好听的蒙古歌曲蒙语:oracle 表空间

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/07/04 03:20:33

1)从控制文件中得到的所有表空间的名称 SQL> select * from V$tablespace;        TS# NAME                           INC BIG FLA ENC
---------- ------------------------------ --- --- --- ---
0 SYSTEM                         YES NO  YES
1 UNDOTBS1                       YES NO  YES
2 SYSAUX                         YES NO  YES
4 USERS                          YES NO  YES
3 TEMP                           NO  NO  YES
6 EXAMPLE                        YES NO  YES 已选择6行。   2)查看所有的(或者用户可以访问的)表空间 SQL> select * from dba_tablespaces; SQL> select * from user_tablespaces;     3)查看所有的(或者用户可以访问的)表空间内的空闲区间的信息 SQL> select * from dba_free_space; SQL> select * from user_free_space; SQL> desc dba_free_space;
名称                                      是否为空? 类型
----------------------------------------- -------- -----------------
TABLESPACE_NAME                                    VARCHAR2(30)
FILE_ID                                            NUMBER
BLOCK_ID                                           NUMBER
BYTES                                              NUMBER
BLOCKS                                             NUMBER
RELATIVE_FNO                                       NUMBER   dba_free_space 各字段的定义如下:(以下是oracle官方网的定义) DBA_FREE_SPACE DBA_FREE_SPACE describes the free extents in all tablespaces in the database.
Related View
USER_FREE_SPACE describes the free extents in the tablespaces accessible to the current user. Column Datatype NULL Description
TABLESPACE_NAME VARCHAR2(30)   Name of the tablespace containing the extent
FILE_ID NUMBER   File identifier number of the file containing the extent
BLOCK_ID NUMBER   Starting block number of the extent
BYTES NUMBER   Size of the extent (in bytes)
BLOCKS NUMBER   Size of the extent (in Oracle blocks)
RELATIVE_FNO NUMBER   Relative file number of the file containing the extent
4)查看所有数据文件(临时文件)的信息 SQL> select * from V$datafile; SQL> select * from V$tempfile;   5)查看所有属于表空间的数据(或临时)文件 SQL> select * from dba_data_files; SQL> select * from dba_temp_files;   6)查看临时文件的使用/剩余空间 SQL> select * from V$temp_space_header; TABLESPACE_NAME                   FILE_ID BYTES_USED BLOCKS_USED BYTES_FREE
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------- ----------
----------- ------------
TEMP                                    1   19922944        2432    1048576
128            1   7)查看用户的默认和临时表空间 SQL> select * from dba_users;   8)查看所有用户的表空间配额 SQL> select * from dba_ts_quotas; TABLESPACE_NAME                USERNAME                            BYTES  MAX_BYTES     BLOCKS MAX_BLOCKS DRO
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---
SYSAUX                         DMSYS                              262144  209715200         32      25600 NO
SYSAUX                         SYSMAN                           52101120         -1       6360         -1 NO
SYSAUX                         OLAPSYS                          16318464         -1       1992         -1 NO
dba_ts_quotas 各个字段的解释如下: DBA_TS_QUOTAS DBA_TS_QUOTAS describes tablespace quotas for all users.
Related View
USER_TS_QUOTAS describes tablespace quotas for the current user. This view does not display the USERNAME column. Column Datatype NULL Description
USERNAME VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL User with resource rights on the tablespace
Number of bytes charged to the user
User's quota in bytes, or -1 if no limit
BLOCKS NUMBER NOT NULL Number of Oracle blocks charged to the user
User's quota in Oracle blocks, or -1 if no limit
(二)创建表空间 SQL> create tablespace test datafile 'C:\oradata\testdb\test1.dat'  size 1M; 表空间已创建。(permernant tablespace) SQL> create temporary tablespace test_temp tempfile 'C:\oradata\testdb\testtemp.dat' size  2M; 表空间已创建。(temporary tablespace)
SQL> create undo tablespace testundo datafile 'C:\oradata\testdb\testundo.dat' size 2M; 表空间已创建。(undo tablespace) 详细的语法表参照官网的讲解:http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B14117_01/server.101/b10759/statements_7003.htm#SQLRF01403  (三)修改表空间: 修改表空间的语法如下: alter tablespace 表空间名字 { [coalesce] [temporary|permanent] [read only|read write] [online] [offline [normal|temporary|immediate|for recover]] [minimum extent 数目[k|M]] [default 存储参数语句] [datafile 路径] }  例子: SQL> alter tablespace test read write; SQL> alter tablespace test online; (四)删除表空间 SQL> drop tablespace TEST_TEMP; 表空间已删除。