
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/10/05 10:40:06
电脑',1)">各种错误信息的中文意思解析       有很多的电脑技巧令大家耳目一新,今天就给大家介绍一些电脑使用方法汇总!一、BIOS中的提示信息提示信息 说明Drive A error 驱动器A错误System halt 系统挂起Keyboard controller error 键盘控制器错误Keyboard error or no keyboard present 键盘错误或者键盘不存在BIOS ROM checksum error BIOS ROM 校验错误Single hardisk cable fail 当硬盘使用Cable选项时硬盘安装位置不正确FDD Controller Failure BIOS 软盘控制器错误HDD Controller Failure BIOS 硬盘控制器错误Driver Error 驱动器错误Cache Memory Bad, Do not Enable Cache 高速缓存Cache损坏,不能使用Error: Unable to control A20 line 错误提示:不能使用A20地址控制线Memory write/Read failure 内存读写失败Memory allocation error 内存定位错误CMOS Battery state Low CMOS没电了Keyboard interface error 键盘接口错误Hard disk drive failure 加载硬盘失败Hard disk not present 硬盘不存在Floppy disk(s) fail (40) 软盘驱动器加载失败,一般是数据线插反,电源线没有插接,CMOS内部软驱设置错误CMOS checksum error-efaults loaded. CMOS校验错误,装入缺省(默认)设置二、BIOS刷新失败后,Bootblock启动时出现的提示信息提示信息 说明Detecting floppy drive A media... 检测软驱A的格式Drive media is : 1.44Mb1.2Mb 720Kb 360K 驱动器格式是1.44Mb、12Mb、720kb、360kb的一种DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER 磁盘引导失败,插入系统盘后按任意键继续三、MBR主引导区提示信息提示信息 说明Invalid partition table 无效的分区表Error loading operating sy stem 不能装入引导系统Missing operating system 系统引导文件丢失说明:如果在计算机启动过程中,在硬件配置清单下方(也就时在平时正常启动时出现Starting Windows 98…的地方)出现不可识别字符,此时可判断硬盘分区表损坏。如果你的硬盘上有重要资料,这时你不要轻易进行分区,可找专业的数据恢复公司。四、DOS活动分区中的提示信息提示信息 说明Invalid system disk 无效的系统盘Disk I/O error, Replace the disk and press any key. 磁盘I/O错误,替换磁盘后按任意键(当C盘系统文件丢失或被破坏时出现该提示信息。这时可能SYS C:为修复系统文件)Invalid Media Type reaching Drive C: 无效的C盘媒体格式说明。也就是C盘没有格式化或者是其他操作系统的磁盘格式如NTFSInvalid Boot Diskette Boot Failure 无效的启动盘,启动失败五、IO.SYS中的提示信息提示信息 说明Insert diskette for drive and press any key when ready 插入磁盘到驱动器中后按任意键Your program caused a divide overflow errorIf the problem persists, contact your program vendor 你的程序导致溢出错误。如果该问题还存在,请联系你的程序供应商Windows has disabled direct disk access to protect your long filenames Windows不能直接访问受保护的长文件名The system has been halted. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart your computer 系统挂起,按Ctrl+Alt+Del重新启动你的计算机You started your computer with a version of MS-DOS incompatible with this version of Windows. Insert a Startup diskette matching this version of Windows and then restart 你启动的MS-DOS版本与Windows版本不兼容,请插入与Windows版本匹配的系统盘后再重启This version of Windows requires a 386 or better processor 该Windows版本需要386以后的CPU支持A20 hardware error. Contact technical support to identify the problem 地址线A20错误。联系技术支持来识别该问题Starting Windows 98... 正在启动Windows 98……Windows 98 is now starting your MS-DOS-based program Windows 98正在启动基于MS-DOS的程序Windows 98 is now restarting... Windows 98正在重新启动Press Esc now to cancel MS-DOS mode and restart Windows 98... 按Esc退出MS-DOS 模式,重新启动Windows 98…There is an unrecognized command in your CONFIG.SYS file 在你的CONFIG.SYS文件中有不可识别的命令The following command in your CONFIG.SYS file is incorrect: 在你的CONFIG.SYS有下列错误命令The sector size specified in this file is too large: 该文件中指定的扇区太大The following file is missing or corrupted: WIN.COM COMMAND.COM 下列文件丢失或被破坏:WIN.COM和COMMAND.COMThere is an invalid country code or code page in your CONFIG.SYS file 在你的CONFIG.SYS里有一个无效的国家代码There is an error in the COUNTRY command in your CONFIG.SYS file 在你的CONFIG.SYS里有一个错误的设置国家命令There is not enough memory for the COUNTRY.SYS file 没有足够的内存来加载COUNTRY.SYS文件Remove some drivers from your CONFIG.SYS file, and then try again 请从CONFIG.SYS文件中删除部分驱动程序,然后再试Remove some drivers, and then try again 去除一些驱动程序,然后再试。这里的驱动程序是指在CONFIG.SYS中使用device或devicehigh命令加载的程序文件Remove some disk drivers from your CONFIG.SYS file, and then try again 从你的(CONFIG.SYS)移去部分程序,然后再试The configuration specified in your CONFIG.SYS file is too large for memory 调整你的CONFIG.SYS文件以获得足够大的内存You have too many block devices specified in your CONFIG.SYS file 调整你的CONFIG.SYS文件以获得block devicesThe STACKS setting(s) in your CONFIG.SYS file are incorrect 在你的CONFIG.SYS中堆栈设置不正确Default stack settings will be used instead 缺省的堆栈设置将被替代使用There is an error in your CONFIG.SYS file on line XX 在你的CONFIG.SYS里XX行错误Warning: Logical drives past Z exist and will be ignored 警告:逻辑驱动器Z已经存在,将被忽略Type the name of the Command Interpreter (e.g., C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND.COM) Press any key to continue… 请输入命令解释器的文件名(如:C:\WIN DOWS\COMMAND.COM)后,按任意键继续Windows is bypassing your startup filesMinimal network support will be loaded if available Windows正在跳过你的启动文件。如果网络可用,最小网络支持将被加载Windows is starting the command prompt only Windows正在启动命令字符模式Windows will prompt you to confirm each startup command Windows将提示你确认每一个启动命令The compression driver cannot be set up correctly 压缩驱动程序不能被正确加载Get a version from your vendor that is compatible with this version of Windows 从你的供应商那里获得一个与Windows版本相兼容的版本Process the system registry 运行系统注册表Create a startup log file (BOOTLOG.TXT) 创建启动日志BOOTLOG.TXT文件Process your startup device drivers (CONFIG.SYS) 运行CONFIG.SYS文件中的设备驱动Process your startup command file (AUTOEXEC.BAT) 运行AUTOEXEC.BAT中的启动命令Load the Windows graphical user interface 装入WINDOWS图形用户界面(GDI)Warning: Windows has detected a registry/configuration error. Choose, Command prompt only, and run SCANREG 警告:Windows检测到一个注册表或配置错误选择DOS操作模式,运行SCANREGWarning: Windows has detected a compressed drive access error. Choose Safe mode command prompt only, to help you identify the problem 警告:Windows检测到一个访问压缩驱动器错误,选择安全模式下的MS-DOS,来帮助你识别这个问题Warning: Windows did not finish loading on the previous attempt. Choose Safe mode, to start Windows with a minimal set of drivers 警告:Windows在刚才尝试后不能够完成加载,选择安全模式,用最小驱动启动你的电脑Warning: Windows multi-boot may not function correctlyCheck for system files in your root directory with conflicting extensions 警告:Windows不能够正确完成多系统启动,在你的ROOT目录里检查不一致的系统文件Warning: the system configuration manager failed to run. Some of your real-mode device drivers may not initialize properly 警告:系统管理器运行失败,一些实模式驱动可能没有正确初始化The BUFFERS setting(s) in your CONFIG.SYS file are too large. Default buffer settings will be used instead 在你的CONFIG.SYS里BUFFER设置太大。默认的BUFFER缓冲器设置将被使用A memory allocation error occurred during startup>Restart your computer and select Interactive Start to identify the problem 在启动过程中内存分配发生错误,请重新启动你的计算机然后选用交互式方式启动来确定故障原因Warning: the high memory area (HMA) is not available Additional low memory (below 640K) will be used instead 警告:高端内存不可用,低端内存将被代替使用There is not enough memory for Windows. Remove some drivers from your CONFIG.SYS file, and then try again 对Windows来说没有足够的内存,请从CONFIG.SYS文件中移去部分加载的程序,然后再试着启动你的读入计算机Your previous MS-DOS files were not found. 旧的MS-DOS文件没有找到,这常见于使用双启动的系统,另一个系统是DOS6Your previous MS-DOS version is not supported. MS-DOS startup failed 旧的MS-DOS版本不支持。MS-DOS启动失败Now loading your previous version of MS-DOS, please wait 现在正在加载旧的MS-DOS版本,请等待Invalid setting in the MSDOS.SYS file:An internal stack overflow has caused this session to be halted MSDOS.SYS文件中无效的设置选项。系统堆栈溢出,系统挂起Change the STACKS setting in your CONFIG.SYS file, and then try again 请改变CONFIG.SYS文件中的STACK设置,然后再试Stack overflow 堆栈溢出Integer divide by 0  整数被0除Not enough space for environment  没有足够的空间Run-time error 运行错误Floating-point support not loaded  浮点运算支持没有装入Null pointer assignment  无效的断点分配