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2011年12月15日08:59    来源













Comment on: middle-income earners in distribution increase key reform

December 15, 2011 08:59    Source:"The Beijing news"    

"Raising the proportion of middle-income earners" key or by income distribution reform, let more low-income people into the ranks of middle-income earners.

Yesterday, the central economic work conference concluded.Meeting, will continue to implement the proactive fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy, maintain the continuity and consistency of macroeconomic policy, strengthen the regulation of the pertinence, flexibility, forward-looking.

Especially, it is worth noting, put forward the meeting, to hold the expansion of domestic demand this strategic basis points, to expand domestic demand more emphasis on the guarantee and improve the people's livelihood, to speed up the development of service industry, improve the proportion of middle-income earners to come up.

Generally speaking, middle-income earners is the main consumption, but over the years, our country moderate income group is slower growth, to some extent, the consumption of the restricted the expanded effectively.This meeting, "raise the proportion of middle-income earners" in such a prominent position, do not see more, also to the current social governance and economic structure adjustment to the key point.

Academic institutions estimates, if with income and combination to measure standards, our country's moderate income group is about 240 million people, about 23%;If each person every day to spending 10-$100 for the standard, China's moderate income group is only 150 million-160 million people, about 12%.The Treasury said the previous, raised the threshold to 3500 yuan after, tax number by about 84 million to about 24 million people.And in the north, up, wide, deep first cities, there are quite a number of moderate earners in the old man support, children education, high risky home loans under the pressure, a "false middle".

Obviously, this not only shows that now middle-income population less and the weak, and to the definition of middle-income earners, also very fuzzy, some not too science place.The first should be to the range of middle-income earners, make relatively clear definition, especially need to improve the standard of identifying middle-income earners.

Of course, "raise the proportion of middle-income earners" key or by income distribution reform, let more low-income people into the ranks of middle-income earners.From the reality demand to see, in deepening the reform of the income distribution and in a few years, at least in the following several aspects to take out the real ShiZhao:

One is the massive tax cuts, to encourage small and medium-sized enterprise, labor-intensive enterprise development, make more people become entrepreneurs.This is not only increase the proportion of an important way of low income, and form a new moderate income group is the important means.The meeting certain structural tax cuts, need to increase to carry out strength, best can reach 300 billion-500 billion yuan of scale.

Two is to accelerate the equal access to basic public service, especially to speed up the construction of affordable housing.To moderate income earners, the heaviest burden than high mortgages, therefore, alleviate this part of people's the burden, reduce the high consumption of mortgage bring extrusion, no doubt, will be effective consumption.

Three is to further improve social and medical security level.Right now, a serious illness often will let a middle-class home into poverty, and relief just is now a serious illness of urban and rural medical security system in the weakness.This requires the government at all levels continue to increase social security investment, expand the scope of medical treatment of a serious illness.

Four is to promote the gap, let rural low-income among middle-income ranks.At present, most farmers also in a relatively low state of charge, which restricted overall consumption to boost.Change this state, in addition to speed up urbanization, more important is to accelerate the farmers to protecting the land rights of property rights system construction, causes the farmer to share more land conversion appreciation income and property income.

However, all these "ShiZhao", involves system reform, the need for government take out courage and determination, more let advantage people, Tibetan people abound, need as quickly as possible from "compile priority" to "people rich first, the change of direction, thus to improve the proportion of middle-income earners lay the foundation.

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