房映华导演电影 鬼片:大学英语四级语法精要

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英语四六级   2009-10-10 23:41   阅读196   评论0   字号:    


1. 时态

1)现在完成进行时态 (have/has been + -ing 分词构成): 动作或状态从过去某时开始,继续到现 在,可能继续下去,也可能刚刚结束.

I’ve been writing letters for an hour.

I’ve been sitting in the garden.

2)过去完成进行时(由had been + ing分词构成): 过去某个时刻以前一直在进行的动作

I’d been working for some time when he called.

We had been waiting for her for two hours by the time she came.

3)将来完成进行时: 将来某个时刻以前一直在进行的动作.

By next summer, he will have been working here for twenty years.

In another month’s time she’ll have been studying here for three years.

4)将来完成时(由shall/will have + 过去分词构成): 将来某时会业已发生的事.

I shall have finished this one before lunch.

They’ll have hit the year’s target by the end of October.

2. 语态

1) 可以有两种被动结构的类型,例如:

He was said to be jealous of her success.

It was said that he was jealous of her success.



It is supposed that the ship has been sunk.

The ship is supposed to have been sunk.

担当be supposed to 与不定式的一般形式搭配时往往表示不同的意义.例如:

Why are you driving so fast in this area? You are supposed to know the speed to know

the speed limit. (你应该晓得速度限制)

2) 双宾语及宾补结构的被动语态

a) 双宾语结构的被动语态: 双宾语结构变为被动语态时,可以把主动结构中的一个宾语变为主语,


He was asked a number of questions at the press conference.

Two days were allowed them for making the necessary preparations.

b) 宾补结构的被动语态:

She was called Big Sister by everybody.

Then he was made a squad leader.

He was considered quite qualified for the job.

The room was always kept clean and tidy.

3. 短语动词

1) Vi + adv

The plane took off two hours late.

2) Vi + prep

They looked round the Cathedral.

3) Vi + prep (有被动语态)

She’s looking after her sister’s children.

The children were always well looked after.

4) Vi + adv + prep

I began to look forward to their visits.

5) Vt + O + adv

Some women choose to stay at home and bring up their children.

The children were brought up by their mother.

They took him on.

6) Vt + adv + O (无被动语态)

I am trying to give up smoking.

7) Vt + O + prep

We talked Donald into agreement.

4. 省略

1) 在以as, than, when, if, unless等引导的从句中的省略: 在有些状语从句中,如果谓语包含

有动词be,主语又和主句的主语一致a),或者主语是it b),就常常可以把从句中的主语和谓语的一 部分(特别是动词be)省略掉.

a) Look out for cars when crossing the street.

When taken according to the directions, the drug has no side effects.

While there he joined in voluntary labour on a project.

Although not yet six months old, she was able to walk without support.

If not well managed, irrigation can be harmful.

Though reduced in numbers, they gained in fighting capacity.

This viewpoint, however understandable, is wrong.

Enemies, once discovered, were tightly encircled and completely wiped out.

She hurriedly left the room as though/if angry.

She worked extremely hard though still rather poor in health.

Fill in the application as instructed.

Whenever known, such facts should be reported.

The documents will be returned as soon as signed.

He said that no acrobat could ever perform those daring feats unless trained very


Once having made a promise, you should keep it.

b) If necessary I’ll have the letter duplicated.

Fill in the blanks with articles where(ver) necessary.

If possible, I should like to have two copies of it.

As scheduled, they met on January 20 at the Chinese Embassy.

2) 在以than a) 或 as b) 引起的从句中,常会有一些成分省略.

a) He told me not to use more material than (it is) necessary.

We should think more of the collective than of ourselves.

b) They worked with as much enthusiasm as young people (did).

He is now a vice-manager, but still often works in the kitchen as before.

Their training is free, as is all education.

We will, as always, stand on your side.

3) 错误的省略

His life is as fully committed to books as anyone I know.

While standing there in her nightgown, two bullets struck the wall beside her.

5. 一致

1) 如果主语是单数,尽管后面跟有with, together with, as well as, as much as, no less

than, more than等引导的短语,谓语动词仍旧用单数形式.

Terry, along with her friend, goes skating every Saturday.

An expert, together with some assistants, was sent to help in this work.

The captain, as well as the coaches, was disappointed in the team.

2) 代词作主语时的一致

a) each, either, neither和由some, any, no, every构成的复合代词,都作单数看待.

Each of us has something to say.

Is everybody ready?

Somebody is using the phone.

Neither of us has gone through regular training.

Has either of them told you?

b) some, few, both, many 等作复数

c) some 可后接复数,也可接单数,表示某一.


念, 但none 在代表不可数的东西时总是看作单数:

None of the books are easy enough for us

None of us seem to have thought of it.

None (= not a single one) of us has got a camera.

None (= nobody) has felt it more keenly than she did.

None of this worries me.

all 和most 可后接复数,也可接不可数名词 (all of the…, most of the …), 动词用单数.

3) 由and 或 both… and 连接名词词组时, 后用复数; 由not only…but (also), either…or,

neither…nor或 or 连接的并列主语, 谓语通常和最邻近的主语一致.

Not only the switches but also the old writing has been changed.

My sister or my brother is likely to be at home.

Either you or Mr Yang is to do the work.

Neither my wife nor I myself am able to persuade my daughter to change her mind.

如果一个句子是由there 或here引导, 而主语又不止一个, 谓语通常也和最邻近的那个主语一 致.

There was carved in the board a dragon and a phoenix.

Here is a pen, a few envelopes and some paper for you.

4) people, police, cattle, poultry (家禽), militia (民兵) 等通常都用作复数.

Cattle are grazing on the pasture.

The police are looking for him.

有些集体名词有时作单数看待, 有时作复数看待, 主要根据意思来决定.

His family isn’t very large.

His family are all music lovers.

The committee meets twice a month.

The committee are divided in opinion.

The audience was enormous.

The audience were greatly moved at the words.

有些名词单复数同形, 可根据意思决定谓语动词的数:

This new series is beginning next month.

These new series are beginning next month.

This species is now extinct.

These species are now extinct.

5) 表示时间, 重量, 长度, 价值等的名词, 尽管仍是复数形式, 如果作整体看待, 动词也可用单

数形式 (当然用复数动词也是可以的):

Three weeks was allowed for making the necessary preparations.

One hundred li was covered in a single night.

6) 其他问题

a) 书名, 国家名用单数:

Tales from Shakespeare is a book by Charles Lamb.

b) 学科名, 如mathematics, economics用单数.

c) many a 或more than one 所修饰的词作主语时, 谓语动词多用单数形式:

Many a person has had that kind of experience.

More than one person has involved in the case.

a number of 后接复数, the number of后接单数:

A number of books have been published on the subject.

The number of books published on the subject is simply amazing.

d) one of those 后用单数. 在“one of + 复数名词 +关系分句”结构中,关系分句中谓语动词


Joan is one of those people who go out of their way to be helpful.

当one 之前友the only 等限定词和修饰语时,关系分句谓语动词根据one 而定,即采用单数形 式:

He is the only one of those boys who is willing to take on another assignment




cet-4 常考的三种时态:过去完成时;将来完成时;(现在/过去)完成进行时。


 一般过去时   所有的过去

用 一般现在时 表示  现在和将来

 现在完成时    现在完成和将来完成




一般形式:he decided to work harder in order to catch up with the others.

 被动形式: he preferred to be assigned some heavier work to do.

           语法功能:  表示与谓语动词同步发生

完成形式:he pretended not to have seen me.

 被动形式:the book is said to have been translated into many languages.





 3)不定式充当名词功能---to see is to believe.


   1)感官动词 see, watch, observe, notice, look at, hear, listen to, smell, taste, feel

+ do  表示动作的完整性,真实性;

+ doing 表示动作的连续性,进行性

 i saw him work in the garden yesterday.


 i saw him working in the garden yesterday.


感官动词后面接形容词而不是副词:the cake tastes good; it feels comfortable.

 2) 使役动词   have bid make let 等词后不定式要省略但同1)一样被动以后要还原to

 i ‘d like to have john do it.

 i have my package weighed.

 paul doesn’t have to be made to learn.

 3) help   help sb do    help sb to do   help do  help to do


want, wish,hope,manage,promise,refuse,pretend,plan, offer,decide,agree,expect   allow sb to do,  cause sb to do , permit sb to do, enable sb to do

force sb to do. be more likely to do  love to do  warn sb to do  be able to do

be   ambitious to do. begin to do . start to do

五) 有的时候to后面要接-ing形式

accustom (oneself) to; be accustomed to; face up to; in addition to; look forward to; object to; be reduced to; resign oneself to; be resigned to; resort to; sink to; be used to; be alternative to; be close/closeness to; be dedication/dedicated to; be opposition/opposed to; be similarity/similar to.

三、need/want 后的-ing形式具有被动的意思。其中,want不太常用。

 he needs (a lot of) encouraging.

 二. 动名词: 具有动作性特征的名词

1)是名词     seeing is believing

2)具有动词性特征可以带宾语   starving troops is necessary.


一般形式:i don't like you smoking.       

完成形式:i regret not having taken your advice.

被动形式:this question is far from being settled.

二) 动名词常考的点




i would appreciate_______ back this afternoon.

 a.you to call b.you call c.you calling d.you're calling(key:c your calling 也对)

i regret not having taken your advice.


admit; appreciate; avoid; celebrate; consider; contemplate; defer; delay; deny; detest; discontinue; dislike; dispute; enjoy; it entails; escape; excuse; explain; fancy; feel like; finish; forgive; can't help; hinder; imagine; it involves; keep;  it means; mention; mind; miss; it necessitates; pardon; postpone; practice; prevent; recall; report; resent; resist; risk; suggest; understand...


it's no good; it's no/little/hardly any/ use; it's not/hardly/scarcely use; it's worthwhile; spend money/time; there's no; there's no point in; there's nothing worse than; what's the use/point...         


 remember, forget, try, stop, go on, cease, mean后面用不定式和-ing形式,意义截然不容。

i remembered to post the letters. (指未来/过去未来的动作)

i remembered posting/having posting the letters (我记得这个动作)


i regret to inform you that… 我很遗憾地通知你…

i regretted having left the firm after twenty years. 为了"二十年前的离开"而遗憾。

try to 努力 you really must try to overcome your shyness.

try –ing 试验 try practicing five hours a day.

i mean to go, but my father would not allow me to. [打算、想]我想去,但我父亲不让我去。

to raise wage means increasing purchasing power. [意味着]赠加工资意味着增加购买力。



i prefer to wait here. (所以啊,你不介意的话,我就等下去。)

i prefer waiting here.(我正在这里等,我就喜欢这么做。)

i prefer swimming to cycling. (这个句子里面就不能用不定式了。)

3 分词:



1)一般式:     do you see the man talking to the dean(主任)?      (与谓语动词同步发生)

2)完成形式:not having made adequate preparations, they failed. (发生谓语动词之前)

 3)完成被动形式:having been adapted, the script seems perfect.( 发生谓语动词之前且表示被动)


过去分词表示被动:fight no battle unprepared.

 2)过去分词的进行形式:you'll find the topic being discussed everywhere. (强调正在被做)



情态动词所表达的可能性程度:must/can't  should/shouldn't  might/may (not)

另外两个"类情态词的形式:"need/needn't; have to/don't have to




(本来可以……,本来能……)        i should go! (… but i'm still here!)   (一般)

i should be working now!     (进行)

i should have practiced more (than i did)!   (完成)


i shouldn't dream away my time too much!   (完成的否定)

(actually i did dream away my time too much!)

it shouldn't have been leaking for such a long time! (完成进行)

i may/might/could have finished!    (完成)

一些常见的句型中,就会出现这种虚拟语气,而处于从句之中,should 常常被省略掉

suggest, advise, propose, recommend, plan;

demand, order, direct, arrange, command, decide;

require, request;

think, expect, believe, insist, suspect.




it's suggested that…

my suggestion is that…

the only suggestion that...

the only suggestion i can give you now is that…


 important; necessary; essential

it's natural ; strange; incredible  that

 a pity; a shame; no wonder

由lest, for fear that, in case 引起的从句中多使用should


1. 与现在相反:使用[过去时]:

i wish i were not here!   (一般现在一般过去)

suppose we were not here.

he loved me as if i were his own son. (一般现在一般过去)

hope i weren't always losing things! (现在进行过去进行)

if only/if i hadn't been there!  (现在完成过去完成)

what if i hadn't been waiting right here! (现在完成进行过去完成进行)

常考句型:it's (high) time (that)…; would rather (that)… 


2. 与过去相反:过去完成时;

    how nice it is if i had past the test!

    how nice it is if i had slept a little more this morning!

3. 与将来相反?将来的事情没有发生,所以只能推测。

    if it rains tomorrow, we'll have to stay one day more.

    不过,由于可以用be to表示将来;所以,虚拟语气中经常出现were to;也是cet-4的常考语法点。


if 部分,做一个与事实相反的假设(所以只有一般过去和过去完成);





 what would you do with 50 thousand dollar?

 how could i be happy without you?


由in order that, so that引起的从句,肯定的时候可以使用may/might; can/could; 否定的时候,多用shouldn't;

whoever, whatever, no matter what引起的从句中,多用may+



一、用“情态动词+have +done”结构表示对过去动作的推测,高考试题中常用过去时态或过去的时间状语给以暗示。情态动词的这一用法可以用 “对立统一”来概括。


            must have done:

            表示对过去动作的肯定推测,常译作“一定做了……”,只能用于肯定句中。其否定形式为can’t/couldn’t have done

            疑问式为can/could...have done﹖。

            could /might have done:表示对过去发生的动作的可能性推测,常译作“可能做了……”。如:

            1) my sister met him at the grand theater yesterday afternoon, so he

            _____ your lecture. 

            a. couldn’t have attended

            b. needn’t have attended

            c. mustn’t have attended

            d. shouldn’t have attended   本题选a。

          2)  jack ____ yet, otherwise he would have telephoned me.

            a. mustn’t have arrived

            b. shouldn’t have arrived

            c. can’t have arrived

            d. need not have arrived (c)

            2.当试题的前后句在动作和意义上构成转折关系时,常借助“but, however,             instead”等词来表示过去的动作与客观事实不符,这时我们就可以用“对立”关系来解决这样的试题。这种结构常见的有:

    should have done / ought to have done:表示过去本应该做某事而实际上没有做。

   should not have done / ought not to have done:表示过去本不应该做某事但事实上却做了。

   need have done:表示过去本来有必要去做某事,但事实上没有做。

  need not have done:表示过去本来没有必要做某事,但事实上却做了。如:

3) i was really anxious about you. you _____ home without a word.


  a. mustn’t leave b. shouldn’t have left

 c. couldn’t have left d. needn’t leave


4) i told sally how to get here, but perhaps i _____ for her.


a. had to write it out

b. must have written it out

c. should have written it out

d. ought to write it out



5) —is john coming by train﹖

 —he should, but he ______ not. he likes driving his car.

 a. must b. can c. need d. may

 mustn’t 表示“禁止、不准”;cannot 表示“不可能”;need not 表示“不必要”;may not


 6) —i hear you’ve got a set of valuable australian coins. ______ i  have a look﹖

      —yes, certainly.

       a. do b. may c. shall d. should

  分析语境可知这是在征求对方的许可,may表示“允许、可以”,语气比较委婉           shall常用于第一、三人称作主语的疑问句中,表示征求对方意见和指示,如果此空用shall,则意为“要(我)看一下吗?”,不符合上下文意思。故本题选b。

 7) mr bush is on time for everything. how ____ it be that he was  late for the opening ceremony﹖

  a. can b. should c. may d. must

must be 表示肯定的猜测,只能用于肯定句中,由题意可知本题应选a。

8) —are you coming to jeff’s party﹖

 —i’m not sure. i ____ go to the concert instead.