
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/10/03 15:06:52
If the speech is to an unfamiliar audience then an early goal of your speech must be to build a degree of trust with the listeners.(怎样和科大的评委建立“信任”演讲开始时候!!) You must know who your audience are in order to best decide how to affect your message upon them. 2.2 The Beginning
The first thirty seconds of your speech are probably the most important. In that period of time you must grab the attention of the audience, and engage their interest in what you have to say in your speech. This can be achieved in several ways. For example you could raise a thought-provoking question, make an interesting or controversial statement, recite a relevant quotation or even recount a joke. Once you have won the attention of the audience, your speech should move seamlessly to the middle of your speech. Previous: 2.1 Structure
Next : 2.3 The Middle
     Make sure that your appearance is well presented
- Speak clearly, and adjust your voice so that everyone can hear you. Don‘t shout for the sake of being loud(语言清晰,声音大小适中)
- It is common to speak rapidly when nervous, try to take your time speaking(不要太快,很多时候因为紧张会说快)
- Effectively used, a pause in your speech can be used to emphasise a point, or to allow the audience to react to a fact, anecdote or joke(中间适当停顿,让听众有时间去反映)
- Make eye contact with your audience. This helps to build trust and a relationship between the speaker and the listeners(建立信任很重要的技巧是 要有目光交流)
- Do not fidget or make other nervous gestures with your hands. - Do not keep your hands in your pockets. Do use hand gestures effectively(不要做小动作,因为紧张,不要把手放在口袋里,但是要用适当的手势)
- Be yourself, allow your own personality to come across in your speech(做你自己自然,让你自己的性格在演讲中自然的流露,所以故事最好是真实的故事)