她。

The salary they pay me is none too high. 他们付给我的薪水一点也不高。




It costs about $10. 这需10美元左右。

He arrived at about 10 o’clock. 他大约10点钟到达。


在动词 know, hear, speak 等之后用不用介词 about, 含义有差别。如:摘自www.yywords.com

I have heard about him, but I don’t know him. 我听到过一些关于他的事,但不认识他这个人。摘自www.yywords.com

I’ve heard of him, but I don’t know about him. 我听说过他,但我不知道有关他的情况。


He knows her. 他认识她。

He knows of her. 他知道有她这样一个人。

He knows about her. 他知道有关她的情况。


be about to (do),意为“即将”、“马上”。注意该短语不与具体的时间状语(如:soon, tomorrow, immediately )连用。如:

We are about to leave for Beijing. 我们正要动身去北京。

不说:He is about to leave here tomorrow.

注意该短语可与并列连词 when(这时)连用。如:

I was (just) about to go to bed when the telephone rang. 我正要上床睡觉,这时电话铃突然响了起来。

在美国英语中,be about to do sth 的否定式,可表示不愿意做某事。如:

I am not about to admit defeat. 我还不想认输。



He wrote on mathematics. 他撰写数学著作。摘自www.yywords.com

He wrote about the school. 他报道有关这所学校的情况。

It is a book on birds. 那是一本论及鸟类的书。(可能是一本学术著作)

It is a book about birds. 那是一本关于鸟的书。(可能是一本供小孩看的关于鸟类的故事书)


注意不要按汉语意思,在一些及物动词后误加介词 about,而在一些不及物动词后该加 about 时却漏加。如:


误:He has nothing to complain, does he?

正:He has nothing to complain about, does he?

析:表示抱怨某事时,complain 不及物,其后需接介词 about of 再带名词或代词作宾语(本句中 about 的逻辑宾语是 nothing)


误:We'll discuss about it as soon as possible.

正:We'll discuss it as soon as possible.(from www.yywords.com)

析:discuss(讨论)及物动词,后接宾语时,无需用介词。类似地,英语说 consider sth, 而不说 consider about sth;可说 doubt sth, 而不说 doubt about sth;可说 explain sth,而不说 explain about sth;可说 report sth,而不说 report about sth;等等。



1. 表示“建议”、“劝告”、“忠告”等,是不可数名词,若表示一条或几条建议或劝告,要借用 piece 这样的词。如:

This is a good piece of advice. 这是一条很好的建议。

2. 表示按照某人的意见做某事,一般要用介词 on by。如:

We did the work on [by] her advice. 我们按她的意见做此工作。

3. 表示提出建议或忠告,一般用动词 give;表示向某人请教或征求意见,一般用动词 ask (for);表示接受意见或劝告,一般用动词take, follow, accept 等。如:

The old often give good advice to the young. 老年人常常对年轻人提出金玉良言。

You should ask for the teacher’s advice. /You should ask the teacher for advice. 你应该去征求老师的意见。

If we had followed his advice, we could have done the job better with less money and fewer people. 要是听取了他的意见,我们不仅可以节省人力、物力,而且还会把工作做得更好。

4. 其后若出现 that 从句,通常用“should+动词原形这样的虚拟语气。如:

My advice is that he (should) give up smoking. 我建议他戒烟。


1. 表示建议,通常为及物动词,若其后的宾语是动词,通常应是动名词,而不能是不定式。如:


正:I advise waiting till the right time.

误:I advise to wait till the right time.

注意:advise 之后不能直接跟不定式,但可接不定式的复合结构。如:

He advised us to sell the house. 他建议我们把房子卖了。

The doctor advised me to stop smoking. 医生建议我戒烟。

注意 advise 后接不定式复合结构时的被动语态形式不要与上面第一个句型混为一谈。如:

主动式:He advised us to sell the house.

被动式:We were advised to sell the house.

比较错误句型:We advised to sell the house. (误)

2. 其后若接 that 从句,通常要用虚拟语气(shouldv)。如:

He advised that I (should) write her a letter. 他建议我给她写封信。

3. 比较以下同义句型:


正:Please advise me which to choose.

正:Please advise me which I should choose.


正:I advised him not to go alone.

正:I advised him against going alone.

according to用法宝典



According to the radio, it will rain tomorrow. 据电台广播,明天有雨。

According to English law he is innocent. 按照英国法律他是无辜的。

They must cut their coats according to their cloth. 他们必须量布裁衣。

Each man will be paid according to his ability. 每个人将根据他的能力获得报酬。

According to John, there will be a meeting next week. 据约翰说,下星期要开一个会。


1. according to 表示“根据”,通常是指根据别人或别处,而不能根据自己,所以其后不能接表示第一人称的代词(me, us),同时也很少接表示第二人称的代词(you),但用于第三人称( him, her, Jim, Mary, the doctor )则属正常用法。如:(from www.yywords.com)

误:According to me, the film is wonderful.

正:In my opinion, the film is wonderful. 依我看,这部电影很不错。

2. 注意:according to 后也不接 view(看法) opinion(意见)这类词表示看法的词。如:

误:According to my opinion, he did it very well.

正:In my opinion, he did it very well. 在我看来,他干得很不错。

三、according toaccording as

according to介词,其后原则上只接名词或代词,不接句子。若接句子,则用according as。如:

Everyone contributes according as he is able. 每个人根据自己的能力作出贡献。

但是注意:对于那些由what, which, whether, how, when, where等引导的句子,其前要用according to,不用according as。如:

He is an honest businessman, according to what everyone says. 根据大家所说,他是位诚实的商人。

The amount of tax people pay varies according to where they live. 居住地不同,人们所交的税额也各不相同。

These apples have been graded according to how big they are. 这些苹果已经按照大小分了等级。

They were arranged according to when they happened. 它们是按发生的时间安排的。




(1) 表示动态意义,意为横过……的另一边。如:

I cam swim across the river in 10 minutes. 我可以在十分钟之内游过河去。(介词用法)

Can you swim across? 你能游过去吗? (副词用法)

(2) 表示静态意义,意为……的另一边。如:

My house is just across the street. 我家就在街道对面。(介词用法)

We leave Dover at ten and we should be across in France by midnight. 我们十点钟离开多佛,午夜时应能抵达法国那边。(副词用法)

有可与介词 from 连用,表示……的另一边。如:

He shouted to me from across the room. 他从房间的另一边向我喊。

(3) 表示“交叉”(介词用法) 或“从一边到另一边的宽度”(副词用法)。如:

He sat there with his arms across his chest. 他坐在那儿,两臂交叉放在胸前。(介词用法)

The river is half a mile across. 这条河半英里宽。(副词用法)


注意不要将 across 误用作动词。如:

不能说:The river is too deep and we can’t across.

可改为:The river is too deep and we can’t cross. 河水太深,我们过不了。


用于 come [run] across, 意为“偶然遇见”、“意外发现”(不用于被动式)。如:

Where did you come [run] across her? 你在那儿碰到她的?

I’ve just come across a beautiful poem in this book. 我在这本书里偶然发现一首优美的诗。




Don’t be afraid. 别怕。

不能说:Don’t afraid.



a boy afraid of dogs 怕狗的男孩

a very much afraid boy 一个十分胆怯的男孩。


在口语中,I’m afraid 意为恐怕,主要用来委婉地提出异议或说出令人不快的事情等。如:

I’m afraid (that) he is ill. 恐怕他生病了。

It’s too expensive, I’m afraid. 恐怕太贵了。

I’m afraid 之后可接 so not, 表示前面所提到的情况。表肯定时用 so;表否定时用 not。如:

A: Will he come today? 他今天会来吗?

B: I’m afraid so (not). 恐怕会(不会)吧。

注意上面的否定说法不能改为 I’m not afraid (so)


表示“害怕做某事”或“不敢做某事”,be afraid 之后可接不定式,也可接 of doing sth, 如:

I’m afraid to jump [of jumping]. 我不敢跳。(from www.yywords.com)

但若要表示担心可能会发生某事,则只能用 be afraid of doing而不能用 be afraid to do。如:


正:I was afraid of hurting her feelings.

误:I was afraid to hurt her feelings.

afternoon, morning, evening用法说明


morning(上午)指从日出到正午;afternoon (下午)指从正午到日落或下午工作结束;evening(晚上)指从日落到一天工作的结束或就寝。



I’m always at home afternoons. 下午我总在家。

We watch TV on Saturday evenings. 我们每个星期六晚上都看电视。



He does his homework in the evening. 他晚上做作业。

We get up at six in the morning. 我们早上六点钟起床。


He visited her on a rainy morning. 他在一个下雨的早晨去拜访了她。

比较:one cold winter evening on a cold winter evening在一个寒冬的下午


Afternoon came, and it was time for them to leave. 下午到了,是他们起程的时候了。

It happened towards evening the next day. 这事发生在次日傍晚。

When morning came, I found that she had left. 天亮了,我发现她已走了。

比较:Night began to fall. 夜幕开始降临。


(1) 泛指一般意义的上午、下午或晚上,通常与介词 in 连用;若是特指具体某一天的上午、下午或晚上,则与介词 on 连用。如:

The children have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. 孩子们上午上四节课,下午上两节课。

It happened on Friday evening. 这事发生在星期五晚上。

但是当 afternoon, morning, evening 等词与 early, late 连用时,即使它有定语修饰特指具体某一天的上午、下午或晚上,也通常用介词 in。如:

He arrived in the early morning of April the first. 他于四月一日清晨到达。

(2) this (yesterday, tomorrow) afternoon 这类短语中通常不用 in, on, at 这样的介词,但若语境需要,它可以与 after, by, before, until, from 介词连用。如:

He didn’t come back until yesterday afternoon. 直到昨天下午他才回来。

By tomorrow afternoon I ought to have finished the job. 到明天下午的时候我应该把这工作做完了。


汉语说“每天上午”、“一天傍晚”等,英语只需说 every morning, one evening 等即可,不能直译为 every day morning, one day evening 等。




He’s ten (years old). / He’s ten years of age. 10岁。

How old is he? / What’s his age? / What age is he? 他多大年纪?

I have a son (of) your age. / I have a son the same age of you. 我有一个像你这样大小的儿子。

Their ages are ten and twelve. 他们的年龄分别是10 岁和12岁。

二、关于at the age of的用法

表示“在……年龄时”,英语通常用 at the age of+数字,有时可省略 at age+数字,或只用 at+数字。如:


正:He got married at (the age of) 25.

正:He got married at age 25.


汉语中的“他年纪大()”,在英语中不能直译为 His age is old (young). 可译为 He is old (young).

同样地:英语中通常说 at the early age of 30 (年仅30),一般不说 at the young age of 30(虽偶见此用法,但初学者不宜模仿)

但有趣的是,英语中通常不说 young age, 但却可以说 old age (老年) middle age(中年)。如:

Who is going to look after them in their old age? 他们年老的时候谁来照顾他们呢?

A person of 40 has reached middle age. 一个人满了40岁就算进入了中年。



The 18th century was the golden age of the novel. 18世纪是小说的黄金时代。

It’s ages [an age] since we last met. 我们好久没见面了。

(I) Haven’t seen you for ages [an age]. 好久不见了。





正:We don’t allow swimming in the pool.

误:We don’t allow to swim in the pool.

注:allow 后虽然不能直接跟不定式作宾语,但可跟不定式的复合结构作宾语。如:

We don’t allow [permit] children to swim in the pool. 我们不许孩子们在池子里游泳。


allow 有时可接双宾语。如:

He didn’t allow her any freedom. 他不允许她有任何自由。


allow 有时用作不及物动词,其后通常接介词 of for,构成习语。

(1) allow of 容许。如:

The facts allow of only one explanation. 这些事实只能有一种解释。

You allow of no exceptions? 你不容许有例外情况?

The problem allows of only one solution. 这问题只能有一个解决办法。

The situation allows of no delay. 形势不容许耽误。

(2) allow for 估计到,体谅。如:(from www.yywords.com)

We must allow for his youth. 我们必须要体谅他年轻。

Allowing for the train being late, we should be back by10. 30. 考虑到火车会晚点,我们最迟应该在10. 30前回来。


两者均可表示允许,其区别是:permit 通常指上级、规则或法令等表示的准许,其语气较重;而 allow 通常指消极地不加反对,有时含有听任或默许之意,语气较轻。如:

Nothing is permitted; everything is allowed. 一切都没明文规定可以做,但一切做了也无妨。

The nurse allowed him to remain therethough it was not permitted. 护士让他留在那儿,而按规定那是不许可的。


It is not permitted to smoke on this plane.


a.m. p.m. 用法说明


a.m. 意为“上午”,p.m. 意为下午,两者在用法上应注意以下几点:

(1) 两者都不能单独使用,而要与表示时间的数字连用,且置于数字之后;

(2) 不能与 in the morning in the afternoon 连用,以免构成用词重复;

(3) 不能与 o’clock 连用。


: He gets up at 7 am.

: He gets up at 7 (o’clock) in the morning.

: He gets up at 7 am in the morning.

: He gets up at 7 o’clock am.



I missed the 5:45 pm train from Paris. 我没有赶上从巴黎开来的下午545分的列车。


1. 表示“担心的”、“焦虑的”。如:

She looked anxious. 她显得很焦急的样子。

Don’t be anxious if I’m late. 如果我来迟了,不要着急。

其后通常接介词 about, for。如:

I’m rather anxious about him. 我为他相当着急。

He was anxious for his family, who were traveling abroad. 他担心在国外旅行的家人。

We’re anxious about (for) her health. 我们担心她的健康。

He’s anxious for (about) her safety. 他为她的安全着急。


That week was an anxiOU8 time for all of us·那个礼拜是使我们所有的人都焦急的时间。

2. 表示“热切的”、“渴望的”,其后通常接介词 for。如:

I’m anxious for a computer. 我渴望有台电脑。

We were anxious for news of your safe arrival. 我们很想得到你安全到达的消息。

注:be anxious for 既可表示……担心,也可表示渴望得到……”,具体含义视语境而定。

3. 表示渴望或想要做某事,其后接不定式。如:

She was anxious to have his advice. 她急于想听他的意见。

We are anxious to know the result. 我们渴望知道结果。

注:有时不定式前可以有 for sb。如:

He was anxious for her to marry him. 他渴望她能嫁给他。

4. 有时后接 that 从句,此时从句谓语一般都用“should+动词原形这样的虚拟语气。如:

I’m anxious that I shouldn’t be in the way. 我期盼我不会碍事。

The committee is anxious that this matter should be kept secret. 委员会切望这件事保密。

He is anxious that classes should be started at once.  他急于马上开始课程。


He’s anxious that she (should) come to see him.

=He is anxious for her to come to see him. 他很希望她能来看他。

succeed, success, successful的用法



误:His plan was succeeded.

正:His plan succeeded.

析:succeed 表示成功,是不及物动词,因此不能用于被动语态。


误:At last he succeeded to solve the problem.

正:At last he succeeded in solving the problem.

析:表示做某事做成功了,succeed 后通常不接不定式,而接 indoing sth。又如:He succeeded in getting the job.(他谋到了那份工作)She succeeded in (passing) the exam.(她考试及格了)。注:有时此结构可用作反语,如:I tried toclean the watch, but only succeeded in breaking it.(我想把表弄干净,结果却弄坏了)


误:Who succeeded after Churchill as Prime Minister?

正:Who succeeded Churchill as Prime Minister?

析:succeed 表示接替(某人)”,是及物动词,其后无需用介词 after。但它若表示继承(职位、头衔、财产等)”,则是不及物的,后跟宾语时带介词 to(此时也不用 after),如:She succeeded to the mayoralty.(她继任市长职位),比较:She succeeded him to the mayoralty.(她接替他担任市长)



误:Failure is the mother of successes.

正:Failure is the mother of success.

析:success 表示抽象意义的成功,是不可数的;表示具体意 义的成功的人或事”, 则是可数的。比较:Gig sucess does not usually occur early.(大器晚成)His new book was a great success.(他新出版的书获得了巨大成功)。再比较:He has had great success in business.(他事业上很成功)He was a great success in business.(他事业上很成功)


误:Did you have any success to persuade her to change her mind?

正:Did you have any success in persuading her to change her mind?

析:have success in doing sth=做某事有结果或效果。又如:What success did you have in finding a new job?(你想找份新工作结果如何?)



误:The performance was successive.

正:The performance was successful.

析:successful=成功的;successive=连续的,接连的,一连串的。如:We have won five successive games. (我们已连胜五场比赛)


误:Were you successful to find a new house?

正:Were you successful in finding a new house? (from www.yywords.com)

析:表示成功地做某事,be successful 后不能接不定式,而是接 in doing sth,又如:They were successful in launching a communication satellite. (他们成功地发射了一颗通讯卫 )



误:The company are coming for dinner.

正:Company is coming for dinner.

析:company 表示客人,可指一人或多人,但它却是不可数名词,且一般不与冠词连用。又如:We’re expectiong company this evening.(我们今晚有客人要来)


误:It is nice to have companies.

正:It is nice to have company.

析:company 表示陪伴与人在一起等,不可数,又如:keep sb company(陪伴某人)have one’s company(有某人的陪伴)in company(结伴,一起)in company with(... )in the company of sb(由某人陪伴)for company (陪着)等。


误:He keeps bad companies.

正:He keeps bad company.

析:company 表示伙伴朋友同事等,不可数,又 如:A man is known by the company he keeps.(观友见其人或近朱者赤,近墨者黑)He is good company to keep.( 他是个很好相处的朋友)


误:He is fond of companies.

正:He is fond of company.

析:company 表示交际交往等,不可数,又如:He is in bad company.(他与坏人交往)They broke company.( 他们绝交了)


误:Smith Company is holding their annual meeting.

误:The Smith Company are holding their annual meeting.

正:Smith Company are holding their annual meeting.

正:(The) Smith Company are holding their annual meeting.

析:company 除表示公司外,还可表示公司名称中未列出姓名的合伙人,用于专有名词时,注意以下几点:用了&[=and],则其前不能用冠词;若没用&,则其前用不用冠词均可;带有&的公司用作主语时,其谓语通常用复数



1. 表示用某种方法或按某种方式,通常用介词 in(介词有时可省略)。如:

Do it (in) your own way. 按你自己的方法做吧。

Please do not talk (in) that way. 请不要那样说。

2. 表示做某事的方式或方法,其后可接不定式或 of doing sth


It’s the best way of studying [to study] English. 这是学习英语的最好方法。

There are different ways to do [of doing] it. 做这事有不同的办法。

3. 其后通常可直接跟一个定语从句(不用任何引导词),也可跟由that in which 引导的定语从句,但是其后的从句不能由 how 来引导。如:


正:I don’t like the way he spoke.

正:I don’t like the way that he spoke.

正:I don’t like the way in which he spoke.

误:I don’t like the way how he spoke.

4. 注意以下各句 the way 的用法:

That’s the way (=how) he spoke. 那就是他说话的方式。

Nobody else loves you the way(=as) I do. 没有人像我这样爱你。

The way (=According as) you are studying now, you won’tmake much progress. 根据你现在学习情况来看,你不会有多大的进步。





正:I want to buy a computer.

误:I want buying a computer.


I want you to try. 我希望你试试。

I don’t want the boy going [to go] alone. 我不想让这个男孩子一个人去。

有时后接过去分词的复合结构 (过去分词前有时可视为省略了不定式 to be),其意为要(别人)把某事做了。如:

I want it (to be) done as quickly as possible. 我希望此事要尽快做好。


表示客观上的需要有必要,是一无意识行为,其后可接不定式或动名词,但要注意:后接动名词,该动名词要用主动形式表示被动意义;后接不定式,要用被动形式表示被动意义。如:(from www.yywords.com)


正:The plants want watering every day.

正:The plants want to be watered every day.

误:The plants want being watered every day.

误:The plants want to water every day.


在口语中 want to do sth 有时可表示 should do sth 的意思。如:

You want to see the doctor at once. 我应该马上去看医生。

The work wants to be done with great care. 这工作需要非常仔细地做。



表示“今天”、“明天”,有两层意思:一是指狭义的今天、明天(相对昨天而言),二是广义地指现在、未来(相对过去而言);表示前者的意思通常用 -’s 构成所有格,表示后者的意思,通常用 of构成所有格。如:

Have you read today’s paper? 你读过今天的报纸了吗?

The news will be in tomorrow’s newspaper. 明天的报纸将刊载这条消息。

Young people of today have no manners. 如今的青年人不讲礼貌。

The world of tomorrow will be very different. 未来的世界将大不相同。

注:由于 today tomorrow 可同时作名词或副词,所以用 of构成所有格时,有时可省略 of 而直接用副词后置定语。如:women today(当今的妇女)the changes tomorrow(未来的变化)等。

另外,在现代英语中用于广义表示“现在”、“未来”时,有时也可用 -’s 构成所有格,但不如用 of 普通。如:(from www.yywords.com)

Today’s youth will be the leaders of tomorrow. 现在的年青人将成为未来的领导者。




正:Today is my birthday.

正:It’s my birthday today.


正:Tomorrow is Sunday.

正:It is Sunday tomorrow.



正:Tomorrow will be [is] Christmas Day.

正:It will be [is] Christmas Day tomorrow.


正:I think he’ll come tomorrow. 我想他明天会来的。

误:I think he comes tomorrow.

正:Tomorrow will be fine. 明天会天晴。

误:Tomorrow is fine.


 1. 用作副词,表示那时,可用于过去或将来。如:

He was in Paris then. 那是他在巴黎。

He will be free then. 那时他就会有空了。


He will have left by then. 到那时他就会已经离开了。

From then on he worked harder. 从此以后,他工作更努力了。

2. 表示“然后”、“接着”,通常与连词 and 连用。如:

Let’s go for a drink and then go home. 我们先去喝一杯,然后再回家。

He went to Paris, and then to London. 他到了巴黎,后又到了伦敦。

注:在口语中有时可不用连词 and 而只用 then


Then came the day of his exam. 接着他考试的那一天到了。

3. 表示那么既然是那样这么说来,通常用于句首或句末。如:

You say you don’t want to be a teacher. Then what do you want to be? 你说你不想当老师,那么你想干什么呢?

Then you mean to say I am a cheat. 那么你的意思是说我是个骗子。


If it’s not on the table, then it will be in the drawer. 要是不在桌上,那就是抽屉里。

When I know what really happened, then I shall be able to decide. 当我知道事实真相后,我就可以作决定了。




Modern life depends on good technology. 现代生活依赖优良的技术。

Computer technology is changing the world. 电脑技术正在改变世界。

Modern technology has improved our standard of living. 现代科学技术提高了我们的生活水平。


汉语说“科学技术”或“科技”,指的通常是“科学和技术”(science and technology),而不是“科学的技术” ( scientific technology)


比较 technology technique:后者指技巧技能等。如:

Technique must be gained by practice. 技巧须通过实践获得。(from www.yywords.com)

You should improve your writing technique. 你应该要改进你的写作技巧。



The wind blew on her face. 风迎面吹来。

He gave me a blow in the eye. 他冲着我的眼睛打了一拳。

It was a great blow to her when her mother died. 她母亲去世对她是个极大的打击。



正:He struck me heavily.

正:He gave me a heavy blow.

误:He blew me heavily.


 1. 表示身体,但并不与汉语的身体完全同义:

(1) 相对于精神(mind, spirit, soul)的“身体”以及侧重指躯体的“身体”等,可用 body 来表示。如:

You can imprison my body but not my mind. 你可以禁锢我的身体但不能禁锢我的精神。

His body is old but his mind is young. 他身体虽然老了,但心还很年轻。

(2) 侧重指躯体、躯干等的“身体”,也可用 body 表示。如:

He wore clothes to keep his body warm. 他穿衣服以暖和身子。

He was badly burned on the face and body. 他的脸部和身上都严重烧伤。

(3) 表示健康状况的“身体”,一般不能直接用 body, 可改用其它说法(如用 health, healthy )。如:

He is in good health. / He is healthy. 他身体健康。

Keep healthy, study well and work well. 身体好,学习好,工作好。

2. 表示尸体。如:

The dog led the policemen to the body. 警犬将警察引向了那具尸体。

The police found a body at the bottom of the lake. 警方在湖底发现一具尸体。

Bending over the dead body of the dog, she tried to discover any signs of life. 她俯视狗的尸体,想看看它是否还有一丝生气。

I dimly perceived a bed in the corner,and I wondered whether the light would disclose lying on it a dead body. 我隐约看见角落里有一张床,我不知道这亮光会不会照出一具尸体躺在床上。


1. 汉语的看书有两层含义:

(1) 表示阅读性地“看书”(即读书),一般要用动词 read。如:

Don’t read such books. 不要读那样的书。

He is reading a book on Shakespeare. 他在看一本关于莎士比亚的书。

(2) 若不是表示阅读性地看书,而只是大概地看一看,比如看看书的封面、定价、内容提要等,或者回答问题时看看书的某些章节或字句等,或者是考试时偷看书本等,此时都不宜用动词 read, 可用look at, see 等。如:

Can I look at those books? 我可以看看那些书吗?

Jim demanded to see my books. 吉姆要求看看我的书。

Please answer my questions without looking at your books. 请不看书回答我的问题。

Students must not look at their books duringexaminations. 学生考试不准舞弊。

注:汉语的教书不能直译为 teach books, 可以只用 teachteach (a) school。如:

Where does he teach? 他在哪儿教书?

He taught school for three years. 他教过三年书。


1. 在美国英语中,动词 burn 为规则动词,其过去式和过去分词均为 burned;在英国英语中,动词 burn可以是规则的也可以是不规则的(即可用 burned burnt)。所以当不考虑英国英语与美国英语的差别时,两者形式常可混用。如:

He burned [burnt] the old letters. 他把旧信烧掉了。

The house was burned [burnt] to the ground. 房子被烧成了灰烬。

注:无论在英国英语还是美国英语中,用于名词前作定语时通常都用 burnt。如:

burnt sugar 烧焦的糖burnt fingers 烧伤的手指

A burnt child dreads the fire. 烧伤过的孩子怕火(一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草绳)

2. 以上区别也适合于以下各组词:learned / learnt, spoiled/spoilt, smelled/smelt, dreamed/dreamt, spelled/spelt 等。如:

He learned [learnt] the poem at school. 他在学校学过那首诗。

I dreamed [dreamt] about flying last night. 昨晚我梦见我在飞翔。


a spoilt child 宠坏的孩子 spilt milk 泼洒的牛奶

a misspelt word 拼错的单词

特例:learned men 学者


1. 表示客人陪伴交往等,是不可数名词。如:

Company is coming for dinner. 有客人要来吃饭。

I’m glad to have her company. 我很高兴有她作伴。

He keeps [is in] good company. 他与好人交朋友。

A man is known by the company he keeps. 观友见其人。

Please stay and keep me company for a while. 请留下陪我一会儿。

2. 表示公司,注意以下用法:

(1) 通常为可数名词。如:

He is working for an insurance company. 他在一家保险公司工作。

(2) 作主语时,其谓语可用单数(视为整体)复数(视为个体)均可。如:

The company is expecting to expand its operations abroad. /The company are expecting to expand their operations abroad. 该公司想扩大在国外的业务。


A company of travellers is [are] expected to arrive soon. 预计一批旅客很快就会到来。

(3) 有时表示公司名称中未列出姓名的合伙人,此时是不可数名词(可略为 Co. )。比如:Smith 与其合作者共同开办的公司便可以叫做Smith & Co.,也可以叫 The Smith Company

注:凡是带有& [=and]的公司名,其前都不能用定冠词;若没有& ,则用不用定冠词均可。另外,没有姓氏的公司名中不能用&

正:(The) Smith Company 史密斯公司

误:The Smith & Co.

正:The Cinema Company 电影公司

误:The Cinema & Co.

discuss discussion


1. 表示“讨论”,是及物动词,其后直接跟宾语,不要按汉语习惯在其后使用介词 on, about 等。如:


误:He refused to discuss about [on] the matter.

正:He refused to discuss the matter.

2. 其后接动词时,用动名词(不用不定式)。如:

They discussed selling the house. 他们商量过卖房子的事。

We’re here to discuss Ann’s joining the club. 我们这次碰头是为了谈谈安入会的事。


We discussed what to do. /We discussed what we should do. 我们讨论该做些什么。

3. 其后可接 whether 引导的宾语从句,但一般不接 if引导的宾语从句。如:

They discussed whether they should leave there. 他们讨论了是否应该离开那儿。


1. 表示讨论,若指一次讨论活动或一次讨论会等具体意义,是可数的;若侧重指讨论的动作或状态等,通常为不可数的。比较:

After several lengthy discussions they decided to leave. 经过多次长时间的讨论,他们决定离开。

After much discussion they decided to sell it. 经过充分的讨论之后,他们决定把它卖了。

2. 表示进行或开展讨论,通常与动词 have, hold, lead, cause等连用;表示讨论的内容,通常与介词 on, about, over 等连用。如:

We had [held] a discussion with her about [over] it. 对此我们同她进行了讨论。

3. 用于 under discussion(正在讨论中),其中不用限定词。如:

The plan is under discussion. The plan is beingdiscussed. 该计划正在讨论当中。


1. 用作副词时


He lives downstairs (upstairs). 他住在楼下()

Is anyone downstairs (upstairs)? 楼下()有人吗?

Our neighbours downstairs (upstairs) are very noisy. 我们楼下()的邻居很吵闹。

2. 用作形容词时


The downstairs (upstairs) rooms are already full ofpeople. 楼上的房间已住满了人。

注:由于 downstairs 用作副词时要放在名词后作定语,而用作形容词时要放在名词前作定语,所以类似“楼上() 的厕所”这样的表达可有两种译法:the upstairs toilets /the toilets upstairs

3. 两者都可用作名词。如:

The downstairs (upstairs) isn’t inhabited. 楼下(楼上) 还没有人住。

We haven’t painted the downstairs (upstairs) yet. 我们还没有给楼下()的房间刷漆。

注:虽然可用作名词,但其前不能用 in, at, to 之类的介词:

他们在楼下()等你。(from www.yywords.com)

正:They’re waiting for you downstairs (upstairs).

误:They’re waiting for you at downstairs (upstairs).


1. 表示不管怎样总之反正等义,可放在句首或句末。该用法的实质意思是:前面所说过的某情况并不重要,重要的是下面要说的话:

Anyhow I don’t like it. 不管怎么讲,我不喜欢它。

It was raining, but I didn’t want to go out anyhow. 天正下着雨,不过我本来就不想出去。

What a terrible experience! Anyhow, you’re safe, that’s the main thing. 多么可怕的经历!但是你现在平安无事,这比什么都好。

2. 表示无论如何不管以什么方式,可放在句首或句末:

I’ve tried, but I can’t open it anyhow. 我已经试过了,但无论如何也打不开。

Anyhow, I will see you tonight. 无论如何,今天晚上我要见你。

3. 表示随随便便” (=carelessly)

The work was done all anyhow. 这工作做得很马虎。

He leaves his books about anyhow. 他把书随便到处丢着。

注:anyhow anyway 在很多情况下可通用,参见www.yywords.com/Article/200802/149.html


1. 表示某人,常用于否定句 疑问句及条件句 ,用以代替someone / somebody (常译为:什么人、谁);表示任何人,可用于肯定句 (也可用于其它句型)

Did anybody hear of such a thing?有谁听说过这样的事吗?

Don’t owe anybody a penny. 不要欠任何人一分钱。

I can do it if anybody can. 如果有谁能干这事,我也能。

Anyone can cookit’s easy. 做饭谁都会,这很容易。

2. 作主语,谓语动词用单数;若需用代词代替,可用单数 he, him, his (正式)复数they, them, their (非正式)均可:

If anybody[anyone] comes, ask him [them] to wait. 要是有人来,让他等着。

3. 用于否定句时,要放在否定词之前,而不能放在否定词之后:

正:Nobody [No one] can do it. 这事谁也干不了。

误:Anybody [Anyone] cannot do it.

4. 受形容词修饰时,形容词应置于其后:

Have you seen anyone [anybody] famous? 你见过名人吗?

5. 请看两个句子:

(1) Jim’s taller than anybody [anyone] else in his family.

(2) Jim’s taller than anybody [anyone] in my family.

第一句在 anyone, anybody 之后用了else, 是因为 Jim his family中的一员;第二句没用 else, 是因为 Jim 不是 my family 中的一员。

6. 只能指人,不能指物;且其后一般不接 of 短语。若是指物或后接of短语,可用any one (分开写)

Any one of the plans will do. 这些计划中的任何一个都行。(www.yywords.com)

Any one of our employees could be the informer. 我们的任何一位雇员都有可能成为告密者。


1. 表示某事某东西,主要用于否定句疑问句及条件句中,用以代替 something (常译为:什么…);表示任何事任何东西,主要用于肯定句 (有时也可用于其它句型)

Has anything interesting happened? 发生了什么有趣的事吗?

We can’t believe anything he says. 无论他说什么,我们都不能相信。

I asked if anything was the matter. 我问是不是出了什么问题。

I want something to eat, and anything will do. 我想弄点东西吃,什么都行。

2. 作主语,谓语用单数;用代词时也用单数 (it)

Anything is better than nothing, isn’t it? 有点总比什么都没有要好,不是吗?

3. 与否定词连用时,否定词应置于其前,而不是其后 (参见 any 的有关用法)


正:Nothing can prevent me from going.

误:Anything cannot prevent me from going.

4. 修饰anything的形容词应置于其后:(www.yywords.com)

Did you hear anything interesting there? 你在那儿听到什么有趣的事了吗?

5. 用于 be anything but, 意为根本不是一点不是,可用于人和物:

He’s anything but a hero. 他绝不是英雄。

John is anything but (=far from) a good loser. 约翰完全输不起。

Your answer is anything but perfect. 你的答复一点儿也不完美。 

6. 用于 if anything, 意为若有什么不同的话(www.yywords.com)

If anything, this coat is more expensive than that one. 如果有什么不同的话,那就是这件衣服比那件更贵些。

He seems to have little, if anything, to do with this. 若要说他和这事有什么相关的话,那也似乎是很少的。


1. appear不用于被动语态


正:Soon the stars appeared in the sky. 不久天空中出现了 星星。

误:Soon the stars were appeared in the sky.

误:Soon the sky appeared the stars.

2. appear, seem, look的区别

(1) 三者均为连系动词,均可后接形容词、名词、不定式作表语:


正:He looks [seems, appears] honest.

正:He looks [seems, appears] an honest man.

正:He looks [seems, appears] to be honest.

正:He looks [seems, appears] to be an honest man.

(2) look, seem 之后可以接介词 like, appear 之后不能:

He looks [seems] like a fool. 他看起来像个大傻瓜。

(3) 三者均可后接不定式,但 look 之后一般只限于 to be

正:He seems [appears, looks] to be tired. 他好像很累了。

正:He seems [appears] to laugh at us. 他好像在笑我们。

误:He looked to laugh at us. (from www.yywords.com)

(4) 三者均可用于 it 开头的句子,但look 之后通常接 as if (as though)引导的从句,appear之后通常接that引导的从句,seem 之后则可接thatas if (as though)引导的从句:

It looks [seems] as if you’re right. 好像你是对的。

It seems [appears] that he is ill. 他似乎病了。

(5) there be开头的句子里,可用seem / appear, 一般不用 look

There seems [appears] to be something the matter with her. 她好像出了什么事似的。

3. 有关派生词

appearance n. 出现(多为不可数);外表,样子(可数或不可数)

His sudden appearance surprised me. 他突然出现使我感到惊讶。

Never [Don’t] judge from [by] appearances.

Never [Don’t] judge a man by [from] his appearance. 不要以貌取人。


用法1. accent表示口音腔调等,注意以下几点:

①通常为可数名词,表示带有某种口音或腔调,通常用介词 with in

He speaks with a Southern accent. 他说话带有南方口音。

He had an American accent. 他有美国口音。

Who is the girl with a foreign accent? 那个外国口音的姑娘是谁?

Your accent is the worst in the class. 你的口音是班上最重的。

You can tell he’s Irish from his accent. 从他的口音你可以知道他是爱尔兰人。

He speaks French with [in] an English accent. 他讲法语时带有英国腔。

He said that he was not an American but his accent gave him away.  他说他不是美国人,可是他的口音让人听出他是美国人了。


He told me his story in broken accent. 他语不成句地对我叙述了他的经历。

He speaks without (an) accent. 他说话不带地方口音(土音)


His accent is London. 他操伦敦口音。

He has a strong American accent. 他有很重的美国口音。

用法2. accent表示重音,是可数名词(from www.yywords.com)

The word "lady" has its accent on the first syllable. lady 这个词的重音在第一个音节。

用法3. accent表示强调重点,可用作可数或不可数名词,但用作可数名词时通常用单数形式:

In all our products the accent is on quality. 在我们的所有产品中,最重视的就是质量。


1. achieve一般只用作及物动词,其宾语可以是实现的目标、目的等,也可以是取得的胜利、成功、名誉、地位等:

Everybody should be given the chance to achieve their aims. 要让每个人都有机会实现自己的目标。

She achieved no success. 她有没获得成功。

偶尔用作不及物动词 (表示获得成功如愿以偿”),但很少见:

He achieved because he worked hard. 他因为工作努力获得了成功。

2. achieve有时与 this, that, what, all, much, anything, nothing, a little 等代词连用,表示获得 (成功)”取得 (成就)”等:

No one can achieve anything without effort. 谁也不可能不努力而有所作为。

All this cannot be achieved overnight. 这一切不是朝夕之间可做到的。

I’ve achieved only half of what I hoped to do. 我只完成了我原想完成的一半。

3. achieve一般与令人愉快的事 (如:成功、成就等)连用,所以不要受汉语的影响滥用此词表示一般意义的达到

误:He will achieve the age of 25 next month.

误:The car achieved a speed of 150 mph.

4. 派生词 achievement (from www.yywords.com)

其意为:成就,业绩 (可数);实现,达到,成功 (不可数)

He was rewarded by the Government for his scientific achievements. 他因在科学上取得的成就受到政府的奖励。

We felt a great sense of achievement when we reached the top of the mountain. 当我们到达山顶时,我们感到有一种巨大的成功感。

believe in 用法归纳

believe in是一个很有用的短语动词,它在中学英语中的主要用法有:


He believes in God. 他信仰上帝。

I asked her whether she believed in God. 我问她信不信上帝。


She believed in the power of prayer. 她相信祈祷的力量。

I believe in his good character. 我相信他品德良好。(from www.yywords.com)

I can believe him, but I can not believe in him.我相信他说的话是真的,但是不相信他的为人。


We all laughed at Jane when she said she believed in ghosts. 简说她相信有鬼,大家都笑话她。

She believed in the existence of a benevolent power. 她相信有大慈大悲的神仙。

Tommy’s really stupid. You know, he actually still believes in Father Christmas. 汤米真愚蠢。你知道,他居然还相信真有圣诞老人。


Do you believe in everything the Bible says? 你相信《圣经》中的每句话?

I half believe in life after death. 我对人死后还有生命的说法半信半疑。


He believes in public ownership, which idea I’m quite opposed to. 他相信公有制,这个思想我完全反对。

You say you don’t believe in marriage but I bet you sing a different song when you finally fall in love. 你说你认为结婚是无谓的,但我肯定你最终爱上一个人的时候你就不这么说了。


He believes in getting plenty of exercise. 他相信多做运动必有好处。(from www.yywords.com)

They believe in letting children make their own mistakes. 他们相信让孩子们自己出错有好处。

I’d like [love] to…的用法归纳


A: How about playing tennis? 打打网球怎么样?

B: Yes. I’d like to. 好,我很愿意。

A: Will you come for a walk with me? 你和我一起去散步好吗?

B: Yes, I’d love to. 好,我很愿意。

A: Would you mind taking part? 请你参加你介意吗?

B: No, I’d love to. 不介意,我很愿意(from www.yywords.com)。

注:I’d like to 单独使用时,其后的 to 不能省略。另外,若要加强语气,可用 much 或 very much 来修饰,即说成I’d (very) much like to。

二、用来委婉地提出自己的想法、希望或愿望 (其后接名词或不定式,但一般不接动名词),意为:我想……,我要……。如:

I’d like the red one. 我想要那个红色的。

I’d like (to have) a word with you. 我想同你说句话。

I’d like you to meet a friend of mine. 我想让你见见我的一个朋友。

三、用作反语,表示气愤或威胁(其后常接动词see, know),意为:我倒想(看看或知道等)。如:

I should like to see you do it. 我倒希望你做给我看看(from www.yywords.com)。

I’d like to know what she means by that. 我倒想知道她那样说是什么意思。

四、表示希望做某事,但未能做成(其后接不定式的完成式),意为:我真想……, 我本想……。如:

I’d love to have seen his face when he opened the letter. 我真想看到他拆信时的脸色。

I’d like to have taken you round the factory, but I must go to a meeting. 我本想带你在厂里看看,但我要去开一个会。

Do [Would] you mind…用法归纳


Do [Would] you mind…? 最通常的用法是表示请求允许或征求对方意见(后接动名词 if从句,其中 Do也可换成 Would,语气更委婉),意为“劳驾”“你可否……?”“请你做……好吗?”如:

Do you mind if I switch the radio off? 我可以关掉收音机吗?

I think I’ll go along to the club this evening for a game of snooker. Do you mind? 今晚我想去俱乐部打落袋台球,你看可以吗?



1. 其后可接if 从句,但不接whether从句。

2. 其后可接动名词,但不接不定式。如:

Would you mind helping me? 请帮帮我的忙好吗?

Do you mind my closing the window? 我关上窗户行吗?

3. 可说Do you mind… Would you mind…,但不说 Will you mind…

4. Would you mind…后接if 从句时,从句谓语通常要用过去式。如:

Would you mind if I closed the window? 我把窗户关上你介意吗?


一般说来,同意用Yes, 不同意用No,这是许多同学牢记的一条重要规律。但是,对Do [Would] you mind... 来说,情况则完全相反。因为对Do [Would] you mind... 的回答,从本质上说是对 mind 的回答,也就是说,若同意对方的请求,应用 not mind(不介意),若不同意对方的请求,则用mind(介意)。通常的回答方式有(from www.yywords.com)

1. 表示同意(即不介意)的答语:

No, that’s all right. 不介意,没关系。

No, go ahead, please. 不介意,请……吧。

Certainly not. 当然不介意。

Of course not. 当然不介意。

No, not at all. 一点也不介意。

No, I don’t mind at all. 一点也不介意。

2. 表示不同意(即介意)的答语:

Yes, I do mind. 是的,我介意。

Please don’t. 请别……

Better not, please. 请最好不要……

I’d rather you didn’t. 我宁愿你不要……


A: Do you mind shutting the door? 请你关上门好吗?

B: Certainly not. 好的(from www.yywords.com)

A: Would you mind taking part? 请你参加你介意吗?

B: No, I’d love to. 不介意,我很愿意参加。

A: Would you mind if I smoked [my smoking]? 我抽烟你介意吗?

B: Oh, please don’t. 噢,请不要抽。


Do you mind…? 除上述用法外,还有一种特殊用法就是可以表示气愤或反感,意为请别这样做”“别来这一套”“你怎么搞的”“我可真火了。如:

Do you mind? I don’t want to hear that kind of language here. 别讲了,我不许在这儿讲这种话。

Do you mind? That’s my foot you’re standing on. 怎么搞的? 你踩我的脚了。

A: Come on, my dear, let me have your kiss. 来吧,亲爱的,吻我一下。

B: Do you mind! I hate you. 别来这一套,我讨厌你(from www.yywords.com)


 1. 表示出现露面到达等,是不及物动词。如:


正:A rainbow appeared in the sky after the rain.

误:A rainbow was appeared in the sky after the rain.

2. 表示似乎好像,是连系动词,其后可接形容词、名词、不定式等作表语。如:

He appears (to be) honest [an honest man]. 他似乎是一个诚实的人。

3. it appears 后可接 that 从句或 as if 从句。如:

It appears that he is very tired. 他似乎很累了。

It appears as if he has lost interest in his job. 看来他对自己的工作已失去了兴趣。

【注】后接 that 从句时,有时可用 so, not 代之。如:

AAre they reliable? 他们可靠吗?

BIt appears so (not). 似乎是可靠的(不可靠)


It appears that he is ill. He appears to be ill. 他似乎病了。




I really appreciate a good cup of tea. 有好茶一杯,我就真乐在其中了。

We shall appreciate hearing from you again. 能再次收到你的来信,我们将十分感激。

I appreciate that you have come here so early. 感谢你来得这么早。

其后不直接跟 if 引导的从句,若语义上需要接这类从句,需借助 it。如:

I would much appreciate it if you would arrange this for

us. 如果你能替我安排这事,我将非常感激。


appreciate后只能接“事”作宾语,而不能接“人”作宾语:这与thank 的用法不同)。如:

正:We appreciate your help. 我们感谢你的帮助。

误:We appreciate you for your help.

正:He thanked her for her help. 他感谢她的帮助。

误:He thanked her help. (from www.yywords.com)


 1. attention表示注意专心等,是不可数名词,因此不能与不定冠词连用,也没有复数形式。如:

Pay great attention to these points. 要特别注意这几点。

He talked loudly, but no one paid him any attention. 他大声说话,但没有听他。

This caught our attention. 这引起了我们的注意。

I must call your attention to this problem. 我必须请你们注意这个问题。

His attention was attracted by a little girl. 一个小女孩吸引了他的注意()

All his attention was concentrated upon the picture. 他的全部注意力都集中在那张画上。

2. pay attention to, give attention to, bring attention to 等结构中的 to 介词,所以若接动词,应用动名词。如:

They ceased to pay attention to him. 他们不再注意他。

You must pay close attention to his eyes. 你要密切注意他的眼睛。

So far no attention has been paid to this problem. 迄今没有人注意这个问题。

We should pay more attention to uniting and working with

the comrades who differ with us. 我们应该更注意团结那些与自己意见不同的同志工作。

He gives all his attention to making money. 他的注意力完全集中在赚钱上。

3. attention的口语常用句:

May [Could] I have your attention, please? 请各位注意。

Attention, please. 请注意(from www.yywords.com)

Thank you for your attention. 谢谢。(发言或演讲结束时用)


1. 用作名词,有两个主要意思:

(1) 表示平均平均数。如:

The average of 24 and 6 is 4. 246 的平均数是4

An average of 10 students are absent each day. 平均每天有10个学生缺席。

(2) 表示普通标准平常。如:

These marks are well above (below) average. 这些分数远在平均分数之上()

(3) 用于 on average, on an [the] average, 意为平均起来在一般情况下。如:

On (the) average he works eight hours a day. 他平均每工作八小时。

He smokes 20 cigarettes a day on an average. 他平均每天要抽20支烟。

2. 用作形容词,也有两个主要意思(from www.yywords.com)

(1) 表示平均的,通常只用作定语。如:

The average age of the students is 20. 学生的平均年龄为二十岁。

(2) 表示一般的普通的,可用作定语也可用作表语。如:

It is just an average dictionary. 那只是本普通的词典。

He is an average teacher. 他是个普通的教师。

3. 用作动词,意为平均有平均为。如:

He averages two trips a year. 他平均每年旅游两次。

The children average 10 years of age. 这些小孩平均年龄为10岁。



1. 除表示坏的之外,还有不少引申用法不舒服糟糕的严重的腐烂的等。如:

He feels bad. 他感到不舒服(难过)

He has got a bad cold. 他了患重感冒。

It’s a bad mistake (accident). 那是一个严重的错误(一次严重的事故)

The fish will go bad if you don’t put it in the fridge. 这鱼要是不放入冰箱就会腐烂。

2. 注意以下各句与介词的搭配。如:

He is bad at telling stories. 他不善于讲故事(from www.yywords.com)

Reading in the sun is bad for you (your eyes). 在太阳下看书对你(你的眼睛)有害。

We were hoping for an improvement but things have gone from bad to worse. 我们本希望有所改善,但事情却每况愈下。


1. 其比较等级变化不规则(worse, worst)。如:


误:Who did his work the most badly?

正:Who did his work worst?

2. want, need, be in need of 等连用,可表示迫切地非常。如:

We want to see her badly. 我们非常想见她。

He needs money badly. /He is badly in need of money. 他急需要钱。

3. badly 是形容词 bad 的副词形式,通常用来修饰动词。如:

The furniture is badly made. 这家具做得很差。

He did his work very badly. 他的工作做得很差(from www.yywords.com)

4. 在现代英语口语中,badly 有时可像形容词 bad 那样用于某些连系动词( feel, be )后用作表语。如:

He felt badly about about being late. 他因迟到感到难过。

bedthe bed


It is time for bed. 是睡觉的时候了。

I’ve put the children to bed. 我已安置孩子们睡觉了。

He sat by the bed, watching TV. 他坐在床边看电视。

比较 go to bed(上床睡觉) go to the bed(到床边去)

He went to bed at 10 last night. 他昨晚10点钟上床睡觉。

He went to the bed and found a red box on it. 他走到床边,发现床上有个红盒子。


It’s a bad habit to read in bed. /It’s a bad habit to read

on a [the] bed. 躺在床上看书是个坏习惯(from www.yywords.com)

【注】in bed 通常不用冠词on the [a] bed 通常要用冠词


 1. 表示啤酒,作为物质名词,不可数;表示种类时,可数。如:

Some people don’t like beer. 有些人不喜欢喝啤酒。

Beer has a very distinctive smell. 啤酒有特别的气味。

There the beer was specially good. 那里的啤酒特别好。

They buy less beer and fewer cigarettes now. 现在他们买的啤酒和香烟比过去少了。

Most beers are made from barley. 大多数啤酒是大麦酿制的。

2. 在口语中,可表示“一杯(瓶、罐)啤酒,此时是可数名词。如:

Two beers, please. 请来两杯啤酒。

Help yourself to a beer. 喝杯啤酒。

Would you like a (glass of) bear? 喝杯啤酒吗?

Two beers, please. 请给我两杯啤酒(from www.yywords.com)

There are a few beers left in the fridge. 冰箱里还剩几罐啤酒。

We went to a bar after work and had a couple of beers. 我们下班后到酒吧间去喝一两杯啤酒。


1. before用作介词,注意以下用法:

(1) 表示时间,意为……以前,其后只能接点时间或具有点时间意义的其它名词,而不能接一段时间。如:

I’ll be back before five (o’clock). 我五点前回来。

We arrived there two days before Christmas. 我们于圣诞节前两天到达那儿。

(2) 表示在两者中选择其一,意为宁可……而不愿……”。如:

They would die before surrendering. 他们宁死而决不投降。

True men choose death before dishonour. 大丈夫可杀而不可辱。

2. before用作连词引导时间状语从句,注意以下用法:

(1) 从句要用一般现在时表示将来,而不能直接用将来时态。如:

Do it before you forget. 趁早动手,免得忘了(from www.yywords.com)

It may be a long time before we meet again. 我们可能要等很久才能见面。

(2) 以下各句的中文含有否定意味,但其相应的英文却不能是否定的(因为该否定意味已体现在 before )

Get out before I call the police. 趁我还没报警,快滚(from www.yywords.com)

He rushed out before I stopped him. 我还没来得及阻止他,他就冲出去了。

3. before用作副词,表示以前,注意以下用法:

(1) 与具体时间连用(置于其后),通常与过去完成时连用(多见于宾语从句中)。如:

He said he had told her about it two years before. 他说他两年前就把那事告诉她了。

(2) 泛指以前,不与具体时间连用,可完成时或过去时连用。如:

I (have) read the book before. 我以前读过这本书。

You should have told me so before. 你早就该告诉我了。


1. 表示开始做某事,其后的动词可用不定式也可用动名词。如:

When did you begin to learn [learning] French? 你什么时候开始学法语?

Hearing the news she began to cry [crying]. 听到这消息她就哭了。

【注】 begin 后接的是表示心里活动的动词( think, realize,

understant ) begin 本身为 -ing 形式时,其后通常要接不定式而不接动名词。如:

It is beginning to rain. 开始下雨了。

She began to understand. 她开始明白了(from www.yywords.com)

2. 汉语说“从……开始”,英语一般不用 begin from, 而应根据具体情况选用适当的介词。如:

Our journey began at Changsha. 我们的旅行从长沙开始。

The sports meet begins on Monday. 运动会从星期一开始。

3. begin 作为终止性动词,学生在很多地方容易出错。如:


误:The concert has begun for half an hour.

正:The concert has been on for half an hour.


误:It rained at three o’clock.

正:It began to rain at three o’clock.

比较:It was raining at three o’clock.


1. 后接否定的宾语从句时,通常将否定转移到主句上。如:

I don’t believe that he will win. 我相信他不会赢。

But I don’t believe he means any harm. 但我想他并无恶意。

I don’t believe she will like the idea. 我相信她不会赞成这个想法。

2. 在简略答语中,一般不单独用 believe, 而用 I believe so. I don’t believe so. /I believe not. 如:

ADo you think he will come? 你认为他会来吗?

BNo, I don’t believe so. [I believe not. ] 我想不会。

AShakespeare was born in I564wasn’t he? 莎士比亚是I564 年出生的,对吧?

BI believe so. 我想是的。

3. 可接不定式的复合结构作宾语,但其中的不定式通常为 to be型,若为实义动词,则通常为完成式。如:

They believed him (to be) mistaken. / They believed that he was mistaken. 他们认为他错了。

I believe him to have arrived safely. 我相信他已平安到达(from www.yywords.com)

4. 比较 believe sb believe in sb:前者指相信某人的话(=believe what one says);后者指信任某人的为人(=trust sb)。如:

I can believe him, but I cannot believe in him. 我相信他说的话是真的,但是不相信他的为人。

注:believe in的用法归纳:


Christians believe in Jesus. 基督信仰耶稣。

Marxism believes in the primacy of matter. 马克思主义者相信物质是第一性的。

I don’t believe in the theory. 我不相信这个理论。


You can believe in him; he’ll never let you down. 你可以信赖他,他绝不会令你失望。

We believe in our government. 我们信赖我们的政府。

If you believe in yourself you can succeed. 如果你对自己有信心就能成功。


Do you believe in ghosts? 你相信有鬼吗?

They (don’t) believe in fairies. 他们(不)相信有仙女(from www.yywords.com)

Only 29 per cent of the population believe in a personal God. 只有百分之二十九的人相信有人模样的上帝。


He believes very strongly in female emancipation. 他强烈主张妇女解放。

He believes in plenty of fresh air and exercise. 他认为大量新鲜空气和运动是好的。

I’ve always believed in being broad-minded. 我一向主张宽宏大量。

I believe in working like hell. 我主张拼命工作。

advise, allow, permit, forbid用法比较


The test questions are kept secret, so as to prevent cheating. 考题都保密以防作弊。

You can’t prevent his [him] spending his own money. 你不能阻止他花自己的钱。


1. advise


I advise waiting a few more days. 我建议再等几天。

Would you advise phoning, or shall I wait a bit longer? 你看我打电话好,还是我再等一会儿好?


The doctor advised me to take more exercise. 医生嘱咐我多加锻炼。

She advised her parents to give up smoking, but they wouldn’t listen. 她劝她的父母戒烟,但他们不愿听。


He advised applying at once. 他劝告立即提出申请。

He advised me to apply at once. 他建议我立即提出申请。



误:As your doctor, I advise you eating less.

正:As your doctor, I advise you to eat less.

2. allow


They don’t allow parking. 他们不准停放汽车(from www.yywords.com)

They shouldn’t allow parking here; the street is too narrow. 这儿不该允许停车,马路太窄了。


Please allow me to add one more point. 请允许我再补充一点意见。

The money will allow you to go abroad for further study. 那笔钱使你能够出国深造。


We don’t allow eating in the classrooms. 我们不允许在教室吃饭。

We don’t allow students to eat in the classrooms. 我们不允许学生在教室吃饭。


— Can I smoke here?  — Sorry. We don’t allow ______ here.

A. people smoking  B. people smoke     C. to smoke           D. smoking

3. forbid


He forbids smoking during office hours. 他禁止上班时间抽烟。

The headmaster has forbidden singing in the corridors. 校长禁止在走廊里唱歌。


I forbid him to go there again. 我不准他再去那儿(from www.yywords.com)

The teacher forbids the students to read such books. 老师不准学生看那样的书。


They forbad swimming in the river. 他们不准在这河里游泳。

They forbad people to swim in the river. 他们不准人们在这河里游泳。

4. permit


Time doesn’t permit my waiting longer. 时间不允许我等得太久。

The rules of the club do not permit smoking. 这个俱乐部规定不准吸烟。


His health does not permit him to come. 他的健康(状况)不允许他来。

Her father would not permit her to eat sweets. 她父亲不允许她吃糖果。


We don’t permit smoking in the lecture room. 我们不允许在大教室抽烟。

We don’t permit people to smoke in the lecture room. 我们不允许人们在大教室抽烟。




It’s no good sitting up too late. 熬夜没有好处。

It is quite clear that he has read the book. 很显然,他读过这本书。

It doesn’t matter what he says. 他说什么没关系。


1.用作动词look, seem, appear, happen, occur, follow等的主语(后接that从句或as if从句)。如:

It seems that he knows everything. 他好像什么都知道。

It (so) happened that I had no money with me. 碰巧我没带钱(from www.yywords.com)

2.当系表结构后接有if when引出的状语从句时,通常在系表结构前使用形式主语表示说话人对某情况的看法。如:

It was a great surprise to me when he did a thing like that. 他这样做使我很吃惊。

It would be a tragedy if anything went wrong. 如果出了什么事就是一个悲剧。

3.用于if it were not for… / if it hadn’t been for…(若不是因为)。如:

If it hadn’t been for the freezing wind they could have reached the injured man in time. 要不是有刺骨的寒风,他们就及时赶到伤员身边了。



We found it difficult to persuade her. 我们发现很难说服她。

He makes it a rule to get up before dawn. 他习惯于天亮前起床(from www.yywords.com)

I think it very strange that he goes out walking almost every night. 我认为他几乎每晚都出去散步是很奇怪的。


1. 动词+it+if / when从句

enjoy, like, dislike, love, hate, prefer, appreciate等动词后需要接一个ifwhen引导的从句时,此时必须要先在动词后接it作形式宾语。如:

She won’t like it if you arrive late. 她不喜欢你迟到。

He hates it when people use his bike. 他讨厌别人用他的自行车(from www.yywords.com)

I’d prefer it if I didn’t have to do so much work. 要是我不必做那么多工作,那就太好了。

I would appreciate it very much if you would help me with it. 如果你能帮助我做这事,我会十分感激。

2. 动词+介词+it+that从句

能用于此句型的主要有三个动词,即depend on, answer for, see to。如:

You may depend on it that he will turn up in time. 你可以相信他会及时赶到的。

I can’t answer for it that the boy is honest. 我不能保证这个男孩是诚实的。

I’ll see to it that all these letters will be sent to the post before twelve. 我将注意让所有的信件在12点以前送到邮局。



It was yesterday that he got married. 他是昨天结婚的。

It was a computer that he bought last week. 他上个星期买的是一台电脑。



It was lack of money, not of effort, that defeated their plan. 他们的计划受挫,原因是缺少钱而不是没有尽力。

It was more in sorrow than in anger that he criticized his former colleague. 他批评以前的同事,并非出于气愤而是为他惋惜。

2.当强调为特殊疑问句(from www.yywords.com)

Who was it that won the World Cup in 1982? 谁赢得了1982年的世界杯?

How long ago is it that you last saw her? 你上一次看见她是多久以前的事?


两者均可代替前面提到的事物,区别是:it指的是与前面已提到的事物为同一物,此时的it等于“the (this, that, my...)+名词”;而one 指的是与前面已提到的事物为同一类物,此时的one等于“a+名词。比较:

I have a dictionary but I’ve lent it to Mary. 我有一本词典,但把它借给玛丽了。

I haven’t a dictionary; can you lend me one? 我没有词典,你能借我一本吗?


包括it的习语很多,比如make it就是其中很重要的一例。如:

You can make it if you hurry. 如果你赶快还可以及时赶到。

He wants to make it as a writer. 他想作一名作家而一举成名。

You needn’t worry; he will make it. 你不必担心,他会办成的。


 1. 表示“属于”,通常与介词 to 连用。如:

The bike belongs to me. 这辆自行车是我的。

Who(m) does this belong to? 这是谁的?

【注】这样用的 belong to 没有进行时态;也没有被动语态。如:

误:The bike is belonging to me.

误:The bike is belonged to me. (from www.yywords.com)

2. 表示适合在某处或放在某处,其后可根据情况选用不同的介词( in, on, under )或接副词。如:

Where does this belong? 它应放在哪儿呢?

The book belongs on that shelf. 这本书应放在那个架子上。

This chair belongs in the living room. 这把椅子应放在起居室里。

有时与介词 with 连用表示……在一起。如:

A child belongs with its mother. 小孩应与母亲生活在一起。

【注】以上用法中的 belong 也不用于进行时或被动式。


 1. 表示某人多少岁生日,要用序数词而不用基数词。如:

Today is my grandfather’s sixtieth birthday. 今天是我爷爷的六十大寿。

2. 注意以下与动词的常用习惯搭配:

celebrate one’s birthday 庆祝生日

observe [keep] a birthday 过生日

complete one’s 30th birthday 30

3. 通常用于祝贺生日的用语。如:

Happy birthday to you. 祝你生日快乐。

Many happy returns of your birthday. 祝您长寿。

Many happy returns of the day. 祝您长寿。


 1. 表示用某事麻烦某人,一般用介词 with about。如:

Don’t bother with [about] it. 不要为此事费心(烦恼)

I’m sorry that I have to bother you with [about] thisproblem. 对不起,我要用这个问题来麻烦你了。

2. 其后接动词时,通常用不定式。如:

Don’t bother to do it. 不要费心去做了(from www.yywords.com)

He didn’t even bother to say thank you. 他甚至连说声谢谢都不肯。

在现代英语中,bother 后也可跟动名词。如:

I don’t know if Sally’s coming. I didn’t bother asking. 我为知道莎莉是否会来,我没有问一下。

有时后接 about doing sth 也可表示类似意思。如:

You needn’t bother to come up [about coming up]. 你不必费心来了。

3. 在口语中说 don’t bother, 主要用于谢绝对方主动提出的善意帮助,意为不用费心了不用麻烦了。如:

AShall I help you with the washing up? 要不要我帮你洗碗碟?

BDon’t bother, I’ll do it later. 不必麻烦了,我等一会再洗。


1. 用作动词,表示“买”,可带双宾语;若双宾易位,通常要用介词 for。如:


正:My uncle bought me an English dictionary.

正:My uncle bought an English dictionary for me.

2. 表示向某人买某物,通常用介词 from。如:

He bought this watch from a friend. 他从一位朋友那儿买了这块手表。

3. 表示用多少钱买某物,通常用介词 for。如:

I bought the computer for $600. 我花600美元买了这台电脑。

He bought it for very little money. 他买它只花了一点点钱。

【注】有时也用介词 at, 侧重指价格。如(from www.yywords.com)

He bought them for [at] 10p each. 他以每个10 便士的价格买下了它们。

4. 是终止性动词,因此在肯定句中不宜与一段时间连用。如:


正:I bought this house ten years ago.

正:I have had this house for ten years.

正:It’s ten years since I bought this house.

误:I have bought this house for ten years.


 1. 表示方式,主要用法有:

(1) 与交通工具连用,表示。如:

by bus 乘公共汽车 by bike 骑自行车

by train 乘火车by plane 乘飞机

by taxi 乘出租车 by ship 坐轮船


by air 乘飞机 by water 走水路

by land 走陆路


We’re going by the 10:30 train. 我们坐10:30的火车去。

He went to Shanghai by a large ship. 他乘一艘大船去上海。

(2) 与抽象名词或表抽象意义的普通名词连用,表示通过等。如:

be electricity 通过电力                      by experience 通过经验

by force 通过武力                            by hard work 通过努力

by phone 用电话                              by telegram 用电报

by letter 用信件                                by express 用快件

by air mail 用航空邮件by ordinary mail 用平信

by post 用邮寄                                  by radio 用无线电

by hand 用手工                                 by machine 用机器


by this means [method] 用这种方法

(3) 动名词连用。如:

He makes a living by teaching. 他以教书为生(from www.yywords.com)

Lock this door by turning the key twice to the left. 锁这扇门要把钥匙向左转两圈。

2. 表示计量单位,意为“以……计”,若后接单数可数,名词其前要用定冠词 the;若后接复数名词或抽象名词则通常不用冠词。如:

They are paid by the hour (by the month). 他们所得报酬按小时()计。

Are bananas sold by weight or at how much a piece? 香蕉是按重量出售,还是按多少钱一根出售?

The enemy came by the thousand [by thousands]. 敌人数以千计地扑来。

3. 表示抓住或握住某人或某物的某一部位,其中这个人或物应是前面已提到过的,且在介词 by 之后通常用定冠词 the而不用物主代词。如(from www.yywords.com)

Suddenly she caught him by the ear. 突然间她抓住了他的耳朵。

The policeman took the thief by the hand. 警察抓住了小偷的手。


 1. call 是一个多义词,有时在没有上下文的情况下可能有歧义,如 call sb 就可表示“叫醒某人”、“呼唤某人”、打电话给某人等。如:

Will you go and call Jack? 你去叫一下杰克好吗?

Call me if I don’t wake up in time. 如果到时我没醒的话,请叫醒我。

I called him last night. 我昨晚给他打过话。

2. 比较以下正误句型(误句多为受汉语习惯影响)


正:What do you call this in English?

正:How do you say this in English?

误:How do you call this in English?


正:His name is Li Hua. / He is called Li Hua.

误:His name is called Li Hua.


He called her name. 他喊某人的名字。

It’s wrong call names. 骂人是不对的(from www.yywords.com)

The teacher called out the children’s names. 老师大声点名(如考勤等)

3. 表示看望或拜访某人,后接介词 on upon 表示到某地拜访,后接介词 at。如:

Let’s call on John [at John’s house]. 我们拜访约翰(去约翰家)吧。

【注】有时可在 call 后用副词 in, round 等。如:

Let’s call in on John [at John’s house]. (from www.yywords.com)

另外,表示看望某人,有时还可后接 to see and see。如:

I’ll call in and see you soon. 我不久就会来看你。

He was out when I call (round) to see him. 我去拜访他时,他不在家。

4. 用于 call on [upon] sb to do sth, 意为叫或号召某人做某事。如:

The teacher called on me to answer the question. 老师叫我回答问题。

The Party called on us to study hard for the people. 党号召我们要为人民努力学习。

5. 表示给某人或某地打电话,英语用 call (up) a person or a place, 注意不要按汉语习惯在 call 后加介词 to。比较:


正:At last we decided to call (up) Mr Black(‘s office).

误:At last we decided to call to Mr Black(’s office).

【注】call (out) to sb 意为大声叫()某人。


 1. 用作名词:表示注意小心关心等,均为不可数名词。如:

You must do it with great care. 你必须十分小心地做它。

Care is needed when crossing the road. 过马路时要小心。

We should take good care of the children. 我们应该好好照看这些孩子。

2. 用作动词:注意以下用法:

(1) 后接不定式,表示愿意喜欢想要,通常用于否定句疑问句或条件句等。如:

I don’t care to play basketball. 我不喜欢打篮球。

Would you care to go for a walk? 你想去散散步吗?

(2) 后接从句,表示在乎”“在意等,多用于否定句疑问句,偶尔也用于肯定句。如:

I don’t care what they say. I shall go on just the same. 我不在乎他们说什么,不管怎么说,我都会继续干下去。

I really care whether we win or lose. 我们是输是赢我真的很在乎。

3. 用于 care about

(1) 表示在乎介意。如:

He does not care about his clothes. 他对穿衣服在乎。

The only thing he cares about is money. 他只在乎钱。

(2) 表示……感兴趣。如:

I don’t care about it. 我对此不感兴趣(from www.yywords.com)

He cared little about computers. 他对计算机没什么兴趣。

4. 用于 care for

(1) 表示喜欢,通常用于否定句疑问句。如:

Would you care for a drink? 你想喝一杯吗?

He doesn’t care much for music. 他不大喜欢音乐。

(2) 表示“照看”、“照顾”(可用于各种句型)。如:

He cared for his father all through his long illness. 他父亲在长期的生病期间由他照顾。

Who will care for him if his wife dies? 假若他妻子死了,谁来照顾他?


 1. 表示抓住捉住,注意以下习惯用法:

(1) 通常只表示抓住的结果,不表示的过程。如:


误:He sat by the stream for hours, catching fish.

正:He sat by the stream for hours, trying to catch fish.

正:He sat by the stream for hours, fishing.

(2) 是一时的动作,不能与一段时间连用。如:


误:He was caught for a year.

正:He was caught a year ago.

(3) 一般不与表示方向的词连用。如:


误:We caught the thief to the police station.

正:We caught the thief and took him to the police station.

2. 表示听懂理解,多用于否定结构或疑问结构。如:

Did you catch what he said? 你听清了他说的是什么意思吗?

It’s noisy and I can’t catch a word. 太吵了,我一句都听不清。

3. 表示“(意外地)碰上,其后常接现在分词的复合结构或介词短语的复合结构等。如:

He was caught stealing from the shop. 他在这家店子偷东西时,被当场抓住。

I’d like to catch them saying anything like that again. 我倒要看看他们再说这样的话。

下面一句(多用被动式)与以上用法类似(from www.yywords.com)

He was caught in the rain and got wet. 他碰上大雨,被淋湿了。

4. 表示“染上(疾病)”,一般以疾病名词作 catch 的宾语,而不作catch 的主语。如:

几天前他患了重感冒(from www.yywords.com)

正:He caught a bad cold the other day.

误:A bad cold caught him the other day.

5. 句式 catch up with sb catch sb up 同义,意为赶上某人。如:

Soon he caught us up. /Soon he caught up with us. 不久他就赶上了我们。


1. 用作动词,有两类用法需注意:

(1) 表示“造成”、“使(发生)”,其后可直接用造成的结果或发生的事情作宾语,也可接双宾语或接不定式的复合结构作宾语。如:

Smoking can cause lung cancer. 吸烟可导致肺癌。

He caused his parents much unhappiness. 他弄得他父母很不愉快。

The cold weather caused the plants to die. 天气寒冷冻死了植物(from www.yywords.com)

(2) 表示“使”、“迫使”,通常接不定式的复合结构作宾语,注意不要受动词 make 的影响而用错句型。比较:


正:What caused her to cry? / What made her cry?

误:What caused her cry [crying]? / What made her to cry?


正:The bad news caused her to be sad.

正:The bad news made her sad.

误:The bad news caused her sad.

2. 用作名词,也有两类用法需注意:

(1) 表示“原因”,通常可数。如(from www.yywords.com)

Smoking is one of the causes of heart disease. 吸烟是引起心脏病的一种原因。

(2) 表示理由,通常不可数。如:

There is no cause for anxiety [to be anxious]. 没有理由焦虑。

比较(from www.yywords.com)

There is no effect without a cause. 没有无因之果。

Don’t complain without (good) cause. 不要无故抱怨。


1. 表示一定确信,通常用作表语,注意:

(1) 后接不定式时,表示说话人的看法,意为一定会肯定会。如:

He’s certain to succeed (come). 他一定会成功()


It’s certain that he will succeed (come).

(2) 后接“of+名词(动名词)”或后接 that /whether从句等,表示句子主语的信念,意为确信自信。如:

He is certain of success (winning). / He is certain thathe can succeed (win). 他确信会成功()

【注】有时后接介词 about。如:

I’m quite certain about it. 我对此很有把握。

2. 表示“某一”、“某些”,通常用作定语。如(from www.yywords.com)

A certain Mr Smiths called this afternoon. 有个叫史密斯先生的人今天下午来过电话。

He was absent for certain reasons. 由于种种原因他没有出席。

3. 用于 for certain, 意为肯定地确切地等。如:

I can’t say for certain where he lives. 我不敢肯定地说他住在什么地方。

4. 用于 make certain, 意为弄清楚弄得有把握。如:

They made certain (that) they weren’t late. 他们有把握不迟到。

Arrive early at the cinema to make certain of getting aseat. 早点去电影院以便能弄个座位。