
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/10/05 23:05:05

none与no one

none主要用作代词。作代词时,可以指人,是“没有什么人”的意思;也可以指物,是“没有什么东西”的意思。none往往受of引起的介词短语的限制,of后可接复数可数名词,作主语时,谓语动词多用复数形式;of后接不可数名词时,其谓语动词只能是单数形式。none of之后的可数名词或代词必须指三个以上的人或者事物。例如:None of the passengers were aware of the danger. 这些旅客中没有人意识到危险性。None of us are interested in the story. 我们都对这个故事不感兴趣。None of the money was ever recorded. 一点钱都没有得到。

no one中的no是形容词,one是代词,常用于口语中,一般用来指人,其含义是“not even one(连一个人也不/没有)”因此它比none的意思要强。no one作主语时,谓语动词只能用单数形式。例如:No one was killed in that battle. 在那次战斗中没有人牺牲。Apart from him, I had no one to talk to. 除了他以外,我没有人可以交谈。 

now that与only that

这是两个由“连词+that"组成的复合连词,其连词是中心词,that是一个虚词,常可省去。now that本是“副词+that"而构成的复合连词,但由于that可省略,于是now就被认为是连词了。now that引导的是原因状语从句,但它主要是说明一种新的情况,从句与主句的因果关系很小,含有“推论”的意味,因此有的语法学者把它称为“推论条件连词”。此短语一般译为“既然,由于”,相当于since。例如:Now that Jane had gone and left, or as good as left him, it would have been a comfort to see his son. 简既然走了,离开了,或者说几乎是遗弃了他,那么他就可以和儿子见面了,这是多么快慰的事。Now that the weather has improved, we'll be able to enjoy the game. 由于现在天气已经好转,我们将能观赏这场比赛了。

only that主要引导条件状语从句,与except that的意义相同,表示“要不是,除...之外”的意思,从句通常位于主句之后;它有时还可引导目的状语从句,作“只是为了”解。例如:He would probably do well in the examination, only that he gets rather nervous. 要不是他有一点紧张,他可能考得很好。I have nothing against him, only that I dislike his manner. 我除了不喜欢他的态度外,并没有反对他。He often praises others only that he may be praised. 他常常只是为了求得别人的表扬而称赞别人。 

no tailor与not a tailor

no tailor和not a tailor在句子中充当主语、宾语时,两者均表示“没有一个裁缝”,可以替换用。如下列两句都表示“没有一个裁缝想要接受这份工作”:No tailor wants to take this job. Not a tailor wants to take this job.

当no tailor和not a tailor在句子中用在be动词后,充当表语时,两者意义完全不同。前者表示“不懂裁缝,决不是裁缝”,指某人不具备当裁缝的条件,是外行,无资格做裁缝;后者“不是个裁缝”,指某人的职业或身份不是裁缝。试比较:Don't ask me to shorten the trousers for you. I'm no tailor. 别叫我为你改短裤子,我不懂裁缝。You're mistaken! He is not a tailor. He has a job as a barber. 你弄错了!他不是个裁缝,他是个理发师。

no加上一个表示职业的名词的例子还有:She is no cook. She will probably get all the food from a restaurant. 她不会做饭,她可能会从餐馆里买来所有的饭菜。This is no joke. I am no judge. 这决不是开玩笑的事,我根本没有审理的资格。 


noise表示“噪音,喧闹声”,一般指嘈杂,吵闹等令人不快的声音。例如:The noise of the street kept me awake. 街上的吵闹声让我睡不着。The noise of the rain nearly drowned our conversation. 雨声大得几乎超过了我们的谈话声。

sound表示“声音”,含义很广泛,指任何可以听到的声音,包括悦耳及令人不快的声音。例如:All of a sudden there was the sound of shots and a cry. 突然,有了枪响声和哭声。Did you hear the strange sound from the next room this morning? 今天早上你是否听到隔壁房间发出的怪声音?

voice表示“嗓音”,一般指人说话,唱歌或笑的声音。例如:The little girl has a beautiful voice. 这个小女孩有一副好嗓子。The singer has lost her ringing voice as a result of a bad cold. 这位歌手由于重感冒而失去了银铃般的嗓音。 

not to say与not to speak of

这两个短语形似而意义不同。not to say作“虽不能说,即使不能说”解,表示一种让步的口气。not to speak of作“更不用说,更不待言”解,相当于to say nothing of, 用来表示追补意义。例如:It is rather cool, not to say cold. 天气虽不能说冷,但也算是相当凉了。He sounded impolite, not to say rude. 他那样说话,即使不算粗鲁,也是不礼貌的。She knows German and French, not to speak of English. 她懂德文和法文,更不用说英文了。He cannot find money for bread, not to speak of fish and meat. 他连面包也无钱买,更不用说鱼和肉了。



offer: 常用词,意为" 提出,提供,呈现",表示向别人提供可接受也可拒绝的某物,如帮助,服务或物品,这可能是对方要求也可能是自己主动提出的。offer to help sb. 表示愿意帮助某人;offer sb. sth./ offer sth. to sb.提供某人某物。例如:The river would offer power production estimated at 500,000 kilowatts if a dam were constructed. 如果筑起水坝,这条河就能提供大约50万千瓦的电力。An international corporation offered him a well-paid job, which he refused politely, since taking it would involve traveling abroad most of the time. 一家跨国公司向他许诺一份待遇优厚的工作,而他婉言谢绝了,因为接受那项工作就意味着大多数时间都得在国外出差。

provide: "供给,提供,装备,准备",强调有预见,并通过储存或准备的方式为某事做准备,以在需要时提供所需物品。常用词组:provide sb. with sth./ provide sth. for sb. 提供生活费,养活,为……做准备。例如:Through the long days his wife sought by every possible means to provide him with occupation.在漫长的日子里,他的妻子试图用各种可能的办法给他找事干。As equipment improved, satellites began providing scientists with weather maps of the entire globe. 设备改进后,人造卫星开始向科学家提供整个地球的气象图。

supply: "供给,补充,弥补",着重表示替换或不足所需之物以及弥补缺陷,满足要求的意思,还可作名词,意为“供给(量),物资,存货”。常用短语:supply the market with new commodities 向市场供应新产品;supply a want 弥补不足;supply...for把……供给。The book would be incomplete without such discussions as I have tried to supply. 如果没有我努力提供的这样一些论述,这本书就会显得不完整。What I admire most in my life is doctors and others supplying medical care to assistance recipients. 我一生中最敬佩的是那些向受援者提供医疗护理的医生和其他人。 


advice: "忠告,意见", 指凭借丰富的知识,足够的经验及正确的判断,对他人提出自己的劝告,见解。My advice to you as a friend is that you should treat your wife with more consideration. 作为朋友,我给你的忠告是你要多体贴妻子。It was only by her husband's advice that Julia had given up the idea. 只是在她丈夫的劝告下,朱莉亚才放弃了这个念头。

opinion: "意见,看法,主张,见解",可指个人或权威人士的判断,主要表示对于有争议,有疑问的事经过仔细考虑后得出的结论,但暗含其中有个人因素,可能有误会或会遭到驳斥。常用词组:in one's opinion 依某人看。The professors arguing about the cause of the disease, the young doctor listened attentively waiting for a chance to put forward his own opinion. 教授们在争论着这种疾病的病因,而那位年轻的医生专心倾听着,等待着提出自己见解的机会。Our doctor says it is due to a nervous disorder, but I think we should take another opinion. 我们的医生说这是由于神经失调,但是我认为我们应该再请一位医生诊断。

proposal:“提议,建议,请求(如求婚)”,指较为正式的建议等,提出以供别人参考,接受或实施,但也可能被拒绝。The steel industry refused to make any wage proposals until it obtained federal clearance for higher steel prices. 钢铁工业直到获得联邦政府提高钢价的许可后才不再拒绝提出任何有关工资的提议。She told me that the second proposal of marriage which she received came from an Italian prince. 她告诉我第二个向她求婚的是一个意大利王子。 



distinguished: "卓越的,卓著的,杰出的", 一般指人的才华,品德达到受正式认可的水平,尤指因优越的品质而超越于同类之上,从而为公众所知。其动词词组:distinguish A from B, distinguish between A and B (分辨A和B)。例如:Dwight D. Eisenhower was a distinguished general in American history, who made outstanding contributions to the victory of World War II. 艾森豪威尔是美国历史上战绩卓著的将军,他曾为二战的胜利作出了杰出的贡献。Unlike their obscurer colleagues, distinguished composers do not have to struggle to get a hearing for their music. 著名的作曲家不像没有什么名声的同仁,无须为自己的作品得到上演而奔波。His mind could no longer distinguish between illusion and reality. 他的头脑已经不再能分清幻觉和现实。

outstanding: "杰出的,突出的",非正式的普通用词,一般指优于同类其他事物的人或事物,也可指某种与周围环境截然不同的特点。These organizations have done outstanding work in promoting friendship and cooperation between the countries. 这些组织在促进邻邦间友谊和合作方面作出了杰出的贡献。He was one of the outstanding legislators who had to resign simply because they couldn't afford to serve any longer. 他是那些由于不能继续工作而不得不辞职的杰出议员之一。 


occupation: "职业,事业", 是个较有概括性也较正式的词。即某人经常做或训练有素的工作。The report pointed out that society and occupation normally play an important part in determining mortality. 报告指出,社会与职业的因素在正常情况下对死亡有重要影响。You can see in her face that life was full of interest, expectation and occupation. 你可以在她脸上看到对她来说生活中充满兴趣,期望和事业。

career:“事业,职业“,指一个人为之受过训练并愿终生或相当长一段时间从事的职业。还含有 “生涯,生活历程”之意。It was a thousand pities so clever a fellow should be shut out from a career. 这么聪明的一个人不能在事业上一显身手,实在太可惜了。As far as I was concerned, it didn't make much sense to be changing careers at this point in my life. 就我个人来说,到了这个年纪改行干别的,不会有多大出息。

profession: "职业",指只有受过相当高的专门教育或训练,具有了某种专业知识和技能并有创造力的人才能从事的职业,过去专指法律,医学和神学,现在扩展到其他许多具有相当社会地位的工作,如教育,演艺等。常用词组:by profession (就职业而言)。例如:He chose to make his friends mostly among members of the advertising profession. 他喜爱主要在以设计广告为职业的成员中交朋友。He was found early that he had a vocation for the ministry, though he ended up in the law profession instead. 尽管他最后当上了律师,但人们发现他早年从事的是神职工作。 

of one's own与one's own


of one's own中的own作名词用。整个短语表示“属于某人自己”的意思,只作后置修饰语,修饰带有a(n), this, that, some, any, no, one, two, 等限定词的名词或修饰one, nothing, something, anything 等不定代词。例如:She has a mind of her own. 她颇有主见。I have nothing of my own. 我自己一无所有。The workers took him as one of their own. 工人们把他当作自己人。

one's own既可用作名词,意指“自己的东西”;亦可用作形容词,意指“自己的”。例如:This house is his own. (= This is his own house.) 这座房子是他自己的。(= 这是他自己的房子。)I saw it with my own eyes. 我是亲眼看见的。She makes all her own dresses. 她的衣服都是她自己做的。 


officer一般指“军官”或引申而指组织近乎军事化,穿特殊制服的工作人员,如警察等;也指商船的高级船员如大副,二副等。例如:He was promoted to the rank of the first officer. 他被提升为大副。

official一般指政府的“文职官员”,在美国它也可指运动会上的田径赛裁判员。例如:Everywhere he went he was accompanied by a group of officials. 他每到一处都有一群官员陪同。Nepotism and corruption among government officials can ruin a nation without foreign aggression. 政府官员的裙带关系和贪污腐化,虽无外患亦能毁灭国家。 

on board,on the board,on the boards

on board泛指“在船上”,它还可指“在飞机(火车,共用车辆等)上”。这个习语也可接船名(如:on board the Dongfeng 在东风号上)或船的类型(如:on board a liner在油轮上,on board a warship在军舰上)。例如:As soon as I'm on board I always feel sick. 我一到船上,就总是感到恶心。He wasn't on board the ship when it sailed. 启航时,他不在船上。The plane flew off after all the passengers came on board. 飞机等到全部乘客上来后才起飞。

on the board除可表示“在(具体的)这只或那只船上”外,还可表示“在会上讨论(be discussed at a meeting)"的被动含义。例如:The plan is on the board. 那项计划正在讨论中。The problem will be laid on the board at the next meeting. 这个问题将在下一次会上讨论。

on the boards中的boards是“舞台”的意思,其本义表示“在舞台上”,现常引申为“做演员,演出”,常用在连系动词be后作表语。例如:Lily is on the boards, but Katie can get nothing to do. 莉莉当上了演员,可是凯蒂却找不到事干。The play is now on the boards in Beijing. 该剧目前在北京上演。 

on earth,on the earth,in the earth

on earth有两个意思:1.“在世界上”,相当于in the world。2.“究竟,到底;一点也,全然”,相当于at all的意思和用法,这时它常用于疑问句,否定词或最高级后加强语气。例如:Mary couldn't understand what on earth the teacher meant. 玛丽不理解老师说的究竟是什么意思。I feel like nothing on earth. 我感到说不出来的难过。

on the earth的意思是“在地球上”,用作地点状语或连系动词be的表语。例如:It is said that there are probably over one million living creatures on the earth. 据说地球上可能有百万多种生物。It is supposed at the present that human beings can only live on the earth. 据目前所知,人类只能生活在地球上。

in the earth尽管可译成“在世界上”,实际上它含有“在地下”的意味。因此,指世界上空间的存在物不能用它。例如:The genie said he would show all the treasure in the earth to the man who would set him free.那妖怪说,他将让放他出来的人看到世界上的所有宝藏。There is much petroleum in the earth. 地下有大量的石油。 

on foot与on one's feet

on foot的本义为“步行”,用作方式状语,它也常常转义为“在活动中;在实行中,在进行中”,含进行时的被动意义,可用作表语或后置定语。例如:If the weather permits, I'll go to town on foot. 如果天气许可,我将步行进城。A game of this kind is never played with the remainder of the financial community entirely unaware of what is on foot. 耍这类花招是决不可能在金融界其余的人士毫无所知的情况下进行的。This is a plan on foot. 这是一项正在实施的计划。

on one's feet中的feet任何时侯不可用单数形式foot替代。它常同动词be, stand等连用,表示“站着”的意思;它还可指病人经过治疗后“恢复健康”,指经济状况“恢复正常”或某人,某企业等“经济独立”。例如:A shop assistant is on her feet for most of the day. 售货员几乎是整天站着的。In three days you will be on your feet. 三天后你的病就会好的。He stood on his feet at last. 他终于在经济上独立了。 

on purpose,in purpose,of purpose

这三个介词短语都可用来指某人做某件事情带有一定的目的,即表示“有意地,故意地;有目的地”的意思。这时它们均在句中作状语,一般可以换用,只是on purpose最为常见,in purpose和of purpose基本废弃。试比较:"I'm sorry I stepped on your toe ; it was an accident." "It wasn't! You did it on purpose.""对不起,踩着你的脚了,我是无意的。" "不,你是故意的。"We sometimes turn back in purpose. 我们有时故意走回头路。The insult was made of purpose. 这是故意侮辱人。

in purpose还可用作方面状语,表示“在目的方面”的意思;有时还可表示“在意志方面”的意思,这时,可用of purpose替代。例如:They are similar in purpose. 他们目的相似。He is weak in purpose (or: of purpose). 他意志薄弱。Peter is so infirm of purpose that it is useless to ask him for advice. 彼得这人优柔寡断,向他征求意见是徒劳无用的。 

out of question与out of the question


out of question中的question是“疑问”的意思,整个短语一起表明对一项事物或建议等的肯定,即“毫无疑问”的意思,通常用作状语或者表语,其意思和用法与without question相当。例如:Out of question, this plan can be fulfilled ahead of time. 毫无疑问,这个计划可以提前完成。It is out of question that he will be appointed Chief Engineer of the railway. 毫无疑问,他将被任命为那条铁路的总工程师。

out of the question中的question是“问题”的意思,整个短语表明对某项事物,要求或建议等的否定,即“不可能”的意思,一般用在连系动词be的后面作表语。例如:I have so much work to do that a holiday for me this year is out of the question. 我要做的工作太多,因此,今年我休假是根本不可能的事。Raising more pigs is out of the question unless the fodder question is solved. 饲料问题不解决,多养猪是办不到的。 

only to do与only doing

only后接动词不定式和现在分词都被用作结果状语。only to do的意思是“不料(却)……,结果(却)……", 表示一个没有料到的结果。例如:I hurried to the supermarket, only to find it was closed. 我匆忙赶到超市,不料它已经关门了。He made a long speech only to show his foolishness. 他讲了一大通,结果只是显露了他的愚蠢。I went to see him, only to learn that he had left the city the night before. 我去看他,不料听人家说他已经在前夜离开这个城市。

only doing的意思是“结果就……",表示一个意料之中的结果。例如:He died, only leaving nothing but debts. 他死了,结果只留下了一身债务。He dropped the plate, only breaking it into pieces. 盘子从他手中掉下来,结果摔成了碎片。He aimed, fired, only bringing down a red-necked bird. 他瞄准,射击,结果打下了一只红颈鸟。

part of与a part of

这两个词组后可接单,复数名词或不可数名词,名词前要有the, these, your等限定词;亦可跟代词宾格。它们都表示“部分”的意思,但在词意范围上有所不同。

part of意为其中“一部分”,可能是整体的一半,一半以上或一半以下。例如:He is a philatelist; part of his collection is rare sets of postage stamps of the Qing Dynasty.他是一位集邮家。他藏品的一部分是罕见的套头的大清国邮票。The Chinese revolution is part of the world's proletarian revolution. 中国革命是世界无产阶级革命的一部分。

a part of意为其中的“一小部分”,仅指整体的一半以下,这时可用part of代替。例如:(A) Part of the textbooks have arrived.(一小)部分教科书已经到了。I read only (a) part of the story.这篇小说我仅仅看了(一小)部分。 


这一组词都可译作“个人的”。 personal意为“个人的,私人的,亲自的”,着重强调属于或涉及本人,而非他人所能代表或代替的事物。例如: According to etiquette in western countries, it's good manners to avoid making personal remarks.按照西方礼仪,避免发表涉及个人的评论是礼貌的。I have something personal to discuss with you because it's related to either my own or your intimate interests.我有点私事和你商量,因为它有关你我的切身利益。What is special about the meeting is that the prime minister will make a personal appearance.此次会议与众不同之处在于首相亲自出席。Susan wondered if she could ask Anna a personal question such as the marital status.苏珊在想她能否问安娜一个诸如婚姻状况一类的私人问题。

private意为“个人的,私有的”,表示与公共的或公有的相反,也含有明确的隐私,不愿或不应公之于众的意思。例如:He has asked the secretary of the state to apply to the president for a private interview.他已要国务卿向总统提出申请,要求秘密会见。In the United States, the rich tend to send their children to private schools regardless of their expensive tuition.在美国富人们愿意让孩子上私立学校,不论其费用有多昂贵。This file is highly confidential because it contains all the private information concerning the election.这份文件高度机密,因为它包含了与选举有关的所有个人材料。

individual意为“个体的,个人的”,区别于集体,整体或普通,明确指某类单一的,个别的人物,常用作定语。例如:She was determined to do good, not to any individual person but to a country.他决心为国家而不是为任何个人做好事。Some people claim that the individual rights are more important than the public interests as a whole.有些人声称个人利益比公众利益更重要。What I admire most is that my sister has an individual style of arranging her hair.我最羡慕姐姐的是她梳的发型很有个性。 


passed是动词pass的过去式和过去分词,当它用作分词,修饰某个名词时,有强调该名词的意味。例如:On our way home we passed through a picturesque village.在回家的路上,我们经过了一个风景如画的村子。I consider that the days passed in this way are memorable.我认为以这种方式度过的日子是值得纪念的。

past不能用作动词,但可以用作介词,副词,名词和形容词。作形容词时,既可放在所修饰名词的前面作定语,也可用作连系动词be的表语。例如:In the past, only men had a vote.过去只有男子才有选举权。He dashed forward, paying no attention to the bullets that whizzed past him.他冲向前去,不顾耳边飞过的枪弹。During the past few days, many visitors have flocked into the town.在过去的几天当中,许多参观者涌入城里。Those times are past.那样的时代过去了。注意:当past作形容词,其前面有定冠词时,past放在所修饰的名词之前;没有定冠词时,past放在所饰的名词之后。试比较下面的短语:for the past few months 过去的几个月during the past week 过去的一周期间for some time past过去的一段时间in times past 在过去的年代里。

war, battle, fight

war“战争”解,每个war之中可以包含许多次的battle。battle作“战役”解,指在war进行之中的各次战役及大的战斗。fight作“作战,战斗”解,一个battle之中可以包含多次的fight,尤指短兵相接的肉搏战。这一组词不但可表示具体的战争和战斗,亦可用于抽象意义。例如:Russia was beaten in the war with Japan.在与日本的战争中,俄国被打败了。He led the battle against poverty and disease.他领导着这一场与贫困和疾病斗争的战役。There had been two or three sea fights between the two countries.这两个国家已有过两三次海战了。

what ever, whatever

what ever指“到底(是)什么,究竟(是)什么”,用于疑问句中,其中的ever被用来加强语气,表示惊奇,愤怒等感情色彩。例如:What ever do you think you're doing?你究竟在干什么?What ever do you mean?你到底是什么意思?

whatever指“无论什么,任何的”,常用来引导名词性从句及状语从句,在引导名词从句时相当于anything that,引导状语从句时相当于no matter what。例如:Whatever you say is wrong.不管你说什么总是错的。Whatever problem you have, you can always come to me for help.无论你有什么问题,都可以找我帮忙。 分享