
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/10/06 15:57:19



    China would win。 We wouldn’t use nukes and they have more people




    sorry buddy, but america is nuke happy and if any one f*cks with


    them, about 50 are headed in their direction




    You are a f*cking dumbass。 China has been stealing our nuclear


    military secrets for years。 For all we know, they could sabotage our shit at the


    last minute。read and learn,dumbass




    Hey, buddy, truth is, WE WOULD WIN YOU *** ING COMMUNIST!!!!!!!


    Yeah, China, even though they put all their resources into military, they would


    lose。 Our military is well treated and have more reason to fight other than for


    not being killed by government。 You suck you anti-American… Die。




    I’m very pro american。 I live in america… I even support the war


    in iraq (one of the few who apparently do)… thinking that my country would lose


    a war against a powerful country doesn’t make me a communist




    China has more people and they are smarter。 China>USA


    中国人更多而且他们更聪明。 中国》美国


    Wouldnt it be who attacks first?Like imagine if the US dropped


    about 1500 BIG nukes at the same time China couldnt retialiate but that could go


    either way I guess




    Communists can do anything when motivated。 War is a strong


    motivator for any country。 They could get us if it came down to it。 They have


    already begun to shift past industrialization。 Plus they have russia above them。


    They could probabably get some technology om up there if they needed to om old


    soviet sympathizers




    China has more people。 But the US his superior military power


    (especially the navy)。 So the USA would kick china’s ass。




    technology can only do so much。 They would just out number us




    We arent connected by land, and we have the greatest navy in the






    We have the power of jesus。




    Communists have a great work force that could be used to outnumber


    our navy。 The greatest weakness of an army is its underestimating of others。


    Should the ** make it to our soil we would loose




    Doesn’t matter, once that war would start many countries would


    severe trade connections weakening both countries but since China is the only


    country in the world with a self sustaining economy, they’d hardly be affected。




    Self sustaining economy my ass。 Theres a resaon Japan and China


    have had tensions recently。 Its becuase they are figthting over who will get


    Russias oil。 They most definately dont have enough oil there to be self


    sufficent。Read, China imports oil。 Actually, they are the big reason prices are


    jumping so d**n much




    If there was going to be a war between us it would be because of


    this。 And I highly doubt it would take place in either China or the Americas。 It


    would happen in the middle east。 China needs oil。 They absolutely need it to


    continue tohave any chance of being a strong power in the world。 Russia is one


    option。 The middle east, may be the way they go and we would protect our


    intrests。 And all of a sudden we have a war on our hands。




    And whats more a war right where the ** would be in a good


    position to have one。 Of course they would never invade The United States of


    America…。 unless they had a great plan。 But the middle east is another thing


    entirely。 In a place where land is really the only thing to fight on。 China


    would win。 Well we could just use hydrogen cells。 Anyway, the thing about the **


    is that they’re group oriented so all you have to do is sit a machine gun in ont


    of their military base and shoot them all when they run out。 I saw it in a WWII


    movie。 That’s why we won WWII so easy。Anyway, The thing about the ** is that


    most of them have never heard of a plane or a loud siren so all we have to do is


    chopper in some sirens, call in an air strike, scare them all off and send in


    the troops。 While they’re shocked we will clean up their army and make the


    civilians join our army。




文章评论 [以下网友留言只代表其个人观点,不代表中华网的观点或立场]
22500 2011-11-03 11:17:25.0 只要汉奸们不卖国,美国就是纸老虎!