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资本主义的大问题 The big questions raised by anti-capitalist protests英国《金融时报》首席经济评论员 马丁·沃尔夫 字号 最大 较大 默认 较小 最小 背景                     中文 评论[96条] 打印 电邮 收藏 腾讯微博新浪微博  

Why did it take so long? It is over four years since the financial crisis began. Yet only now are anti-capitalist protests emerging, including at St Paul's Cathedral. So is this the beginning of a resurgent leftwing politics? I doubt it. Are the protesters raising some big questions? Yes, they are.


For this to be the beginning of a new leftwing politics, two things have to occur: first, a credible new ideology must emerge; second, some social force must march behind it.


In the 19th and early 20th centuries, the ideology was socialism and the force was organised labour. Socialism failed as a way of running economies. It did, however, succeed in establishing welfare states. Socialism is a conservative force, dedicated to defending entitlements built up over a century. Meanwhile, organised labour is only strongly entrenched in the public sector. This gives it the same conservative agenda: defending the welfare state. Strikes by UK public sector workers against the fiscal cuts will demonstrate this.


If the traditional left offers no answer, can the free market right return to business as usual? No. People who believe in the marriage of democratic politics with market economics need to address what has happened. They need to do so, above all, because there are darker forms of politics waiting in the wings: nationalism, chauvinism and racism. That is what happens when the conventional elites fail and frustration takes over. We do not need to watch this tragedy again.


The response to the crisis among those in the pro-market camp is much on the lines of the 1930s. On one side are those who blame what has gone wrong entirely on government. The Tea Party, in the US, has taken that position, with some success. In the UK, this strand is weaker. But there, too, some argue that the crisis is the result of Gordon Brown’s fiscal incontinence, over-regulated markets or incompetent central banks. In this, they follow the Austrian economists, Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich Hayek, in the 1930s. Against them are those who, following John Maynard Keynes, argue for a managed capitalism.

亲市场阵营应对危机的策略,大体上因循的是上世纪30年代的套路。他们中有些人把所有的过错都归咎于政府。美国的“茶党”便是如此,他们取得了一些成功。在英国,这股势力比较弱,但也有一些人认为,这场危机是戈登?布朗(Gordon Brown)在财政上恣意挥霍、政府对市场监管过度或央行无能等因素导致的。他们沿袭了上世纪30年代奥地利经济学家路德维格?冯?米塞斯(Ludwig von Mises)和弗里德里希?哈耶克(Friedrich Hayek)的思想。与他们相对立的人士,则奉行约翰?梅纳德?凯恩斯(John Maynard Keynes),主张实行“有管理的资本主义”(managed capitalism)。

Once again, much of this debate is over use of macroeconomic policy tools: should one tighten or loosen fiscal policy in a recession? Are unconventional monetary policies a path to hyperinflation or effective policies in extreme circumstances? Again, just as radical Keynesians emerged in the 1930s and afterwards, proponents of more intervention in markets are now emerging.


This is a debate we need. In my view, both perspectives are useful. The Tea Party is wrong on the future of government. Even the

这场辩论正是我们所需要的。依我看,两种观点都有用。茶党关于未来政府角色的看法是错误的。即使是美国也不可能回到19世纪。但茶党中比较有头脑的人士则是对的(并且与当今的抗议者所见略同),他们认为,我们已经缔造了一种内幕人资本主义(an insider form of capitalism ),它利用、事实上也制造了补贴和税收上的漏洞,让内幕人士得以从中渔利、大发横财。不得不拯救银行这一点令人惊恐。金钱在政治中的角色令人不安。危险在于,我们正从诺贝尔经济学奖获得者道格拉斯?诺斯(Douglass North)所说的“开放介入秩序”走向它的对立面——这是一种政治起决定性作用的体制。

US is not going back to the 19th-century state. But its more coherent members are right – and even agree with today’s protesters – that we have promoted an insider form of capitalism which exploits and indeed creates subsidies and tax loopholes on which the insiders prosper. The need to rescue banks was horrifying. The role of money in politics is disturbing. The danger is that we are moving from what the Nobel?laureate economic historian, Douglass North, calls an “open-access order” to its opposite, a system in which political influence is decisive.

这不仅是低效率的,也是不公正的。绝大部分人都不会妒忌史蒂夫?乔布斯(Steve Jobs)的财富。但对于从接受纾困企业中涌现出来的富人,人们则抱着不一样的眼光。纾困必须到此为止。改革金融业使其能够取信于人,对于未来至关重要。但这还不够。市场资本主义造就了内在的困难,其中最明显的两种是宏观经济的不稳定性和极端的不平等。市场导向的金融体系自我消耗的倾向再次隆重亮相。说起自由市场,右翼人士声称,如果我们回到金本位制、或者结束银行部分准备金制度,那就万事大吉了。我对这些说法表示怀疑。对未来进行押注,必然就会有不稳定性。人类的乐观和悲观思潮似乎具有自我实现的倾向。减轻不稳定性、缓解相关后果的方法从来都有待于寻找。

This is not merely inefficient. It is unjust. Few begrudged Steve Jobs his fortune. The view on those who emerged rich from rescued businesses is very different. The era of bail-outs must end. Restructuring finance to make this credible is of huge importance for the future. Yet this is not all. Market capitalism creates inherent difficulties. The two most obvious are macroeconomic instability and extremes of inequality. The tendency of a market-oriented financial system to run away with itself has, again, been demonstrated on a large scale. On the free?market right people argue that if only we went back to the gold standard or ended fractional reserve banking, all would be well. I question such claims. Instability is inherent in the game of betting on the future. Humans seem prone to self-fulfilling waves of optimism and pessimism. Ways of mitigating the extent and the consequences of such instability always need to be found.


It is impossible to define an acceptable level of inequality. Any inequality is corrosive if those with wealth are believed to have rigged the game rather than won in honest competition. As inequality rises, the sense that we are equal as citizens weakens. In the end, democracy is sold to the highest bidder. That has happened often before in the history of republics. Peaceful protest is the right of free people. More important, it is a way to bring issues to our attention. The left does not know how to replace the market. But
