低年级学生的特点:出国实用会话 Unit 16 -30

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/07/06 12:06:26
Unit 16 Hot water overflowed from the bathtub.
W:Hello, hot water overflowed from the bathtub. Would you help me?
M:Would you turn off the tap?
W:I did it.
M:Then will you put all the towels under the bathroom door.
W:Ok, I will.
M:I will have our housekeeper come right away.
W:I am sorry, I was too tired to fall asleep.
M:When you woke up, the water was coming out the tub?
W:Right. Can I compensate for the damage with the travel accident insurance?   Unit 17 There is too much noise in the next room. M: I'm sorry to trouble you, but there is a lot of noise in the next room.
W: Oh, is there? Which room is it?
M: It's...I think the neighbors on the right.
W: You mean the room 1313?
M: I'm not sure, but I think so. I'm very exhausted but I can't sleep.
W: All right ma'am. I'll check and tell them to be quiet.
M: If the next room is still noisy, could you give me a different room please?
Unit 18 What happen to the room service? w:Hello,Is this room service?
M:Yes,May i help you?
w:This is the room 1425,we asked for the room service an hour ago.
M:we are very sorry to cause you a lot of inconvenience.
w:What's the matter?
M:We're rather busy right now.It will take another 15minutes
w:Is it really going to take that long,will you rush the order?
M:I'm afraid it will take 15 minutes at most.
w:ha,well ,we have no choice.
Unit 19 My laundry is not ready yetW: Hello, I sent out my laundry yesterday. Aren't they ready?
M: They'll be ready by this afternoon.
W: Oh, no. I’m leaving for Japan at eleven this morning.
M: Is that right? We are very sorry.
W: I thought it was the same day service. Anyway, please do hurry!
M: I’m afraid we can't return by eleven o’clock.
W: Well, then. Would you send it to Japan, please?
M: Yes, we’ll do so.   Unit 20 Where is the key to the safety boxW:I am sorry to say this but I seem to have lost the key to the safe.
M:Where do you think you lost it? Outside the hotel?
W:Yes, I believe so. How should I compensate for this?
M:I am afraid, Ma'am, you have to pay 100 US dollars since you lost the key.
W:What? 100 US dollars? Is it covered by the insurance?
M:I am afraid no. It is not covered by this insurance.  Unit 21 something is wrong with my billW: Well, we didn't ask for this room service, it must be somebody else’s, I'm sure.
M: Oh, is it? Let me check.
W: Yes, please.
M: I'm sorry to say that this room service charge is yours.
W: We paid for the room service already in our room.
M: Do you have any evidence?
W: No, we got the receipt and we paid on the spot!
Unit 22 Could you keep my bag until I leave?
M: Can I help you, ma'am?
W: Yes, will you keep our bags until 6:00 pm?
M: Are you all our guests?
W: Yes, we checked out just now.
M: Please fill in this form.
W: Is this all right?
M: So you're leaving this evening, we keep your bags until 6:00 pm. Here is your tag.
W:Thanks a lot.
Unit 23 I'm completely lost!
W: Excuse me, could you tell me how to return to the Hilton Hotel. I'm afaid I lost my way.
M: Do you have a hotel card or something?
W: Let's see. Yes, I have the address and telphone number here.
M:Oh, you are staying at the Downtown Hilton. Then you go down two blocks this way and turn left. You'll find it on the right.
W: Well, I don't understand it very well. Would you draw me a map?   Unit 24 Where is the restroom?
W: Excuse me! Is there any restroom around here?
M1: I'm sorry, but I don't know. I'm a stranger here myself.
W: Oh, I see.
M1: Why don't you go to a coffee shop or somewhere else and order a cup of coffee. There you'll find nice and clean restrooms.
M2: Good afternoon! What can I do for you?
W: I'll have a cup of coffee please. Where's the Men's Room?
M2: It's over there near the door.   Unit 25 No photographing in the museum.M:Execuse me. In this museum, you are not supposed to take pictures.
M:Is that right? I didn't know it.
W:Will you give me your camera? We have to confiscate* your film.
M:Will you forgive me. Could you return my camera?
W:We will keep and return it later.
M:Oh, I see. Then, can I buy slides and picture postcards somewhere?
W:You can buy them at the souvenir* shop near the exit. *confiscate  ['k?nfiskeit]vt. 没收, 把...充公, 查抄  a. 被没收的
*souvenir ['su:v?ni?]n. 纪念品
Unit 26 Is it that expensive?
W: Take me to this address, please.
M: Yes, Ma'am.
M: Here we are.
W: How much do I owe you, sir?
M: 30 dollars, Ma'am.
W: Are you kidding? The meter says 15 dollars, doesn't it?
M: Yes, but we need some extra charge and some tip too.
W: I don't get it. I'll go and have that doorman talk to you then.
M: Ok, Ma'am. Calm down, 15 dollars will do.   Unit 27 Oh, my, it's broken
W: Hello! I bought the pendant* in your shop just before.
M: Yes, thank you very much!
W: Now I come back to the hotel and try to show it to my friend, the pendant is broken, I am afraid.
M: Oh, is it?
W: Would you change it to a new one?
M: Yes, certainly. You have the receipt?
W: Yes, I do.
M: Then would you kindly come to our shop with the receipt by 10 o'clock? We will replace it.
W: Thank you so much! *pendant ['pend?nt]n. 垂饰, 下垂物, 补充的东西, 补编【电】 垂环  Unit 28  This is not what I bought.
A: Hello. I bought a Chinese dress in your shop this morning.
B: Yes.
A: I bought it one size up by mistake.
B: Oh, did you.
A: I wonder if you can change it one size down.
B: Yes, of course. Will you come with the receipt?
A: Then I’ll come to your place later in the evening and how later is your shop open?
B: Until 8 0’ clock, ma’am. We are looking forward to seeing you.
Unit 29 I was nicely taken in
W: You are from Japan, aren't you?
M: Oh, yes!
W: I love Japan a lot.
M: I'm glad to hear that.
W: Let's go to another place where my friend is working. Let me pay here.
M: Thank you. I'll pay next then.
W: Oh, I must be going now. It was nice talking with you.
M: Check, please!
W: 500 US dollars.
M: No kidding! We had only 5 bottles of beer!
W: You had champagne for the girls.  Unit 30 Could I possibly borrow a jacket and a tie?
W: Well, sir. We are asking all our guests to wear a jacket and a tie in our restaurant.
M: Is that so? I didn't know it. Can I possibly borrow a jacket and a tie?
W: I'm sorry. You can't borrow a jacket and a tie.
M: Then we return to the hotel and come back. Will you change the appointment?
W: Certainly! What time will you come back?
M: At 7, please.
W: How many in your party?
M: A party of 3.
W: All right. We are waiting for you at 7.