
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/10/05 10:14:37




1. Do you want to go to a movie?           Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

Does she/he want to go to a movie?     Yes she/he does. No, she/he doesn’t.


2. What kind of movies do you like?        I like action movies.

What kind of movies does she/he like?        She/He likes comedies.


3. I like comedies and Beijing Opera.

She/He likes comedies and Beijing Opera.


4. I like thrillers, but I don’t like documentaries.

She/He likes thrillers, but she/he doesn’t like documentaries.


1. Talk about preferences 谈论喜好

2. Make plans制定计划





1. 单词:action movie, documentary, thriller, comedy,

              fun, great, scary, funny, exciting, sad

2. 句型:She thinks they are very exciting. 宾语从句







1. movie ['mu:vi]




This movie is worth seeing.   这部影片值得一看。


the movies电影院

【例句】Let's go to the movies.       咱们去(电影院)看电影吧。



go to a movie (特指)看场电影

go to movies     

go to see a movie  

go to the cinema      

go to see a film



action movie 动作片


comedy      —  comedies

documentary  —  documentaries


2. kind [kaind]  


n. 种类,与of连用时,表“……的种类”。


a kind of 一种……             

all kinds of 各种各样的……             

different kinds of 不同种类的……


—What kind of fruit do you like? 你喜欢哪种水果?


There are all kinds of cars here. 这儿有各种各样的车。


adj. 和蔼的,友好的            

be kind to sb …对某人好


Our teachers are kind to us. 我们的老师对我们很好。



A: It’s Mary’s birthday. I want to give her a CD. What _____ of music does she like?

B: Rock music.

A. kind   B. kinds    C.name    D. names   

答案:A. kind




n. 歌剧


Carmen is a well-known opera.   《卡门》是一部有名的歌剧。


He goes to the opera whenever he can.  

He goes to see an opera whenever he can. 只要可能他就去看歌剧。


n. 歌剧院


    She was once the best singer at the Paris Opera.  她曾是巴黎歌剧院最好的歌唱家。


adj. 有趣的;滑稽可笑的


That movie is very funny. 那部电影很有趣。

Do you know any funny jokes? 你知道一些滑稽的笑话吗?


fun  n. 乐趣,兴趣(不可数名词)

make fun of …取笑…… 开……的玩笑


Don’t make fun of me. 别开我的玩笑了。

The other children always make fun of him because he is fat.





A: It’s very important to have _____ on the weekend. (funny)

B: Yes, you are right.


解题思路:have fun  玩得开心,句意为“周末玩得开心很重要”。



1. Do you want ___________ a movie?

A. go                    B. to go to             C. goes                 D. went

2. I want to ___________ an action movie.

A. look                  B. hear                  C. read                  D. see

3. A foreigner can ___________ a lot about Chinese when seeing Chinese movies.

A. learns                B. learn                 C. knows                     D. studies

4. I’m not  ___________  in learning math.   

    A. interested       B. interesting      C. interest        D. interests


1. B     2. D   3. B   4. A




1. She thinks they are very exciting.



She   thinks   they are very exciting.

主语  谓语    宾语从句


在I think 后面的从句中,如果要表达否定意义,需把否定词由从句移到主句,叫做否定前移。


I think she is at home.  我认为她在家。

I don’t think she is at home. 我认为她不在家。



① She thinks Jack will come tomorrow.

② We think it is an interesting movie.


①She doesn’t think Jack will come tomorrow.

②We don’t think it is an interesting movie.



2. She thinks she can learn about Chinese history.


I go to learn music on Sunday morning. 我星期天上午学习音乐。

learn from 从……学到……  跟……学……

She learns cooking from her mother. 她跟母亲学习烹饪。

learn about (通过看或听)得知,获悉,了解

She can learn about Chinese history. 她能了解到中国历史。  


3. She often goes to see Beijing Opera with her father.


【考点1】with 和,与……在一起

【例句】I have lunch with my friends on weekends.  周末我与朋友们共进午餐。

Do you want to go swimming with us?      你想跟我们一起去游泳吗?

【考点2】look, see, watch之间的区别

    (1)look 意为“看”,指有意识地、有目的地、仔细地看,主要强调“看”的动作。look是不及物动词,后接宾语时需要加介词at。

【例句】Look at the blackboard, please. 请看黑板。

Please look at the picture on the wall. 请看墙上的那幅图画。


【例句】Let’s go and see a film. 我们去看场电影吧。

I can see a football under the bed. 我能看到床下有个足球。


【例句】They are watching TV. 他们在看电视。

The students are watching a basketball game. 学生们正在看篮球赛。



look, look at, see, watch

(1)___________! The girl is playing the guitar.

(2)___________ the blackboard.

(3)Can you ___________ the bike under the tree?

(4)My father often ___________ football matches on TV.


(2)Look at(及物动词,强调动作,意为“注意看”。)




4. My favorite actor is Paul Jackson.


                     A                                                             B

_______ 1. action movie       A. a kind of movie or play usually with a happy ending

_______ 2. comedy             B. a love story

_______ 3. documentary        C. a very scary movie

_______ 4. thriller           D. a kind of movie which has a lot of facts, pictures

_______ 5. romance            E. a kind of movie with lots of actions


【答案】1. E  2. A  3. D  4. C  5. B

解析:5. romance    爱情小说,传奇故事

She liked to read romances.  她喜欢读传奇故事。








【考点1and 和,又,表示联合关系

(1A and B        A和B

I like thrillers and comedies. 我喜欢恐怖片和喜剧片。

I like thrillers and my brother likes comedies. 我喜欢恐怖片,我的哥哥喜欢喜剧片。

(2用于祈使句中“…and …”……那么……

Study hard and you’ll succeed. 努力学习,那么你就会成功。

(3…and…  连接两个相同的单词,表示“渐渐”“越来越……”

It’s getting colder and colder. 天气越来越冷。

【考点2but 但是,然而,表示转折关系

(1…, but… ……,但是……

He’s poor, but he is happy. 他很穷,但他很快乐。

(2not A but B   不是A而是B

She’s not my sister but my cousin. 她不是我的妹妹(姐姐)而是我的表妹(姐)。


(1…or…  或,或者

Is your friend a Chinese or an American? 你的朋友是一个中国人还是一个美国人?

(2用于祈使句 …or…   否则

Study hard or you will not succeed. 努力学习,否则你不会成功。



1. I like comedies ___________ I don’t like action movies.

    A. and                   B. or                    

    C. but                   D. so

2. I think this kind of movie is interesting, _________ my friends don’t like it.

    A. but                   B. and                    

    C. so                    D. or

答案:1. C   2. A



Unit 10 Can you play the guitar?



1. 学习单词dance, swim ,sing, drum, piano, trumpet, violin, guitar

2. 学习句型:①Can you dance?   Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

②What can you do?  I can play the guitar.








一. 根据句意及首字母提示填单词。

  1. I r_______ like English. It’s very interesting.

  2. Jackie Chan is a great a_______, we all like his movies.

  3. My f_______ running star is Liu Xiang.

  4. I like to go to a movie on w_______.

  5. We buy a n_______ car today.


二. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

  1. I like _______ (China) action movies.

  2. I also read sad, funny, and _______(excite) stories.

  3. Speed is a very _______ (success )action movie.

  4. She wants _______ (see) an action movie.

  5. I like _______(eat) bananas.


三. 句型转换

  1. She likes thrillers and comedies. (对画线部分提问)

_______ _______ of movies _______ she _______?

  2. Bill likes going to movies. (用watching TV改为选择疑问句)

_______Bill _______going to movies _______ watching TV?

  3. I think the movie is great. (改为否定句)

I _______ think the movie _______ great.

  4. with, he, parents, goes, movies, his, often, to, weekends, on (连词成句)


  5. I have a pen. I don’t have a ruler. (合并为一个简单句)

I have a pen, _______ I don’t have a ruler.


四. 单项选择

  1. Let’s _______ the picture.

A. read           B. look                 

C. look at        D. see

  2. Tony likes math and he _______likes Chinese.

A. too            B. but            

C. or             D. also

  3. _______ weekends, we often play soccer.

A. In              B. On            

C. For             D. Of

  4. He goes to school _______ his friends.

A. and             B. with                 

C. of              D. to

  5. ——Let’s go to a movie.——_______.

A. No, I don’t       B. That sounds good

C. That’s OK         D. Yes, I want

  6. I want to learn _______ Chinese history.

A. about                 B. a lot          

C. to                    D. from

  7. I think comedies are very _______.

A. successful            B. scary               

C. sad                   D. funny

  8. There is _______ at the door. I hear the doorbell. (门铃)

A. anyone                B. nobody                    

C. something             D. someone

  9. ——I _______ the movie is interesting.

—— _______ I like it.

A. think; And              B. don’t think; And

C. don’t think; But        D. think; But

  10. Hero is ______ action documentary.

A. a                      B. an                    

C. the                    D. /


五. 根据情景选择方框中的句子完成对话。

A: Hello, Ann!

B: Hello, Kitty!

A: The weekend is coming. _______ _______.(1)

B: I often go to the movies with my friends.

A: _______(2)

B: Well, we like action movies.

A: I like Chinese action movies and _______ _______. (3)

B: Do you often go to the movies?

A: No. _______ _______ (4)And I look at the pictures of Beijing Opera.

B: My friend Kevin likes Beijing Opera, too _______. (5)

A. He wants to be a Beijing Opera artist.

B. What do you often do on weekends?

C. I like Beijing Opera, too.

D. What kind of movies do you like?

E. I often stay at home.


六. 完形填空

I’m Alice,     1   American girl.    2     weekends, I often go to movies with my friend, Linda. My    3    movie star is Jackie Chan. He’s   4   actor. He has a new movie Speed. It’s a very successful action movie. I think it’s exciting. Linda likes Michelle Yan  5  . She likes her famous movie Sleepless Night. It’s a thriller. I don’t think it’s great. In fact, it’s  6  . One thing is interesting. Linda also  7 Beijing Opera. She often tells me, “Beijing Opera is 8    fun!” My father likes it,   9  . He wants to  10  a Beijing Opera artist.

  1. A. a               B. an           C. the            D. \

  2. A. In              B. On           C. Of             D. With

  3. A. good            B. love         C. favorite       D. likes

  4. A. bad             B. great        C. a great        D. not good

  5. A. better          B. good         C. best           D. very

  6. A. interesting     B. funny        C. exciting       D. boring

  7. A. like            B. likes        C. to like        D. liking

  8. A. real            B. really       C. a              D. a really

  9. A. very            B. too          C. lot            D. much

  10. A. is             B. are          C. be             D. to be


七. 阅读理解

I’m a student in a big city. I like movies very much. On weekends I often go to the movies with my friend, Yang Li. My favorite movie star is Jet Li. He is a good actor. He is in the new movie HERO. That’s a very successful and exciting movie. I want to be an action movie actor, too. But Yang Li doesn’t like action movies. He thinks they are boring. He likes Beijing Opera very much. He thinks he can learn about Chinese history. But I think I can learn history from action movies, too.

  1. I am a(n) ______.

A. actor                            B. teacher

C. action movie fan(影迷)           D. action movie actor

  2. _______ is my favorite movie star.

A. Jet Li            B. Zhou Xingchi                  

C. Jackie Chan       D. Ge You

  3. I like the movie “HERO” because it’s ___________.

A. scary                B. exciting            

C. relaxing             D. interesting

  4. Yang Li ________.

A. is a teacher in my school                B. likes Beijing Opera

C. doesn’t like Beijing Opera                D. likes action movies

  5. We can learn about Chinese history from _______.

A. Beijing Opera and thrillers               B. action movies and Jet Li

C. all the movies                                D. Beijing Opera and action movies





1. really       2. actor          3. favorite      4. weekends      5. new


  1. Chinese      2. exciting      3. successful     4. to see       5. eating


  1. What kind, does, like            2. Does, like, or            3. don’t, is            

4. He often goes to movies with his parents on weekends.

5. but


  1—5    CDBBB          6—10     ADDCB


(1)—(5)  BDCEA


  1—5    BBCCC          6—10     DBABC


1—5  CABBD