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  中国智慧VS西方智慧-看中国IT风云与IT产业怪状 收藏 此文于2010-02-25被推荐到CSDN首页
为什么国外没有一家互联网公司在中国取得成功,为什么他们都水土不服,为什么他们都在中国都混不下去,YAHOO, EBAY等等这样享誉全球的互联网公司都在中国无法取得成功!为什么连让IT巨无霸微软都觉得发抖,让比尔·盖茨夜夜做恶梦的Google在中国都觉得水土不服!混不下去想撤退!     为什么微软在中国混的有声有色,比如说,为什么能得到政策支持,立法强制每台出售的电脑必须安装正版操作系统!等等。在一些政府大单采购上,压制国产的金山,红旗等等!为什么绿坝这样的剽窃美国人开源源码的软件在中国还混的风声水起!全国人民为它买单呢!     为什么说在中国,程序员普遍不被尊重,程序员干到35岁,就必须考虑转型,不能再干程序员呢,为什么说在中国,善于搞关系,玩权谋,会做人的人都普遍混的要比技术很牛的程序员强,为什么在中国,厚黑学,关系学的书籍如此畅销,而在西方正好相反,程序员受到尊重,尤其技术很牛的程序员,为什么中国国产的厚黑学,关系学在西方行不通呢!    同样为什么中国这么多科研机构,研究所,建国已经60年,都诞生不了诺贝尔奖获得者,为什么往往中国人在西方留学深造就能获得诺贝尔奖呢!比如说2009年获得诺贝尔奖的高锟。归根结底,是中国智慧与西方智慧的不同造就的!我来讲解下一位大师眼睛里的中国智慧与西方智慧的不同!一个民族有一个民族的智慧,当然不同的民族对智慧的理解也有所不同。中国人所代表的中国智慧观念,与洋人的西方智慧观念有很大差距。西方人心目中的智慧人物,无非亚里士多德、牛顿、爱迪生、爱因斯坦,霍金,之流,都是理论家、发明家、创造家。中国人心目中的智慧人物是谁?大家会不约而同地说:“诸葛亮”,”司马懿”。诸葛亮司马懿,有什么发明?没有;有什么创造?也没有;提出过什么理论?还是没有(孙武还有部《孙子兵法》)。中国人把诸葛亮,司马懿视为最高智慧代表人物的理由在哪里?因为诸葛亮玩计谋、搞诈术的水平中国古今第一。司马懿的隐忍权谋大家有口皆碑,但是他空城计被诸葛亮玩了一把,上方谷被诸葛用计差点被烧死,可以认为稍逊风骚,可认为,诸葛第一,司马其次。中国的智慧标准是计谋权术,西方的智慧标准是发明创造。按照中国的智慧标准,牛顿、爱迪生、爱因斯坦不过几个书呆子而已。牛顿遇到诸葛亮,肯定被诸葛亮玩得像如来佛手心里的软糖一样,谁敢在诸葛面前谈天才。而按西方的智慧标准,诸葛亮不过是一个擅长计谋的政治人物而已,连一个高等数学方程式都解答不了,谁敢在牛顿面前谈智慧。美国前国务卿基辛格之类擅长计谋的政治老腕,不会被列入西方天才人物的行列。中国有过一个数学家叫陈景润(现在的90后估计知道的不多了),一天到晚鬼迷心窍地搞什么“1+1=2”的数学猜想。当时周围的人都把陈景润视为呆子、怪人,要不是洋人抬举了陈景润,他一直会被认为是智商接近弱智者的痴愚人物。陈景润的论文登出后,中国的反应如同石沉大海,洋人却兴奋起来:“你们中国有个天才的数学家陈景润!我们要请他去讲学。”洋人给陈景润的痴愚平反摘帽,但仍有许多中国人不以为然:“不就是一个怪才嘛”。  西方认为人类最高的智慧体现在对宇宙自然的理解,智慧的高低是“与自然斗争”能力的大小,把天才的美称授予那些揭示自然法则的理论家、巧妙利用自然力量的发明家。中国则认为人类最高的智慧体现在对“人”的理解控制,智慧的高低是“与人斗争”能力的大小。中国的聪明人标准是:精于为人处世,老谋深算,随机应变,讨好上级,拉拢平级,利用下级。不会做这些的,均被列入“老实”、“呆子”、“不识时务”不开窍愚昧人之列。中国有句格言:“做人比做事更重要”,陈景润那样不懂做人的人在中国找老婆都难,提到科学,有些国人会不服气:“中国汉代的张衡最早发明了观测地震的蛤蟆罐,五代的祖冲之最早算出了高精度的圆周率,明代的万氏最早造出了载人的火箭飞凳……”。但我们也应该了解,张衡、祖冲之、万氏等人,都是历史学家为了和洋人争口气,硬从历史垃圾堆中发掘出来的稀有人物。在中国漫长历史中,极少有人知道这些人的存在,更不要说把他们视为中华民族智慧的化身了。古代中国人向来不重视科技发明,我们是四大发明的故乡,但是那些发明人谁关注过,古代哪个统治者,哪个当官的重视过科技,整天玩党争,争权夺利,个个整天琢磨着自己升官发财,玩计谋,拉关系,结朋党,都想着怎么打击对手,压榨百姓,讨皇帝欢心。当时GDP占据世界80%的南宋,科技,经济谁敢说不好,被蒙古给灭了,其实士兵战斗力是一个问题,为什么蒙古大军天下无敌,就是因为重视科技,重视火炮,最后南宋在火炮,弓箭这些武器不重视,那些工匠反过来被蒙古所用,最后自己士兵战斗力不如别人,兵器不如别人,不被灭才怪!谈近一点的,鸦片战争,直接拿长矛大刀跟别人机枪大炮的干,丧权辱国,割地赔款。 西方哲人的智慧体现在抽象思维上。与孟子同时代的古希腊学者亚里士多德,首创研究无生命物质世界的构造、运动和原因的《物理学》,并提出自然科学中一系列最基本的概念:“物质”、“空间”、“时间”、“运动”。亚里士多德还首先提出《方法论》问题,总结出“归纳”与“演绎”两种逻辑推理方法。应该说亚里士多德的最大贡献之一就是提出“力”的抽象概念,并创立了力与运动关系的“运动定律”(后来伽利略对亚里士多德的“运动定律”发生疑问,提出了“惯性定律”)。在牛顿总结出著名的“力学三定律”后,宏观力学基本成熟,量子力学为代表的微观力学又开辟了新的时代。可以说没有“力”的抽象概念,就没有今天的自然科学。与此相比,中国哲人的智慧体现在感性思维上。中国哲人虽不擅长提出抽象概念和创立法则定律,但却善于讲故事,把深刻的人生哲理用浅显的文学方式表达出来,中国古代哲学都寓于名人的教诲和故事般的寓言中。比如“守株待兔”、“刻舟求剑”、“郑人买履”这三个寓言,作者想要表达的意思其实都一样,但中国哲人却无法把这些具体的寓言抽象升华为一个理性概念,洋哲学家则把中国哲人想要说而说不出来的内涵抽象概括为一个概念:“教条主义”。再比如“掩耳盗铃”、“疑人盗斧”、“罚人吃肉”三个寓言的意思也一样,中国哲人无法像西方哲人那样将这些寓言抽象为一个概念:“主观主义”。中国的寓言类似于西方的童话,但童话是给儿童看的,因为儿童的理性思维能力比较差。而中国的寓言却是给成人看的,按照西方的标准,中国的寓言就是“成人的童话”。中国的国民性是什么?鲁迅无法用理性思维得出一个抽象的概念,只好借用感性思维的寓言方式,写了《阿Q正传》。当然鲁迅用感性思维的方法是用对了,因为中国人对理性抽象的东西有一种天然的抗拒感,理性强的学说很难在中国得到广泛的接受。另一方面,中国和西方测试个人智慧的方式也有所不同。西人用IQ试题检测你的发想力、推理力和创造力,然后给你一个大脑IQ值。西方大学的入学考试,都是以测试学生的推理想象能力为主。古代中国怎样评价个人的智慧呢?这就是科举考试,用写文章来评价你的智慧程度,秀才、举人、进士的差别就在于写文章水平的高低,文章写得最好的被皇帝赐封状元。一个家族如果出一个状元,那是极其荣耀的事,会永久记载在家谱中成为后人的骄傲。中国科举考试考什么呢?既不是考应试者的逻辑推理和想象创新能力,也不是考应试者掌握知识的数量和准确程度,而是考应试者的“文采”。由于文采没有一个客观的标准,所以中国的科举考试不象西方大学考试有一个客观的分数,考生在科举考试中排名完全由主考官个人的好恶来决定。中国所谓的“文采”又是什么呢?这也没有一个客观的定义,很难用语言来精确说明。大致讲来,有“文采”的文章,作者不是简单直接地表达自己的思想,而是用比喻、借喻、夸张、拟人等文学手法来间接婉转地表达思想,平铺直叙讲大白话被认为文字水平较低。古代中国把文学表现手法称为“赋”、“比”、“兴”,朱熹说:“赋者,敷陈其事而直言之者也;比者,以彼物比此物也;兴者,先言他物以引起所咏之词也”。西方没有“文采”这个概念,只好把“文采”翻成“literary talent”,西方人也很难理解中国文人追求的“文采”到底是什么东西。西方画的特点是写实、写生,绘画以忠实模写自然为第一要义。而中国画的特点是写意,画家用比喻夸张的手法表达自己的生活感受。同样西方文章的特点是文字表达的准确性和客观性,东洋文章的特点则是文字表达的比喻和夸张,动不动就来个“白发三千丈”。洋人小说中描写美女,直接描写她眼睛怎样、脸庞怎样、身段怎样、表情怎样,而中国古代小说描写美女却喜欢用比喻的手法:“沉鱼落雁,羞花闭月”。中国人认为为了达到“文采”效果,牺牲描述事实的准确性也是可以的,所以才有张继的问题诗《枫桥夜泊》:“月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠。姑苏城外寒山寺,夜半钟声到客船。”月落本应该是黎明时分,后面又说“夜半”,夜半与月落的时间相关显然不对;乌鸦是白昼动物,和鸡一样晚上睡觉,半夜听到乌鸦叫,就像半夜鸡叫一样不自然;再者寺院也鲜有半夜敲钟的,“夜半钟声”也让人感到诧异。由于中国诗词并不著重“写实”,而著重“写意”,只要意境好,即使诗境与现实不符,也仍被认为是好诗。中国古代创造过多种文学题材,诗经楚辞汉赋唐诗宋词,都非常强调讲究文采。新文化运动前,白话文小说是不登大雅之堂的俗人玩艺儿,有水平教养的文人都是吟诗作赋。《三国》、《水浒》等小说本来写的不错,可是作者每每到关键时刻,总忘不了赋诗一首,来个“有诗为证”,硬塞入一首不伦不类的诗,试图以此来表现作者的“文采”。作者似乎是想说:“我不是只会写白话文,我也会写诗”。中国为什么没有创造出“科学”?其关键之一就是中国没有创造出直接准确描述事物的“论文”体裁。西方人把文字当作交流思想的工具,而中国人把文字当作卖弄学问的敲门砖,动不动就要来一点“赋比兴”的文学手法。如果请一位中国状元起死回生来描写一个化学实验,很可能会是这样:“当酒精灯烧得像早春二月阳光一样温暖的时候,放上一只少女眼眸般光碧晶莹的烧杯,加入宛如观音菩萨玉瓶里露珠的清澈洁净蒸馏水,即刻发生令人赞叹不已的奇妙化学反应,快似疾风,速比闪电……”。中国文人极其重视文字的华丽和表现的优雅,却非常忽视文字表达的准确性和客观性,经常不分场合滥用文采修辞,因此中国无法诞生西方式科学论文体裁。有人以为洋人读枯燥无味的科学论文是因为这些文章有实用价值,可是我们应该记得,亚里士多德、伽利略、牛顿的时代,自然科学并不象现在,是毫无实用价值的“纯学术”。中国人大概很难理解洋人为什么会对那种枯燥描述自然现象的毫无文采的科学论文发生兴趣。有人以为中国在搞了科举考试以后,才出现重视文采不重视思想内容的倾向。其实中国重文采是自古就有的传统,汉代尚没有科举考试,但汉代的特产“汉赋”,却是中国历史上最重文采轻内容的文体。司马相如写了一篇《上林赋》,其受欢迎程度居然搞到洛阳纸贵,但《上林赋》除了通篇的美丽辞藻外,却没有什么实在的内容。由于中国人的智慧观,把写作文采当作智慧的标准,造成长年来中国文人华而不实的文风。古人也感到这种重文不重实的行文弊病,唐代韩愈、柳宗元等人发起过一个古文运动,提倡学习先秦古人朴实的文风,认为文章应以内容为重,“言必近真、不尚雕彩”。中国古代早有白话文,几百年前的《三国》《水浒》就是用白话文写的,但白话文一直在中国文人界吃不开。白话文可清楚准确地表达思想感情,文言文就很难做到这一点,所以无法用文言文书写细腻情感的小说。中国文人放著准确表达思想的简单白话文不用,偏喜欢用连断句都要费几分脑筋的复杂文言文,还喜欢在里面加一些不作解释的典故,更让人难于理解。如果说白话文长于“表达思想”,文言文则长于“卖弄学问”。“表达思想”越简单清晰越好,而“卖弄学问”却是越曲折绕弯越显得有学问。明明可以用简单直接的话讲清楚的事,中国文人却要借古怀思,引经据典,搞得十分复杂。你用简单的词句,会被认为是学识不够,文采不深。用地摊小贩都会讲的白话文写文章,没有赋比兴的烘托,没有起承转合的文脉,不引经据典,如何展现作者渊博的学识与华丽的文采?五四后模仿西方的新文学运动在中国兴起,下里巴人的白话文才在中国登上文坛。胡适等人提倡学习西方的写实文风,少用修辞,不用典故。据丰子恺回忆,他在浙江第一师范读书时,正值学校提倡新文学,反对封建文学,要求学生作文时“不准讲空话,要老实写”。一个学生写自己奔丧时用了“星夜匍伏奔丧”,被老师责问:“你那天晚上真的是在地上爬去的吗?”尽管废除科举引进西学以后,中国人的智慧观有所改变,但中国仍然是诗的国家,人们喜欢比喻和夸张,喜欢中国画那样诗般的意境,对西方追求真实的科学和追求写实的艺术,总是敬而远之。中国极少会有人不是为了应付考试,不是为了写毕业论文,而单纯出于兴趣去读亚里士多德《物理学》那样缺乏文采的论理文章(陈景润则是例外中的例外)。中国的智慧也有其闪光之处,在研究人性的缺点并加以利用方面,远远走在西方前面。西方无数的军事学家、将帅参谋,打了几千年仗,却从来没有想出过“空城计”这样的绝计。如果用同样的兵器,古罗马军团无法战胜善于用计的中国将军。比如说在二战太平洋战场上,美军打得过鬼子,朝鲜战场,中国军队为什么能和美军达成平手,也正是因为朝鲜战争,中国才得以跻身大国行列。治理中国自然也要用中国式的智慧,西方式的智慧在中国行不通。 西方人把思想家当作民族智慧的骄傲,中国人则把计谋家当作民族智慧的结晶。西方人看来陈景润比司马懿更智慧,因为陈景润和爱因斯坦是同一类人;而中国人看来基辛格比爱因斯坦更聪明,因为基辛格和司马懿是同一类人,中国智慧和西方智慧是没有交点的两条平行线。西方智慧重视“与自然斗”,所以诞生了一个又一个思想家发明家;中国智慧重视“与人斗”,所以出现了一个又一个阴谋家,厚黑天才。一个计谋家生在西方是一个悲剧,一个发明家生在中国也是一个悲剧。司马懿如果生在美国,一辈子只能在做个精于权谋的小地主,找不到施展抱负的机会;爱迪生如果在中国,一辈子也只能在药铺里当一位普通的售货郎,同样找不到发明创造的机会。按照西方的智慧标准,中华民族是一个缺少思想,守旧自封,不重视发明创造,就会玩小聪明聪明反被聪明误的民族;而按照中国的智慧标准,中华民族则是一个深晓世故人情、随机融通、机灵活络的绝顶智慧民族。    在中国,技术再牛,也是一个就会技术的呆子,怪才。在西方,搞关系,厚黑学是没有市场的,所以大家看出今日之中国与西方差距之大!    在中国IT业,想混的好,光技术牛是不够,重点是做人,某些时候做人比做事还要重要!还有程序员干的不能超过35岁,不然以后没得混了,所以多想想做人你的转型会很顺利!否则得话要艰难地多!无奈生在中国,技术牛人们要学会入乡随俗!尽管都说小公司做事,大公司做人,但是做人是必须学会的,不然的话,空有强悍的技术,整天被别人算计!做为程序员一定要学会适应社会,物竞天择,适者生存。2009年,华裔科学家高锟获得诺贝尔奖,中国人和犹太人的智商高闻名世界,为什么中国人这么聪明,为什么至今本土没有一个人能获得诺贝尔奖呢,中国建国已经60多年,无数的科研机构,以色列那么小,一个茸茸小国,建国比中国还晚,接二连三地有人获得诺贝尔奖!中国从来不缺人才,但是那些人才往往没有机会与空间成长,往往是会做人会做事的人压制住了会做更大的事不会做人的人。联想到google就要撤退中国,国外互联网公司在中国为何没有一家能够成功,最大的缺点就是太不了解中国人了!太不了解中国智慧了!想在中国混得开,必须理解并学会中国智慧!同时Google的西方思维就是标榜自己就是一个搜索引擎,与搜索结果无关。但是西方思维在中国没有市场!我建议Google总裁一定要认真阅读一下《明朝那些事儿》,我相信他一定会从这本书里找到Google怎样才能在中国混的风生水起的办法!建议他认真了解中国最伟大的圣人之一的学问,王阳明的心学,知行合一。什么是知行合一?答:就是知与行的合一。无论有多么伟大正直的理想,要实现它,还必须懂得两个字——变通。只有变通,只有切合实际的行动,才能适应这个气象万千的中国。如果他的西方思维不能接受这个中国思维的话,我可以去Google全球总部亲自去给他讲解下古老的中国思维与中国智慧。同时建议下Google总裁,同时Google中国的人才标准不能完全西方化, Google中国应该成立一个公关部,挑选一下中国智慧标准的人才(当然这种人才放在Google中国研发部的话会让Google的技术变弱的),相信未来Google一定会在中国大放光彩!为了避免google副总不能理解汉字的真义,特翻译英文供google老大查看!Why does not a foreign company in China, the success of the Internet, why they are acclimatized, why they are in China are Hunbuxiaqu, YAHOO, EBAY, and so such a world-renowned Internet companies in China can not be successful! Why do they let IT giant Microsoft felt shaking, so that Bill Gates nightmares every night of Google in China, feel acclimatized! Hunbuxiaqu would like to retreat!      Why is Microsoft in China, a very impressive mix, for example, why get policy support, legislation forced the computer must be installed on each sale of genuine operating systems! And so on. In some big purchases on the government to suppress made in China Jinshan, red and so on! Why is plagiarism so the Americans the green dam open source software in China is also mixed with water from the wind! Of the National People do pay for it!      Why do we say in China, the programmers are not respected, programmers stem to 35-year-old, you must consider the transformation of the programmer can not do it, why is that in China, good at engaging in relationships, playing all kinds of tricks would be a man of the people are generally mixed The technology is cattle programmer than strong, and why in China, the thick black school, relationships, school books so popular, while in the West, on the contrary, programmers are respected, in particular, technology is cattle programmers, why Chinese-made thick black science, the relationship between science in the West do not work!     Similarly, why so many Chinese scientific research institutions, research institutes, has been 60 years since the founding of the PRC, are not the birth of Nobel Prize winners, why are the Chinese post-graduate study in the West it will be able to get the Nobel Prize! For example, in 2009 won the Nobel Prize Kao. In the final analysis, is wisdom and the wisdom of the West created by the different! Me, eyes off his a master of Chinese wisdom and the wisdom of the West different! A nation with a nation's wisdom, of course, different peoples of the wisdom of understanding are different. Chinese people on behalf of the Chinese intellectual ideas, and the foreigners have a big gap between the Western concept of intelligence. Westerners in mind the wisdom of people, none other than Aristotle, Newton, Edison, Einstein, Hawking, and his ilk, are theorists, inventors, and create at home. The eyes of the Chinese people's wisdom figure who? You will invariably say: "wise," "Sima Yi." Zhuge Liang Sima Yi, what invention? No; What is creation? No; proposed theory? Or not (Sun Wu also Ministry "The Art of War"). Chinese people have Zhuge Liang, Sima Yi as the highest representative of the wisdom of the reasons for where? Because the trick play Zhuge Liang, engage in the level of Chinese ancient and modern first treachery. Sima Yi's forbear trickery we proverbial, but he was empty city was wise to play the one, the top of the Valley of dollars came close to being burned to death by Zhuge can be considered lagged, one could argue that Zhuge first, and Antonio followed. China's intellectual standard trick trickery, the Western intellectual standard inventions. In accordance with the wisdom of the Chinese standard, Newton, Edison, Einstein, but only a few nerds. Newton met Zhuge Liang, Zhuge Liang certainly be played with heart in hand, like candy, like Buddha who dares to talk about before Zhuge genius. While the wisdom of Western standards, Zhuge Liang is a good trick, but a political figure only, and even an advanced mathematical formula can not have answers to who dares to talk about the wisdom of Newton's face. Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, like good old political trick wrist and will not be included in the ranks of the Western genius. China has been a mathematician named Chen's (now 90 after the estimate is not much to know), all day long possessed engage in so-called "1 +1 = 2" mathematical conjecture. Chen's people around at that time regarded as a fool, cranks, but for foreigners favors Chen's, he has would be considered mentally retarded IQ foolishly close to people. Chen's paper sign out, China's response as no response, foreigners are excited: "You have a Chinese mathematician Chen's genius! We would like to invite him to lecture." Foreigners to Chen's rehabilitation Zhaimao foolishly, but there are still many China did not approve of: "Is not a geeks Well." The highest in the West that human wisdom is reflected in the understanding of the universe, nature, wisdom, the level of a "struggle with nature," the size of the ability to grant those who reveal the genius of the reputation of natural law theorist, inventor of ingenious use of the forces of nature. China believes that the highest human wisdom embodied in the "people" understand the control of the level of intelligence is "the struggle with others" capacity size. China's wise men is this: skilled and acted, wily and resourceful, to please their superiors, to draw level class, the use of lower level. Do not do this, and were included in the "honest", "idiot", "given to" non-resuscitation ignorant person. Chinese proverb: "a man is more important than work," Chen's like people who do not know a man is immune wives in China, referring to science, some people may not seem convinced: "The Chinese Han Zhang Heng invented the earliest observations of earthquakes toad tank five generations of ancestors of the earliest to arrive at the red circle the rate of high-precision, Ming Wan's first manned rocket flight produce weapons of a stool ... .... " But we also should understand that Zhang Heng, Zu Chong Zhi, Wan's, and others are historians and foreigners in order to Zhengkou Qi, hard to uncover them from the dustbin of history a rare figure. In China's long history, very few people are aware that the existence of these people, not to mention them as the embodiment of the wisdom of the Chinese. Ancient Chinese people always attach importance to technological innovation does not, we are the home of four great inventions, but those who concerned about the inventor before, which the ancient rulers, which serves as an official of the serious attention of science and technology, all day long to play the party struggles, power struggles, each day pondering with their own career and make a fortune, playing tricks, Latin American relations, forming cliques, are thinking about how to beat their competitors, crushing the people, discuss the emperor favor. Account for 80% of world GDP at that time of the Southern Song, technological, economic Who can say that bad, was Mongolia to eliminate, but in fact soldiers in combat is a problem, why the Mongol armies invincible, that is, with their emphasis on science and technology, emphasis on artillery, finally sound like artillery, bow and arrow these weapons do not pay attention to those artisans in turn be used in Mongolia, and finally his own soldiers than fighting someone else, and weapons than others, do not be strange if Pimie! On nearly 1 o'clock, and the Opium War, direct holding spears, machetes with others artillery gun dry, humiliating, cede territory and pay indemnities. Western philosopher's wisdom is reflected in an abstract way of thinking. And Mencius, the ancient Greek scholar Aristotle contemporary, pioneering study of non-living material world, the structure, movement and causes of "Physics" and also proposed a series of basic natural science concepts: "material", "Space "and" time "," movement. " Aristotle was also the first that "methodological" problem, concludes that "induction" and "deduction" two kinds of logical reasoning. Should be said that one of Aristotle's greatest contribution to that "power" of the abstraction and the creation of the relationship between force and movement of the "laws of motion" (and later Galileo on Aristotle's "laws of motion" occurred doubt, put forward the "inertia"). Newton summed up the famous "three laws of mechanics", the macro-mechanics basically mature, quantum mechanics, represented by the micro-mechanics has opened up a new era. It can be said there is no "force" of the abstraction, there is no natural science of today. In contrast, the Chinese sage's wisdom embodied in the emotional way of thinking. Chinese philosopher, though not good at abstract concepts and the creation of rules proposed by the law, but they are good at storytelling, the profound philosophy of life literature to use simple mode of expression, the ancient Chinese philosophy, all reside in the teachings and stories of celebrities like the fable. Such as "sit back and wait", "disregard the changing circumstances", "people are buying Lu Zheng," This three fables, the authors want to express the meaning in fact the same, but the Chinese philosopher can not put these specific fable abstract concept of sublimation as a rational, Western philosophers put the Chinese philosopher want to say but can not tell the content to be summed up as an abstract concept: "dogmatism." Then such as "self-deceiving," "suspect, Pirates of the ax," "fine people to eat meat," meaning the same three fables, Chinese philosophers did not like the Western philosophers of these fables abstract as a concept: "subjectivism." China's Fables similar to Western fairy tales, but fairy tales are for children to see, because the children's rational thinking abilities are relatively poor. While China's Fables is looking for adults, according to Western standards, China's fable is the "adult fairy tale." What is China's national character? Lu Xun rational thought can not come to an abstract concept, had to borrow sensual fable way of thinking and writing of "The Story of Ah Q." Of course, Lu Xun's thinking with the emotional way is right, because Chinese people are rational and abstract things have a natural sense of resistance, rational theory of strong in China, it is difficult to gain widespread acceptance. On the other hand, China and the West test the wisdom of the way individuals are different. Westerners with the IQ test examination questions want to force your hair, reasoning ability and creativity, and then give you a brain, IQ value. The University of the West entrance examinations are to test the skills of reasoning imagination capability. Ancient Chinese how to assess individual's intelligence? This is the imperial examinations, with writing articles to assess the extent of your wisdom, scholar, Exams, chin-shih of the difference lies in the level of high and low write articles, articles written by the emperor encomiendas the best champion. If a family of a champion, it is extremely honorable thing would be permanently recorded in the pedigree to become the pride of later generations. Chinese imperial examinations were what? Is neither a test candidate to imagine the logic of reasoning and ability to innovate, nor is it equipped with the knowledge exam candidate number and degree of accuracy, but the test candidate's "literary grace." As the literary talent is not an objective standard, so the Chinese imperial examinations will not be like the University of the West there is an objective test scores, candidates in the examinations ranked entirely by examiners to determine the individual's likes and dislikes. China's so-called "literary talent" then what is it? This is not an objective definition, it is difficult to accurately explain in words. Roughly speaking, the have "literary talent," the article, the author is not a simple and direct way to express his own ideas, but by analogy, metaphor, hyperbole, personification and other literary techniques to express ideas indirectly, euphemistically, telling a tale talk about the level of major vernacular language was considered more low. The performance of the ancient Chinese practice of literature known as "Fu" and "bi", "Xing", Zhu said: "Fu who deposited Chen being to the respect of those who are; than those who, in order to take things than this Peter materials; Xing who first words of praise and otherness in order to rise to the word of it. " The West there is no "literary talent" concept, had to "pay close attention to" translated "literary talent", Westerners have difficulty in understanding Chinese literati's pursuit of "literary talent" in the end what it was. Western painting is characterized by realism, painting, painting in order to faithfully model was a natural for the first prerequisite. The Chinese painting is characterized by impressionistic painters exaggerated way to use a metaphor to express their feelings of life. Similarly, the West is characterized by the article written to express the accuracy and objectivity of the article Japan is the written word to express the characteristics of metaphor and hyperbole whenever they come to a "white-haired three-Qian Zhang." Beauty depicted in the novel foreigners, directly describing how her eyes, face what movements what expression to do, and beauty of ancient Chinese novels describe the way they like to use the metaphor: "Chenyulayan, shame to spend close on." Chinese people believe that in order to achieve "pay close attention to" effect, sacrifice the accuracy of the facts described is also possible, so have the problem Zhang poem "Midnight Bells": "Moonset Wu Ti frost sky, Jiangfeng fishing boat on the melancholy sleep. Gusu outside of Cold Mountain Temple, Chimes at Midnight to the passenger." This should be a moonset at dawn, followed by saying that "the middle of the night," middle of the night and on the ups and downs, time-dependent is clearly wrong; Crow is a daytime animal, and chickens like to sleep at night, at midnight to hear a crow call, just as unnatural as Banyejijiao ; Moreover, the monastery has little to midnight bell, "Chimes at Midnight" also makes surprise to us. As the Chinese poetry does not focus on "realism", while the stress on "impressionistic," as long as the mood is good, even poetic at variance with reality, it is still considered good poetry. Created a variety of ancient Chinese literature and subject matter, the Book of Songs of Chu Han Fu poetry, are very emphasized that stress literary grace. New Culture Movement ago, the vernacular novel is unrefined laity Wanyi Er, there is the level of educated scholars are Yinshizuofu. "Three Kingdoms", "Water Margin" and other novels have been written well, but the authors often a crucial moment, with a total not forget to write a poem to a "a poem as evidence," a nondescript, hard-squeezed poetry, an attempt to to express the writer's "literary grace." Author seems to want to say: "I am not only to write the vernacular, I would write poetry." Why China did not create a "science"? One of its key Chinese did not invent the things that directly and accurately describes the "paper" genre. Westerners writing as a tool for exchange of ideas, and the Chinese people have written as a stepping stone pedantic and always must come to a little "more than Fu Xing" literary techniques. If you requested a Chinese scholar to describe a chemical experiment back to life, it might be something like this: "When the lights burn, like alcohol, like the warm sunshine of early spring in February when the girl put a light Bi Yan Mou-like crystal of the beaker, add Guanyin Yu Ping Village dew like the clear clean distilled water and place immediately impressed by the wonderful chemical reactions, fast like high winds, lightning speed ratio ... .... " China attaches great importance to the text civilian gorgeous and elegant performance, but it is ignored words to express the accuracy and objectivity, often regardless of settings, abuse of literary styles rhetoric, so China can not be the birth of a Western-style scientific paper genre. Some people think that foreigners read boring scientific papers because of these articles of practical value, but we should remember that Aristotle, Galileo, Newton's era, science was not as now, there is no practical value of the "pure academic. " China, it is hard to understand why foreigners would be kind of boring description of natural phenomena have no interest in literary styles of scientific papers. Some people think that China is engaged in the examination only after there great importance to pay close attention to the contents do not pay attention to ideological tendencies. In fact, China is re-pay close attention to the tradition since ancient times, yet there is no Han imperial examinations, but the specialty of the Han Dynasty, "Han Fu", but it is the history of China's most heavily literary grace light in content style. Sima Xiang-ru wrote an article entitled "Shanglin Fu" and its popularity actually got to Luoyangzhigui, but "Shanglin Fu" In addition to the beautiful rhetoric throughout the outside, but there is no real content. As the concept of the Chinese people's wisdom, the wisdom of writing literary talent as a standard, resulting in long slick style to the Chinese literati. The ancients also felt that this re-wording of the text is not Shigemi shortcomings in the Tang Dynasty Han Yu, Liu Zong-yuan, who had launched a literary movement, promote the learning of ancient pre-Qin simple style of writing that the article should be content-heavy, "true to its word almost true, not yet eagle color. " Ancient China has long been the vernacular, a few hundred years ago, "Three Kingdoms" "Water Margin" is written with the vernacular, but the vernacular literary circles has been unpopular in China. Vernacular can be clearly and accurately express thoughts and feelings, classical Chinese is difficult to do this, it is not possible with the classical Chinese novel written in delicate emotions. Chinese literati stood a simple and accurate expression of ideas without the vernacular, migraine like to use even punctuate the complexity of their brains have to charge a fraction of classical Chinese writings, but also like to add some inside the story does not explain, even more difficult to understand. If we say that the vernacular longer than the "expression of thought", classical Chinese is longer than the "pedantic." "Expression of thought" the more simple and clear as possible, and "pedantry" is the more twists and turns Raowan, the more learned. Obviously can be simple and direct words of a clear matter, but would like to take the ancient Chinese literati pregnant thinking, quote the classics, and made very complicated. You use simple words and phrases would be considered to be knowledgeable enough literary talent is not deep. With the stall hawkers are talking about vernacular writing articles, there is no more than Fu-hsing contrast, there is no way transforms the contextual, not citing the classical authors show how the vast knowledge and gorgeous literary talent? After the imitation of the West 54's new literary movement in China, the rise of the vernacular until the next Reba people boarded the Chinese literary scene. Hu Shi and others to promote the study of Western realist style, use less rhetoric, no allusions. According to Feng recalled that he first Normal school in Zhejiang province at a time when schools to promote a new literature, against the feudal literature and writing, when students are asked, "are not allowed to talk about empty talk and be honest to write." When a student write their own funerals with the "Starry Night creeping V funerals," the teacher questioned: "You are really on the ground that night Paqu it?" Although the repeal of civil service examination after the introduction of Western learning, the Chinese concept of the wisdom of change, but China is still a poetic country, people like the metaphor and hyperbole, like the artistic conception of Chinese painting, as poetically, to the West the pursuit of real science and the pursuit of realism in art, always distanced themselves from him. China rarely was not to meet the test, not to write theses, and purely out of interest to read Aristotle's "Physics" as a lack of literary talent of the reasoning article (Chen's is the exception in the exception). China's intelligence also has its shining office, in studying the shortcomings of human nature and make use of far to go in front in the West. Western countless Junshixuejia, generals, staff officers, to fight battles for thousands of years, but has never come up before "empty city" so must count. If you use the same weapons, the Roman army could not defeat good at thousands of Chinese generals. For example, the Pacific Ocean on the battlefield in World War II, the U.S. military fought off devils, North Korea, where Chinese forces and the U.S. military is able to do to reach deuce, but also precisely because of the Korean War, China was able to rank among the great powers. Governance in China, there is naturally with the Chinese-style wisdom, the wisdom of Western-style does not work in China. Western thinkers as the pride of national wisdom, the Chinese put the trick at home as a national wisdom. Westerners appear to Sima Yi Chen's more than wisdom, because of Chen's and Einstein are the same categories of people; while the Chinese appear to Henry Kissinger smarter than Einstein, as Henry Kissinger and Sima Yi are the same categories of people, China wisdom is not wisdom, and the West point of intersection of two parallel lines. Western intelligence emphasis on "struggle with nature," so was born one after another thinker, inventor; Chinese wisdom emphasis on "fighting with people," so there is a another conspirator, thick black genius. A scheme was born in the West is a family tragedy, an inventor, was born in China is also a tragedy. Sima Yi, if born in the United States, life can only be a skilled in trickery of the small landowners, can not find the ambitions of the opportunities; Edison, if in China, where life can only be in the pharmacy when a general sales Lang, the same finding less than the invention of the opportunities created. In accordance with the wisdom of Western standards, the Chinese nation is a lack of thinking, old-fashioned self-styled, non-attention to invention, it will play a small clever clever clever misuse of the national anti-being; and the wisdom of the standard in accordance with China, the Chinese nation is a deeply human and therefore Xiao Shi, Random factoring, clever rolling in excellent shape and the wisdom of people.     In China, technology, and then cattle, is also a fool would be technology, geeks. In the West, engaging in relationships, thick black school there is no market, so we see that the gap between China and the West today is great!     In China's IT industry, would like a good mix, optical technology is not enough cattle, focusing on a man, sometimes a man is more important than work! There are programmers doing no more than 35 years old, or there will not get mixed, so think more of a man you will have a smooth transition! Otherwise it would be so hard to be more! Frustration born in China, technical cow people to learn to do as the Romans! While saying that small companies do things a man of large companies, but being a man is to be learned, otherwise, had plenty of powerful technology, have always been someone calculations! As the programmer must learn to adapt to social, natural selection, survival of the fittest. In 2009, Chinese scientists won the Nobel Prize Kao, Chinese and Jews world-famous high IQ, why is the Chinese people so smart, why has no one in the local community does have access to the Nobel Prize, the Chinese state has been more than 60 years, numerous research Authority, Israel is so small, a downy small country, nation-building was also later than China, one after another it was the Nobel Prize! China has never been no shortage of talent, but those talents are often not have the opportunity and space to grow will often be a man who faced down things will do even greater things in life people do not. Think google should retreat in China, foreign Internet companies in China, why not a success, the biggest drawback is that too did not understand the Chinese people! Do not understand Chinese wisdom! Would like to open in China, Hunde, we must understand and learn Chinese wisdom! At the same time Google is to present themselves as the Western mind is a search engine, has nothing to do with the search results. But Western thought in China, there is no market! I suggest that Google CEO must carefully read the "The Ming dynasty that Matters", I am sure he will find this book how to Google in China's wind and water mixed approach! Suggested that he should seriously look into one of China's greatest sage of the knowledge, Wang Yangming's heart study, apply what they learn. What is apply what they learn? Answer: that is knowing and unity. No matter how great integrity and vision, to realize it, but also must understand the word - work. Only alternative, only the practical actions in order to adapt to this nature in China. If he can not accept the Western mind this Chinese thinking, I can go to Google's global headquarters in person to explain to him under the ancient Chinese thought and Chinese Wisdom. Also proposed that the next president of Google, while Google China's talent standards can not be completely Westernized, Google China should set up a public relations department, the selection criteria about the wisdom of Chinese people (Of course, such talent on the Google China R & D department, then let Google's technical change weak), I believe the future of Google in China will shine!  本文来自CSDN博客,转载请标明出处:http://blog.csdn.net/yincheng01/archive/2010/02/19/5312011.aspx