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亚历克斯:АлексейPetrovich Antropov(即俄语,3月25ПетровичАнтропов3月14日][那1716 - 6月23日(6月12日]那1795)是一位俄罗斯的barocco画家活跃,主要是在领取圣彼得堡在他出生和死亡。He also worked in Moscow and frescoed churches in Kiev. 他也曾在莫斯科和基辅刻有壁画的教会。His preferred medium was oil, but he also painted miniatures and icons. 他喜欢的媒介是油,但是他也画题材和图标。Alexei was born to a family of government official working in Armory and in the Department of Building (kantselyatiya stroeniy). 亚历克斯出生的家庭工作和政府官员武库部门大楼(kantselyatiya stroeniy)。Since 1732 Alexei also working at the same department under his relative A. Matveyev, since 1739 he is a member of the painting team (zhivopisnaja komanda) of the Department under Ivan Vishnyakov. 自1732年起在亚历克斯也同一个部门工作在他Matveyev相对答:自1739年起,他是球队的一员(zhivopisnaja komanda绘画的Vishnyakov部门在伊万。As the member of the team Alexei took part in fresoeing of Summer Palace, Winter Palace, Anichkov Palace and other buildings of Saint Petersburg. 作为团队的成员参加了fresoeing亚历克斯的颐和园、冬季的宫殿,宫殿和其他建筑物Anichkov圣彼得堡。He also studied portrait art from the court painter Louis Caravaque of France. 他还研究了肖像艺术Caravaque法国路易宫廷画家。In 1749 Alexei received the rank of the Painter's apprentice (zhivopisniy podmasterye) and in the end of 1750ies the rank of the Master Painter (zhivopisniy master). 亚历克斯在1749年收到了等级的画家的学徒》(zhivopisniy podmasterye),在1750年底大师的信用等级(zhivopisniy画家夫子的意思。)In 1752-1755 he worked on the interiors of the St Andrew's Church of Kiev. 在1752-1755,他曾在其内部的圣安德鲁的教会的基辅进行。He supervised the installation of the iconostasis, frescoed cupolas and walls. 他监督的安装,cupolas iconostasis刻有壁画和墙壁。The most prominent of his frescoes in the church is the Last Supper in the altar. 最著名的是他在教堂里的壁画《最后的晚餐》在祭坛上有分。He started to paint portraits before his Kiev period. 他开始油漆前基辅的时期。他肖像The earliest known portraits of his are portraits of Elizabeth of Russia. 已知的最早画像他的肖像的伊丽莎白的俄罗斯。He did not met his model but based the paintings on the works of his teacher, Louis Caravaque. 他没有遇见他的模式,但从画在作品,路易Caravaque他的老师。In 1755-1757 he worked in Moscow frescoeing the Golovkin palace. 在1755-1757他曾在莫斯科的Golovkin frescoeing宫殿。Here he met prince Ivan Shuvalov who supported Antropov's works for the rest of his life. 他在这里遇见亲王伊凡Shuvalov支持Antropov的作品以后的生活。In 1757 - 1759 Antropov returned to Saint-Petersburg and learned art from court painter Pietro Rotari of Italy. 在1757 - 1759 Antropov回到Saint-Petersburg学习艺术的宫廷画家皮埃特罗Rotari意大利。Historians consider his portrait of A.M. Izmaylova to be a sort of a graduation work. 历史学家认为他的肖像,点是一种Izmaylova毕业工作。The 1760ies were probably the most productive period of the artist. 大概是1760点最多产的时期的艺术家。He painted many good portraits among the Portrait of Ataman Krasnoschekov, Portrait of Rumyantseva. 他画了很多好的肖像的画像中,Rumyantseva Krasnoschekov Ataman的肖像。Ivan Shuvalov planned to move him to Moscow, so Antropov could teach art the the Moscow University. 伊凡Shuvalov计划将他到莫斯科,所以Antropov可以教是莫斯科大学。For some reason this plan was canceled and Antropov instead got the job at the Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, there he supervised icon painting, decorating of the churches, drew the portraits of church hierarchs and supervised art students. 因为某些原因这个计划被取消了Antropov得到那份工作,而不是在Synod俄国东正教会,他监督、装饰的圣像绘画肖像的教堂,把教堂和监管hierarchs艺术的学生。Among his apprentices was Dmitry Levitzky, who actually lived in the house of his teacher. 在他的学徒,他们实际上是周三,德米特里•Levitzky在那座房子里住他的老师。In 1762 Peter III of Russia became the new Emperor. 1762年俄罗斯彼得三世成为新皇帝。Antropov soon became his favorite painter. Antropov很快成为他最喜欢的画家。For the six month of Peter III rule Antropov painted at least four of his portraits. 6月的彼得三世统治Antropov画至少4种自己的画像。After the palace revolt the new Emperess, Catherine II was of much lower opinion of the talents of Antropov.王室的反抗,凯瑟琳二世新Emperess低很多的意见Antropov人才。At that time the artists appreciated the soft combinations of colors and some sort of a fine flattering on the parade portraits. 当时艺术家赞赏的软组合的颜色和某种罚款的游行奉承画肖像。Antropov at that time somehow evolutioned back to the traditions of icon and parsuna portraits based on the sharp contrast of colors and dark background. Antropov那时不知何故回到传统的诺parsuna头像图标和基于对比鲜明的颜色和黑暗的背景。In 1789 Antropov made a personal sacrifice transferring his only house to the Department of Education for organization a Free School (narnoe uchilische) there. 在1789年的个人牺牲Antropov转移了他唯一的家教育部组织免费学校(narnoe uchilische)。In 1795 Antropov died of fever and was buried on the Tikhvin Cemetery at the Alexander Nevsky Monastery, in Saint Petersburg.在1795年Antropov死于发烧,葬在Tikhvin公墓在亚历山大Nevsky,在圣彼得堡修道院。