团队冲突定义:九年级英语新目标上 期中短语复习练习试题

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/07/02 17:24:52
短语填空1.如果你不知道如何拼写生词,在字典里查找它们。If you don't know how to spell new words, _________ _________ ________in a dictionary.2我过去害怕黑夜。   I used to be _______ _________the _________.3我亮着卧室的灯睡觉。 I go to sleep ______ my bedroom light _______.4你晚上被允许熬夜到11点吗?Are you _________ to _________ _________ untill 11:00 pm?5 你必须注意你的发音。 You must _________ __________ _______ your _______________.6幸运地是,他的母亲很有耐心,没有放弃帮助他。__________, his mother was very_______and didn't ________________ trying to help him.7他们谈话而不是做作业。They talk ________ ______ _______homework.8它一定是属于卡拉的,上面有她的名字。It must _________ _________Carla. It has her name on it.9 我们应该远离甜的食品。 We should _________ ___________ __________food that tastes sweet.10. 在电脑的帮助下,我们能轻松地了解世界。 We can learn about the world easily          _  __        the computer.11.中学生不应该被允许吸烟。 Middle school students shouldn't ______ _________        smoke.12.熬夜对我们的健康有害。 ________ ______ is bad        our health.13.中国人应该以自己的历史和文化而自豪。 The Chinese should  ____ ________       our own history and culture.14.如果我有了钱,我会把它存进银行。If I have money, I'll ________ _______ ________ the bank.15.我不知道应该穿什么。 I don't know                          .KEYS: 1. look them up;  2. afraid of, dark;  3. with, on;  4. allowed, stay up;  5. pay attention to, pronunciation;6. Luckily, patient, give up;  7. instead of;  8. belong to;  9. stay away from;  10. with the help of;11. be allowed to;  12. Staying up, for;  13. be proud of/ take pride in;  14. put it in;  15. what to wear