
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/10/02 18:54:14



作者:Dr.Logan Levkoff

I've been having sexual fantasies for as long as I can remember. When I was in the fourth grade, I dreamed that I was making out with Christie Brinkley on top of my desk. By middle school, I was fantasizing about the athletics director at my sleep away camp. And today, I still have torrid dreams about Huey Lewis (yes, that Huey Lewis). However, it sometimes seems as if it is more taboo to talk about our fantasies now, as an adult, even though we should feel free to express that which turns us on, both mentally and physically. Fantasies are an essential part of our sexuality, but for some reason, we are almost paralyzed by them and what they may mean about us.

    打我能记事起,性幻想就一直存在着。当时,我还只是一个小学四年级的学生,就梦到自己和Christie Brinkley在课桌上做爱。到中学,有一次露营,熟睡的我想到了任课的体育老师。直至今日,我还会幻想自己和Huey Lewis火热亲密。但是,性幻想更像是一种禁忌,成年人都不太愿意谈论它们,尽管说出这些内容,精神和肉体上获得的释放,会让人倍感轻松。性幻想是性的基本组成部分,但出于某些原因,它的重要性几乎被人们忽视了。

Perhaps you will be surprised to know that Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb recently proved my point. I appeared on their hour of The Today Show to talk about my latest book, "How to Get Your Wife to Have Sex with You." Midway through the interview I told the hosts that many of us make assumptions about our partners; we don't realize what a rich fantasy life the other one has. I said that one of the more exciting aspects of working on this book was in discussing sexual fantasies -- more importantly, the amazing range of sexual fantasies that women have.
    听到这个消息,你或许会很惊讶,Kathie Lee Gifford 和 Hoda Kotb 在不久前,证实了我以上的观点。那天,我出席了他们主持的“今日秀”节目,并谈到了自己的最新力作《如何让你的妻子与你做爱》。节目中间的采访,我告诉他们,很多人会猜度自己的伴侣,因为他们不知道自己另一半之所“想”。我之前说过,这本书讨论性幻想的部分,会更引起读者的兴趣,而重中之重,则是对女性性幻想内容范围的讨论,范围之广,令人“咋舌”。
I began to explain that I asked hundreds of women about their fantasies and received wonderful responses. That's when I was interrupted.
"Are (these women) slutty?" Hoda asked.
    “这些女人都很淫荡对吧?” Hoda问道。
Kathie Lee answered, "Total sluts."
    Kathie Lee 回答说:“统统都是荡妇吧。”
My brain froze. Wait -- what? The whole point of this conversation was to get women to feel empowered so that they could share their fantasies with their partners. Now they're being called sluts? (And besides, if you've read any of my work, you know that I have a visceral reaction to the word.)
"Hardly," I replied, and wearing a smile that concealed my frustration, I continued, "It's amazing what a working mom or a stay at home mom can fantasize about in her spare time."
    “一派胡言,没有人是荡妇。” 我回答道,面带微笑,掩饰着不解,继续道,“关于一个职业女性,抑或一位家庭主妇,闲暇之余所做的性幻想,大家听过之后,想毕都会感到吃惊。”
Now, maybe the hosts were trying to be funny. Maybe. But even if someone thinks that it is remotely funny to call women who have sexual fantasies "sluts," we have a serious problem. Not to mention, we're all screwed, 'cause we've all got them.
Let me clear things up. Other than our skin, our brains are the biggest sex organ we have. We are supposed to use them. We are supposed to have an active fantasy life. Sexual fantasies do not make us sluts. Nor do they suggest that we have trouble in our current relationship. Fantasies make us healthy sexual beings. (Besides, would KLG and Hoda label men who talk openly about their sexual desires? I think not. They'd chalk it up to "being a man.") They are our mind's way of exploring that which we may or may never do in real life. They can be short images or long, drawn out narratives of things outside the realm of our everyday life -- or actual past experiences. Either way, our brain is telling us that we can turn on to just about anything; that is exciting.
    让我来解释一下吧:不同于我们的皮肤,大脑是女性最大的性器官,我们理所当然要使用它,产生类似的幻想也就不足为奇。有性幻想,并不意味着我们就成了荡妇,也无法表明我们现阶段的夫妻关系出现问题,它只会使性事朝健康的方向发展,(再说了,你认为KLG 和 Hoda 会把那些公开谈论性欲的男人分门别类么?我认为不会吧。她们会说,男人就是这样的。)它们只不过是,对现实生活中我们可以或无法企及的想法,思维形式的“穿梭”而已。这些幻想可能是一些或长或短的影像,它们是从突破了日常生活格局的事物中抽取出来的片段,或是过去的经历本身。无论哪一种,大脑总在告诉我们要接纳这些性幻想,这些幻想令人兴奋。
The point I was trying to make on-air was that when we're in a long term relationship (gay, straight, whatever), we start to assume that our partner knows everything about us -- and vice versa. We believe that we can anticipate his/her every need. But that's just not true. In fact, it's impossible. We evolve, and our fantasies do, too. I'm not even sure that we realize how varied and x-rated our partner's thoughts can actually be.
Yet we are so hesitant to share our fantasies. Why? Well, we are afraid of judgment. Afraid of being called a slut or deviant or sick. Afraid that our partners or our friends might think less of us (even though they're probably just as imaginative as we are).


So to honor the women I interviewed, and many of you who have a rich fantasy life of your own, let me present some of what came up in my interviews. It's not like you weren't wondering, right?



I could keep writing, but hopefully you get the point. Fantasies don't mean we are closeted lesbians or bisexual or into BDSM or looking for new, edgier experiences. And if we are any of the above (and the sex is consensual), well, that's fine, too.
So, dare I ask? Any of you want to proudly own your favorite sexual fantasy? No pressure, I just thought I'd try ...



PHOTOS: 9 Sexual Fantasies From Real Women
 ♀  照片:女性的九大性幻想  
Sex With A Celebrity

1  和名人做爱

Sex With A Woman

2  和女人做爱(女同性恋)

Sex With The Barista At Starbucks Who Is Of Indeterminate Gender

3  和星巴克的咖啡师做爱(咖啡师的性别含糊)

A Threesome With George Clooney And Angelina Jolie

4   与乔治·克鲁尼和安吉丽娜·朱莉玩3P

Sex With A Stranger
5  与陌生人做爱

Being Dominated

6  受支配

Dominating Your Partner

7  占主导

Sex In A Public Place

8  公共场所做爱

Group Sex

9  群交