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Jonna Wibelius is originally Sweden but has spent the last 7 years living in England, Australia, Finland and now China (Shanghai/Suzhou since 2006). SHE in China is her blog about her observations on every day life.

Jonna Wibelius原籍瑞典,但她在过去的7年间曾先后移居英格兰、澳大利亚和芬兰,现在在中国定居(自从2006年起,有时是上海有时是苏州)。《她在中国》就是她记录并分享自己每天的生活心得的博客



1. 西方女孩比大多数中国的男人都高,而且块头往往比中国男人还大,也就是所谓的“大骨架”。但凡女孩就不会希望自己比她的男人还“高壮”,而男人们也不会喜欢被自己的女人衬得瘦小……

2. 文化差异:许多西方女性都相当独立,在家庭中往往与丈夫共同分担家务。而在许多中国城市中,女人们要独自承担起所有的家务活儿(即使她还做着一份全职工作),还要做晚饭,等等等等。她们的男人是不会帮她的。(只有上海的男人不这样。上海的男人真是理家的一把好手啊!)对于试图融入截然不同的中国社会的西方女性来讲,做到这一点实在是太难了。我知道至少我就做不到。

3. 语言障碍(不解释了)

4. 相互之间缺乏吸引力





作者:寒灯 发布日期:2011-10-26 13:06:39 浏览:816
Jonna Wibelius原籍瑞典,但她在过去的7年间曾先后移居英格兰、澳大利亚和芬兰,现在在中国定居(自从2006年起,有时是上海有时是苏州)。《她在中国》就是她记录并分享自己每天的生活心得的博客。


Jonna Wibelius is originally Sweden but has spent the last 7 years living in England, Australia, Finland and now China (Shanghai/Suzhou since 2006). SHE in China is her blog about her observations on every day life.

Jonna Wibelius原籍瑞典,但她在过去的7年间曾先后移居英格兰、澳大利亚和芬兰,现在在中国定居(自从2006年起,有时是上海有时是苏州)。《她在中国》就是她记录并分享自己每天的生活心得的博客。


Chinese man + Western girl...isn't a combination you see much of in China. While Western men often date Chinese girls, it's quite rare to see Western women with Chinese men. Why?

Well, I actually don't know (who does?!) for sure, but I can only guess that it has something to do with one, or many, of the following reasons:

1. Western girls are taller/ have got 'bigger bones' than most Chinese men, and often look/are bigger than Chi men. A girl doesn't want to feel 'bigger' than her men and a man doesn't want to feel smaller than his woman...

2. Culture differences: many Western women are quite independent and used to sharing the house chores with their men. In many Chinese cities, the woman is expected (regardless if she has a full time job or not) to take care of the household, make dinner, and so on, with no additional help from the man (except for if she lives in Shanghai! The Shanghai men are apparently real house helpers). I find it hard to imagine a western woman settling for this when she's been brought up in a completely different society. At least I know I wouldn't.

3. Language barrier (needs no further explanation)

4. Lack of mutual attraction?!

When I first moved to China I caught myself thinking that 'I will never find an Asian man attractive... they are just not my style....' But then, something happened?! I don't know if my eyes needed time to adjust to the different scene or what... but suddenly I started to see attractive Asian men on the streets (China, Korean, Japanese...)

I think it might have something to do with the fact that you first come, and think that everyone looks the same (this goes both ways: many Chinese have told me that they think all western people look the same) and then it takes a while for your eyes to adjust and actually distinct people? Anyways, that's how I felt it was. After something like 8months-1 year I started seeing a lot of attractive Asian men, and the funny thing is, that when I pointed them out to western friends who had just come here/who was here for a visit, they just looked at me and frowned.

Maybe the eye needs some time to get used to things? I don't know what other way to explain it... Nowadays I can think that many Asian men are attractive. When me and one of my girlfriends travelled to Seoul in Jan this year we were both quite amazed how good the guys looked, how well they dressed, and so on. (Although, to me, simply being attracted isn't enough to start dating. There obviously needs to be a personality click as well)

In general, I think Chinese men are more feminine than Western men. A classic example is the 'man bag' that became trendy some years ago... In China a man bag seem to be able to look like a woman's handbag and still be OK for a man to carry around??! (and then there are of course Chinese men carrying around their woman's hand bags... so those shouldn't be mixed up!). Try getting a Western man to do that = instant failure.



1. 西方女孩比大多数中国的男人都高,而且块头往往比中国男人还大,也就是所谓的“大骨架”。但凡女孩就不会希望自己比她的男人还“高壮”,而男人们也不会喜欢被自己的女人衬得瘦小……

2. 文化差异:许多西方女性都相当独立,在家庭中往往与丈夫共同分担家务。而在许多中国城市中,女人们要独自承担起所有的家务活儿(即使她还做着一份全职工作),还要做晚饭,等等等等。她们的男人是不会帮她的。(只有上海的男人不这样。上海的男人真是理家的一把好手啊!)对于试图融入截然不同的中国社会的西方女性来讲,做到这一点实在是太难了。我知道至少我就做不到。

3. 语言障碍(不解释了)

4. 相互之间缺乏吸引力





Also, Chinese men can go and have a manicure, something that I think I'd have to violently force on my Western bf, if I wanted him to get one (I don't, however!). I also think that Chinese men in general wear tighter clothes and more bright colours than western men .. I don't know, many of them just feel 'more in touch with their feminine side' than western men (I guess I should mention that I moved from Finland to China, and Finland being the most masculine country I have ever lived in -not in a good way!!!) I also get this feeling that Chinese men are a bit more sensitive than western men. I mean, have you ever heard a Western man humming along (loudly) to 'My heart will go on' on the streets!?

So, could I date a Chinese man (IF I was single)?! I don't know. I think my main concern would be the culture differences. I think that a Chinese man would find me very bold, opinionated and obstinate, and I am not sure how he would deal with that? (gosh, I like to put myself in a bright light, don't I?! But I have strong opinions! I could never hide them). Also, I love doing sports?! Meaning: I love sweating. Not considered very feminine in China?





Post by: ScubaSteve Time: 20-Oct-2008 17:04
"I mean, have you ever heard a Western man humming along (loudly) to 'My heart will go on' on the streets!?"
perhaps, Chinese dudes just have really bad taste in music, did you ever think of that?
this is a silly post. Western dudes like Chinese girls because they're exotic and submissive, not to mention that a lot of ex-pats in China couldn't cut it w/ the ladies back home.
Western chicks aren't really that attracted to Chinese dudes, yes because of the aforementioned smaller bones and height issue, but perhaps you can allow yourself to elaborate:
Chinese women (according to a Durex condoms poll) are, globally, some of the least likely to regularly achieve orgasm during intercourse, most likely because dudes just don't know what buttons to push. Add on the FACT that most Western women have a longer cervix and you've got a sexual mis-adventure waiting to happen.
hmmmm . . . .


Post by: Top_of_the ... Time: 22-Oct-2008 10:41
I'm a guy, so maybe I can't really speak for women, or know all of their tastes, but I have met Chinese guys that I think Western chicks can dig. These are guys with charm, talent and self confidence (EG, a talented guitarist who works out at the same gym as I do) and that are quite handsome as well.
The problem with most of these dudes is that they are unfit, thin and weak, and in that sense, somewhat pathetic, and too many of them are computer nerds who spend more time with computer games and chat rooms than real people. I think its a bit of a generational thing and that China's urban environment is very unfriendly to youth. Also, it is generally really boring unless you're ready to spend quite a lot of money.
As for the comment above clearly referring to a "size matters" issue, I think it's incredibly juvenile, and in terms of physiological mechanisms of pleasure, fully backwards. You can have the tiniest tool in the world, but if you know what you're doing, still give chicks the most insane orgasms they've ever experienced, in sets of three. The cocksure simpleton above has about the authority on this subject as a pimply, junior-high school jock. Ignore him. Real women looking for meaningful relationships rarely factor "size" into the equation.




Post by: deliberate Time: 24-Oct-2008 8:04
You guys are all still (still) talking about old, folklore and pop-culture-based stereotypical beliefs.
You have to look at the glass half full instead of half -empty!
I've been to China 7 times...
I have seen some very masculine HOT and BIG Chinese dudes. Maybe I don't waste time looking at the small, wimpy, computer nerdy, fem Chinese dudes you are all talking about, but I honestly didn't see any like that.
I think that because of different traditions and different needs in their society (Chinese daily life is NOT easy like ours is) their tastes are different... but if you look past the brightly colored clothes or the fact that the dude might not be totally ripped with a 6 pack and might not be a cocky bastard "player" like lots of western "hot" dudes are, then you could see real masculine beauty and strength with Chinese men.
Especially in Qingdao I saw lots of tall, large-framed Chinese men whose faces almost made me drop in my tracks...I mean literally, "drop dead handsome". And they are also "exotic" in that they are "different" than what we're used to...they're (usually) not as "cocky" as western guys and are much less assuming. They tend to be a little more reserved, shy and perhaps conservative...but they still would love to have a try with a western woman (if they're single that is-- want to stress here: don't go out and break up homes in china now western girls!).
to be continued in next post (it's long)




Post by: deliberate Time: 24-Oct-2008 8:05
cont'd from last post:


Post by: deliberate Time: 24-Oct-2008 8:05
I'm married to a Chinese man (from China). He's pretty atypical for a Chinese man if you think of most Chinese men as you've all described above...But I'd venture to say there are plenty like him.
He's tall (over 6 feet tall) and weighs almost 200 lbs and LOVES to go to the gym. He's really independant (not easy to push this guy around) BUT he's fiercely loyal and does think my opinion as his wife matters with important decisions and so he does ask me. His traditional little cultural inuendos and quirks are just endearing and provide me with a great learning opportunity about him and his culture and humanity (and help me constantly look at myself)...
Now, that being said...I wondered (painstakingly) as I walked the streets in China what the hell American or western women are thinking? Where are their heads? up their asses? (sorry girls...I have to ask this) bEcause there really are some HOT guys there!!!! And ones that are worth asking out if you (and they) are single!!
If you NEVER ask them out or present a situation where they can ask YOU, then you'll never know how delightful an experience a Chinese man is!!! You just have to give it a go and see for yourself!!!! It's wonderful!!!


