焦恩俊萧蔷微博删了:旅游英语:英语介绍上海菜 - 口语资料-口语陪练网 | Oral Practice

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/07/04 20:21:05
上海菜的味道比广东菜重,制作也稍微长些。很多的食物要炸,而且使用大量的麻油和 醋。上海菜使用姜,大蒜,小辣椒等香料。

  Shanghai food tends to be heavier than the Cantonese variety and takes slightly longer to prepare. Much of the food is fried and there is a greater use of sesame oil and vinegar. Spices like ginger, garlic and small red pepper are used.


  Noodles are favored although rice is the staple food in the region. One of the favored ways of preparing dishes in the region is the "the red-cook" method, where chunks of pork are cooked for a long time in sugar, soy, ginger and other spices. The other is the well-known sweet- and- sour method of preparing food, particularly carp.