心若向阳类似的语句:人教新目标版中考英语基础强化试题 (13)

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【精品】人教新目标版中考英语基础强化试题 (13)
1. They are going to a_____ on TV next month.
2. The ______(背景) of the movie is very beautiful and cool.
3.  My ______(家乡) is in a small town in China.
4. I go to my ______(祖先) homeland every year.
5. We often s______ the Internet for some information.
 interesting  happ y  sad  late  of  wonderful  supermarket
 restaurant  old  free  hotel  around  beside over  busy
Dear Sally,
   I hope you are all well .
   I have been in Hong Kong for three days ,and I’m having a great time .Yesterday morning .our good friend ,Tony ,came to my hotel .After breakfast ,he showed me 
1      the city. It was a very 2       day ,but I saw many 3       places .First we visited the Ocean Park .After that we took a taxi to St. John’s Cathedral. I think it is a very 4       church .Then we went to Victoria Peak .There we could see all
 5       Hong Kong .It was really 6        .After dinner ,we caught a bus to a 
7       .On the bus back to the 8        ,we both felt tired but 9         .Tony didn’t leave until 10         at night .We enjoyed ourselves very much .
Best wishes .
                                            Yours , 
1. Spaceman Yang Liwei visited Hong Kong and the people there gave _______ a warm welcome. 
    A. he  B. she  C. him  D. her
2. Spring Festival is coming. I’ll __ up my room. I don’t want to live in a dirty place. 
    A. cheer   B. clean      C. set      D. turn
3. I don’t like stories _______ have unhappy endings. 
    A. who  B. that  C. where  D. those
4. By the time she got outside, the bus _____. 
    A. went  B. gone  C. has gone  D. had gone
5. I like these photos and they can _______ me _____ the life living in the country.
    A. think…of  B. remind…of  C. let…down D. wake …up
6. Mr. Green is rich. He ______ his dog ______ meat.
  A. feed, on   B. feeds, on    C. give, to   D. feeds, for      
7. He kissed his wife and then ______ goodbye ______ her when he left home.
  A. say, to    B. said, to    C. spoke , to    D. said, with   
8. We need friends to ________, or we will feel ________.
   A. chat, alone   B. chat with, lonely   C. speak, lonely  D. talk with, alone
9. Mike is _______ honest man. I __________ him.
   A. an, believe on   B. a , believe in   C. an, believe in    D. the, believe
10. Many students have never been to China before and _________ any Chinese.
   A. could hardly say   B. can hardly talk C. can hard speak D. can hardly speak
1. Mr. Li began to teach English in this school in 1999.(同义句转换)
  Mr. Li_______ ________ English in this school since 1999.
2. Our monitor has been a League member for two years.(同义句转换)
  Our monitor________ the League two years ago.
3. My grandpa had to collect water from the village well. (改为反意疑问句)
My grandpa had to collect water from the village well,_______ ________?
4. They can hardly believe it. (改为反意疑问句)
  They can hardly believe it,_______ _______?
5. He spent hours cleaning out the refrigerator. (同义句转换)
  He_________ hours_________ _________ out the refrigerator.
  I have many chores ____ ____ today. So I can not ____ ____ ___  __    with you.
 Please ______ ________ ______. It is time ____  _____ ______.
3.Mary 家住在乡村,她每天都要到井里汲水。
Mary _______ ________ a village. She has to ______ ______ from the well every day.
She is a shy girl, so she is afraid _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ other people.
5. 他们 迫不及待地站了起来。
They                         stand up 
Ⅲ. 口语练功房。(5分)
A .Will I be able to go out tomorrow ?
B. I really feel terrible .
C. I want to have an injection .
D. Can you give me some pills ?
E. What’s the matter with you ,madam ?
F. Are you ill ?
G..I hate injection .
A: Morning!1                 
B: I’ve got a sore throat and a headache .
A: Do you feel tired ?
B: Yes, my whole body feels weak .2                    
A: I’m sorry to hear  that . I’ll have to examine you .Open your mouth wide so that .I can look at your throat .Yes .It’s very red ,I’ll have to give you an injection .
B: 3                                                      
A: An injection is better than pills .
B: Are you sure ?4                   
A: But you’d better have an injection first .It is more helpful .
B: OK.5                              
A: Probably ,if you take a rest today .
B: Good .
    Suppose (假定)every person on Earth ate only one kind of food. And maybe one year that food couldn’t   1  . If that happened, man would soon   2  . 
    Luckily, man doesn’t   3   that problem. But another animal may. The animal is the giant (巨大的)panda, one of the world’s most-loved animals. 
    Dr Thomas Soderstrom, a scientist, has   4   for the first time that the bamboo(竹子)the giant pandas eat is dying. As a result, many of the pandas are also dying of being   5  . Scientists estimate (估计)that so far more than 140 giant pandas have died. This number may be   6   one-quarter of the world’s giant panda population. Between 400 and 1000 giant pandas are   7   to live in mountains. 
    Giant pandas were once more   8   all over many parts of Asia(亚洲). Now they are only in small parts of China. 
    Can the wild pandas be   9  ? 
    The scientists want to find out more about the animals’ food. They want to see whether the pandas are able to   10   their food while the bamboo is dying. 
    Chinese scientists are trying to raise(饲养)more pandas in zoos. The first baby panda was born  in the Beijing Zoo in the fall of 1978. 
(    )1. A. found  B. be found  C. founded  D. be founded
(    )2. A. break  B. live   C. die   D. lose
(    )3. A. want  B. work   C. answer   D. face
(    )4. A. found  B. invented  C. known   D. studied
(    )5. A. cold     B. tired   C. hungry   D. ill
(    )6. A. almost  B. already  C. hardly   D. really
(    )7. A. thought  B. believed  C. seen   D. said
(    )8. A. big   B. liked   C. interesting  D. common
(    )9. A. kept     B. saved   C. made   D. taken
(    )10. A. have  B. catch   C. change   D. get
The World’s Water Shortage
    The world is not only hungry, but it is also thirsty for water. This may seem strange to you, since nearly 70 percent(百分比)of the earth’s surface is covered with water. But about 97 percent of this huge amount is sea water, or salt water. Man can only drink and use the other 3 percent-the fresh water from rivers, lakes, underground, and other sources(资源). And we cannot even use all of that, because some of it is in the form of icebergs and glaciers(冰川). Even worse, some of it has been polluted. 
    However, as things stand today, this small amount of fresh water is still enough for us. But our need for water is increasing(增加)rapidly-almost day by day. Only if we take steps to deal with this problem now can we avoid(避免)a severe(严重的)worldwide water shortage later on. 
    We all have to learn how to stop wasting our valuable water. One of the first steps is to develop ways of reusing it. 
    Today in most large cities, water is used only once and then sent out into a sewer system(下水道). From there it returns to the sea or runs into underground storage tanks. But it is possible to pipe used water to a purifying(净化)plant. There it can be treated with chemicals so that it can be used again, just as if it were fresh from a spring. 
    But even if every large city purified and reused its water, we still would not have enough. All we’d have to do to make use of the vast reserves(贮备)of sea water in the world is to remove the salt. 
    If we take these steps we’ll be in no danger of drying up. 
  1. The world is thirsty for water because we can only use _________ percent of the water covering the surface of the earth. 
    A. 3   B. more than 3        C. less than 3     D. 97
  2. Which of the following statements is Not true? 
    A. As things remain unchanging, this small amount of fresh water is still enough for us. 
    B. Our need for water is becoming larger and larger. 
    C. There will be no water shortage in the future. 
    D. We should take steps to deal with the water shortage problem. 
  3. To reuse water, we should __________. 
    A. treat it with chemicals 
    B. use it only o nce 
    C. send it out into a sewer system 
    D. make it flow into underground tanks 
  4. In order to have enough water, we should also make use of _________. 
    A. icebergs and glaciers 
    B. sea water 
    C. rivers and lake 
    D. underground water 
  5. In the passage, the writer tells us ________. 
    A. to make enough water 
    B. to pay more attention to the water shortage problem 
    C. to pipe used water to a purifying plant  
    D. to reuse the water 
  One day, Mrs. King asked Lucy to go shopping for her.
  "Here is a shopping list, so you won't forget anything," she said.
   "OK, Mum]"said Lucy. When she got to the shop, she picked up all the things on the list.
    "I haven't forgotten anything , "she said to herself. But then it was time to pay for them.
   "Oh, sorry!" she said to the shopkeeper. "I've forgotten my money!  Well, I'll keep the things on this shelf for y ou,"  said the shopkeeper.
   Lucy ran home at once. Her mother saw her when she arrived.
    "That was quick! "she said. "Have you finished yet?"
    "No, Mum, "said Lucy. "I forgot the money!"
    "Well, you should take the shopping basket with you, too! "said Mother.
    In the shop, Lucy got all the things on her shopping  list, and took them home. When she reached home, her mother asked:
    "Have you got everyt hing?"
    "Yes, Mom, "said Lucy. "I haven't forgotten anything. "
     She quickly put the basket on the table. She was taking things out of the basket when she dr opped a bag of sweets. The bag fell on the floor and broke open. The sweets went every- where! "Oh, my dear !"she said.                                                                 
    "Bad luck ! "said Mother. "It doesn't matter !"
    They both started to pick them up.
    "How much did you pay for all these things? "asked her mother.
"Not too much," said Lucy. "I didn't spent all the money. I brought some back. "
"Where is it?" asked the mother. 
"Here it is, Mum! That's one thing I haven't forgotten today!"
1.What did Mrs. King give Lucy before she went shopping?
2.Why did the girl have to run home?
3.What her mother tell her to take?
4.Did Lucy get everything at last?
5.What happened when she was taking the things out of the basket?
Ⅴ. 写作训练营(20分)
好处 坏处
学习书本以外的知识 滥交朋友
与别人练习口语 看到对学生不利的东西
查阅信息 花费太多的时间

Ⅰ.A.1. appear  2. scene 3. homeland 4. ancestor’s 5. search
B.1.around 2.busy 3.interesting 4.old 5.over 6.wonderful 7.supermarket 8.hotel 9.happy 10.late
Ⅱ.  A.1—5: CBBDB 6—10: BBBCD
B.1. has taught    2. joined   3. didn't he  4. can they  5. took; to clean 
C.1. to do  go to the movie 2.light the fire  to cook supper 
 3. lives in  collect water  4. to sing in front of  5.  can’t wait to  
Ⅳ.A.1—5:BCDAC 6—10:ABDBC 
C.1. A shopping list.
      2. Because she has forgotten to bring the money.
      3. A shopping basket.
      4. Yes, she did.
      5. She dropped a bag of sweets on the floor and it broke open.
Hello, everyone! 
As you know, many students like to work on the Internet. Of course it can bring us many good things. We can learn more knowledge outside our books, practise our spoken English with someone else and look up some useful information. At the same time, it can bring us some bad things as well. Some students have made too many friends, seen some bad information that is bad for us and spent too much ti me on it. We should know what to do and what not to do.
   That’s my idea. Thank you for listening.