淘宝店铺层级怎么计算:Chinese call for privacy law

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/07/02 20:16:23

Chinese call for privacy law

By Xiang Nan (China Youth Daily)

09:31, December 04, 2011

Edited and translated by People's Daily Online

Personal information leakage has been common in China in recent years, and many people find it extremely annoying.

According to a recent online survey of nearly 2,000 Chinese conducted by China Youth Daily’s Social Investigation Center via minyi.net.cn and sina.com, nearly 87 percent of respondents said that their personal information has been leaked, and nearly 50 percent complained that information leakage has severely affected their lives. 

What kinds of personal information most likely to be leaked? 

The survey found that the top three types of personal information that are most likely to be leaked are "phone number" (88 percent), "name, gender, age and other basic personal information" ( nearly 75 percent), and "family address" (more than 38 percent). They are followed by "profession and company name" (38 percent), "identity card number" (about 31 percent), and "educational background" (nearly 16 percent). 

The survey also found that nearly 50 percent of respondents believe that telecom regulators are most likely to leak their personal information, followed by “websites demanding personal information” at more than 45 percent. 

Information can easily be monetized or used for other purposes in modern society, said Zhou Hanhua, director of the Constitution and Administrative Law Department of the Institute of Law under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. 

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Leave your comment2 comments

  1. Name

PD User at 2011-12-04218.25.212.*
Last year, I signed up to examine the cartered builder. But from that time, there always have some telephones to ask me whether need some sevice, such as training lessions, examination answers,and so on. It always bother me. UP to now, there still have a lot of telephones about it.So I believe that the privacy law is important to everyone.
PD User at 2011-12-04183.39.31.*
Target Telcos in China first of all and I guess that is all the reason for privacy invasions. Anyone could walk into a counter and ask for information of a particular detail if phone # are known. It should be treated as a criminal exposure of privacy with jail terms of minimum 2 years. If bribed or paid by another party to staff(s) for information, the jail terms should move up to 10 years. If harm is caused to the addressee(s), then jail term of up to 20 years and/or death penalty. Such effect should bring into effect immediately if the authority is really serious about tackling crimes and misadventures.
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