
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/07/04 03:16:07
The eight magic words for learning English well: Live and breathe the language; be persevering and consistent.

(embedded message: This version of this article by TheYeti is posted at  http://www.rainlane.com/dispbbs.asp?boardid=11&id=16395. 不管该文来自何处,拜托请注明转贴,以尊重别人,好吗?谢谢!)

很多人常來問﹐如何學好外語 : (with English being the most popular 外語.) 也有不少人問“如何說﹐寫﹐得地道的英文﹖“
One of the most popular questions you will find on an “English Corner”type board is: “How do I go about learning English well?” You will alsofind the related question:” How can I become so fluent that I can speakand write like a native-speaker?”
  其實你不用問別人﹐只需問自己以下這個假設的問題﹕如有老外問你﹐”我如何學好中文, 我如何練得地道的中文。“你會怎樣答他﹖”
There is actually no need for you to ask someone else that question;you only have to ask yourself the following hypothetical question.
If a foreigner were to ask you: “ How do I go about learning Chinesewell? How can I become so fluent that I can mimic the speech andwriting of a Chinese?” what would you have said to him?
  你一定會說﹕多聽﹐多讀﹐多練習 (寫﹐說) 。
  所以你不用去問別人“我如何學好英語。” 你已有答案。
You probably would tell him to read a lot, listen more and practicewriting and speaking as much as possible. On top of that, you wouldtell him that knowing a bit of Chinese tradition, culture, history,myths and legends, folklore, children’s rhymes …, will all contributeto his proficiency in the language.
   So, there you have it.You do not need to go around asking other people how you could becomeproficient in English. You have the answer all along. All you need todo is to apply those same principles you would have given to thisforeigner and apply them to your own situation.
   I amnot here to endorse or condemn any particular method of learning. Onemust realize that different people would thrive under differenttechniques. (However, I do object to certain hypes and misleadingpromotional methods used by certain schools.) Just remember the oldsaying:” All roads lead to Rome” 條條大路通羅馬。“ All you need is to followthe principle of:  耳濡目染 持之以恆

The following are two follow up posts in response to queries and comments from readers.


(embedded message: This version of this article by TheYeti is posted at http://www.rainlane.com/dispbbs.asp?boardid=11&id=16395不管该文来自何处,拜托请注明转贴,以尊重别人,好吗?谢谢!)

The following are follow-up posts in another forum, in reply to other peoples comments and questions.

(I) To the people who commented, "(It is)  Easier said than done."
  Yes, I do agree. But keep in mind that whether it can be "done" or not depends solely on your commitment and determination.
   Rule No. I : Don‘t make excuses.
   Rule No. 2: Make it happen.
If you said , twenty or thirty year ago, that " It is difficult forme to get English materials to read and listen to." I would have agreedwith you completely. But today, with TV, CDs, and the Internet, thereis just no excuse.
   For most people, the problem is " not enough time." Well, if you are really determined to make a go at it, you will have
to make time. How do you make time ? You make sacrifices.
When you go to work or school, do you put on a pair of earphones andlisten to music. Why not put on a language tape on instead. Here is abit of trivia for you. Do you know how the "walkman" came into being?Sony engineers noticed Japanese students were constantly listening tolanguage tapes on poorly made tape recorder. That gave them the idea ofa producing a good quality portable music system.
   When you,ahm... go to the toilet, what do you bring? A newspaper, a magazine,playboy, playgirl ....? Why not bring an English novel? Do you readwhen you go to bed? Why not make it an English novel instead of aChinese one? Go through your day and see what "time slots" you can usefor reading and listening. Even if it is only half an hour a day, butif you do it day in and day out, you will find yourself making enormousprogress.

(2) I strongly believethat writing can only be improved by reading a lot and with as manydifferent variety of books as possible. Of course, you need to practicewriting too. The key is in the variety. Anything that is well written,be it the classics, novels or children‘s literature.

  I don‘t believe in concentrating on only one set of books. No matter how good that set of books is, it is not 天書 .
Reading a lot is a "brain washing process." After a while, you willbe able to have an idea what is proper English and what is not. Youwill be able to recognize what is comprehensible English and what isnot. When you reach that stage, you will be able to notice the flaws inyour own writing.
   Spoken English can be improved bycarrying on an imaginary conversation with the characters on a TV--live or a recorded VCD/DVD. Just make sure you do not look at theChinese subtitles. Or you can tape conversations from TV shows and usethat. Repeat after the actors. After a while, listen to person A, stopthe tape, and supply the answer for person B. You don‘t have to havethe exact answers. The idea is to be able to talk back intelligently toperson A.