
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/10/05 08:55:09
1. 我妹妹11岁。
  误:My sister is 11-years-old.
  正:My sister is 11-year-old.或者 My sister is 11 years old.
  2. 我们非常喜欢在午餐时间聊天。
  误:We very like chatting at lunchtime.
  正:We like chatting at lunchtime very much.
  析:中国学生习惯于望文生义,“非常喜欢”不是按照汉字顺序把它们翻译出来,而应该是like sth very much。
  3. 我常常坐公交车去上学。
  误:I often by bus to school.
  正:I often go to school by bus.
  析:by bus 是表示方式的状语,不是动词词组,不能在句中充当谓语,因而要用动词词组go to school,再加上方式by bus。
  4. 你能够找到这个练习的答案吗?
  误:Can you find the answers of the exercise?
  正:Can you find the answers to the exercise?
  析:the answer(s) to ...是固定搭配,这儿的to是介词,英语中,to作介词的例子不多,需强记,如the way to ...,the key to ...等。
  5. 我们每天去公园遛狗。
  误:We walk the dog in the park everyday.
  正:We walk the dog in the park every day.
  析:everyday是形容词,表示“每天的,日常的”;every day是副词词组,表示“每天”。句中,“遛狗”是动词短语,需要副词来修饰。
  6. 你爸爸本周末想去看电影吗?
  误:Does your father like watching films this weekend?
  正:Does your father like to watch films this weekend?
  析:“习惯上喜欢做某事”是like doing sth,而“本周末”是具体的某一次,应该用 like to do。
  7. 明天你能把作业带到学校来吗?
  误:Can you take your homework to school tomorrow?
  正:Can you bring your homework to school tomorrow?
  析:take 是“带走”,常用结构take ... to ...;bring是“带来”,常用的搭配是bring ... from ...。
  8. 谢谢你帮我找到了钥匙。
  误:Thank you for help me find the key.
  正:Thank you for helping me find the key.
  析:for 是介词,后面要跟名词或动名词作宾语,所以,要把help改为动名词形式。
  9. 我们有个好朋友叫杰克。
  误:We have a good friend is called Jack.
  正:We have a good friend called Jack.
  析:be called表示“被叫作……”,在句中通常作谓语;而本句已经有了谓语have,所以不能再用be called,这里的called相当于形容词,作后置定语,修饰名词friend。
  10. 她每天花两个多小时写作业。
  误:She spends more than two hours to do her homework every day.
  正:She spends more than two hours doing her homework every day.
  析:spend+时间+doing sth是固定搭配,表示“花多少时间做某事”。
1.They are helping us planning our outing._______________________________________2.Across the road and you'll see the museum._________________________________________3.Will you there tomorrow?______________________4.Some friends of my father always come to see us.___________________________________________5.Father hopes the child grow very strong.__________________________________________
1. planning- ( to )plan  ( help sb. do sth.= help sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事)2. Across - Cross3. there- be there4. my father- my father's5. grow-  will grow
 was born on May 8 ,1985 .I live in Hangzhou because my father worked here.Yesterday I got up early and washed my hands and face .I reached my school very early.In the class I worked hard .After school I went home with my friends.On our ways home I bought a new watch.When I got home ,I had rice and fish for supper.I finished my homework at half past night and went to bed at ten.解析:*in May 8,1985 错在in 一词上。表示具体的某一天应该用on .in可以用来表示月,年等,但表示具体的某一天要用on表示具体某一天的上午也用on ,如on Sunday morning.*because 一词不能和but连用。要用because就不能加上but,否则就要but就不能加上because。但从第二句中使用but不能表达出原有的句意,因此要去掉but一词。*wash和got up地位同等,因此也要转变成过去式washed。*reach为及物动词,后面直接加上地点而不能加介词。*第三行没有错误。*fishes应改为fish。fish的单数,复数名词一样。文中fish一词已经表示复数的fish了,而不必加上es。*rice是米饭的意思,为不可数名词,不应该加s。*九点半用不能用half past nine表示。*went to my bed表示走到我的床边而上床睡觉应用went to bed来表示。1.September 10th is chinese teacher`s day 

2.what does jack often spend his weekends

3.I usually go fishing or swims with my friends

4.I usually go to school ride bike.

5.You maybe wrong try again.

6.Here is such lovely cat. 1.September 10th is chinese teacher`s day
Teachers' Day 教师节, Chinese 开头字母大写。
由于教师节不是一名老师的节日, 因此教师这个单词的后面要加“s”, 而以“s”结尾的单词需要加“’s”时, 只需加“’”即可。

2.what does jack often spend his weekends
How does jack often spend his weekends? Jack 是如何度过周末的?
How 提问方式方法及程度。

3.I usually go fishing or swims with my friends.
swims 变成swimming go fishing or go swimming 第二个go省略。and 或or 前后一致。

4.I usually go to school ride bike.
I usually go to school by bike.
1)ride a bike to +地点
2) ride to +地点
3)go to + 地点 by bike

5.You maybe wrong try again.
You may be wrong, try again.
中文:你可能错了, 再试试。

6.Here is such lovely cat.
Here is such a lovely cat.
猫可数名词, 前面要加冠词。
Look, is that watch?
Let’s calling June this afternoon.
How are you know my name?
What are these? A set keys.
The soccer is next the chair.
Are those keys on bed?
Where are your baseball?  
I have 5 baseball bat.
10.We plays sports every day.
11.I don’t like tomato.
12.How much is these T-shirt?
13.They’re 80 yuans.
14.There are third books on the table.
15.I like the fifth shirts over there.
16.Her birthday is January 1th.
The pants is 20 dollars.
My sister birthday is February second.
We have a art festival.
The shorts are five dollar.
 She was born(出生)on December.
 We have great bags of 25 Yuan.
He can play the violin very good.
Jimmy want to join the swimming club.
We want two singers of our band.
She likes comedy.
June often go to see action movies.
I like cartoons, it’s funny.
 After eat breakfast ,he plays chess.
Run is his favorite subject.
He likes play basketball.
Let him watches TV.
People likes to eat fruits.
Please listen to he.
My favorite subject are science and English.
He can plays volleyball very well.
Where the math book?
Some broccoli are on the table.
He is 2 year old.
He’s birthday is May fifth.
What’s she favorite subject?
I don’t like thrillers because it’s scary.
We have math on every day.
I like English because is interesting.
What time does she brushes her teeth?
I have volleyball at two hours.
I usually do my homework around at 7:00.
What a funny time eat breakfast!
He take the number 17 bus to a hotel.
Rick family has one shower.
At Monday to Friday we go to school.
Can you help him at singing?
My sister is good at kids.
Are  your father a teacher?
My favorite subject are science and history.
I go to bed in 8:00.
When does Helen eats breakfast?
Tom doesn’t homework in the evening.
I often watch TV in eight o’clock in the evening .
Please write and tell  I about your  morning.
In Sunday, we don’t go to school.