投资组合的风险计算:考研英语词汇复习(59): equipment 、apparatus、device; facilities、utilities;appliance、instrument

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/10/06 02:51:00



                               equipment apparatusdevice









 equipment  是“设备”、“装备”的总称、凡指各种设备,多用作不可数名词,不用复数形式。


1) Our staff will be happy to answer your questions if you run into difficulties installing the equipment.


2)We have recently introduced two set of equaipment from West Germany for our laboratory.



apparatus  通常指用于特定行业、职业的装置,尤指整套装置,如用与冷却装置(cooling appaatus)。


1) The apparatus must be sufficiently shielded from the interfering effects of other particles.


  2)The school’s audio-visual apparatus includes a new set of multi-media deivce, not to mention films, records etc.         (这所中学的视听设备包括一套新的多媒体装置,更不用说电影、录音等设备了。)


device  指为某一用途设计制造的装置,一般是指较为单一或简单的装置。


 1) Physical and chemical tests verify that the recovery device has neither radioactive pollution nor toxic side effects.


2)The laboratory has designed, tested and evaluated a lightweigth.low-yeild fission device.    (该实验室设计,试验和鉴定了一种轻巧、低当量的裂变装置。)





facilities  “设备”、“设施”,常用复数形式,指专门为了某一用途建造、制造、购买、配备的设施”、“设备”,如用于军事用途的 militray facilities;用于医疗的medical facilities。


1) The students who live on the campus can use all the facilities of the university to the full.


2) Many sports centers have been built with adveanced facilities in Beijing.



utilities  指“公共设备”,“公共设施”,也可指“公共事业”或“公共机构”。


1) It is imperative to improve the public utilities with the rapid development of urban areas.


2) The fund plans to target investment aross the globe, particularly in energy, utilities and trnsport.






appliance  “器具”、“装置”、“用具”, 多用于指家庭、生活、医疗、电力等机械或器具。


1) Stoves, irons, washing machines, etc. are household appliances.


2)The new hotal is fitted up with modern appliances.

      (这家新建的旅馆装有现代化的装置。)3) In 1987 he founded the curent Gome, which has developed into China’s largest home appliance retail business.      (他在1987年创办的国美电器,目前已发展成中国最大的家电零售企业。)


instrument  “仪器”,通常指比较精密的仪器。


       1) A camera is placed through the hole to help quide the surgical instrument.


2)In spite of its good performance, the instrument is too complicated and expensive to be generally introduced.
