
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/10/05 22:56:41

1A robin sits on a snow-covered branch in Allenheads, Hexham, as snowfall continues to sweep the north of England Photograph: Owen Humphreys/PA 
一只知更鸟正栖息在冰雪覆盖的枝条之上。连日来,大雪一直在横扫英格兰北部的赫克瑟姆地区。Photograph: Owen Humphreys/PA 
2Rose-ringed parakeets roost in a copse in Wormwood Scrubs Park on 6 December in London, England. Approximately 2,500 parakeets roost in the copse at the centre of Wormwood Scrubs which has been designated by English Nature as an important site of natural significance Photograph: Oli Scarff/Getty Images 
12月6日,一群红領绿鹦鹉展翅盘旋在英国伦敦沃姆伍德斯克拉比斯公园的灌木林中。这里栖息着约2,500红領绿鹦鹉,沃姆伍德斯克拉比斯公园中心这片地区被英国《自然》指定为重要的自然栖息场所。Photograph: Oli Scarff/Getty Images 
3A butterfly sits on red berries between snow showers in the Scottish Borders, as snow and ice brought disruption to roads as the country faced its first bout of wintry weather. A study puiblished on 7 December says that almost three-quarters of the UK's butterfly species have seen numbers decline in a decade. The report by wildlife charity Butterfly Conservation and the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) revealed that 72% of species had suffered declines in populations Photograph: David Cheskin/PA 
一只蝴蝶栖息在苏格兰边境阵雪之中的红色浆果之上。第一轮寒冷天气来袭,冰雪阻塞了道路。发表于 12月7日的一份研究报告指出,十年来,英国有大约四分之三的蝴蝶物种数量在下降。野生动物慈善蝴蝶保育生态和水文中心(CEH)的报告显示,72%的蝴蝶物种数量在下降。Photograph: David Cheskin/PA 
4Riana, a 13-month-old female Bornean orangutan plays as her mother, Tari, sleeps at Taman Safari in Cisarua, Indonesia. Less than 66,000 wild orangutans are thought to remain in the forests of Borneo and Sumatra, and more than half of that population has been lost since 1950, because of poaching and their rainforests being replaced by palm oil plantations for food and biofuel production Photograph: Mast Irham/EPA 
正在塔曼野生动物园里玩耍的Riana,是一只只有13个月大的婆罗洲小雌猩猩。此时她的母亲正在一旁呼呼大睡。据信,存留在婆罗洲与苏门答腊森林里的野生猩猩已不到66,000只。自1950年以来,因偷猎和雨林被用作食品和生物燃料生产的棕榈油种植所取代,婆罗洲猩猩的数量已减少了一半有余。Photograph: Mast Irham/EPA
5A great blue heron with two fish in its beak in Daytona Beach, Florida Photograph: Sam Greenwood/Getty Images 
佛罗里达州代托纳比奇,一只大蓝鹭一嘴喙两鱼,收藏颇丰。 Photograph: Sam Greenwood/Getty Images 6A marbled godwit sea bird looks for food along the surf line of the Pacific Ocean in Cardiff, California Photograph: MIKE BLAKE/REUTERS 
一只云石塍鹬的海鸟正沿着加利福尼亚州加的夫太平洋海岸线寻找食物。Photograph: MIKE BLAKE/REUTERS 
7A bald eagle sits on wood debris along the Squamish River in Squamish, British Columbia north of Vancouver. The eagles gather in the area each winter to feed on salmon chum in the local rivers Photograph: Andy Clark/Reuters 
一只秃鹰正驻足在Squamish河岸边的朽枝腐木上四下张望觅食。秃鹰每年冬季都要聚集在英属哥伦比亚以北的温哥华地区,在当地河流的周围寻找鲑鱼为食。Photograph: Andy Clark/Reuters 
8Expanding palm-oil plantations in Malaysian Borneo are rapidly eating into the habitat of the rare proboscis monkey and causing its numbers to decline sharply, officials warned on 7 December. The reddish-brown primate, which is named for its distinctive large and fleshy nose, is found only on Borneo, a large island divided up between Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei Photograph: Rudi Delvaux/AFP/Getty Images 
12月7日官方警告说,马来西亚婆罗洲的棕榈油种植园的迅速扩大,正在加速吞噬稀有长鼻猴的栖息地,导致其数量急剧下降。此类红褐色灵长类动物因其拥有奇大的肉鼻而得名,现仅存于婆罗洲这一印尼马来西亚与文莱分界的大岛上。Photograph: Rudi Delvaux/AFP/Getty Images 
9A bear running through the border between Finland and Russia, nicknamed no-man's land because because it is a popular feeding place for large carnivores. The wildlife photographer Tom Schandy hid out to capture dramatic pictures of bears and wolves which came to feed on a dead moose. He said: 'During the course of the night eight bears and three wolves fought over the carcass. On occasion the bears and wolves would stand up to each other in order to get more of the fresh meat. Two of the bears even fought each other for the moose by standing on their hind legs and battling. Their roars sent shivers down my spine' Photograph: Tom Schandy/Rex Features 
一只灰熊正在芬兰与俄罗斯之间的边境线上奔跑。这里又称“无人之地”,因其为大型食肉动物常来常往的场所。野生动物摄影师Tom Schandy利用隐藏的摄像设备捕捉到了熊与狼争食一头驼鹿的戏剧性画面。他说:“当天晚上,八只熊与三匹狼为争食鹿肉大打出手。熊和狼有时针锋相对,怒视而立,为的是想多争得一份美餐。甚至有两只熊自己人与自己人相斗起来,它们竖起后肢,相互撕杀。它们的怒吼让人脊背发凉,不寒而栗。Photograph: Tom Schandy/Rex Features 
10A giraffe licks its lips at Houston zoo in the US Photograph: Johnny Hanson/AP
美国休斯顿动物园,一头长颈鹿正有舌头舔着自己的嘴唇。Photograph: Johnny Hanson/AP 
11A honeybee approaches the blossom of a poppy flower in Ludwigsburg, Germany. Honeybees perform a 'dance' to communicate with each other that mimics signals in the brain, a finding that could shed light on how decisions are made, scientists said on 8 December. 'The decision-making mechanisms in nervous systems and insect societies are strikingly similar,' said the study in the journal Science Photograph: Thomas Kienzle/AFP/Getty Images 
一只蜜蜂正在一朵盛开的罂粟花上盘旋。这里是德国的路德维希堡。蜜蜂通过“舞姿”模拟大脑信号与同伴沟通。科学家们12月8日表示,他们有了一项能阐明蜜蜂决策机制的新发现。《科学》杂志的一项研究表明“神经系统的决策机制与昆虫社会惊人地相似”。Photograph: Thomas Kienzle/AFP/Getty Images 
12Two Siberian cranes flying over the South Korean border city of Paju. The endangered migratory birds fly to South Korea from Siberia to spend the winter Photograph: Jeon Sun-hee/EPA 
两个白鹤从韩国边境城市坡州上空飞过。这种濒临灭绝的候鸟从西伯利亚起程,飞往韩国越冬。Photograph: Jeon Sun-hee/EPA 
13Chinese Panda Yang Guang arrives at Edinburgh airport. The eight-year-old pair of giant pandas arrived on a specially chartered flight and will be the first to live in the UK for 17 years. Edinburgh zoo is hopeful that the pandas will give birth to cubs during their 10-year stay in Scotland Photograph: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images 
中国大熊猫“阳光”抵达爱丁堡机场。8岁大的一对熊猫17年来第一次乘坐专机抵达英国。爱丁堡动物园希望大熊猫们将在它们逗留英国的10年期间,为它们生儿育女,养育后代。Photograph: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images

14A wildlife biologist holds a small crocodile that will be released into one of the cooling canals adjacent to the Turkey Point nuclear power plant during a night-time crocodile survey in Homestead, Florida. The crocodile monitoring program began in 1978, a year after employees stumbled upon a crocodile nest in the plant's cooling canal system. The initial goal was to ensure that the plant did no harm to the species but over the past three decades it has helped raise the number of crocodiles to more than 1,500 today. It is now classified as threatened, a small step toward the species survival Photograph: Wilfredo Lee/AP
在佛罗里达Homestead进行的一次夜间鳄鱼考查中,野生动物生物学家手捧着一条小鳄鱼,准备将其放归到与土耳其点核电站(Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant)相邻的冷却渠里。该项鳄鱼监测计划始于1978年,一年前,员工们偶然在工厂的冷却渠里发现了一个鳄鱼窝里。最初的目标是确保工厂不要伤害这一物种,但过去三十年里,它已经帮助鳄鱼将其数量提高到今天的1500多只。现在这项工作只是为拯救这一频危物种向前迈出了一小步。Photograph: Wilfredo Lee/AP 
15Nine dead green sea turtles seized from six Chinese fishermen at Puerto Princesa city port, Palawan province, south-western Philippines. The world population of turtles is estimated to have declined by 80% over the past 50 years, and the WWF says trends indicate that in the next 50 years marine turtles may vanish from eastern Africa. Kenya's turtles are seeing nesting sites being reduced by erosion, and are killed by pollution and poaching Photograph: AP 
这是九只死了的在菲律宾巴拉望省普林塞萨港被缴获的绿海龟。过去的50年间,全世界海龟的数量据估计已下降了80%。世界自然基金会(WWF)警告说,按这种趋势下去,未来50年海龟可能从东非消失。肯尼亚海龟的筑巢地正在一步一步地被蚕蚀,终结于污染与人类的偷猎之中。Photograph: AP 
16Seagulls on a corrugated metal roof in Cleveland, US Photograph: Amy Sancetta/AP
美国克利夫兰金属波纹屋顶上,铺天盖地的海鸥在此驻足。 Photograph: Amy Sancetta/AP 

17Walker, a 58-stone polar bear, plays in a pond on his third birthday at the Highland wildlife park in Kincraig, Scotland. The BBC has denied misleading viewers over footage shown on the Frozen Planet series of a polar bear tending her newborn cubs Photograph: Russell Cheyne/Reuters 
Walker是一只58吨重的北极熊,正在苏格兰Kincraig高地野生动物园的池塘戏水度过其三岁生日。英国广播公司否认在Frozen Planet系列节目中演播的那段有关一只北极熊照顾其新生幼崽的画面时有误导观众的嫌疑。Photograph: Russell Cheyne/Reuters