
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/10/06 02:08:40
10种真实存在的“科幻”武器编辑本段回目录没错,这设备看起来就像直接从<<阿凡达>>或是<<太空堡垒>>里走出来的。但这里提到的所有的雷射武器,机器人,音速爆破和催吐光线都是真实的。这些武器中的一些早已用于战场作战。如果别的科幻设备跟着面试,战争很快会变得难以预测。Read on for a look at some of these futuristic weapons being tested today.继续阅读本文来看一下当今测试中的未来武器吧。Above:上图The XM-25 grenade launcher is equipped with a laser rangefinder and on-board computer. It packs a magazine of four 25mm projectiles, and programs them to detonate as they pass by their targets. That feature will allow soldiers to strike enemies who are taking cover. By 2012, the Army hopes to arm every infantry squad and Special Forces unit with at least one of the big guns.这款XM-25榴弹发射器装有雷射测距仪及机载计算机。内置一装有4个25毫米弹丸的弹盒,弹丸经设定可在经过目标时爆破。这一特点可助士兵们打击隐蔽的敌人。到2012年,军队有望用上至少一个这样的大炮来武装步兵班和特种部队。In August, a lucky soldier got to pull the trigger, and fire off a HEAB, or High Explosive Air Burst, round at the Aberdeen Testing Ground in Maryland. Those projectiles pack quite a punch. They are purportedly 300 percent more effective than normal ammo, and will be able to strike targets as far as 700 meters (2,300 feet) away.8月,一位幸运的士兵得已拉动扳机,发射一枚高爆空炸弹,在马里兰周围的阿伯丁测试基地。这些弹丸力量极大。据称效力是普通弹药百分之三百,能击中700米(2,300英尺)外的目标。Remotely operated weapons are showing up everywhere. Israel is building an automated kill zone. An American firm, More Industries, offers a turret that can aim and fire two automatic shotguns.远程控制武器随处可见。以色列正在建造一个自动化攻击区。一间名为More Industries的美国公司为其提供了一座能瞄准并发射的塔楼及两把机械化散弹枪。Some bots have been defusing bombs for years, but none have seen combat. That’s a shame, according to Lt. Gen. Rick Lynch, who believes that 122 men could have been spared if combat bots had been working in their stead.一些长年用于拆弹的机器人却一直未见用于实战。实为遗憾,中将里克.林奇说,他相信如果作战机器人能代替人工作的话,会有122人被精简掉。There was a set of armed robots sent to Iraq. They never fired a shot, however. They weren’t allowed to. No one could guarantee that the bots wouldn’t go berserk and mow down friendly troops or otherwise malfunction, even though they have lots of safeguards.一组武装机器人被送到了伊拉克。然而这些机器人却没有开过一枪。它们没有得到开枪许可。没人能保证这些机器人不会发狂然后射杀我们友好的部队,要不就是故障,尽管这些它们配备了许多保护装置。Considering how much firepower they pack, safeguards are really important. The Maars system (above) can be equipped with four grenade launchers and a machine gun that packs 400 rounds of 7.62 caliber ammunition.考虑到这些机器人所配备的火力程度,保护装置十分重要。马尔斯系统(上图)配置了4个榴弹发射器和一台装载有400发7.62口径的弹药。But its manufacturers like to point out its less-lethal capabilities. Instead of mowing people down, it can stick to the fine print of the first law of robotics and fire tear gas canisters, smoke grenades, smoke bombs and perhaps even Taser’s upcoming 40mm people-zapper projectile. Three were deployed to Iraq last year.但其制造商又指出这款武器的非致命能力。不能射击人,但能坚持机器人第一定律的细则,发射催泪瓦斯筒,烟雾弹,烟幕弹以及甚至可能是高压眩晕枪的预定40毫米人工遥控弹丸。去年已有三个机器人被部署到了伊拉克。The Active Denial System fires a beam of millimeter-wave radiation. It make people feel like their skin is burning without causing any permanent damage. Though promising as a nonlethal weapon, the pain ray has some serious limits.主动遏止系统会发射出一束毫米波射线,这种射线能让人有皮肤灼烧感却没有引起任何持久的不适。尽管非致命武器受到推崇,但是这种让人痛苦的射线却被严格限制。On a rainy day, water droplets will disperse the beam, and it may feel warm and refreshing instead of frightening. On a hot day, the cooling system might give out. The problems don’t stop there. Raytheon’s baby is bulky, and despite repeated requests to send it into battle, shipments of the energy weapon have been delayed. The military is looking for a stronger, lighter weapon.在雨天,雨滴可分散光束,让人感觉到暖气并神清气爽,消除恐惧感。在热天,冷却系统也会发射此种射线。可问题远不止这些,雷声公司的产品太笨重了,用于战争中它得重复下指令,火力强的武器装载也被推迟。军队正在寻找一款火力更猛更轻便的武器。If troops spot someone suspicious approaching them, they can use the Long Range Acoustic Device to send a warning message. It fires narrow beams of sound waves that can be heard clearly from 300 meters (about a thousand feet) away. Crank up the power, and it can emit a warning tone so loud that anyone in its path would have no choice but to cover their ears and run.若是部队察觉到有可疑人物靠近,就会使用远程超音波装置发送警示消息。系统发射出的声波窄射线在300米(约1000英尺)开外也能清晰听到。加大功率,就能发出一种警告的音调,这种音调非常之大,在它的所及范围之内的任何人听到都只能捂起耳朵逃跑。The manufacturer doesn’t like to call these devices weapons, even though they’ve been used to repel pirates. Cops used them to harass protesters at the G20 summit in Pittsburgh this year制造商并不喜欢把这些装置叫做武器,尽管这些武器都用于驱逐海盗。今年警察还使用这些装置驱退匹兹堡20国集团峰会抗议者。Drones are arguably the most controversial weapon in the war on terror. By some accounts, they are deeply feared by the Taliban.大雄蜂无人机被认为是在打击恐怖时期是最受争议的武器。有人说,它是让塔利班深感恐惧的武器。They’ve taken out many Al Qaeda and Taliban leaders, and their sound when flying low is a constant annoyance and a reminder of their menace . But they also kill a lot of civilians.它们及它们发出的声音多次打击了基地组织和塔利班领导人,低飞时就是它们发出威胁信号和对人们造成恐惧的时候。但是它们在执行任务的时候也杀死了不少平民。They are, however, far more cost effective than supersonic fighter jets. Predators can pack two Hellfire missiles. Their big brothers, Reapers, can hold four Hellfires and two 500-pound bombs.然而大雄蜂无人机比超音速战斗机更有成本效率。掠夺者能装载两枚地狱之火导弹。它们的大哥,收割者能装载四枚地狱之火与2枚500发的炸弹。Flash bang grenades were designed to stun people. But they have a pretty bad safety record. The little bombs have dismembered at least one soldier and caused hearing loss in others.闪光弹的设计是晃晕人。但是闪光弹有一个极其不良的安全记录。这个小小的炸弹能肢解至少一名士兵且能让别的人丧失听力。To remedy that problem, Mark Grubelich and his colleagues at Sandia National Laboratory built the Improved Flash Bang Grenade. It hurls flaming aluminum particles into the air, causing a bright flash without an accompanying shockwave为了矫正这个问题,马克.格勒贝里奇和同事在桑迪亚国家实验室建立了闪光弹改良实验室。燃烧的铝粒子在空气中四溅,却没有伴随冲击波引起晃眼的闪光。Even the angriest mobs would probably think twice about trying to pass a Taser Shockwave barrier. It is the less-lethal equivalent of a claymore mine. Push the big red button, and it will fire 24 electrified probes at the same time in a single direction.就算是再牛的人也可能会三思过后再走过高压眩晕冲击波屏障。它与克莱莫地雷一样没有致命性。按下红色的大按纽,就能同时朝单一方向发射出24个电气化探针。After learning about an experimental weapon that can make people feel seasick, Limor Fried and Phil Torrone decided to build their own. They did it for less than $250, and wrote step-by-step instructions so that anyone can make one at home.了解过经实验证明能让人晕船的武器之后,利莫.弗莱尔与菲尔.托伦决定去做一个这样的武器。他们花费不到250美元就完成了制作,且写下了制作步骤以便大家能自己在家制作。It can create a nauseating lightshow with 36 pulsating LEDs.这种武器上有36个闪动的小灯,能发出令人作呕的光线。Their design has a bonus feature. You can set it to disco mode. Instead of making you sick, the weapon will add life to your next party.他们的设计用途广泛。可以设置到舞厅模式。与让你头晕相反,此款武器能为你的下一次派对增加活力。If you’re worried that someone’s about to attack you, but not completely sure of their intent, it’s a good idea to give them a warning before pulling the trigger. Green laser pointers are a great way to extend that courtesy. The Marines like to call them “ocular interruption devices.”如果你担心遇袭,也不十分清楚对方的意图,在扳机前给他们个警告也不错。绿激光指示器用在此处最理想。海军陆战队喜欢称之为“眼部干扰装置”。Shine one in someone’s face, and your target should immediately get the message that it’s time to back off. The LA-9/P, made by B.E. Meyers, can warn people from up to 4 kilometers (2½ miles) away. It fires a 250-milliwatt beam. That’s roughly 1/4,000 the strength of the smallest anti-aircraft lasers.对着人脸部一闪,你的目标会马上收到撤退时间的情报。La-9/p,B.E.Meyers制造,能警告4公里开外的人(2.5英里)不得靠近。它能发射250毫瓦的光线。约是最小型防空激光强度的四千分之一。 Even so, you’ve got to be careful when handling the thing. Over a few months in Iraq, a dozen soldiers were wounded in dazzler “friendly fire.” Several troops may have been injured while monkeying around with laser target designators, which are substantially more powerful than the less-lethal devices.尽管如此,当你对付这玩意时还是得小心。数月以来在伊拉克,一队士兵为这眩晕而又“友好”的火力所伤。几支部队也可能在鼓捣这个激光目标指示器时受伤,这东西比起非致命性武器来说,杀伤力更强大。Behold the Laser Avenger, a cannon that could be used to take down incoming aircraft. Boeing was able to shoot a drone out of the sky with the hummer-mounted laser, even though it’s not particularly high-powered. It cooked the remote-controlled aircraft using a somewhat feeble 1-kilowatt beam.看着这个激光复仇者-能打下来袭击飞机的加农炮。波音客机也能用蜂鸣激光把一架大雄蜂从空中射下来,虽然它算不上高功率武器。激光复仇者能用稍弱的1千瓦光速把远程控制的飞机烤焦。More recently, the company shot down another UAV using a low-power laser paired with its Mobile Active Targeting Resource for Integrated eXperiments, or Matrix, system during a test in White Sands, New Mexico.最近,这家伙又射下了另一架UAV,就用低能激光和它自带的用于综合实验的可移动自动对焦资源或基质,系统测试期间在新墨西哥的白沙。Northrop Grumman is hard at work on a 100-kilowatt laser weapon, which could do far more damage, but it’s not quite ready for prime time. It’s fully operational, but looks like a refrigerator.诺斯洛普.格鲁曼公司致力于100千瓦的激光武器,这种武器会造成更大的破坏,但不会在完成的初斯投入使用。很好操作,可看起来就像是冰箱。
Boeing announced in late December that the Avenger has been used to destroy 50 different improvised explosive devices, during tests at Redstone Aresenal in Huntsville, Alabama.波音在去年12月宣布,在阿拉巴马的汉茨维尔红石兵工厂试行期间,复仇者可用于破坏50个不同的临时爆炸装置。