802d rom:狗狗长守已故主人墓旁7天未进食(图)

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/07/06 15:43:32


http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年12月07日 10:32   沪江英语  中国版忠犬八公长守已故主人墓旁感动世人

  A dog in China who was the only companion to a single local resident has refused to leave him even after his death. 68-year-old Lao Pan, died in November in the village of Panjiatun. And his dog disappeared shortly afterwards. Later, villagers found him at the grave of his owner. The dog stayed there for seven days without food, refusing to leave.

  在中国有只狗, 它是当地一个单身汉的唯一伙伴。这只狗拒绝离开主人,即便主人已经过世。68岁的老潘今年11月份在潘家屯村去世。他的狗此后不久便不见了。后来,村民们在它主人的墓旁找到了这只狗。这只狗守在这里,长达7天没有进食,并拒绝离开。

  I saw the dog when I was working on the field. Then I called him. I wanted to bring him back home, because I also have a dog. I gave him a steamed bun when he came to my home. The dog caught the bun and ran back. I called him, but he ran even faster to the tomb, and stayed there.


  Now villagers regularly supply the loyal dog with food and water. They also plan to build a kennel at the graveyard.


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