
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/10/06 15:52:29


Because we tend to forget our dreams as soon as we wake up, researchers know little about how our minds create them. Neuroscientists Martin Dresler and Michael Czisch, both of the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich, Germany, and their colleagues wanted to find a way to use brain-imaging techniques to watch what people were doing in their dreams. To interpret these images of the dreaming brain, however, they would first have to know how the brain looks when it is performing a certain task in the dream—a difficult challenge because most dreamers can't control what they're doing. 

由于我们刚醒来时很容易忘记做过的梦,研究人员对于我们的意识如何工作知之甚少。两位来自德国慕尼黑马克思普朗克学院的神经学家Martin Dresler和Michael Czish和他们的同事试图找到一种运用大脑成像技术来观察人们梦中活动的方法,不过,他们必须得知道大脑在梦中执行某一种工作时它看起来是什么样子的。由于大多数做梦的人不能控制他们的梦境,这对于科学家们来说一个艰巨的挑战。

Very rarely, however, dreamers experience a phenomenon known as lucid dreaming, in which a sleeper is aware that he or she is dreaming and has some level of control over actions in the dream. "About half of people have had a lucid dream, Dresler says, but "very few have them on a regular basis." Certain people can learn to dream lucidly more often. The training involves techniques such as writing down dreams and committing to remember that you're dreaming when you see a certain theme, such as a flying cow, says neuroscientist Daniel Erlacher of the University of Bern, who was not involved in the current research. 

峰回路转的是,做梦者很罕见地会经历过一种叫做“清醒梦境”的现象,这是一种做梦者能够意识到他或她正在做梦并且能够对梦中行为作出控制的过程。“大约一半的人有过‘清醒梦境’”Dresler指出“不过只有很少一部分人经常经历这种情况。”某些人甚至能学会如何让“清醒梦境”出现得更频繁些。伯尔尼大学的神经学家Daniel Erlacher指出这种训练包括记录梦境并且致力于每当看到一个特定情景——比如一头飞牛,就能够指出这是在做梦的能力,他目前不在这项研究之中。

Dresler and Czisch recruited six people who had been trained in lucid dreaming, instructed them to dream that they were clenching either their left or their right hand, and then let them fall asleep in a brain scanner. Once the sleepers were dreaming and lucid, they let the researchers know by moving their eyes from left to right twice. The researchers checked the volunteers' brain activity patterns to make sure they really were in the dream phase of sleep known as rapid eye movement. The team then recorded brain activity using either functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), which shows high-resolution images of brain activity throughout the brain, or near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), which shows activity on the surface of the brain.


Only two of the subjects were able to have lucid dreams in the noisy scanners. But in each of them, one in fMRI and one in NIRS, the researchers saw the area of the motor cortex that controls the left hand light up in the same way as in someone who was awake. The subjects were able to perform the task in two different dreams each, the researchers report online today in Current Biology. That suggests that "dreams are not just represented as a visual scene" like watching a movie, Dresler says, but involve the whole body.


"It's a clever use of that patient population," says neurologist Allen Braun of the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders in Bethesda, Maryland. He says it's interesting that although the motor cortex, which controls movement itself, was active, the midline area of the brain, which is known to be activated when people are making a decision whether to move a limb, was not active in the lucid dreamer whose brain was imaged with fMRI. "They must know they're not really moving," he says. Although the researchers imaged only two subjects, Braun says that they have done "more than enough" to show that these two brain-imaging techniques can read lucid dreamers' dreams. 

“这是一个对于特殊人群的智慧的应用”,来自马里兰州贝塞斯达的国家听力与交流障碍研究中心的神经学家Allen Braun说道。他表示,虽然控制运动本身的运动皮层是活跃的,但有趣的是,当人们决定是否要移动四肢时,大脑中部区域理应被激活,可是在“清醒梦境”的情况下,FMRI显示这部分区域并不活跃。即使研究人员只记录到两个被试的大脑图像,Braun表示他们已经“足够”阐释了两种脑部成像技术能够记录“清醒梦境”者的梦境。

"It's a very impressive work," Erlacher says, particularly given the difficulty of getting someone to dream lucidly in a noisy scanner. To strengthen their findings, the authors plan to recruit more lucid dreamers to determine whether the brain responds similarly in everyone. And they hope to find out what happens when their dreamers perform more complex tasks such as walking, speaking, or even flying, which would help researchers interpret dreams and understand how and why the mind creates them.
