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   commerce n. 商业

   commercial adj. 商业的,贸易的

   commercialize vt. 使商业化,使商品化

   commission vt. 委任,任命;委托,委托制作

   commit vt. 犯(错误),干(坏事)

   commitment n. 信奉,支持;许诺,委托事项

   committed adj. 忠心耿耿的,效忠的

   committee n. 委员会

   commodious adj. 宽敞的

   commodity n. 商品,日用品

   commonplace adj. 平凡的

   commonsense adj. 具有常识的

   commotion n. 骚动,动乱

   communal adj. 公共的;公社的

   community n. 社区;社会

   commuter n. 通勤者;经常往返者

   compact adj. 紧凑的,紧密的;简洁的;小巧的,袖珍的;【美】(汽车)小型的;vt. 压缩;使密集

   compaction n. 压紧

   companion n. 同伴,同事

   “What’s the commotion?” I asked. In the commodity business, it’s commonplace for people to be shouting and running around. But this was different. “Is there some kind of incredible Christmas sale?” I muttered to myself. Personally, I’m not fond of the way merchants commercialize every holiday. It gets worse every year.

   Suddenly, my sectary blasted through my office door. “The President called. He wants to commission you to advise the committee on farm commerce. He says that the local commissioner recommended you for the job because you’re the most committed commercial lawyer in the farming community. What shall I tell him? The commonsense answer would be yes, wouldn’t it?”

   I took three deep breaths. Of course the answer should be yes. Who wouldn’t want a job with a food salary and commodious living quarters? I could give up being a commuter and trade in my compact car. No more using communal toilets. I suppose my status would never leave me short of female companions. On the other hand, advising the committee is a twenty-four-hour-a-day commitment. When would I find time for my hobbies? I don’t think my dog will like it if I turn our daily one-hour walk into a five-minute compaction. Then again, he’s only a dog. It’s not like I’m committing a crime. In fact, with the extra money I earn, I can hire someone to walk him for two hours every day.

   Smiling, I looked up at my secretary. “Suzette, call the President and tell him I’m in my way.”




  我微笑着抬起头对秘书说:“苏泽特,给总统打电话,告诉他我已经能动身了。” 托福词汇42

  Lesson 42 Finding the Perfect Man 寻找如意郎君


  comparable adj. 可比的,比得上的;类似的

  comparative adj. 比较的

  compassion n. 怜悯,同情

  compatible adj. 可以并存的,相容的,协调的

  compel vt. 强迫,使不得不

  compelling adj. 紧迫的,使人非相信不可的

  compensate vt. 补偿,赔偿

  compensatory adj. 补偿性的

  compete vi. 竞争,比得上

  competence n. 能力,胜任

  competent adj. 有能力的,能胜任的

  competition n. 竞争,竞赛

  competitiveness n. 竞争能力

  compile vt. 汇集,编辑

  complacence n. 自满,自以为是

  complaint n. 抱怨,怨言

  complement vt. 补充,使完善

  complementary adj. 补充的,补足的

  complex adj. 复杂的,费解的;结构复杂的;n. 综合体

  complexity n. 复杂(性)

  “I want to get married, but I’m having trouble funding a compatible man!” Mary said with a sigh. “He must possess a measure of competitiveness because I hate complacence. However, his desire for competition has to be complemented with a degree of compassion.”

  “That type of man won’t be easy to find!” Jane replied. “I would prefer a man with a personality that is complementary to mine. He’d have to be a competent cook because I have absolutely no competence in that area. I’d also want him to be intelligent so that he can compensate for my inability to solve complex problems. ”

  “You two girls are crying for the moon.” Ruth said. “What you really need in someone who will love you without complaint, like my last boyfriend. I never had to compel him to express his feelings to me. I think, in his mind, love was not a complexity. But how am I ever going to find someone who is comparable to my ex-boyfriend?”

  “I suppose you can do a comparative study of every new guy you meet,” Mary replied with a laugh. “Or you can call up your ex-boyfriend and beg him to take you back. But why would he want you back after you made him compete with his best friend for your affection? It’s not like you can make things right with compensatory affection, can you? ”

  “Look, girls, ” Jane said with a tone of dismay. “We’re not exactly princesses. We’re 30 years old and we’re still being too picky. Don’t you think we have enough compelling reasons to lower our standards? Why don’ t we just compile a list of all single men over 3 who wouldn’t mind going out with us? ”

  “Good idea!” replied Mary and Ruth.







  Lesson 43 Shopping for a Career 购物当职业


  complicated adj. 费解的,棘手的;结构复杂的

  complication n. (医)并发症;复杂,复杂性

  complicity n. 共谋,串通

  compliment n. 恭维,称赞

  complimentary adj. 赞美的

  comply vi. 遵从,符合

  component n. 成分,组成部分

  compose vt. 组成,构成;创作;作曲

  be composed of 由。。。。。。组成

  composition n. 构成,组成;写作,作文;作曲,创作

  composure n. 镇静,沉着,自若

  compound n. 化合物

  comprehend vt. 理解,领悟

  comprehensible adj. 可理解的,易于了解的

  comprehensive adj. 全面的,综合的

  compress vt. 压缩,浓缩

  comprise vt. 包含;由。。。。组成

  compromise n. 妥协,折衷

  compulsive adj. 强迫的

  compulsory adj. 必须做的,被强制的

  “I think I want to study chemistry,” John said to Mary. “It’s a complicated subject but I want to learn how to compose new compounds out of chemical components. I’ve read that scientists are now using air pressure to compress and create Mary, what about you? An intelligent girl like you would make a good chemist.”

  “Thanks for the compliment but chemistry is not a comprehensible subject for me” Mary replied. “Dealing with dangerous chemicals is a further complication. Musical compositions is what I want to study. I’m fascinated by the fact that most compositions are comprised of over a dozen different musical pieces. Also, I find that musical arrangements are easy for me to comprehend.”

  “Won’t you have difficulty earning a good salary?” asked John. “A compulsive shopper like you, Mary, will

need a lot of money.”

  “That’s not a complimentary statement, John!” Mary shouted, trying to regain her composure. “And Jane, you are guilty of complicity!” Mary tearfully added. “However, you’re both right. I’ve had the hardest time trying to reach a compromise with my parents over this issue. They’ve done a comprehensive review of my spending habits. They won’t give me any more money unless I comply with their request to study a more practical subject, like finance.”

  John smiled back at Mary. “I guess a compulsive shopped needs a compulsory education!”








  Lesson 44 Geometry Class 几何课


  compute vt. 计算

  concave adj. 凹的

  conceal vt. 隐藏,隐瞒

  concede v. (不情愿地)承认;让步;承认失败

  conceit n. 自负,自高自大

  conceive vt. 构思,设想

  concentric adj. 同心的

  concept n. 概念,观念

  conception n. 概念,认识

  conceptual adj. 概念上的

  concert n. 音乐会;一致,一起

  concerted adj. 商议好的,协定的

  concerto n. 协奏曲

  conciliatory adj. 调和的,抚慰的

  concise adj. 简洁的,简明的

  conclude v. 推断;做出结论;vi.结束

  conclusive adj. 决定性的;最后的

  concoct v. 调制;编造,虚构

  concomitant adj. 伴随而来的

  concord n. 和睦

  “You have to conceal your boredom,” John whispered to me, waking me from my nap.

  “I can’t conceive of a way to hide it,” I replied with a yawn. I had been sitting in geometry class for two hours, waiting for the professor to conclude his lecture about concentric circles and concaved figures. I understand the concept of geometry but how often am I really going to use it in everyday life? When would I ever need to compute the circumference of a circle? I’m not very interested in conceptual thinking. I’m more interested in studying about how to maintain concord between neighboring third-world countries.

  “Are you going to the concert tonight?” John whispered again. “They’re playing a wonderful new concerto. You make a conciliatory gesture towards Jane by inviting her to come with you.”

  “Sorry John, I have basketball practice,” I replied. “My foolish conceit and male pride won’t allow me to contact Jane. She slapped my face last time. That’s a pretty conclusive statement, wouldn’t you agree? Anyway, I’m not ready for a relationship and all the concomitant pain that comes with it.”

  “Your conception of a relationship is a bit warped.” John whispered back. “All that’s required is a concerted effort between two people. Perhaps you should be more concise when you talk to Jane about your feelings.”

  “Enough! I concede!” I replied with a grin. “I’ll invite your sister to the concert. But I’m going to need your help to concoct a story that will help me save face!”







  Lesson 45 Lunch in the Park 公园里的午餐


  concrete n. 水泥;adj. 具体的,实体的

  concurrent adj. 同时发生的

  condemn v. 谴责,判刑

  condemnation n. 谴责,定罪

  condensation n. 谴责,定罪

  condense vt. 使浓缩;精简

  condiment n. 调味品

  condone v. 宽恕,不咎(过错);宽容,容忍

  conduct vt. 做(试验,研究等);引导,带领;传导;表现,为人;n. 举止,行为

  conductivity n. 导电率;传导率

  conductor n. 导(电、热等)体

  confederacy n. 联盟

  confederate n. 同盟者,盟友

  confer v. 颁给,赋予;协商;商谈,交换意见

  conference n. 会议;协商会,讨论会

  confess vt. 坦白承认

  confession n. 承认,招供

  confide vt. 吐露(心事),倾诉

  confidence n. 信心

  confident adj. 有信心的,自信的

  Lunch break at the hotdog stand in the park is the most enjoyable and interesting time of day for me. There’s nothing like putting your favorite condiments on your hotdog and feeling the condensation on an ice-cold can of coke. And there’s nothing like eavesdropping on the conversations.

  “I like collecting old things,” bragged a collector to his friend. “I have a collection of belt buckles that were owned by a confederate General back in the days of the confederacy, 140 years ago, Some of these were actually worn to the conferences he had with the Union. I also own a piece of copper wire that was used 160 years ago as a conductor for the original Morse telegraph system. Copper wire was used because of its great conductivity. I even have a wooden mallet that was used by a judge over 300 years ago during condemnation proceedings in Salem. Imaging condemning someone for refusing to confess to witchcraft! Even a confession would result in condemnation!”

  “I’ve just conferred with the prosecutor and the judge on both of your cases,” said a lawyer to his criminal client. “It was a long meeting so I’m going to condense what we discussed into a few sentences. The prosecutor has concrete evidence that could put you in jail for two consecutive five-year terms. That’s a total of ten years. But if you plead guilty today, I’m confident that you’ll receive two concurrent five-year terms. That means you’ll be out of jail in five years.”

  “I can’t condone your cheating on the examination,” said a father to his son. “But I’m glad that you conduct yourself honestly next time.”

  See how interesting lunchtime can be?




