资邦金服 频道金融界:高一英语 必修一Unit 4定语从句讲解 >>高一英语试题>>直观试题>>莲山课件

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高一英语 必修一Unit 4定语从句讲解
作者:佚名 资料来源:不详 点击数: 137 更新时间:2009-11-6 23:16:08
山课件 w ww.5 Y K j.Co M
时间: _2009 年_ 10月12  星期 一   北大附中河南分校王萍
Learning Aims:
1. Knowledge Aims: Get students to revise the usages of attributive clause
2. Ability Aims:     To improve Ss’ doing exercise
Learning difficult points:
Students are able to use attributive clause properly in different activities..
Step Ⅰ. Leading-in (3分钟)
1. Greet Ss as usual
2. Enjoy the 3-minute’s talk show and give the comment on it.
Free topic
Then commont it
Imagine your home begins to shake and you must leave it right away
1. before
2 Look up to尊敬,尊重
Look through浏览,仔细查看
Look over快速地翻阅
Look on旁观
3 imagine + n. /pron
imagine sb. to be
4  Shake hands with sb
Shake one’s hand           握手
Shake sb by the hand
5 Compare:  at the end of
by the end of
in the end
Step Ⅲ Explanation Grammar
定语从句三要素(表格)。 只能用who, that或which的情况。 Which和as的区别。 The same as和the same that的区别。 Such/so…as…和such/so…that…的区别。 “介词+关系代词”中介词的选择问题(介词短语和动词短语)。 是否缺先行词。 定语从句的主谓一致。
1. 定义:
2. 三要素:
关系代词(who, whom, whose,
which,that, as)
关系副词(when ,where, why)
I. 关系代词(who, whom, whose, which,that, as)
1 This is the place ____ worth visiting.
A. who are      B. that are    C.which is
2. ___known, the earth is round, not flat.
A. That is       B. As is      C.  Which
3.  That’s the man _____ house has burned down.(whose)
4.  That’s the man the house of _____ has burnt down. (whom)
Ⅱ. which/ that?
1. This is the book ______ I told you about.
2. She described in her compositions the people and places ____ impressed her
3. Who is the girl ____drove the car?
②当主句是以who或 which 开头的特殊疑问句时
4. He’s the only boy in our city ____ enters the Beijing University
③当先行词被 the very, the only, the next, the last等所修饰时,关系词只能用 that。
5. The third place _____we are going to visit is Hangzhou.
6. Is that the best ____you can do?
④当先行词是序数词、形容词最高级或被序数词、形容词最高级修饰时,关系词只能用 that
7. All ___ is needed is money and hands.
8. We heard clearly ever word _____ he said
⑤当先行词是指物的 all, one, a lot, (a) little, few, much none, anything, something, everything, nothing等词时或先行词被 all, any, no, much, little, few,
every 等限定词所修饰时,关系词只能用that。
9. This is the great moment to _____ I look forward.
10. We suggested he go to see a doctor, ____ advise ha been taken by him.
Ⅲ Use:“as"
1.  The sun heats the earth, ______ is very important to us.
2. He failed in the exam, _____ was expected.
3. I want to buy the same pen _____ you are using.
4. This is the same bicycle _______ I have lost.
“the same…as…” 引导的定语从句表示从句所指的物品与先行词所指的物品为同一类事物,即同一个款式的,或同一个牌子等。
“the same…that…”引导的定语从句表示从句所指的物品与先行词所指的物品为同一事物。
Ⅳ.关系副词( when, where, why)
1.We visited a factory ____ makes toys for children.
(which/ that)
2.We visited a factory _____ toys are made for children
3.Summer is the season _____ I like to travel.(when)
4. She doesn’t see _____ he would like to join them
*6. Is this the school at_____Tom once studied?
*7. Is this school _________ Tom once studied at?
(the one that)
8. This is the way _____ I want to treat you
9. I don’t like  the way ____ you speak to her.
A. in which       B. \
C. that        D. all above
StepⅤ summary
Summarize all the luangage poitns
Step Ⅵ assessment and Exercise (5分钟)
Homework: 宏志班:定语从句汇编