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1. King Lear1. 李尔王

It’s Shakespeare! And it was so ahead of its time that it’s amazing.莎士比亚大师作品!它超越了它诞生的时代,因此更显得让人赞叹。

2. Hamlet2. 哈姆雷特
Also by Shakespeare. Some of Shakespeare's most amazing writing is in this play.同样是莎士比亚的作品,他最卓著的几句话都出自这部戏剧。

3. The Great Gatsby3. 了不起的盖茨比

By F. Scott Fitzgerald. Just an absolutely poetic writer. There's a lot of power and beauty in this short book.作者弗·司各特·菲茨杰拉德,一位充满诗意的作家。在这部短篇小说里有很多对权欲的描写。

4. Tender Is the Night4. 夜色温柔

By F. Scott Fitzgerald. Gatsby is better known, but Tender is written so beautifully that you have to read it if you haven’t. It’s poetry in prose.同样是弗·司各特·菲茨杰拉德的作品,只不过《了不起的盖茨比》更加出名。但《夜色温柔》的文笔如此如此优美,以至于你不得不去看,它是一首散文诗。

5. A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man5. 青年艺术家的画像

By James Joyce. A great introduction to this unmatched of modern writers, Portrait is notable for the development of its language as the narrator’s skill with language improves.詹姆斯·乔伊斯的作品,是这位无与伦比的现代作家的半自传体小说。这部小说因为作者日益提升的创作技巧和语言特色而著名。

6. Ulysses6. 尤利西斯

By James Joyce. An absolute masterpiece. Joyce puts the entire scale of human drama and English literature within the span of 24 hours, plotted within one square mile, told through the lives of ordinary people. Also see Joyce’s outstanding book of short stories, Dubliners.作者詹姆斯·乔伊斯,这完全是一部杰作。故事发生在短短一天时间里,将整个都柏林地区生活状态和英国文学融入对普通人生活的刻画中。

7. Cat’s Cradle7. 猫的摇篮

By Kurt Vonnegut. I just can't get enough of Vonnegut, and I was devastated that he died several years ago. Until then, he held the title of my absolute favorite living writer. And Cat’s Cradle is my favorite of all his books. I think Vonnegut is in my granfalloon.作者库尔特·冯内古特,我对他的作品简直爱不释手,不过令人震惊的是他几年前去世了。在那之前,他一直是我所推崇的在世作家,而《猫的摇篮》是他所有作品中我最爱的一部,我想我们志趣相同。

8. Slaughterhouse-Five8. 第五号屠宰场

By Kurt Vonnegut. Anything by Vonnegut is excellent reading, but this is one of his best, and is considered a classic. A more humorous and raging commentary against war has rarely been written. Also see Bluebeard, Slapstick, Welcome to the Monkey House, Breakfast of Champions, among others, if you like the two listed here.同样是库尔特·冯内古特的作品,冯内古特的任何作品都是精品,而这是他生涯的代表作之一,被称为经典名作。没有比这部小说更幽默和激烈抨击战争的。如果有兴趣,还可以看看他的其他作品,如《蓝胡子》《打闹剧》《欢迎到猴子屋》《冠军早餐》等。

9. Neuromancer9. 神经漫游者

By William Gibson. Perhaps my favorite sci-fi writer of all time, Gibson is gritty, dreamy, and ultra-cool all at the same time. Neuromancer was his first, and is the start of the Span trilogy.威廉·吉布森也许是我最喜爱的科幻小说作家了,吉布森不仅勇敢、充满梦想,而且酷毙了。《神经漫游者》是他的第一部小说,同时也是蔓生都会三部曲第一部。

10. All Tomorrow’s Parties10. 明日聚会

By William Gibson. This tale of the near future features a Zen-like assassin, among other cool characters. ATP is the third in the Bridge trilogy.作者威廉·吉布森,这部基于近未来的科幻作品主角是一个身处其他超酷的角色之间的充满禅意的刺客。《明日聚会》是吉布森桥三部曲第三部。11. Pattern Recognition11. 模式识别

By William Gibson. With this book, Gibson starts a new series, set in the present day. In fact, it’s so much like his futuristic sci-fi that it’s eerie. Gibson has a unique way of looking at our world.作者同样是威廉吉布森,在这个故事里,吉布森开始了对当代社会的一系列描述。实际上因为很像未来科幻小说,所以显得有些很诡异,吉布森看现实世界的角度很独特。

12. Slow Man12. 迟钝的人

By J.M. Coetzee. One of the greatest living writers of the English language, you could pick up any of his titles (Disgrace would be my other recommendation) and get an excellent book. Slow Man plays with the boundaries of fiction.作者J.M.库切,是当代最伟大的英语作家之一,他的作品都很优秀(《耻》也很值得推荐)。《迟钝的人》是一部虚幻作品。

13. The Big Sleep13. 长眠不醒

By Raymond Chandler. The best of the detective novelists, Chandler took the genre to new heights that generations of writers have tried to reach. He’s the best, and his writing is just as relevant today as it was when it was written.作者雷蒙·钱德勒,优秀的推理小说家。钱德勒的这一作品将推理小说达到一个新高度。他是推理小说家的巨擘,即使在今天,他作品的光芒仍未褪色。

14. Motherless Brooklyn14. 布鲁克林孤儿

By Jonathan Lethem. If you like Chandler and similar tough detective novels, you’ll love Lethem’s brilliant take on the genre. An excellent story featuring a protagonist with Tourette Syndrome, a killer giant and a Zen crime syndicate.作者乔纳森·勒瑟姆。如果你喜欢钱德勒的硬汉侦探作品,那么你一定会喜欢勒瑟姆的同类型作品。这是围绕一个患有妥瑞症的伟大杀手和禅宗犯罪集团的优秀故事。

15. Gun, with Occasional Music15. 枪,偶尔有音乐

By Jonathan Lethem. Another excellent detective novel, this one combines the genre with sci-fi. Features talking kangaroos working for the mob and other cool stuff.作者乔纳森·勒瑟姆。这是他的另一部优秀侦探小说,它融合了科幻小说元素,最神奇的是里面有为暴徒工作的会说话的袋鼠和其他怪异事物。

16. Never Let Me Go16. 别让我走

By Kazuo Ishiguro. It’s hard to describe Ishiguro’s writing, except that he really plays with whether the narrator of a story is objective or not. He plays with traditional plot devices and uses the reader’s curiosity of the unfolding story drive the book forward. Never Let Me Go might technically be sci-fi, as it seems to be set in the future, but really there’s not much sci-fi about it.作者石黑一雄,很难描述石黑一雄的写作,除了判断他故事里的叙述者是不是第三人称。他擅长用传统的情节工具和读者的好奇心来推动故事前进。《别让我走》可能在技巧上有些科幻,因为故事场景设定在未来,但实际上整个故事并没有科幻色彩。

17. When We Were Orphans17. 我辈孤雏

By Kazuo Ishiguro. Ostensibly a detective novel, it leaves you wondering about a lot of things, including what others really think of the narrator.作者石黑一雄,表面上这是一部侦探小说,它给你留下很多疑惑的东西,包括别人对故事叙述者的看法。

18. Kafka on the Shore18. 海边的卡夫卡

By Haruki Murakami. This guy is such an imaginative writer. Very different from most of the fiction you’ll read, anything can happen in a Murakami book.作者村上春树,他是一位充满想象力的作家。这部小说跟你平常看的小说完全不同,在春树的小说里,什么都能发生。

19. Bel Canto19. 美声唱法

By Ann Patchett. One of the most beautiful books, a must-read if you haven’t yet. Hostages and hostage takers trapped by seige, and some surprising things unfold.作者安·帕契特,最优美的小说之一,如果你还没看过就赶紧找一本来看看吧。人质和劫持者被围困,然后意想不到的事情发生了。

20. Run20. 奔跑

By Ann Patchett. This is a moving story full of magic. Also see Patchett’s excellent The Magician’s Assistant.作者安·帕契特,这是一个充满魔幻色彩的感人故事。安的另外一部优秀作品是《魔术师的助理》。21. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series21. 银河系漫游指南系列

By Douglas Adams. The best comedy books ever, you’ll laugh out loud at every book. Adams is simply brilliant. 作者道格拉斯·亚当斯。这是有史以来最好的喜剧小说,每本书都能让你捧腹大笑,亚当斯简直是天才。

22. The Discworld Series22. 碟形世界系列

By Terry Pratchett. Starts with The Color of Magic, but there are well over 30 in the series now. You can just jump in and read any of them, and they’re all pretty much incredible. Second-funniest writer, after Adams.作者特里·普拉切特,该系列以《魔法颜色》为开端,至今已出版30多部。你可以随意选择一部阅读,它们都是令人难以置信的佳作。特里·普拉切特是继亚当斯之后的又一幽默作家。

23. The Stand23. 末日逼近

By Stephen King. Anything by Stephen King will be a good read, but if you’re going to just read one book by him, read this one. A master storyteller.作者斯蒂芬·金,他的任何作品都是佳作,但你如果只打算读一本,那就读着一本吧。斯蒂芬·金是讲故事的大师。

24. Harry Potter series24. 哈利·波特系列

By J.K. Rowling. A classic series, from book one. Sure, it’s supposedly a kid’s series, but so is LOTR (next entry, below) and host of other wonderful works. Harry Potter made reading come alive for my children, and maybe you cried numerous times while reading these books with them.作者J.K.罗琳,从第一本开始就是经典系列。的确,它被视作儿童文学作品,但《指环王》等其他文学作品也是。哈利·波特让孩子们再次爱上阅读,而且也许你看这些书的时候哭过好几次。

25. The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings series25. 霍比特人及指环王系列

By J.R.R. Tolkein. Absolute classics. The Hobbit by itself is a great little book, but the LOTR series adds epic drama to the world of the Hobbits.作者J.R.R.托尔金,这些绝对是经典之作。《霍比特人》本身就是一部伟大著作,而由此延续的指环王系列则是史诗般的巨作。

26. High Fidelity26. 失恋排行榜

By Nick Hornby. Made into an excellent movie by John Cusack, High Fidelity is as much about music as it is about relationships. Just a cool book.作者尼克·霍恩比,该书由John Cusack改编为一部优秀电影。《失恋排行榜》既是谈论恋爱,也是谈论音乐,这真的是一部很棒的书。

27. About a Boy27. 关于一个男孩

By Nick Hornby. Better than the movie, which was pretty decent. The main characters — a do-nothing rich shallow bachelor and a son of a depressed and suicidal mom — are transformed by each other. Also see Hornby’s excellent How to Be Good.作者尼克·霍恩比,该书相当不错,比电影更值得一看。该书的主要角色——一个无所事事且肤浅的有钱单身汉、一个沮丧的小男孩和他妄图自杀的妈妈,他们在相处中改变着彼此。霍恩比的另一部优秀小说是《如何是好》。

28. Water for Elephants28. 大象的眼泪

By Sara Gruen. It’s a historical book about circuses. It’s a compelling story, and the well-researched facts really bring the story and characters alive.作者莎拉·格鲁恩,这是一部关于马戏团的历史小说。故事十分吸引人,而取材真实生活的风格使得整个故事和里面的人物活灵活现。

29. The Unbearable Lightness of Being29. 不能承受的生命之轻

By Milan Kundera. A classic, and a great read. Set in Czechoslovakia in the late 60s, it explores the insignificance of our actions and existence, in beautiful language.作者米兰·昆德拉,一部经典著作。故事背景是20世纪60年代的捷克斯洛伐克,它以优美的语言探讨了我们行为和存在的意义。

30. Anna Karenina30. 安娜·卡列尼娜

By Leo Tolstoy. One of the greatest novels of all time, Anna is a tragic heroine brought down by her desire to live and be loved, while Levin is a wonderful character looking for a satisfactory answer to the only important question to Tolstoy: that of death. Incrediblyinterwoven stories presided over by a roving omniscient narrator.作者列夫·托尔斯泰,一部置于任何时代都毫不逊色的伟大著作,安娜因生活和爱情的失败沦为悲剧女主人公,而列文则是回答托尔斯泰提出的关于死亡这一问题的最佳角色。这两人的故事都被托尔斯泰这位博识的叙述者巧妙地穿插起来。31. Crime and Punishment, and The Brothers Karamazov31. 《罪与罚》《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》

By Dostoyevsky. These two classics are fascinating for their explorations of the human psyche under extreme conditions. Anexistentialist before his time, Dostoyevsky is a powerful writer.作者陀思妥耶夫斯基,这两部经典之作都因对艰险条件下人们内心灵魂的探索而引人注目。陀思妥耶夫斯基超越了他所处的时代,是一位了不起的作家。

32. The Broke32. 破坏欲

By John Grisham. He’s such a good storyteller that you can’t put down his books. Also see The Runaway Jury and The Testament.作者约翰·格里森姆。它是一个优秀的故事作者以致于你翻看他的书就停不下来了。他的其他优秀作品有《失控陪审团》和《疯人遗嘱》。

33. The Catcher in the Rye33. 麦田守望者

By J.D. Salinger. The main character is just someone you root for, who you want to be friends with. Also see Salinger’s Franny and Zooey.作者J.D. 塞林格,故事的主人公刻画得很真实,它能引起我们的共鸣,也让我们想靠近。塞林格的其他作品还包括《弗兰妮与卓埃》。

34. Aztec34. 阿兹特克

By Gary Jennings. Amazing historical fiction, so detailed and thoroughly researched and fascinating. You won’t believe this book, or any of its sequels. Also see his wonderful story of Marco Polo — so rich in detail: Journeyer.作者盖瑞·杰宁斯,伟大的历史小说,小说内容详尽、全面而迷人,这部小说及其续集都让人难以置信。他的其他作品还有《马可·波罗》,以及内容丰富的《旅行者》。

35. Creation35. 造物弄人

By Gore Vidal. Another master of historical fiction, Vidal follows a fictional Persion diplomat who meets major philosophers of the time, from Socrates to Zoroaster and Buddha and Lao Tsu and Confucius. Also see Lincoln, another example of Vidal’s best historical fiction, and the best insight into Lincoln you’ll ever find.作者戈尔·维达尔,又一部历史小说著作,维达尔笔下的主人公是一位波斯外交官,他跟那个时代的著名哲学家苏格拉底、琐罗亚斯德、释迦摩尼、老子和孔子都有接触。他的另一部优秀历史小说是《林肯》,这绝对是你看到的描绘林肯的最好视角。

36. To Kill a Mockingbird36. 杀死一只知更鸟

By Harper Lee. It’s a gripping story set in a small southern town with memorable characters. You’ve probably read it already — but it’s worth another visit.作者哈珀·李,这个引人注意的故事发生在一个南方小镇,主角们极具特色。也许你曾经读过,但它绝对值得再回味一次。

37. Shibumi

By Trevanian. Not exactly a classic, but a hidden treasure of the spy genre. Compelling story with a main character you’ll wish you could be, especially if you’re a guy.作者特里文尼安,算不上经典之作,但却是间谍类小说中隐藏的珍宝。如果你是男生,看过小说你一定希望自己就是那个主角。(国内似乎尚未有中译本)

38. Me Talk Pretty One Day

By David Sedaris. Absolutely hilarious and brilliant social commentary in the guise of amemoir. OK, this isn’t exactly a novel, but the stories are so exaggerated as to be almost fictional. Also read his others, including Naked and Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim.作者大卫·塞德瑞斯,自传体式的小说里是对社会的幽默讽刺。好吧,这算不上严格意义上的小说,但是因为讲述的故事过于夸张,几乎是虚构的。他的其他作品还有《赤裸》和《给你的家人穿上灯芯绒和棉布裤子》。

39. The Grapes of Wrath39. 愤怒的葡萄

By John Steinbeck. A monumental classic by a master, explores the plight of the poor who are exploited by modern corporations in an epic tale of struggling sharecroppers.作者约翰·斯坦贝克,文学大师的不朽之作,探讨了农工被现代工厂压榨的困境和挣扎。

40. Deep Blue Good-bye40. 深蓝再见

By John D. MacDonald. The first of the incredible Travis McGee series. McGee is a hard-nosed “salvage expert” — actually a private eye who lives on a boat (called The Busted Flush) and is one of the most memorable detective characters since Sherlock Holmes.作者约翰.D.麦克唐纳,这是私探麦基系列的第一部。麦基是一个讲求实际的“海上救助专家”——实际上是个住在船上的私探,他是继夏洛克·福尔摩斯之后最让人印象深刻的侦探。41. Watership Down41. 海底沉船

By Richard Adams. when you read it, you will just find yourself moved by the characters and rooted in the story (so to speak) as they struggle to overcome tyranny.作者理查德·亚当斯,当你阅读时你会发现自己会被里面反抗暴政的角色深深打动,并沉迷在此故事中。

42. Lolita42. 洛丽塔

By Vladamir Nobokov. This controversial book will test your moral boundaries, and at the same time push the boundaries of the language. Unmatchable in many ways.作者弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫,这部充满争议性的小说将挑战你的道德底线,同时还有语言的底线。在很多方面它都是无与伦比的。

43. Sometimes a Great Notion43. 永不让步

By Ken Kesey. He’s better known for One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, but this is also a masterpiece, really, with intricately interwoven narratives (which can be a bit confusing) telling the story of a hard-nosed logging family in Oregon. A must read.作者肯·克西,他的另一部小说《飞越布谷鸟巢》更出名些。但这部小说同样是不朽之作,它凌乱交互地叙述了俄勒冈州一个勇敢顽强的伐木家庭的故事,必读之作。

44. Life of Pi44. 少年Pi的奇幻漂流

By Yann Martel. A charming story of an Indian boy lost in the middle of the ocean with a tiger. A great read.作者扬·马特尔,这是关于一个印度男孩和一头孟加拉虎在太平洋漂流的历险故事,一个扣人心弦的故事。

45. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time45. 深夜小狗神秘习题

By Mark Haddon. A touching story about a 15-year-old autistic boy who is very intelligent, who uses his dedicated detective skills to solve more mysteries than he set out to solve.作者马克·海登,这是关于一个患有自闭症的15岁少年的感人故事,他利用自己的的侦探才能揭开了很多谜团,同时也发现了更多秘密。

46. The Corrections46. 纠正

By Jonathan Franzen. Maybe at first, you don’t like this book much, as the author seems to dislike and make fun of the main characters. But the deeper you go into the novel, the more you begin to understand and sympathize with the characters. And beyond anintricately woven tale, it’s also an interesting critique of modern consumerism society.作者乔纳森·弗兰岑,也许起初你不太喜欢这本书,因为作者似乎不太喜欢主要角色,在故意嘲弄他们。但是随着故事的深入,你就会逐渐理解书中人物,并同情他们。在看似杂乱的叙述中,是对现代消费社会的评论。

47. The Time Traveler’s Wife47. 时间旅行者的妻子

By Audrey Niffenegger. A beautiful love story, told with a unique twist of time travel.作者奥黛丽·尼芬格,这是通过时间的错乱,叙述一个优美的爱情故事。

48. Cold Mountain48. 冷山

By Charles Frazier. I couldn’t put this book down. You’ll fall in love with these characters.作者查尔斯·弗雷泽尔,这本书绝对不能错过。你一定会爱上里面的角色。

49. Noble House49. 华贵洋行

By James Clavell. Incredibly intriguing historical fiction, in this case set in Hong Kong. Extremely compelling stories. Clavell has a whole series of can’t-put-down books set in Asia, including Tai-Pan and Shogun, among others.作者詹姆斯·克伦威尔,这是一部难得的迷人历史小说,故事的背景设在香港。这个故事十分引人入胜,克伦威尔有一系列关于亚洲的不容错过的小说,其它的还有台北、日本幕府等。

50. Don Quixote50. 唐吉诃德

By Cervantes. Another of the greatest novels of all time, the tales of Quixote and the amazing Sancho Panza will delight you with their humor and wit. Much of Western literature is indebted to this book, and Cervantes is the only writer who comes close to standing with Shakespeare.作者塞万提斯,又一个至于任何时代都毫不逊色的伟大小说,你一定会被唐吉诃德和桑丘·潘沙的幽默和才智逗乐。关于西方文学这本书里多有提到,塞万提斯是唯一一个可以跟莎士比亚并肩的人。