
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/10/06 02:35:34
 【Weather Sept 5】
Wuhan: cloudy 21~30℃
Yichang: cloudy 20~30℃
Shiyan: rainy 16~24℃【Highlights】
>US schools adding iPads
>WikiLeaks cables unedited
>Earthquake hits Sichuan
>Drunk man bites snake
>Nepal poet writes with foot
>Tips: 'Cask of Danaides'
'达那伊得斯姐妹之桶' 【Cover Story】
>PHD entry not exam-based
Peking University and Tsinghua University have decided to try a new way of recruiting PHD candidates in some of their colleges in 2012, xinhuanet.com reported. In traditional PHD recruitment procedures, students have to pass written tests on a specialized course and foreign language, as well as attend an interview. In the new trial, written exams will be exempt in the preliminary stage, with students instead applying for doctoral research by submitting documents such as Master's degree thesis and letter of recommendation.
据新华网报道,我国传统的博士招生方式分为笔试和面试,其中笔试科目为专业课、外语等。然而,清华大学、北京大学决定在2012年部分院系博士招生初试环节只审核考生递交的硕士毕业论文、专家推荐信等有关申请材料即可,考生无需再参加学校统一组织的笔试。 [博士入学门槛降低?]
Some people say the new application process would lower barriers to entry. Officials from 2 universities taking part in the trial responded by saying that once students pass the application procedure, they will undergo a written test to examine their capability for scientific research and specialist knowledge.
So, how can a fair and just application process be ensured, as human factors play a larger role in the new trial? Education experts suggest building a stricter supervision system. Once dishonest behaviors have been found during the application process, both the candidate and relevant professors may face expulsion.
这次改革增加了人为考查的因素,博士招生把关者能否秉持公平公正?一些教育界人士认为,必须加强制度建设,如在博士招生过程中发现不正当行为,学校应对"关系博士"开除学籍,并取消相关教授博士生导师资格。 【Top News】
>WikiLeaks cables unedited
WikiLeaks has published its full cache of over 250,000 US diplomatic cables. Unlike previous releases, sensitive information has not been redacted from the cables, foreign media reported. The newly published collection of 251,287 cables contains over 1,000 messages which identify overseas activists, and around 150 identifying whistleblowers. All 5 newspapers working with WikiLeaks have issued a joint statement condemning the release of unedited cables, saying it "may put sources at risk".
据外媒报道,维基解密网站日前公布了超过25万份的美国国务院外交电报,但这次公布的电报均未经编辑,众多敏感信息遭曝光。新解密的251287份电报中,含有至少1000条来源于"海外线人"的消息,约150名"线人"遭曝光。与维基合作的五大报纸发表联合声明,同声谴责维基的这次行动,称此举将危及线人安全。>US schools adding iPads
Many public secondary schools in the US have introduced the iPad as a high tech supplement to the curriculum, moving away from traditional textbooks, AP reported. Apple officials say they know of more than 600 districts that have launched what are called "one-to-one" programs, in which at least one classroom of students is getting iPads for each student to use throughout the school day. Educators in favor of the tech upgrade say the tablet's interactive programs will help engage students, who have grown up with the emerging technology as part of their daily lives.
据美联社报道,美国多所公立学校已经开始引入iPad作为高科技教学辅助,逐步取代传统教科书。苹果高管表示,据他们所知全美有600多个学区发起了名为"一对一"的项目,根据这个项目,至少会有一个班的学生将配备iPad,在上学期间每名学生都可以使用。赞同这一技术升级的教育专家认为,对于现在的学生来说,新兴科技已成为他们生活的一部分,因此平板电脑的互动学习项目更有助于吸引他们的注意力。 【In Brief】
>A cargo plane carrying emergency relief supplies from the US arrived at Pyongyang airport Saturday to bring aid to flood-stricken areas of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), xinhuanet.com reported.
>An earthquake measuring 4.3 on the Richter scale hit the border area between the city of Dujiangyan and Wenchuan County in Sichuan Province at 12:13 am Sunday, according to the China Earthquake Networks Center.
>All the 21 people on a Chilean air force plane that crashed Friday have been killed, the country's defense minister Andres Allamand said Saturday night, xinhuanet.com reported.
据新华网报道,智利国防部长安德烈斯·阿拉芒3日晚宣布,在2日失事的军用飞机上21人全部遇难。 【Newsmaker】
>Nepal poet writes with foot
A Nepalese woman with cerebral palsy, whose only way of communicating is by writing with her foot, has won Nepal's most prestigious literary prize, the BBC reported. Jhamak Kumari Ghimire, 30, won the Madan Puraskar prize for her book of autobiographical essays, "Is life a thorn or a flower?" Her journey to literary recognition was a slow one. She was not sent to school, and taught herself to write by listening to her sister studying. She recalls how writing on the ground made her foot bleed, and she was beaten by her parents, who believed that writing on the ground would result in bad luck. Ghimire has now published 4 volumes of poetry and 2 books of short stories.(See photo)
据英国广播公司报道,尼泊尔一名女作家患有脑瘫,只能用脚写字,却赢得了当地文学领域最高荣誉的"Madan Puraskar"奖。吉米雷现年30岁,凭借其自传散文《生命是刺还是花?》获得这一殊荣。她的文学之路充满坎坷,年幼时没有上学,只在家中听姐姐读书而自学写作。她回忆自己用脚在地上写字,脚上皮破血流,而父母却因为相信在地上写字不吉利而打她。如今,吉米雷已出版了4卷诗集和2本短篇小说集。(见图)  【Kaleidoscope】
>Drunk man bites snake
A US man was jailed after he bit a pet python in an apparently unprovoked attack, local media reported. David Senk, 54, said he had no recollection of the incident after blacking out from drinking. Responding to a report, police found him lying on the ground with blood on his face. Another man and a woman told the police Senk took 2 large bites out of their python when they let him hold the snake. The snake, measuring 3 to 4 feet in length, is recovering after a vet stitched it up.
据当地媒体报道,一名美国男子日前无故咬伤一条宠物蟒,遭到警方拘留。这名男子叫戴维·申克,现年54岁,自称当时醉酒,已经记不起发生了什么。警方接到报案,赶至现场,发现申克躺在地上,满脸是血。一名男子和一名女子告诉警方,他们让申克抱抱他们的宠物蟒,他却朝巨蟒咬了两大口。这条宠物蟒长约3-4英尺(0.9-1.2米),兽医将其伤口缝好后正逐渐康复。 【Language Tips】
'Cask of Danaides'
源于希腊神话。Argos的国王Danaus有50个女儿,人称Danaides(达那伊得斯姐妹)。为了和他的孪生兄弟Aegyptus争夺埃及王位,Danaus把他的50个女儿嫁给了Aegyptus的50个儿子,并叫她们在新婚之夜杀死新郎。其中有一个女儿Hypermnestra不忍对丈夫Lynceus下手。Aegyptus得知儿子被害,悲恸而死。后来Lynceus杀死Danaus和他的49个女儿为父兄报仇。犯杀夫罪的49位Danaides死后被罚在地狱中永不停息的往一个无底的桶里注水。该桶因此被称作the cask of Danaides,意思是"达那伊得斯姐妹之桶",后人用此喻指"无底洞,徒劳无功"。
With terrible management, that company is indeed a cask of Danaides, yet the public do not hesitate to pour in their money.
由于管理不善,那家公司已成为投资的无底洞,但公众仍然毫不犹豫的继续投资。 【China Daily Radio】
新闻热词大放送生活中经常会发生很多令人啼笑皆非的乌龙事件,但如果手术台上也乌龙,恐怕没人能笑得出来。前段时间台湾大学医院误将一名艾滋病感染者器官移植给5名病患,台湾卫生主管部门已成立项目小组展开调查。请看《中国日报》的报道:"We need to check the medical institutions' standard operating procedures (SOP) for organ donations and transplants," Wang said."我们需要检验台大医院在器官捐献和器官移植方面的标准操作程序。"王小姐说。Organ donation(器官捐献)本是好事一桩,但是台大医院竟把艾滋病患者的器官移植到了5位病人身上。该艾滋病病人在被宣布brain dead(脑死亡)后,其家属决定将他的器官捐献,但并不知道他是艾滋病患者。直到organ transplant surgery(器官移植手术)完成后,医院方面才发现该捐献者的medical record(病历)显示的竟然是HIV-positive(艾滋病病毒测试呈阳性)。根据相关standard operating procedures(标准操作程序),在进行器官移植前,必须进行HIV tests(艾滋病检测)。如果被证明由于医疗失误导致病人感染艾滋病,相关医务工作者将面临3到10年in jail(入狱)的惩罚。(本期英文内容由英籍编辑Yvonne Brill润色。)