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Welcome to The First Beijing International Art Biennale


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齐国军 Qi Guojun (中国 China) 油画
简介:齐国军 1963年1月生于黑龙江省肇源县。毕业于哈尔滨师范大学;先后进修于中国美院、中央美院。现为黑龙江省大庆市第五十六中学教师。曾参加第八届“全国美展”;第四届“Evora国际版画双年展”;2005“Wrexham国际版画展”。 Qi Guojun was born in Zhaoyuan Town of Heilongjiang Province in January, 1963, graduated from the Harbin Normal University, now is teacher of the Daqing NO.56 Middle School in Heilongjiang, has participated in the 8th“National Fine Art Exhibition”; the 4th“Evora International Print Biennale”; the“Wrexham International Print Exhibition”in 2005.
马树青 Ma Shuqing (中国 China) 油画
简介:马树青 1956年7月30日生于天津。毕业于慕尼黑美术学院。现为自由艺术家。曾参加1993年德国慕尼黑Klaus Lea画廊画展、1998年“法国普罗旺斯艺术节”、2000年慕尼黑Finkel画廊画展。 Ma Shuqing was born in Tianjin on July 30th, 1956, graduated from the Academy of Fine Art in Munich, now is free artist, has participated in exhibition in Klaus Lea Gallery in Munich in 1993, the“Provence Art Festival” in France in 1998; the exhibition in Finkel Gallery in Munich in 2000.
马 琳 Ma Lin (中国 China) 油画
简介:马 琳 1964年6月14日生于河北保定。毕业于河北工艺美术学校。现为河北大学艺术学院副教授。曾参加第八、九、十届“全国美展”;首届“中国北京国际美术双年展”;第三届“中国油画展”。 Ma Lin was born in Baoding of Hebei Province, graduated from the Hebei Industrial Art School, now is vice professor of the Hebei University, has participated in the 8th, 9th and 10th“National Fine Art Exhibition”; the 1st“Beijing International Art Biennale”; the 3rd“China Oil Painting Exhibition”.
顾黎明 Gu Liming (中国 China) 油画
简介:顾黎明 1963年12月2日生于山东潍坊。毕业于山东艺术学院。现为中国美院教授、综合艺术系副主任。曾参加第八届“全国美展”;“世纪之门-中国艺术邀请展”;“世纪风骨-中国当代艺术50家作品展”;首届“北京国际美术双年展”;“地之缘-亚洲当代艺术邀请展”。 Gu Liming was born in Weifang of Shandong Province, graduated from the Shangdong Academy of Art, now is professor of the China Academy of Art, has participated in the 8th“National Fine Art Exhibition”; the“Gate of Century”1979-1999 China Art Inviting Exhibition; the“Century Demeanour-Exhibition of China’s Contemporary Art Masters”; the 1st“Beijing International Art Biennale”; the“Exhibition of Asian Contemporary Art”.
陈树中 Chen ShuZhong (中国 China) 油画
简介:陈树中 1960年2月22日生于辽宁沈阳。毕业于沈阳市鲁迅美术学院。现为四川美术学院副教授。曾参加第八、九、十届“全国美展”;第三届“中国油画年展”。 Chen ShuZhong was born in Shenyang of Liaoning Province, graduated from the Shenyang LuXun Academy of Fine Arts, now is vice professor of Sichuan Academy of Art, has participated in the 8th, 9th and 10th“National Fine Art Exhibition”; the 3rd“Annual China Oil Painting Exhibition”.
陈文波 Chen Wenbo (中国 China) 油画
简介:陈文波 1969年6月9日生于重庆。毕业于四川美术学院。现为自由画家。曾参加2002年“德国中国艺术展”;“中国艺术三年展”;“中国当代艺术展”;曾于法国、比利时、何香凝美术馆举办个人画展。 Chen Wenbo was born in Chongqing on June 9th, 1969, graduated from the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, now is free artist, has participated in the “Germany Exhibition for China’s Art”; the “China’s Exhibition of Contemporary Art”; has held solo exhibitions in France, Belgium and He Xiangning Art Museum.
阎振铎 Yan Zhenduo (中国 China) 油画
简介:阎振铎 1940年10月29日生于天津市蓟县。毕业于中央美术学院油画系。现为北京画院艺术委员会副主任。曾参加第六、八、九、十届“全国美展”;第二届“全国油画展”;第一届“全国壁画大展”;“纪念中国美术馆建馆40周年展”。 Yan Zhenduo was born in Ji Town of Tianjin, graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Art, now is the Vice Director of the Art Committee of the Beijing Art Academy, has participated in the 6th, 8th 9th and 10th “National Fine Art Exhibition”; the 2nd “China Oil Painting Exhibition”; the 1st “National Freacoes Exhibition”; the “Exoteric Times-Exhibition In Memory of the 40th Anniversary of the National Art Museum of China”.
金 田 Jin Tian (中国 China) 油画
简介:金 田 1960年2月2日生于南京。毕业于南京艺术学院。现为江苏油画雕塑院院长。曾参加2000年“中国当代绘画书法作品展”;“研究与超越-中国小幅油画作品展”;2003年第三届“中国油画展”;2004年第十届“全国美展”。 Jin Tian was born in Nanjing on February 2nd, 1960, graduated from in the Nangjing Arts Institute, now is the Dean of the Jiangsu Institute of Oil Painting and Sculpture, has participated in the“Exhibition of China’s Contemporary Painting and Calligraphy”;“Researching and Exceeding-Exhibition of China’s Oil Painting of Small Size”; the 3rd“China Oil Painting Exhibition”; the 10th“National Fine Art Exhibition”.
郭润文 Guo Runwen (中国 China) 油画
简介:郭润文 1955年1月5日生于广东。毕业于上海戏剧学院舞台美术系。现任广州美术学院油画系教授兼系副主任。曾参加第七、九、十届“全国美展”;首届“中国油画双年展”;第二、三届“中国油画展”;二十世纪“中国油画展”;“世纪之门-中国艺术邀请展”。 Guo Runwen was born in Guangdong Province on January 5th, 1955, graduated from the Shanghai Theatre Academy, now is the Vice Dean and professor of the Oil Painting Department in Guangzhou Art Academy, has participated in the 7th, 9th and 10th“National Fine Art Exhibition”; the 1st“China Oil Painting Biennale”; the 2nd and 3rd“China Oil Painting Exhibition”; the“20th Century China Oil Painting Exhibition”; the“Gate of Century”1979-1999 China Art Inviting Exhibition.
郭 华 Guo Hua (中国 China) 油画
简介:郭 华 1969年4月27日生于河南林州。毕业于河南师范大学美术系。现为河南省美协会员、河南青年美协会员、安阳市美协理事。曾参加“太行风情画展”;“河南省青年美协首届十人展”;“河南省十届美展”;2004年油画《岁月》入选2004年“河南省美术作品展”。 Guo Hua was born in Linzhou of Henan Province on April 27th, 1969, graduated from the Henan Normal University, now is the Member of the Henan Artist Association, Member of the Henan Young Artists Association, has participated in the“Exhibition of Tai Hang Mountains’Glamour”; the 1st“10 Persons Exhibition of the Henan Young Artists Association”; the 10th“Art Exhibition of Henan Province”; the“Art Exhibition of Henan Province in 2004”.
邱 昕 Qiu Xin (中国 China) 油画
简介:邱 昕 1981年8月4日生于吉林省伊通县。毕业于中央民族大学美术学院。2004年获“全国美展”铜奖。 Qiu Xin was born in Yitong Town of Jilin Province on August 4th, 1981, graduated from the Central University of Nationalities, has got Copper Prize in the “National Fine Art Exhibition” in 2004.
赵文华 Zhao Wenhua (中国 China) 油画
简介:赵文华 1955年3月14日生于内蒙古。毕业于内蒙古师范大学美术系。现为青岛大学美术学院教授。1997年参加中国艺术大展·当代油画艺术展;1998年参加“当代中国山水画·油墨风景展”;2001年参加“20世纪中国油画作品展”;2003年参加第三届“中国油画精品展”。 hao Wenhua was was born in Inner Mongolian Province on March 14th, 1955, graduated from the Inner Mongolian Normal University, now is professor of the Qingdao University, has participated in the “China Art Exhibition·Contemporary Oil Painting Exhibition”in 1997; the “Exhibition of Contemporary China’s Landscape Painting” in 1998; the “20th Century China Oil Painting Exhibition“; the 3rd “Exhibition of China’s Oil Painting” in 2003.

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