应用宝账号申请:中国软化减排立场? China inches toward binding climate agreement

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/07/06 16:20:04
2011年12月06日 07:15 AM

中国软化减排立场? China inches toward binding climate agreement

英国《金融时报》 皮利塔?克拉克 南非德班报道评论[27条]   

China has thrown the UN climate summit into confusion as more than 100 senior ministers from around the world fly into the South African city of Durban for a final week of increasingly fraught talks on how to tackle climate change.


In a distinct shift in rhetoric from last week, the head of the Chinese delegation, Xie Zhenhua, said yesterday that Beijing was prepared to agree to some form of legally binding agreement that would cover all countries.


But he said this could only happen if five conditions were met, and probably not before 2020 when the current round of voluntary pledges agreed a year ago are due to end.


The conditions include the European Union and others signing a new round of legally binding pledges under the Kyoto protocol, developed countries financing poorer states’ efforts to tackle climate change as well as respecting the relative capacities of countries to deal with global -warming.

这些条件包括:欧盟(EU)及其它一些国家在《京都议定书》(Kyoto Protocol)框架下签署新一轮有法律约束力的承诺;发达国家资助较贫穷国家对付气候变化;以及尊重各国在应对全球变暖方面的相对能力。

Though he said his conditions were “not new”, the sight of the world’s largest emitter of carbon pollution talking openly about an apparently softer position threw negotiators into a round of debate about what the move actually meant.


The EU, pushing hardest among developed countries for a new global deal, seized on his remarks, saying they showed a strong outcome was possible.


“There are real signs from some of the things the Chinese are saying publicly that there may be a flexibility in their position,” said Chris Huhne, Britain’s -climate secretary, adding if this was the case there could be “a tremendous outcome in Durban”.

“中方公开谈论的一些话中有一些真正的迹象,显示他们的立场可能有一点灵活性,”英国气候变化大臣克里斯?休恩(Chris Huhne)表示。他补充道,如果情况真是这样,各方就有望“在德班取得巨大的成果”。

But the US, reluctant to embrace anything smacking of a legal treaty ahead of a presidential-election year, said it was still unclear precisely what Mr Xie meant by a new agreement.


“I don’t know what he is saying yet,” said Todd Stern, head of the US delegation. “I’ll talk to him tomorrow and let you know.”

“我还不知道他究竟说了什么,”美国代表团团长托德?斯特恩(Todd Stern)表示。“明天我将与他会谈,然后我会告诉你。”

China’s position is crucial because for years the US and other developed countries have baulked at a comprehensive deal unless they are joined by China, the largest emitter. If the Chinese and the EU were able to agree it could isolate the US, though the talks are still far too fluid to be sure this would -happen.


There have been numerous signs the ground is shifting on the Chinese side. A small piece of history was made over the weekend when China launched the first pavilion it has ever erected at such a summit.


Christiana Figueres, the UN’s top climate official, cut a red ribbon with Mr Xie to celebrate the most visible sign of a notable change of strategy.

联合国气候变化事务最高官员克里斯蒂娜?菲格雷斯(Christiana Figueres)与解振华一起为“中国角”启动仪式剪彩,庆贺这一中国战略转变的明显迹象。

She said she was “a little bit sad” it had taken Beijing 17 summits before they followed the EU and other large countries that use the conferences to showcase their green credentials. “But I’m trusting it is not the last,” she said.


That seems unlikely given the unprecedented efforts China has put into promoting its policies. Apart from its pavilion, complete with glossy brochures and pamphlet-packed goody bags, the world’s largest emitter has scheduled or participated in more than 20 side events.


In another departure from the past, China is agreeing to allow its top negotiators to do many more individual interviews with foreign and Chinese journalists. Environmental groups are also being called in for separate briefings with Mr Xie.


More intriguingly, a Chinese representative spoke in the opening plenary session on behalf of the four so-called Basic countries – South Africa, India, Brazil and China – a surprising move in itself.

更耐人寻味的是,在开幕式全体会议上,一名中国官员代表所谓的“基础四国”(Basic countries,即南非、印度、巴西和中国)发言,此举本身就出人意料。

“This is the first time the Basics are speaking as a bloc,” said Tasneem Essop of WWF, a nature conservation group, who like many summit veterans in Durban has mixed thoughts about China’s behaviour.

“这是基础四国首次作为一个集团发言,”自然保护组织世界自然基金会(WWF)的Tasneem Essop表示。与不少多次出席峰会的人士一样,她对中国的行为抱有褒贬不一的想法。

China’s position is still complicated. For years it has refused to heed a growing clamour from industrialised countries to stop clinging to its status as a developing country, meaning it is not legally bound to cut emissions under the Kyoto protocol, the world’s only binding climate treaty.


At the same time, it continues to insist industrialised countries must sign up for a new phase of Kyoto when the first expires at the end of 2012. Only a dwindling minority are prepared to do this, and then only if China eventually agrees to similar legally binding emissions targets.


It is therefore far from clear whether Beijing’s apparent shift amounts to enough for this summit to agree anything meaningful on tackling emissions.
