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1.absorb vt.吸收;使专心
【搭配】be absorbed in专心于
【考题】She was so_______in her job that she didn't hear anybody knocking at the door.
A)attracted B)absorbed C)drawn D)concentrated
2.abuse vt.滥用;虐待n.滥用
【考题】It has been revealed that some government leaders_______their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves.
A)employ B)take C)abuse D)overlook
3.accomplish v.达到;完成
【考题】The project,_______by the end of 2000,willexpand the city's telephone network to cover 1,000,000 users.
A)accomplished B)being accomplished
C)to be accomplished D)having been accomplished
【译文】预计在2000年前完成的这项工程将扩大该市的电话网至 1,000,000用户。
4.account n.账;账户v.说明……原因
【搭配】on account of 为了……的缘故,因为
take...into account 考虑到
【考题】I'd_______his reputation with other farmers and business people in the community,and then make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan.
A)take into account B)account for
C)make up for D)make out
5.approve vt.赞成,称许;批准
approval n.
【搭配】for sb.'s approval 求某人指正 give one's approval to 批准
【考题】If only the committee_______the regulations and put them into effect as soon as possible.
A)approve B)will approve C)can approve D)would approve
6.approximately ad.近似地,大约
【考题】They claim that_______1,000 factories closed down during the economic crisis.
A)sufficiently B)approximately C)considerably D)properly
7.arise vi.出现;由……引起
【考题】Some confusion has_______about who can join the association.
A)retained B)lifted C)raised D)arisen
8.artificial a.人工的;矫揉造作的
【考题】There were some _______flowers on the table.
A)artificial B)unnatural C)false D)unreal
9.ashamed a.惭愧(的);羞耻(的)
【搭配】be ashamed of 以为……是耻辱
be ashamed to do sth.以干……为耻
【考题】He was_______ of having asked such a silly question.
A)sorry B)guilty C)ashamed D)miserable
10.associate vi.交往n.伙伴,同事
【搭配】associate oneself with 加入
associate sth.with 把(某事物与其他事物)联系在一起
associate with 和……来往
【考题】A healthy life is frequently thought to be_______with the open countryside and homegrown food.
A)tied B)bound C)involved D)associated
11.available a.可利用的;通用的
【考题】Convenience foods which are already prepared for cooking are_______ in grocery stores.
A)ready B)approachable C)probable D)available
12.awkward a.笨拙的;尴尬的
【考题】The shy girl felt_______ and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teacher's questions.
A)amazed B)awkward C)curious D)amused
13.ban v.禁止
In most countries the sale of liquor to children is banned.
announce a 30-day ban on hunting宣布30天的禁猎令
【辨析】ban,forbid 和 prohibit三个词都表示“禁止”,其中ban语气最重,指权威机关正式禁止。 forbid是普通用词,指个人行为。prohibit是正式用词,指用法律或法令来禁止。
14.bare a.无遮盖的;空的;仅仅的 a bare hillside 光秃秃的(无树木的)山坡
a room bare of furniture 几乎没有家具的房间
the bare necessities of life 最起码的生活必需品
bare one's head 脱去帽子
bare one's heart 表露真情
【全真考题】Although they plant trees in this area every year,the tops of some hills are still .
A)bare B)vacant C)blank D)hollow
15.barely ad.仅仅,只不过,几乎不
We barely had time to catch the train.我们仅有勉强赶上火车的时间。
【用法】1.barely 用在句首时引起句子倒装。 2.barely 含有否定意义,因此用在反意疑问句中时,句尾的疑问短句要用肯定形式。3.barely...when 结构表示“刚……就……”,barely 所在的部分要倒装。 4.barely 不与 ever,any 和 at all 连用。
【辨析】barely,hardly,rarely 和 scarcely四个词意义相近,都表否定概念,但也有一些差别。
rarely 意为“难得,不常”(not often)。
Rarely have I seen him smile.
hardly 往往强调能力上有困难,意为“简直不,很难”。
He can hardly jump over the fence.
scarcely 往往强调不足,常同 enough,sufficient,any 等表示程度的词连用,意为“不太,几乎,简直没有”。
He has scarcely any money left.
barely 与 hardly 和 scarcely 意思相近,意为“几乎,勉强,仅能做到”。但如果后面跟有 ever,any,at all 等词,只能用 hardly 或 scarcely,不能用 barely。
16.benefit n.益处;优越性;保险金,救济金
I've had the benefit of a good education.我得益于良好的教育。/the benefits of science科学的优良条件/ unemployment benefits失业保险
He hasn't benefited from the experience.他并没有从他的经验中受益。
This policy benefits the whole city.这个政策使整个城市受益。
【用法】benefit 作不及物动词时,其后常接介词 from。
17.bore vt.使……感到厌烦
All his old stories bore me.他所有的老生常谈使我厌烦。
Don't be such a bore.别这么讨厌。
【用法】bore的两种分词形式boring 和 bored:boring 表示主动,指某事物令人厌烦;bored表示被动,指被某事物弄得厌烦。
He was bored with his job./It's a boring film.
类似的词还有interesting与interested;exciting与 excited等。
18.concentrate v.全神贯注,精神集中,专心致志;集中,集合;浓缩
We should concentrate all our efforts on improving education.我们应该集中精力努力改进教育工作。
Troops are concentrating south of the river.军队正向河的南边集结。
【用法】concentrate(sth.)on sth./doing sth.
【全真考题】Anne couldn't concentrate what she was doing while her family were watching TV.(93.1)
A.to B.on C.for D.in
19.continual adj.继续不断的;一再重复的 continual rain 不停的雨
continual一般指多次重复的动作:Please stop your continual questions.
continuous表示动作或物体继续不停地或不间断地进行下去:a continuous flow of traffic
【全真考题】Our journey was slow because the train stopped at different villages.(99.1)
A.unceasingly B.gradually
C.continuously D.continually
20.contrary adj.(在性质、倾向或方向等方面)相反的;好与人作对的
contrary beliefs 截然相反的信仰
He is an awkward,contrary child.他是个又麻烦又不听话的孩子。
【用法】contrary to 违反:be contrary to the law;on the contrary 与此相反:It doesn't seem ugly to me;on the contrary,I think it's rather beautiful.
【全真考题】What you have done is the doctor's orders.(90.1)
A.attached to B.responsible to
C.resistant to D.contrary to
21.contributev.捐款,捐助;有助于;投稿 We contributed clothing to the relief of the poor.我们捐赠衣物救济贫民。
Hard work contributed to his success.努力工作使他成功。
He contributed poems to the magazine.他投诗稿给杂志。
【用法】contribute与介词to搭配:contribute(sth.) to
【全真考题】Medical research has shown that the widespread use of cigarettes contributes the increase of cancers.(94.1)
A.towards B.for C.with D.to
22.critical adj.吹毛求疵的,批评的;决定性的,重要的
He is so critical that nobody can please him.他太吹毛求疵,所以没有人能取悦他。
We arrived at the critical moment.我们在关键时刻到达。
【用法】critical作吹毛求疵的、批评的讲时与介词 of搭配。
【全真考题】The director was critical the way we were doing the work.(2000.1)
A.at B.in C.of D.with
《大学英语教学大纲》中,关于四级词汇的要求是:“领会式掌握4200单词(其中复用式掌握的单词为 2500)以及由这些词构成的常用词组1600条(中学所掌握的单词和词组均包括在内),并具有按照基本构词法识别生词的能力。”大纲中所指的领会式强调对词义的认知,而复用式则强调对这类词的词义辨析、用法以及搭配关系的掌握。因此,以大纲为指导,四级考试中词汇的内容,除了考察对单词的认知外,还测试词义的细微区别、词汇用法和搭配关系。目前考察领会式词汇为73.9%占大部分,复用式占26.1%。在此篇和上期所列重点词汇的四级考题中,bare,concentrate,contribute,continual,critical都以复用式词汇方式来考察。其中,bare和continual考察词义的辨析;concentrate, contribute和critical考察了词的搭配关系。当然,四级试题中词汇的领会与复用也不都是界限分明的,有时在一道题中会既考察认知又考察用法等。
23.The issue is how to_______ of radioactive waste.
A.deal B.dispose C.disposal D.do
[辨析及搭配]A.deal(with)处理;应付;做生意。例句:I have dealt with this company for more than a decade.我已经与这家公司做了十多年的生意。B. dispose(of)处理;处置;除掉;去掉。例句:Man proposes,God disposes.谋事在人,成事在天。Dispose of these old newspapers!把这些旧报纸处理掉。C.disposaln.处理;处置。D.do处理;整顿;解决(问题)。
24.The trend of brain drain does the developing countries _______ degrees of harm.
A.diver B.diversify C.diverse D.diversity
[辨析及搭配]A.diver n.潜水员。B.diversify v.使多样化。C.diverse adj.不同的。D.diversity n.多样性。此处只能用形容词diverse修饰名词。
25.Whether he could obtain his diploma or not greatly_______ him.
A.disturbed B.distinguished C.distresses D.disputes
[辨析及搭配]A.disturb 扰乱;打扰。B.distinguish(between;from)区分;辨别。C.distress使悲痛;使忧伤。D.dispute 争论;辩论;争执。
26.All had to stay in the open space,esp.at night, for the_______ of the warning of an earthquake.
A.donation B.domination C.destination D.duration
[辨析及搭配]A.donation 捐赠品;捐款。B. domination统治;控制;支配。C.destination 目的地。D.duration期间;持续时间。
27.The free market is_______ with purchasers and merchants.
A.deliberate B.dense C.dependent D.desirable
[辨析及搭配]A.deliberate蓄意的;审慎的。B. dense(with)密集的;浓厚的;繁忙的。C.dependent依靠的;依赖的;以……而定。D.desirable值得要的;合心意的;悦人心意的。
28.Mr.Smith is used to reading his favorite academic_______ over coffee.
A.digital B.digest C.digestion D.indigestion
[辨析及搭配]首先排除A.digital adj.数字的;数码的。后面三个是同根词:B.digest v.消化,领悟。n.文摘,摘要。C.digestion n.消化,领悟。D.indigestionn.消化不良。
29.Failure is the mother of success,so that hers hasn't_______ her,but encouraged her to redouble her exertions instead.
A.discharged B.discounted
C.discarded D.discouraged
[辨析及搭配]A.discharge v.允许……离开;排(放)出。B.discount vt.打断;漠视;认为……不值得考虑。C.discard vt.&vi.抛弃;放弃。D.discouragev.使泄气;沮丧;阻拦。
30.The chemistry teacher dipped his finger into the mixture_______ and took it out of it.
A.indirectly B.directly C.dimly D.diplomatically
[辨析及搭配]A.indirectly 间接地;拐弯抹角地。 B.directly 立即;很快;直接地。C.dimly 微暗地;朦胧地。D.diplomatically 外交上;外交地。
31.Any_______ in a watch is very delicate.
A.device B.devise C.deviancy D.deviation
[辨析及搭配]首先排除动词B.devise v.设计;发明。A.device n.装置;设备;方法;计划。C.de- viancy n.反常;背离。D.deviation n.背离;越轨;偏差。
32.His disasters were_______ to what he had done wrong.
A.despite B.in spite of C.down D.due
[辨析及搭配]根据句中的to,可否定A和B。 A.despite不管;尽管;不论。直接带短语,例句:Despite the pouring rain,he went to his post as usual.尽管大雨倾盆,他照常去上班。B.in spite of与A同义。In spite of the pouring rain,he went to his post as usual.C. down往下;沿着。D.due to因为;由于……而起。例句: Due to his illness he was lying in bed.因为生病,他躺在床上。
33.No one can_______ any citizen's legal right.
A.be done with B.draw on C.derive from D.deprive of
[辨析及搭配]A.be done with了结了;完成了。 B.draw on戴(穿)上;吸收;引诱。例句:The jailer drew the prisoner on to tell his story.看守诱导囚犯把事情说出来。C.derive from得来(自);由……获得。例句: Anyone can derive a lot of pleasure from making friends.任何人都能从结交朋友中获得许多乐趣。D.deprive of剥夺;夺去。
34.The gifted engineer_______ a model of the atomic generator.
A.dragged B.drafted C.drifted D.dratted
[辨析及搭配]A.drag拖;拉。B.draft起草;草拟。draft a plan of study草拟一份研究计划C.drift漂流;飘荡。D.drat(=damn)例句:Drat it!I forgot my key!见鬼(该死)!我忘了钥匙!
35.Mr.Black was in the_______,standing there dumbfounded,not knowing what to do.
A.dark B.dusk C.dawn D.dam
[辨析及搭配]A.dark黑暗,in the dark在黑暗中;不知情;蒙在鼓里。例句:Parents often keep their children in the dark about their presents on New Year's Eve.新年前夕,父母亲常常不让孩子们知道他们的礼物。B.dusk薄暮;黄昏:It is hard to see clearly at dusk.黄昏时难看清楚东西。C.dawn黎明;破晓。例句:They take their boat out every day at dawn.他们每天黎明时起航出海。D.dam大坝。36.An unexpected guest_______ on us last night.
A.decreased B.declined C.descended D.dropped
[辨析及搭配]A.decrease减少;降低。例句:The number of illiberal people is decreasing gradually.缺乏文化素养的人数在渐渐减少。B.decline下倾;下降;下垂。C.descend下来;下降;突然来访(与upon,on连用)。例句:Amy descended upon us at Christmas.艾米在圣诞节时突然来访。D.drop落下;下降;滴,drop by / in /over /round顺便来访。E
37.economic economical 两者都是形容词,但词义不同。
economic意为“经济上的”,“经济学的”;而economical意为“节约的”,“节省的”,常用于“be economical of”结构。例如:
economic growth经济增长
an economical person节俭的人
典型考题:Being _______ of money,she managed to save enough for a holiday.
A.economic B.economical C.economics D.economies
38.efficient effective 形容词efficient与effective都表示“有效的”。efficient指“有效率的”,“高效率的”,“有能力的”,常指人;而effective表示“有效的”,“效率好的”,“得力的”,常指政策、措施等。如:
a very efficient production manager 一位非常得力的生产经理
effective teaching 效果好的教学
典型考题:A lawyer needs an_______ secretary.
A.inefficient B.efficient C.effective D.sufficient
39.electric electrical
an electric torch(generator)电筒(发电机)
an electrical engineer电机工程师
典型考题:His speech had an _______ effect on the crowd;they all cheered him.
A.electric B.electrical C.electronic D.elastic
答案为A。句意:他的演说震撼人心,整个人群都向他欢呼。 electronic电子的;elastic有弹性的。
40.eminent imminent
eminent和imminent都是形容词,词形相似,但词义不同。eminent指“著名的”,“卓越的”,“杰出的”; imminent指“即将发生的”,“迫在眉睫的”。例如:
Washington was eminent both as a general and as president.华盛顿作为一位将军和总统,都是出类拔萃的。
The black clouds and the lightning show that a storm is imminent.乌云和闪电表明暴风雨即将来临。
典型考题:As we know,Churchill was one of the world's most _______statesmen.
A.eminent B.imminent C.illicit D.explicable
41.emotional emotive
an emotional person 易动感情的人
an emotive speech 令人感动的演讲
典型考题:Women are often said to be more_______ than men.A.emotions B.motions C.emotional D.emotive
42.enviable envious
enviable表示“值得羡慕的”,多作定语用。如an enviable possession一笔令人羡慕的财产。而envious表示“羡慕的”,“嫉妒的”,常用于短语be envious of(羡慕……,嫉妒……)。
典型考题:Mary would always be _______ of her sister's beauty.
A.envoy B.various C.enviable D.envious
48.equal equivalent
equal与equivalent近义。但equal指在大小、质量、数量、形状、价值等方面相当或相等,常用词组be equal to(等于,和……相等),而
equal pay for equal work 同工同酬
His behavior is equivalent to treason.他的行为等于背叛。
典型考题:John knows so much about the stars that I am sure it would be impossible to find his _______.
A.similar B.reflection C.equal D.equivalent
49.exhausting exhaustive
We had a long and exhausting meeting this morning.今天上午我们开了一个使人疲倦的长会。
I don't claim to be exhaustive on this subject.
典型考题:The professor did _______ research before writing the article.
A.exhausting B.exhaustive C.exhibited D.executed
答案为B。句意:这位教授在写这篇文章之前,做了全面的调查研究。exhibit展览,陈列; execute执行,如execute orders执行命令。
50.facility/f `siliti/n.①[pl.]设备,设施②便利,容易,方便
51.faculty/`f k lti/n.①能力,技能,天赋②系,学科,学院③全体教员
【辨析】fade和wither两词都可表示“凋谢”。但前者表示渐渐失去色彩和鲜艳,有时也表示暗淡。后者则指因无活力或不鲜艳而失去生气,可以借喻为“衰老”。53.faithful/`fei ful/a.①忠诚的,忠实的,忠贞的②尽职的,责任心强的③如实的,准确可靠的
【考点】faithful用做表语时后面的搭配介词是to,即 be faithful to。
54.fancy/`f nsi/vt.①想要,喜欢②想象,设想②猜想,以为n.①爱好,迷恋②想象力,幻想力③设想,空想,幻想a.①昂贵的,高档的②别致的,花式的,花俏的
②fancy和think一样,在句子中常用否定转移,如I don't ~he will come to our party.
[常用词组]take a fancy to喜欢上,爱上
55.farewell/`f `wel/n.告别,欢送会
56.feasible/`fi:z bl/a.可行的,可能的,可用的
I suggest we put the scheme into effect,for it is quite_______.(CET-6,2000.1—42)
A)eligible B)sustainable C)probable D)feasible
【注释】A)eligible意为“合适的,合意的”指有资格做某事。B)sustainable意为“支撑得住的,能持续的”。C) probable只表示一种可能性,用在这里不合适。D)fea- sible意为“可行的”。
57.feature/`fi: /n.①特征,特色②【pl.】面貌,相貌③特写,专题节目④故事片vt.突出,由……主演
Apeculiarly pointed chin is his mostmemorable facial_______.(CET-4,98.6—47)
A)mark B)feature C)trace D)appearance
【译文】一个特别尖的尖下巴是他最容易被记住的面部特征。58.fierce/fi s/a.①凶猛的,残酷的,好斗的②狂热的,强烈的③猛烈的,激烈的,狂暴的
【常用词组】on file存档
Thank you for applying for a position with our firm.We do not have any openings at this time,but we shall keep your application on_______ for two months.(CET-6, 97.6—67)
A)pile B)segment C)sequence D)file
【译文】感谢你向本公司谋职,目前本公司尚无空缺,但你的申请函我们将存档两个月。60.flesh /fle /n.①肉,果肉②【the ~】肉体
【常用词组】in the flesh本人
61.flock/fl k/n.①羊群,(鸟、兽等)一群,一伙人②一大批,众多,大量vi.群集,聚集,成群
61.flourish/`fl :ri ,`fl ri /vi.茂盛,繁荣,兴旺vt.挥动(以引起注意)
【辨析】flourish,prosper和thrive三词都可表示“繁荣、兴旺”,其中flourish指健康地成长发展或处于发展的高峰;prosper则指人的成功或企业金融上的昌盛; thrive主要指生长得健壮,引申为繁荣。
62.folk/f ulk /n.①【pl.】亲属,父母②人们③【pl.】大伙儿,各位a.民间的,普通平民的
63.forbid/f `bid /vt.不许,禁止
②forbid sb.to do sth.表示“禁止某人做某事”。
③forbid doing sth.表示“禁止做某事”。
④forbid sb.wine表示“禁止某人饮酒”。
64.forecast/`f ka:st/n./vt.预测,预报
【辨析】forecast,foretell和predict三词都表示“预言”,其中predict较为正式,指根据已知事实或自然规律来推断未来的事情,带有科学准确的意味;forecast与 predict近义,指对一般或特殊事件的预测,现主要用于预报天气;foretell是普通用词,着重指对未来事件的预见而不注重其准确与否及有无根据。65.former/`f m /a.在前的,以前的,旧时的n.【the~】前者
【辨析】former,preceding,previous和prior这几个词都可表示“以前的,先前的”,其中former指属于过去某一段时间的,即“从前的,前任的;preceding指时间、位置或顺序上居先,与定冠词连用含有“前一个,前几个”的意思;previous指在时间或顺序上“在前的,早先的”; prior除具有previous的上述意义外,还表示“更重要的”。
The girl was _______ a shop assistant;she is now a manager in a large department store.(CET-6,97.6—57)
A)preliminarily B)presumably C)formally D)formerly
66.fundamental/.f nd `ment l/a.基本的,根本的,基础的n.【pl.】基本原则,基本法则
The computer revolution may wellchange society as _______ as did the Industrial Revolution.(CET-4,2000.1— 67)
A)certainly B)insignificantly
C)fundamentally D)comparatively
67.furnish/`f ni /vt.①布置,为……配备家具②供应,提供,装备
In preparing scientific reports of laboratory experiments,a student should _______ his findings in logical order and clear language.(CET-4,95.1—68)
A)furnish B)propose C)raise D)present
Reading_______ the mind only with materials of knowledge;it is thinking that makes what read ours.(CET-6,97.6—61)
A)rectifies B)prolongs C)minimizes D)furnishes
【注释】A)rectifies,rectify意为“纠正,校正”。B) prolongs,prolong意为“延长”。C)minimizes,minimize
68.furthermore/`f : m /ad.而且,此外
69.fuss/f s/n.忙乱,大惊小怪,小题大做vi.①小题大做,大惊小怪②(为小事)烦恼,过于忧虑
【常用词组】make a fuss of/over对……关怀备至,过分注意
70.gas/g s/n.①气体②煤气③汽油④毒气vt.①用毒气毒(死)②(up)给(汽车)加油
【考点】step on the gas表示“踩油门,加大油门”。71.gasoline/.g s `lin,`g s lin /n.汽油
【考点】gaze是不及物动词,表示“凝视”时与at/on /upon连用;表示“凝视天空”时用gaze into the sky。
73.gear/gi /n.①齿轮,转动装置,(排)挡②(从事某项活动所需的)用具,设备,衣服vt.使适应,使适合
gear up(使)准备好,(使)作好安排
74.generous/`d en r s/a.①慷慨的,大方的②宽厚的,宽宏大量的③大量的,丰富的
75.genius/`d i:nj s/n.①天才,天赋②天才人物
【辨析】genius,gift和talent三词都可表示“天才,才能”,其中genius语气最强,指天生的高度智慧和创造才能,也指有天赋的人。gift是普通用语,着重指天赋的才能,但不一定有创造力。tal- ent语气较轻,着重指做某种工作的特殊才能。
76.ghost/g ust/n.①鬼魂,幽灵②痕迹,一点点
77.given/`giv n/a.①规定的,特定的②假设的,已知的③(to)有癖好的,有倾向的prep.考虑到
_______ the claim about German economic might,it is somewhat surprising how relatively small the German economy actually is.(CET-6,96.1—55)
A)To give B)Given
C)Giving D)Having given
【常用词组】 glued to 不愿离开,盯住不放
79.golf/g lf,g :lf/n.高尔夫球运动
80.goodness/gudnis /int.天哪n.善良,美德,好意
81.govern/`g v n/vt.①统治,治理,管理②支配,影响
82.governor/g v n /n.①州长,地方长官②主管,理事,董事
83.grab /gr b/vt.①抓取,攫取②赶紧做③抓住(机会)vi.(at)抓(住),夺(得)n.抓夺
【辨析】grab,grasp,grip,seize和take这几词都可表示“抓,握”,其中grab指由于自私而突然粗暴地抓住或强夺; grasp指紧紧地握在手中,也可用于比喻意义,表示抓住机会或掌握理解;grip指紧紧抓住或握住不放,或吸引注意力; seize指突然用暴力抓住或夺走,也可指利用时机;take是普通用词,指用手抓起、拿起,也可用于比喻意义,表示抓住机会。
84.grace/greis /n.①优美,优雅②【常pl.】风度,魅力③(付款等的)宽限,缓期vt.使优美,给……增光
【常用词组】 with good grace欣然地
85.graduate/gr d uit,`gr djuit/n.①(尤指大学)毕业生②研究生a.研究生的 v.(使)毕业
【考点】graduate作动词时后面接介词at或from,即graduate at/from。
86.grand/gr nd/a.①宏伟的,壮丽的②重大的,重要的
87.grant/gr nt,gra:nt/n.拨款,授予物vt.授予,同意,准予
【考点】① grant sb.sth.表示“同意(给予)某人某事”。
③在take it for granted that结构中,it是形式宾语, that引导的从句是真正的宾语。
take...for granted①认为……是理所当然②(因视作当然而)对……不予重视
【考点】①be grateful for(doing)sth.表示“因(做)某事而感激”。
②be grateful to sb.(for sth.)表示“(因某事而)感激某人”。
【考点】① be greedy for表示“急需……渴望得到……”。
②be greedy of表示“贪恋……”。
90.greenhouse/`gri:nhaus /n.温室,暖房
91.grind/graind /vt.①磨,磨碎,碾碎②(down)折磨,压迫vi.摩擦得吱吱作响n.苦差事,苦活儿
【考点】be ground by表示“受……的折磨”。
grind out生拼硬凑地写出
92.grip/grip /n.①紧握,抓牢②掌握,控制vt.①握紧,抓牢②吸引住……的注意力(或想象力等)
come /get to grips(认真)对付(或处理)
93.guarantee/.g r n`ti:,.ga:r n`ti:/vt.保证,担保n.保证,保证书
Every camera we sell comes with a two-year_______.(CET-6,93.6—69)
A)guarantee B)safety
C)confirmation D)conservation
The traffic police were searching for evidence to prove the accused man's _______ ,but in vain.(CET-6,91.6—67)
A)mistake B)guilt C)fault D)defect
根据大纲《词汇表》(Vocabulary)(试用),H部分共有词汇140个,其中中学已学词72个,四级词68个,与旧教学大纲比较,新增四级词4个(hearing,highlight,hip,housing)。根据专家抽样调查,其中有“临界词”(学过后有点印象而不完全清楚)10个左右。另外,hand, hang,hold三个动词与down,on,up,out,over等介词构成的短语动词也是这部分的难点,也是四级考试词汇题考察的重点。
I.Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the forms where necessary.
harmony hedge harness hazard horizon
humble harsh halt heave highlight
1.The officer_______ his troops for a rest.
2.The panel discussion on cultural exchange____ the experience of people-to-people relations.
3.Man is trying to _______ the limitless power of sun.
4.My cat and dog live in perfect_______.
5.The doctor was _______ about his work, although he cured many people.
6.He will get a_______ punishment,because he violates the school discipline too many times.
7.Rock-climbers sometimes _______ their lives.
8.The storm _______ the sea into mountainous waves.
9.Buying a house is the best _______ against inflation.
10.Science gives us a new _______.
1.halted 军官命令部队停止前进,休息一下。
2.highlights 小组讨论文化交流时,突出民间关系的交流经验。
3.harness 人类极力利用取之不尽的太阳能。
4.harmony 我的猫和狗相处得十分和睦。
5.humble 这位医生虽然治好了许多人的病,但对他的工作仍很谦逊。
6.harsh 他将受到严厉的惩罚,因为他违反学校纪律的次数太多了。
8.heaved 风暴在海面上掀起万丈波涛。
9.hedge 购买房子是防止通货膨胀的最佳保障。
10.horizon 科学使我们大开眼界。
II.Complete each sentence with one of four choices given below:
1.It is not easy to learn English well but if you _______ ,you will succeed in the end.
A)hang up B)hang about
C)hang on D)hang onto
2.San Francisco is usually cool in the summer,but Los Angeles_______.
A)is rarely B)rarely is
C)is hardly D)is scarcely
3.We had to _______ a lot of noise when the children were at home.
A)go in for B)hold on to
C)put up with D)keep pace with
4.Small farms and lack of modern technology have _______ agricultural production.
A)blundered B)tangled
C)bewildered D)hampered
5.There was something wrong with the traffic signal.Our bus was_______ for nearly half an hour.
A)held on B)held back
C)held in D)held up
6.When Jane fell off the bike,the other children_______.
A)were not able to help laughter
B)could not help but laughing
C)could not help laughing
D)could not help to laugh
7.The story was so touching that I could hardly _______ my tears.
A)hold on B)hold on to
C)hold up D)hold back
8.Should you require any further details at this time,please do not_______ to contact me.
A)void B)hesitate
C)delay D)prevent
9.The discussion quickly became a very _______ argument about increasing price.
A)heated B)roaring
C)warm D)boiling
10.The painting was a valuable family possession,which had been _______ from generation to generation.
A)handed over B)handed out
C)handed down D)handed across
【解析】A)hang up“挂断(电话)”,B)hang about“闲荡”,C)hang on“坚持下去”,D)hang onto“抓紧(某物)”。可见选项C)hang on符合题意,是正确答案。句意:学好英语不容易,但如果你坚持下去,你最终能成功。
【解析】句中有情态动词、助动词或to be时,rarely等要放在这些动词之后、主要动词之前,但在省略句中,这类词要放在情态动词、助动词或to be之前。句意:旧金山夏天通常凉爽,洛杉矶夏天很少有凉爽的时候。
【解析】A)go in for“从事,爱好”,B)hold on to“坚持,抓紧”,C)put up with“容忍,忍受”,D)keep pace with“与……保持一致,跟上”,根据以上辨析可知,选项C)put up with符合题意要求。句意:孩子们在家时,我们不得不忍受许许多多的喧闹声。
【解析】短语动词hold up意为“耽搁,受阻,使停止”,符合题意。句意:交通灯出了故障,我们的车被塞近半小时了。
【解析】can't help doing something是固定搭配,意为“忍不住做某事”。句意:当珍妮从自行车上掉下来时,其他孩子都忍不住大笑起来。
【解析】hold back意为“抑制”。句意:那个故事太感人了,我几乎不能控制住眼泪。
【解析】don't hesitate to do something意为“干……不要犹豫”。句意:如你需要任何详情的话,请随时与我联系。
【解析】heated argument“激烈的争论”,这是固定搭配。roaring常与applause搭配,表示“雷鸣般的掌声”; boiling常见的搭配有boiling hot“酷热的”或boiling water;warm的搭配也很多,但都不能与argument搭配。句意:讨论很快变成关于涨价问题的激烈争论。
【解析】hand down“传下来,传给”。A)hand over“移交,交给”,B)hand out“发给,散发”,D)hand across不是短语。句意:这幅画是珍贵的家族财产,是一代一代传下来的。
1.imaginative /imaginable /imaginary 这三者都是形容词。 imaginative表示“富有想象力的,爱想象的”;imaginable是“可以想象得到的”,常与形容词最高级或all,every,only等连用,可放在被修饰的名词后; imaginary是“想象的,虚构的,假想的”。
e.g.an imaginative artist 富有想象力的艺术家
the only solution imaginable 唯一想得出的办法
an imaginary enemy 假想敌
典型考题:The doctor is trying to save the patient by every means _______ .
A.imaginative B.imaginable C.imaginary D.imagination
2.incident /accident/ event
incident与accident,event都可以表示“事件”。accident多指造成损失的意外事故,如车祸等。固定短语by accident(=by chance)偶然; incident“事件”,一般指比较次要的事件,但也可指在政治上会引起国际争端或战争的事件、事变,作为形容词时,其相应的短语be incident to表“易发生的”;event指较重大的事件或历史事件,复数形式表“时局”、“时事”。
e.g.the July 7th Incident of 1937 1937年七七事变
a disease incident to children 儿童易发病
He met with an accident during this journey.他在这次旅途中出事了。
an important event 大事
典型考题:He was killed in a traffic_______ in 1999.
A.incident B.event C.incidence D.accident
industrial 与industrious 两词都是形容词,但意思不同。industrial是“工业的,工业发达的,供工业的”意思; industrious“勤劳的,勤奋的”,固定短语be industriousin“勤于做……”。
e.g.an industrialworker 产业工人
The Chinese people are industrious and brave.中国人民是勤劳勇敢的。
Industrial Revolution 产业革命,工业革命
典型考题:The young couple is_______ in their own factory.
A.industrial B.industrious C.indulge D.individual
4.insensible /insensitive 形容词insensible与insensitive,前者表“失去知觉的,昏迷的”,“一无所知的(作表语)”,它还可指“(变化)极其细微的、极其缓慢的”;后者表“感觉迟钝的,不敏感的,不灵敏的”,常用于固定短语be insensitive to“对……不敏感,对……感觉迟钝”。
e.g.fall insensible 昏过去
insensible motion 极缓慢的运动
be insensible of one's danger 不知道自己所面临的危险
be insensitive to the public opinion 对舆论反应不灵敏
He was knocked insensible by a sudden blow他遭人猛然一击而不省人事。
典型考题:Generally speaking,the blind are _______ to light.
A.insensible B.insensitive C.insecure D.insignificant
5.jealous /envious
形容词jealous,envious二者近义,都表“妒忌的,羡慕的”。envious主要作“羡慕”解,指希望得到别人的东西;用于贬意时,指因未获得某物而不满。而jealous语义要比envious强,指对别人占有的或自己企图占有的东西感到不满或怀有恼恨的心理,认为应属于自己或自己应得。二者常用于固定短语be envious of/be jealous of当中。jealous还表“留意提防的,猜疑的,戒备的”。
e.g.be envious of another person's good fortune 羡慕他人的好运气
be jealous of their great success 嫉妒他们的成功
be jealous of one's rights 小心翼翼地保护自己的权利
典型考题:We should keep a _______ eye on the prisoners every moment.
A.jealous B.envious C.jealousy D.envy
答案A。句意:我们要每时每刻注意看守犯人。 jealousy,envy 分别是 jealous 与 envious 相应的名词。6.join /connect /combine
e.g.join the army 参军
join in a conversation 参加谈话
The two cities are connected by a newly-built railway.一条新建的铁路把两个城市衔接起来。
Combine enthusiasm with perseverance,and we shall succeed.有了热情,再加上不懈的努力,我们就会成功。
典型考题:Don't waste time;let's_______ hands in the business.
A.join B.connect C.combine D.join in
答案A。句意:别浪费时间了,让我们携起手来。join in后接某项活动。
e.g.a scientifical journal 科学杂志
a weekly periodical 周刊
several kinds of magazines 好几种杂志
典型考题:As a doctor,I'm very interested in medical _______.
A.magazine B.journal C.periodical D.technical
答案B。句意:作为医生,我对医学杂志非常感兴趣。technical 技术的,专门的。
8.knock /beat /hit/strike
这四个词均可用作名词和动词,都与汉语的“打”有关。knock指用拳头或其他硬的东西“敲、击、打”,也可指“击成”某种状态。常接头、球、墙壁等物作宾语。固定短语knock down表“击倒,撞倒,摧毁”;beat“打一顿”,指连续地打,还可指“有节奏的敲击声,节拍,(心脏等)跳动”;hit侧重“击中”的意思,有时可以表示“打一下”;strike一般用语的“打”,用途很广,另有“罢工”之意。
e.g.knock at the window 敲窗户
beat sbup 打某人一顿
be beaten to death 被打死
a hit on the target 命中目标
strike the nail with a hammer 用锤敲钉子
典型考题:As we know,“_______ while the iron is hot”is a famous proverb.
A.knock B.beat C.hit D.strike
9.knowledge /information /learning
knowledge“知识”,一般是指正确而且系统的知识,它可指个人的知识,也可指全人类所积累的知识。它前面常用表示“获得”的动词,如acquire,obtain,get等。但它不与study或learn连用。常用词组to sb's knowledge表“据某人所知”; information“知识”,指个人从他人、书本、观察、实际中所得来的真实的或想象的知识或信息,常指零碎的知识,亦有“资料,情报”之意;learning“知识,学问”,指通过刻苦钻研后获得的反映客观事物的系统知识。它还表“学习”。
e.g.book knowledge 书本知识
acquire knowledge 求得知识
accumulate a great amount of information 积累大量的资料
firsthand information 第一手资料
officialinformation 官方消息
a man of learning 有学问的人,学者
典型考题:To my _______,Tom has been there severaltimes.
A.knowledge B.view C.information D.learning
1.lap/l p/n.①膝上②(跑道的)一圈③(旅程的)一段v.①(动物)舔,舔食②(波浪等)拍打
lap up 欣然接受
2.largely/`la:d li/ad.大部分,主要地
3.laser/`leiz /n.激光
4.latter/`l t /n.后者a.①后者的②后一半的,末了的
5.launch/l n ,la:n /vt.①发动,发起(运动),推出(产品)②(into,in)使开始从事③从(船)下水④发射 n.发射,(船)下水,(新产品)投产laundry/`l ndri/n.①洗衣店,洗衣房②洗好的衣服,待洗的衣服
6.lavatory/`l v 、t ri,`l v t ri/n.厕所,盥洗室
7.lawn/l n/n.草地,草坪
9.leader/`li:d /n.领袖,领导者
10.leadership/`li:d ip/n.领导,领导层
11.layer/`lei /n.层,层次
12.laughter/`l ft ,`la:ft /n.笑,笑声
13.leading/`li:di /a.①最重要的,主要的②首位的,带头的,领衔的
by /in leaps and bound 极其迅速地
17.legislation/、led is`lei n/n.①法律,法规②立法,法律的制定(或通过)
leisure/`li: ,`le /n.①空闲时间,闲暇②悠闲,安逸
at leisure①有空,闲暇时②从容不迫地,不慌不忙地
18.lemon/`lem n/n.①柠檬(树)②柠檬黄,淡黄色
20.lest/lest/ conj.唯恐,免得
[考点]lest引导目的状语从句,从句的谓语动词用(should)+动词原形表示虚拟语气。类似的词语还有: inorder that,for fear that,in case。
The mad man was put in the soft-padded cell lest he_______ himself.(CET-4,98.1—38)
A)injure B)had injured C)injured D)would injure
应用虚拟语气should +动词原形,should可以省略,故A) injure正确。lest意为“以防、以免”,等同于in case,for fear that。
21.liable/`lai bl/a.
22.liberal/`lib r l/a.①心胸宽阔的,开明的②自由的,不受约束的③(指政治观点上的)自由主义的④ 慷慨的,大方的
23.liberate/`lib reit/vt.
liberty/`lib ti/n.①自由,自由权②许可,准许③[常pl.]过于随便,放肆
at liberty 自由的,不受囚禁的
24.limitation/、limi`tei n/n.①限制,限度②[常pl.]局限
With all its advantages,the computer is by no means without its_______.(CET-6,91.6—60)
A)boundaries B)restraints C)confinements D)limitations
25.loan/l un/n.贷款,借,贷vt.暂借
on loan 暂借的(地)
26.lobby/`l bi/n.①(旅馆、戏院等的)大厅,休息室②院外活动集团v.向(议员等)进行游说(或疏通)
27.local/`l uk l/a.①地方性的,当地的,本地的②局部的,狭隘的n.[常pl.]当地人,本地人
28.locate/l u`keit/vt.①探明,找出②把……设置在,使座落于
29.location/l u`kei n/n.①位置,场所②(电影的)外景拍摄地
30.lodge/l d /vi.暂住,借宿vt.供……以临时住宿n.乡间小屋,旅舍
31.log/l g/n.①原木,木料②航海(或飞行)日志vt.正式记录
log in 进入计算机系统
log out 退出计算机系统
32.logic/`l d ik/n.逻辑(学),逻辑性
33.logical/`l d ik l/a.①逻辑(上)的,符合逻辑的②合乎常理的
36.loosen/`lu:s n/v.①解开,放松②松驰
l37.oyal/`l i l/a.忠诚的,忠心的
loyalty/`l i lti/n.忠诚,忠心
Dogs are often praised for their _______;they almost never abandon their masters.(CET-6,95.6—70)
A)faith B)loyalty C)trust D)truthfulness
[注释]A)faith意为“信心,信任”。B)loyalty意为“忠实”。C) trust意为“信任,信赖”。D)truthfulness意为“诚实,说真话”。
1.manner/`m n /n.
all manner of 各种各样的,形形色色的
in a manner of speaking 不妨说,在某种意义上
2.manual/`m nju l/a.用手的,手工做的n.手册,指南
3.manufacture/`m njuf kt /vt.(大量)制造,加工n.①(大量)制造,制造业②[pl.]制造品,产品
4.manufacturer/.m nju`f kt r /n.制造商,制造厂
5.mathematical/.m i`m tik l/a.数学(上)的
6.mature/m `t u ,m `tju /a.①熟的,成熟的②成年人的③深思熟虑的,慎重的④(票据等)到期的,应支付的v.(使)成熟,(使)长成
7.maximum/`m ksim m/a.最高的,最大的,顶点的n.最大限度,最大量,顶点
8.mayor/m /n.市长
by all means 当然可以
by means of 用,依靠
by no means 决不,并没有
10.meantime/`mi:ntaim /ad./n.其时,其间
11.measurement/`me m nt,`mei m nt/n.①衡量,测量②[常pl.](量得的)尺寸,大小
13.mechanical/mi`k nik l/a.①机械的,机械制造的②机械学的,力学的③机械似的,呆板的
14.mechanism/`mek niz m/n.①机械装置②机制,机理③办法,途径
15.medal/`med l/n.奖牌,奖章,勋章
16.media/`mi:di /n.新闻媒介,传播媒介
17.medium/`mi:dj m/a.中等的,适中的n.①媒质,媒介物,传导体②新闻媒介,传播媒介③手段,工具
19.membership/`memb ip/n.①会员身份(或资格、地位),会籍②全体会员,会员数
20.memorial/mi`m ri l/a.纪念的,悼念的n.纪念碑,纪念堂,纪念仪式
21.merchant/`m :t nt/n.商人
22.mercy/`m :si/n.①慈悲,仁慈,宽容②恩惠,幸运
at the mercy of 任凭……的摆布,完全受……支配
Even though he was guilty,the_______ judge did not send him to prison.(CET-6,97.1—5)
A)merciful B)impartial
C)conscientious D)conspicuous
mess about/around ①无目的、无计划地瞎忙②浪费时间,闲荡③轻率地对待
mess up ①把……弄糟②把……弄乱(或弄脏)
mess with 干预,介入
24.minor/`main /a.①较小的,较少的②次要的n.①未成年人②副修科目vi.(in)(大学中)副修
25.minority/mi`n riti,mai`n riti/n.①少数,少数派②少数民族
Most nurses are women,but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a_______.(CET-6, 97.6—53)
A)scarcity B)minority C)minimum D)shortage
[注释]A)scarcity意为“稀少,歉收”。B)minority意为“少数”。C)minimum意为“最低限度,最少量”。D) shortage意为“不足,缺少”。
26.mister/`mist /n.先生
27.misunderstand/.mis nd `st nd/vt.误解,误会
28.mixture/`mikst /n.①混合②混合物
29.mobile/`m ubail/a.①运动的,活动的,可动的②流动的,机动的③多变的,易变的n.移动电话
The service operates 36libraries throughout the country,while six _______ libraries specially serve the countryside.(CET-6,93.6—54)
A)mobile B)drifting C) shifting D)rotating
[注释]A)mobile意为“活动的,流动的”。B)drifting意为“漂流的”。C)shifting意为“移动的、转换的”。D) rotating意为“正在转动的,旋转的”。
30.mode/m ud/n.方式,样式,风格
31.moderate/`m d rit/a.①中等的,一般的②温和的,稳健的③有节制的,适度的
/`m d reit/v.(使)和缓,(使)减轻,(使)减弱
/`m d rit/n.持温和观点者
32.modest/`m dist/a.①谦虚的,谦逊的②适中的,适度的,不太多的③羞怯的
33.modify/`m difai/vt.①修改,更改②(语法上)修饰
34.moist/m ist/a.潮湿的,湿润的
35.moisture/`m ist/n.潮湿,湿气
36.mold/m uld /n.①霉,霉菌②模子,模型,铸模③(人的)性格,气质,类型vt.①用模子制作,浇铸,塑造②使形成,影响……的形成,把……塑造成
37.molecule/`m likju:l/n.分子
38.monthly/`m n li/a.每月的,每月一次的n.月刊
39.monument/`m njum nt/n.①纪念碑,纪念馆②历史遗迹
My father seemed to be in no _______to look at my school report.(CET-4,99.1—63)A)mood B)emotion C) attitude D)feeling
[注释]测试固定词组。be in no mood to do sth.没有心情做某事,还可为:be(not)in the mood to do sth.(没)有心情做某事。
41.multiple/`m ltipl/a.复合的,多重的,多种多样的n.倍数
42.multiply/`m ltiplai/v.①(使)增加,(使)繁殖②乘,(使)相乘
43.muscle/`m sl/n.①肌肉,体力②力量,实力
I walked too much yesterday and _______ are still aching now.(CET-4,95.6—56)A)my leg's muscles B)my muscles of leg
C)my leg muscles D)my muscles of the leg
[注释]习惯用法。名词leg作定语,修饰muscles,意为“腿部肌肉”。A)my leg's muscles名词所有格大多数用于表示有生命的名词,如my sister's books,或用于表示时间、距离的名词,如today's newspaper。如用介词of表示所有关系,应为the muscles of my legs,所以可排除B、D。