
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/10/05 13:55:54


  1. last 持续,为延续性动词,可与一段时间及How long 连用


    America Civil War lasted for four years.    美国内战持续了四年。

    Our holidays lasted for ten days.    我们休了十天假。

  2. always  频度副词,意思是:永远,一直,总是

  (1)alwaysusuallyoftensometimeshardly evernever是频度副词,与疑问词how often对应。它在句中位于实义动词之前,情态动词(maycanwouldcould)、助动词(dodiddoeshavehad)、连系动词(be)之后。

    He is always wearing that blue shirt.    他总是穿着那件蓝色的衬衣。

    I always think of her in that dress.    我总是想起她穿着那件连衣裙的样子。


    The boy is always telling lies.    这孩子总是说谎。(表示生气)

    He is always talking to his father like that    他老是那样和他父亲说话。(表示不满)

  3. alone 


    I am not alone in this opinion.    不只是我一个有这想法。


    He alone knows the secret.    只有他一人知道秘密。

    She lived alone.    她独居。

    The key alone will open the door.    只有这把钥匙能开这个门。

    He did it all alone.    这事是他一个人干的。



    They crossed the road.    他们过了马路。


    We crossed each other on the way.    我们在途中错过了。

  (3)近义词:pass 穿过

  5. along 


    Let us walk along.    让我们往前走。


    I took my brother along.



    We walked along the river.    我们沿着河走。

  6. feel like表示感觉是,似乎

    What’s this in my pocket? It feels like a nut.


    feel like后可接doing sth,表示喜欢(愿意)做某事

    I feel like staying at home to the weekends.    我喜欢周末待在家里。

  7. enjoy是带有欣赏性质的喜欢,喜爱,且含享受之意。例如:

    I think everyone enjoyed your wonderful party    我想所有的人都非常欣赏你们的精彩晚会。

    enjoy doing表示喜欢,乐意做某事,指从某件事中享受到乐趣。例如:

    I enjoy listening to music.    我很喜欢听音乐。

  8. be good at表示擅长,在……方面做得好at后面跟名词、代词或动名词。

    He is good at swimming.    他擅长游泳。

    What subjects are you good at?    你擅长哪些科目?

    She is good at math.    她擅长数学。

    He is good at singing.    他擅长唱歌。

    近义词组:do well in,更强调一次性做得好。

    You did well in the Chinese exam.


  9. clean表示打扫,及物动词,还有形容词词性。


    The students are cleaning the classroom.    学生们在打扫教室。


    Please keep the classroom clean and tidy.    请保持教室干净整齐。



  1. He sure is!



    It sure was a cold day.    的确是个冷天。


    ——Are you going?      你去吗?

    ——Sure.      当然啦。


    be sure of表示……有把握,肯定……”

    I’m sure of his coming.    我确信他能来。

    be sure that… 表示确定,确信……”

    I’m sure that he will come.    我确信他能来。

  2. It looks like raindoesn’t it?    看起来要下雨了,不是吗?


    It’s a fine day today.    今天天气很好。

    It’s seven o’clock.    现在7点了。

    It’s two kilometers away from my home to school.  从我家到学校有2千米远。


    She looks very sad.    她看上去很伤心。

    You look very happy today.    今天你看上去很高兴。

  3. Do you think it’ll stop by noon?    你认为到中午雨会停吗?


    Do you think she can carry the box?    你认为她能搬动这个箱子吗?


    Can you finish your work by 6 pm?    下午6点前你们能完成工作吗?

    By the time we got therethe bus had already gone.    当我们到达那儿时,公共汽车已经走了。


    by phone 用电话 

    by bus  乘公共汽车


    I sit by the window.    我坐在窗子旁。

  4. I hope the bus comes soon.    我希望公共汽车很快就来。


    I want to get your letter soon.    我想尽快收到你的来信。

    The winter comes soon.    冬天马上就要来了。


    I hope to hear from you soon.    我希望不久收到你的来信。

    I hope it will be fine tomorrow.    我希望明天是好天气。

  5. Thank you so much for inviting me.    非常感谢你邀请我。

  (1)这是对别人提出邀请的礼貌答语。thanks for后接名词或动名词形式,用for引起要表示致谢的原因,表示因为……而感谢你。表示感谢最简单最常用的方式是说Thank youThanks(这是更随便的说法)

    Thank you for telling me.    谢谢你告诉我。

    Thank you for a delicious lunch.    谢谢你的美味午餐。

    Thank you for giving me so much help.    谢谢你给了我如此多的帮助。

    Thanks for your help.    谢谢你的帮助。


    She invited us to her party.


    如果你当面邀请人,不可用invite,需用would you like来表达。例如:

    Would you like to come to the party?    你们愿意来参加聚会吗?

  6. I’m going to ask my cousinTommyto go with me.我打算要我的表兄汤米和我一起去。

  (1)Tommy在本句中作my cousin的同位语,是对my cousin的补充说明。

    My sisterJaneis a student.    我妹妹,简,是一名学生。

  (2)to go在这里是ask的宾语补足语,即ask sb to do sth,表示要求某人做某事。例如:

    My boss asked me to finish the work before six o’clock.


    He always asks me to help him with his homework. 他经常让我帮助他做作业。


    I am going to the park with my mother.

    = My mother and I are going to the park.    我打算和妈妈一起去公园。

    I spend a good time with my students.    我和学生们共度美好时光。

  7. He said he'd help me with my math project.    他说他将帮助我做数学作业。


    I knew you would agree.    我知道你会同意的。

    I said l would arrange everything.    我说我要安排一切。

    He told me he would wait for me outside.    他告诉我他将在外边等我。

    I asked if he would come and mend my television set.  我问他可否来修我的电视机。

  (2)help sb. with sth.是固定搭配。

    May I help you with your luggage?    我帮你拿行李好吗?

    Let me help you off with your coat.    我来帮你脱上衣。

    Please help me up with this heavy box.    请帮我把这个大箱子抬上去。


    In their geography classthe children are doing a special project on North American Indians. 在地理课上,孩子们正在做一个有关北美印第安人的特别作业。

    I did my physics project with my classmates in my house yesterday evening.


  8. Paul and I are good friends. We get along well because we both like sports.



    We are both tall.          我们俩都很高。

    They are both boys.       他们俩都是男孩。

    We both have short hair    我们俩都留短发。

    They both go to this school.  他们俩都在这所学校读书。

    My parents both like hiking.  我父母都喜欢远足。


    Both New York and London have traffic problems. 纽约和伦敦都存在交通问题。

    The secretary both speaks and writes Spanish  这位秘书不但能说而且能写西班牙语。

    Both teaching and research work are making great strides.教学与科研都在大踏步前进。

  (3)get along也可写作get on,表示相处。例如:

    Do you get along well with your parents?  你和父母相处得好吗?

    Lily gets along well with Lucy. 莉莉和露西相处得很好。

    How do you get along with your classmates?  你和同学们相处得怎么样?


  1. 时间介词inonat




     in a weekin Mayin springsummerautumnwinterin 2008in the 1990’s等。

  (2)表示在上午、下午或晚上。如:in the morningafternoonevening

  (3)in the daytime(在白天) 属于固定搭配,指从日出到日落这一段时间,反义词组是in the night

  (4)“in 一段时间表示多久以后/以内,常与将来时连用。


     in half an hourin ten minutesin a few days等。

  on 后面所接的时间多与日期有关。具体用法有:



     on May 4th1919on Mondayon Teachers’Dayon my birthdayon that day等。 



     on the morning of July 2on Sunday afternoonon a cold winter evening等。

  at 具体用法有:



     at six o’clock at half past nine at a quarter to six at this time等。



     at noonat this momentat the end of a yearat the start of the concert等。

  (3)It lasts from June to August.

  2. borrowlendkeep的区别:



  I borrowed a book from the school library this afternoon.




  I can lend my bike to youbut you mustn't lend it to others.




  “How long can I keep the book?”“Two weeks.” 这本书我可以借多久?”“两个星期。


  3. hopewish均可表示希望,想,均可用to do不定式作宾语,不可用doing。其不同之处在于:

  (1)“wish+宾语+to do”还可表示命令hope不能这样用。例如:

    I wish you to go.    我要你去。


    I hope for success.    我希望成功。(可能性很大)

    I wish for a car.    我很想得到小汽车。(难以实现的愿望)


    I hope you will be better soon.    我希望你尽快好起来。

    I wish I were ten years younger.    但愿我能年轻10岁。


    We wish you a happy life.    祝你生活幸福。

  4. enjoylikelove都可表达喜爱的意思,但含义和用法有所不同。

  (1)enjoy在意思上侧重于享受某种乐趣,后接名词或动名词作宾语,不能接不定式。enjoy还可以与反身代词连用,即enjoy oneself,表示玩得很高兴”(=have a good time)。例如:

    The man is enjoying his dinner.    那个男人正津津有味地吃饭。

    My father enjoys listening to the radio.    我父亲爱听广播。

    Did the children enjoy themselves in the park?    孩子们在公园里玩得愉快吗?


    Everyone in China likes Mid-Autumn Festival.    在中国,每个人都喜欢中秋节。

    He likes his students to work hard.    他喜欢他的学生努力学习。

  (3)love表示爱,热爱,爱戴,有强烈的感情,相当于like…very much,侧重于对祖国及较亲近的人的深厚感情。在口语中它往往又指一般的喜爱,这时与like的意思很相近,可以互换。后面也可接名词、动名词或动词不定式。例如:

    We love our motherland.    我们热爱我们的祖国。

    They love playing / to play basketball.    他们爱打篮球。


    I’d like / love to go with you.    我愿意和你们一起去。

  5. how oftenhow longhow soonhow much

  (1)how often表示多长时间一次或者每隔多久一次often常常之意,表示次数很多

    —How often does Mary go to visit the museum?   玛丽多久去参观一次博物馆?

    —Twice a year.     一年两次。

    —How often do you see a film?     你多长时间看一次电影?

    —Once a month.     每月一次。

    —Do you know how often Lily visit her grandparents?


    —Once a week.     一周一次。

  (2)long表示物体的长度或时间的长度。how long表示多长多久,多长时间之意。

    —How long can you stay at home during summer holiday?  暑假你能在家待多久?

    —More than two months.     大约两个月。

    —How long is this river?     这条河有多长?(指长度)

    —It’s about 2658 kilometres.     大约2658公里。

  (3)how soon通常表示一般将来时,意为再等多长时间?”“多长时间才……,是对“in+时间段”(in ten minutes / two hours / a week)提问。

    Can you tell me how soon you can be ready?    你能告诉我你多久能准备好吗?

  (4)How much is / are… ? ……多少钱?

  ①若询问某一商品多少钱时,一般用How much is / are … ? 这一句型,商品是单数或不可数名词时用is,商品是复数时用are

    —How much is that sweater?     那件毛衣多少钱?

    —Two hundred and ten yuan.     210元。

    —How much are the bananas?     这些香蕉多少钱?

    —They are twenty-five yuan.     25元。


    How muchplease?    请问多少钱?

    How much do you want for it?    这些东西你要多少钱?

    How much do you say it is?    你说要多少钱?

  6. acrossthroughcross



    Be careful when you cross the road.

    = Be careful when you go across the road.    当你横穿马路时一定要小心。


    Can you swim across the river?    你能游过这条河吗?


   It took him one hour to walk through the forest.他花费了一个小时的时间穿过那片森林。



  一. 单项填空

  1. --- Our maths teacher will go to the cinema with us_________?    --- YesI think so.

  A. won't he    B. will he   C. doesn’t he   D. does he 

  2. About ______ of the workers in the clothes factory are women.

  A. third fifths     B. third fifth     C. three fifths    D. three fifth

  3. He has never visited the Great Hall of the People______?

  Ahasn’t he   B. has he   Cdoes he   Ddoesn’t he

  4. We’re ______ her carefullybut we can’t ______ what she says .

  A. listening tolisten  B. listeninghear C. listening tohear  D. hearinglisten to

  5. I think _______ games is much better than _______ housework.

  A. to playdoing    B. playingdoing  C. to playdo  D. playingto do

  . 单句理解

  1. My father stayed in Beijing for less than a week.

  A. He stayed there for 7 days.      B. He was there for 5 days.

  C. He stayed there 7 days ago.      D. He stayed there for 10 days.

  2. Miss Black had a short rest after lunch.

  A. Miss Black had a walk before lunch. B. Miss Black took a little rest after she had lunch.

  C. Miss Black had a talk after she had lunch.D. Miss Black had lunch after she had a little rest.

  3. Her grandpa died three years ago.

  A. His grandma died three years ago.  B. Her grandma has been dead for three years.

  C. Her grandpa has been dead for three years. D. It’s thirteen years since her grandpa died.

  4. Kate has three orangesLily has sixand Linda has more than Lily.

  A. Linda has nine oranges.  B. Lily has more oranges than Kate.

  C. Lily has the fewest oranges of the three.  D. Linda has fewer oranges than Kate.

  5. Peter didn’t go to bed until eleven last night.

  A. Peter didn’t go to sleep all the night.  B. Peter went to bed at eleven last night.

  C. Peter didn’t fall asleep at eleven last night.  D. Peter usually goes into bed at eleven.

  . 根据句意,从方框中选择适当的词语,并以其正确的形式填空

  differencespeciallosethink aboutbreakwatchsaltin many waysrepairenough


  1. There is something wrong with the machine. It needs _______.

  2. Mrs. Brown looked happy when she found her _______ son.

  3. -- Help yourself to some more Jiaozi.

    -- Nothank you. I have had _______.

  4. They are _______ spending the holiday in Shanghai this year.

  5. The _______ cup isn't mine. It's hers.

  6. There are some _______ between these two problems

  7. My father is good at cooking and he can cook meals _______.

  8. Some people like to eat ___ fish because this kind of fish can be kept for a long time.

  9. The suit is ______ made for the actor.

  10.While the family _______ FIFA World Cupsomeone knocked at the door.

  . 完形填空

  A man once had a dream about the Black Forest in Germany. In his  1  he was walking in the forest  2  two men ran out and tried to throw him on the ground. He ran off as fast as he could but they  3 . He reached a place where he saw two separated(分开的) roads in front of him. One to the right and  4  to the left. Which road should he take? He heard the two men behind himgetting nearer and nearerand at the same time he heard a  5  in his ear. It told him to go to the rightand he did  6 . He ran on and soon came to a small hotel. He was received(接待)there kindly and  7  a roomand so he was saved from the two men.

  Twenty years  8  he was again in the Black Forest and as happened in the dream oncetwo men ran out and tried to throw him down. He ran off and came to a place  9  two roads. He followed the dream and took the road to the right. He soon  10  a small hotelwas taken in and so was safe. His dream of twenty years before had saved his life.

  1. A. story     B. dream     C. mind      D. hometown

  2. A. where     B. suddenly    C. until      D. when

  3. A. followed    B. stopped    C. caught him   D. went away

  4. A. one other   B. other     C. the other    D. next

  5. A. word      B. got      C. wind       D. voice

  6. A. it       B. that      C. so        D. too

  7. A. give      B. given     C. gave       D. gives

  8. A. ago      B. before    C. later      D. since

  9. A. before     B. of       C. with       D. between

  10. A. left     B. entered    C. reached     D. saw

  . 阅读理解

  When we do not understand each other's languagewe can talk with the help of signs.

  A Frenchman was once travelling in England. He could not speak English at all. One day he went into a restaurant(饭店) and sat down at a table. When the waiter camehe opened his mouthput his fingers in it and took them out again. He wanted to say. “Bring me something to eat.”

  The waiter soon brought him a cup of tea. The man moved his head from side to side. The waiter understood him and took the tea away. In a moment he came with a cup of coffee. But the man again refused(拒绝) it. He shook() his head whenever the waiter brought him something to drinkfor drinks are not food.

  When the man was going awayanother man came in. This man saw the waiterand he put his hand on his stomach(). That was enough. In a few minutes there was a large plate of meat and vegetables on the table in front of him.

  Soyou seewe cannot understand the language of signs as well as we can understand the language of words.

  1. According to the passage(根据短文)when people do not understand each other's language they can talk with the help of ___________.

  A. a waiter     B. a teacher  C. an Englishman   D. their handsheadsand other parts of their bodies

  2. A Frenchman signed to the waiter _________.

  A. to give him some medicine  B. to bring him a cup of coffee

  C. to ask him for food  D. to tell him what he said

  3. The waiter brought the Frenchman _________.

  A. a cup of teaa cup of coffee and a lot of other drinks

  B. a large plate of meat and vegetables

  C. a lot of drinks and a large plate of meat

  D. a lot of food and drinks

  4. Another man saw the waiterand put his hands on his stomach. He meant ________.

  A. he had a stomach-ache   B. he was hungry

  C. he was very thirsty    D. he was full

  5. From this storywe know ________.

  A. people can only understand the language of words

  B. people know the language of signs as well as the language of words

  C. people can make a waiter understand what they want

  D. people can only understand their languages


  . 单项填空

  1. A  英语中反意疑问句有两种形式:一是前为肯定陈述句,后为否定简短问句;二是前为否定陈述句,后为肯定简短问句。两部分的谓语在人称、时态和数上要一致,简略问句的主语要用代词。此题前句肯定,后句必须否定。前句谓语中有will,简短问句必须用will的否定式won’t。故选A

  2. C  几分之几的表达应是three fifths,即分子是基数词,分母是序数词,分子超过一,分母后面要加s

  3. B  此题考查反意疑问句,由前后时态要一致的原则,选项DC可排除,又never意为从不,故选B。弄清反意疑问句的特点是解题关键。

  4. C  listen to强调听的动作 hear 强调听的结果,所以C为正确答案。

  5. B

  . 单句理解

  15  B  B  C  B  B

  . 根据句意,从方框中选择适当的词语,并以其正确的形式填空

  1. repairing\to be repaired   2. lost    3. enough    4. thinking about  

  5. broken    6. differences    7. in many ways     8. salty  

  9. specially    10. are watching

  . 完型填空

  1-5 BDACD   6-10 CBCCC

  . 阅读理解

  1D  本文主要是讲人们彼此之间不懂语言时,可借助手势或示意动作来交流,可见D为正确选择。

  2C  从第二节最后一句话中,可知这位法国人想吃的东西,而不是想喝饮料,所以ABD均不妥。

  3A  通读第三节,我们可发现侍者共给这位法国人端来了一杯茶,一杯咖啡,以及其他饮料,但没有给他任何食物。

  4B  从第四节我们可看出,另一人手势正确,得到了他想吃东西。故B为正确答案。

  5B  本题需要通读全文方可确定,文中例子说明B为正确选择,容易混淆的是C项,其实人们只有正确地使用手势方可使侍者理解,文中法国人便是一例。





  1at, on, in

  (1) at表示在某一时刻、某一时间点

  at 5:30  5:30   at sunrise 日出时   at lunch 午饭时

  at noon  正午时  at night 夜间

  I get up at 6:00 every day. 我每天6:00起床。

  表示……时用at the age of…

  如:at the age of five 在五岁时

  (2) on表示在具体某一天或某天的上、下午。如:

  on Monday在星期一   on April 1st在四月一日

  I heard a shot on the morning of March 18.三月十八日早晨我听到一声枪响。

  泛指上、下午、晚上、夜间时用in the morning/afternoon/evening, at night;但若指具体某一天的上述时段时,则一律用on

  如:on the afternoon of May 23 在五月二十三日下午

  (3) in表示在某月、季节、年、世纪以及泛指的上、下午、晚上。

  in September  在九月     in winter        在冬季

  in 1999     1999年    in the 20th century  在20世纪

  in the morning/afternoon/evening 在上午/下午/晚上

  2for, during, through

  (1) for表示一段时间,后接与数词连用的时间名词。多与完成时连用。

  I’ve been a soldier for 5 years.我入伍已5年了。

  She has been ill for several days. 她已经病了几天了。


  (2) during表示……期间

  He visited many nice places during his stay here.在他逗留期间他参观了许多美丽的地方。

  What did you do during the summer vacation? 你在暑假做了什么?

  (3) through表示一直……,自始至终

  They worked hard through the winter.整个冬天他们都在努力工作。

  She treated me like her brother through these years. 这些年来她始终把我当哥哥对待。


  3from, since

  (1)  from ……”解,多用于“from…to/till…”中。

  You can come anytime from Monday to Friday. 周一至周五你什么时间来都行。

  The exam will start from 9:00am. 考试将从上午九点开始。


  from 1995 to 1998.1995年到1998年。



  (2) since表示自从……以来(直到现在)

  He has been away from home since 1973.他自从1973年就离开了家乡。

  We have known each other since ten years ago.我们十年前就认识了。


  如for two hours(持续)两小时;since last week自从上周直到现在

  4before, by, till, until

  (1) before……之前

  Please come before ten o’clock.10点以前来。

  The meeting will end after 3:00 p.m. 会议将在下午三点后结束。


  How many models have you made by the end of last month?


  (2) by不迟于,到……时为止,在……以前

  I must finish my homework by lunch.午饭前我必须做完作业。

  We had learned over 1000 words by the end of last term. 


  (3) tell (until) “直到……为止

  You must wait for him till tomorrow.你必须一直等他到明天。

  He didn’t come back until twelve o’clock last night.他昨晚到12点才回来。

  在肯定句中,till (until)必须与延续动词连用。若与点动词连用,till (until)只能用于否定句中。

  5after,  in,  within


  We’ll hold a party after dinner.晚餐后我们将举办晚会。

  He got a cancer and died after a year.他患了癌症,一年后去世了。

  I’ll phone you after I arrive.到达后我给你打电话。(after作连词)


  I can finish it within an hour.我不需一小时就可把它做完。


  I’ll arrive in an hour.我一小时后到达。

  比 较   afterin

  ①after后可跟时间段,也可跟时间点,如after school(放学后),

  而in后必须跟一段时间,如in an hour(一小时后)。





  1inoutsidebetween, among


  What’s in the box? 盒子里是什么?

  She put her book in the desk. 她把书放进了书桌。


  There are many people outside the room.房间外有很多人。

  What did your see outside the hall? 你在大厅外看见了什么?


  There is a hospital between the hotel and the post office.在宾馆与邮局之间有所医院。

  The building stands between the park and the small river. 那栋建筑位于公园和小河之间。  



  “There is a thief among you.” The policeman shouted to the crowd.


  He found his place among the crowd. 他在人群中找到了他的位置。

  2on, above, over, below, under

  (1) on……上面,表面相互接触。

  There is an apple on the table. 桌上有一个苹果。

  On the top of the hill, there is a flag. 山顶有一面旗子。

  (2) above只表示……上方或位置高出……”,与below相对。

  A plane flew above our heads.一架飞机从我们头上飞过。

  The Turners live above us. 特纳一家人住在我们的上面。

  (3) over“……正上方,与under相对。

  There is a bridge over the river.河上有一座桥。

  The picture is hanging over the blackboard. 那张图挂在黑板的正上方。

  (4) below……下方,低于……

  There are many flowers below the window.窗下有很多花。

  Her skirt reaches just below her knees.她的裙子刚到膝盖下。

  (5) under……正下方

  They sat under a big tree, drinking.他们坐在一棵大树下喝酒。

  What are you wearing under your coat? 你外套里面穿了什么?

  3near, by, beside

  (1) near……附近,与far相对

  A hospital was built near the railway station.在火车站附近建了一所医院。

  My home is near the school. 我的家离学校很近。

  (2) by = beside,靠近,在……旁边,比near距离更近 

  He just sat by/ beside me in the cinema.在电影院他就坐在我旁边。

  He lay down beside the statuary. 他在雕像旁躺下了。

  4in front of, behind, around

  (1) in front of……前面

  A river flows in front of the house.房子前有一条河

  They put a bunch of flowers in front of the door. 他们在门前放了一束花。     

  in the front of表示……前部,指里面。

  There is a red chair in the front of the room.在房间前半部有把红椅子。

  (2) behind……后面

  A high building stands behind the village.村子后面有一高层建筑。

  The cat lies behind the door. 猫躺在门后面。

  (3) around……周围,围绕

  There are many trees around the village.村子周围有很多树围绕。

  There are flowers around the stage. 舞台周围摆着鲜花。

  5from, to, for, into, out of

  (1) from……

  The train started from Paris.火车发自巴黎。

  She will fly from Beijing to Hong Kong. 她将从北京飞往香港。

  (2) to……(目的地)去,向……

  He went to Germany last year.他去年去了德国。

  They got to the town very late. 他们很晚才到那个镇。

  (3) for……,表目的方向

  He left for Tianjin on business yesterday.他昨天出差去天津了。

  The train for Shanghai has been away. 去往上海的火车已经开走了。

  towards, tofor都可表示……”,其区别如下:

  ①towards仅指朝向某个方向,不一定是目的地,而 tofor都是向目的地

  ②for向(目的地)时,常用于固定搭配中,如:leave for; start for

  (4) into进入

  Please put the water into the bottle.请把水倒入瓶子里。

  The teacher came into the classroom with a smile. 老师微笑着走进了教室。

  (5) out of……出来

  A beautiful girl in red went out of the shop.一个穿红衣服的漂亮女孩从商店里走了出来。

  They pulled him out of the water. 他们把他从水里拉了出来。

  6along, across, through

  (1) along沿着

  He likes to drive along the river.他喜欢沿着河开车。

  There are all kinds of beautiful flowers along the road / street. 沿街有着各种美丽的花。

  (2) across横穿

  The little girl is afraid to go across the street.这个小女孩不敢横穿马路。

  It’s dangerous to run across the busy road. 跑着穿越繁忙的马路是很危险的。

  (3) through穿过

  It took us ten minutes to drive through the tunnel.开车穿过这条隧道花了我们10分钟时间。

  He pushed his way through the crowd to the platform. 他从人群里挤到了站台。

  7at, in


  He lives at No.27 Zhongshan street in Nanjing.他住在南京市中山路27号。

  The plane will arrive in Beijing at 13:00. 飞机将于13点到达北京。


  1 表示标准或单位的介词:at, for, by

  (1) at表示……速度”“……价格

  He drove at a speed of 80 miles an hour.他以每小时80英里的速度行驶。

  I sold my car at a high price.我以高价出售了我的汽车。

  (2) for……交换

  I bought it for 20 dollars.买它花了我20美元。

  How much for these apples? 这些苹果多少钱?


  如:I bought it at a low price.我买它的价格很低。

  I bought it at the price of $80 a pound.我以每磅80美元的价格买的它。

  I sold it for $10.10美元把它卖掉了。

  (3) by……计,后跟度量单位

  Gold is sold by the gram.金以克出售。

  They paid him by the month.他们按月给他计酬。

  2.表示材料的介词:of, from, in

  (1) of表示从成品仍可看出原料。

  This box is made of paper.这个盒子是纸做的。

  This salad is made of apples and strawberries. 这种沙拉是由苹果和草莓做的。

  (2) from表示从成品已看不出原料。

  Bread is made from wheat.面包是小麦做的。

  The lifeboat is made from some special material. 这个救生艇是由某种特殊材料制成的。

  (3) in……材料。  常用write, speak, talk, answer等连用。

  Please fill in the form in pencil first.请先用铅笔填写这个表格。

  They talk in English.他们用英语交谈。



  3.表示工具或手段的介词:by, with, on

  (1) by凭借工具或手段(多用于交通工具)如:  by bus乘公共汽车,by plane乘飞机

  He usually goes to work by bike.他通常骑车去上班。

  He sent the news to me by e-mail.他通过电子邮件发给了我这一消息。



  (2) with……工具

  He broke the window with a stone.他用石头把窗户打破了。

  He stopped the ball with his right foot.他用右脚把球停住。


  (3) on……方式。多用于固定词组。

  They talked on the telephone.他们通过电话进行交谈。

  She learns English on the radio/on TV.她通过收音机/电视学英语。

  4.表示关于的介词:of, about, on

  (1) of仅指关于人或事物的存在,如:

  He spoke of the film the other day.他前几天提到了这部影片。


  He thought of this matter yesterday.他昨天想到了这件事。

  He thought about this matter yesterday.他昨天考虑了这件事。

  (2) about关于某人或某事物的较详细的情况。

  It’s a book for children about Africa and its people.


  Can you tell me something about yourself? 你能告诉我一些关于你自己的事情吗?

  (3) on是指关于学术性的或严肃的,供专门研究用的。

  It’s a textbook on the history of China.它是一本有关中国历史的教科书。

  5.表示原因、理由的介词:for, at, from, of, with

  (1) for表示一般的理由常与famous, punish等词连用。

  Xi’an is famous for its long history.西安因历史悠久而著名。

  The city is well known for her large population. 这座城市以人口众多而知名。

  (2) at一般指情感的原因,通常放在表示惊讶或喜悦等感情的动词或形容词之后,表示因听到或看到而……”

  She got angry at his words.她因为他的话生气了。

  (3) from表示外在的原因。如受伤、车祸等。

  He died from the wound.他因受伤而致死。

  Her son was badly hurt in a traffic accident. 她儿子在一次车祸中严重受伤。

  (4) of表示内在的原因,如病、饿等。

  He died of cancer.他死于癌症。

  The old man died of hunger.老人死于饥饿。

  (5) with表示由外在影响到肉体或心理的原因。

  He shook with cold.他因寒冷而发抖。

  He shouted loudly with anger. 他气得大喊大叫。

  6like, as

  (1) like……一样(其实不是)

  The little tiger looks like a cat.这只小老虎看起来像只猫。

  The mooncakes are like the moon. 月饼像月亮。

  (2) as作为,以……身份(其实是)

  He was hanged as a spy.他被作为间谍绞死了。

  He talked to me as a father.他以父亲的身份跟我谈话。

  7against, for


  Are you for my idea or against it? 你赞同还是反对我的想法?

  They fought against the enemy. 他们抗击敌人。

  8besides, except都表示除了besides的用法就等于as well as

  He is interested in tennis besidesas well asfootball.  除了足球,他还对网球感兴趣。


  Twenty-five students went to the cinema besides him.


  We like biology besides English.除了英语外,我们还喜欢生物。(生物和英语都喜欢)


  Everyone is excited except me.除我以外的每个人都很激动。(他们激动,而我却不激动)

  All the visitors are Japanese except him.




  1.当表示时间的词前有this, that, next, last, every, each, some, any, all等时,介词应省略。

  We watched an exciting football match last week.last week前不能用介词in等)


  Come any day you like. 你想哪天来就哪天来。

  Come on any day you like.×


  next week下周(以现在为起点)

  the next week第二周(以过去某时为起点)



  80 miles in an hour.×

  80 miles an hour.

  An apple a day keeps the doctor away.每天吃一个苹果,医生不找我。

  3.含有way的短语。如:in the same way, in this/that way, in another way等用于句末时,in常省略。

  She did it the same way.她用同样的方法做的。





Review of units 6---8

  . 重点词汇短语

  1. feel like

    意思是觉得好像…”,相当于feel as if/feel as thoughlike为介词,其后可加名词或句子做宾语。


   When he knew he was cheatedhe felt like a fool.当他得知被骗后,觉得自己像一个傻瓜。

    feel like 还有想做某事的意思,其后要接doing形式。


    He felt like eating somethingbecause he was very hungry.  他想吃些东西,他太饿了。

  (1)would like 的意思为想做某事,但是它的用法不同于feel like,后面要接to do sth.


    He would like to swim in the river.    他要去河里游泳。

  (2)would love 也是同样的用法。


    I would love to go to Japan.    我想去日本。

  2. answerreplyrespond

  (1)answer 表示回答的意思是普通用语,使用范围较广,指对问题、问候、请求、信件、电话等的口头或书面回答,可以用作及物或不及物动词。


    What shall I answer?    我将怎么回答呢?

    I've answered his letter.    我给他回信了。

    She answered that she knew nothing about it


  (2)reply 的用法比answer正式些,有时作答复解,其句法与answer 基本相同,但它一般用作不及物动词,后接 to sb/sth.


    I don't know what to reply.    我不知道该回答什么。

    I wrotebut she did not reply.    我写了信,但她没有回信。

    They replied that no one would go.    他们答复说,没有一个人愿意去。

  (3)respond 指对他人的要求、号召、主张等,做出(自觉地)反应响应,它是个不及物动词,后接 to sb./ sth.


   He respondedto my suggestionwith a laugh/by laughing.他(对我的建议)以笑作答。

  We quickly responded to our neighbor's appeal for help.我们很快响应了邻居的求助呼吁。

  3. otherthe otheranother

  (1)other是代词,用作定语时,意思是另外的别的其他的;有单、复数两种形式。others(=other+复数名词) 泛指部分含义,用于已知的一些人或物中,除去某些后余下的人或物中的一部分。


   I'll come again some other day.     我改日再来。

   They live on the other side of the street.    他们住在马路的另一边。

   Some people came by busothers came on foot 有些人乘公共汽车来,另一些人步行来。

   Those are yours and the others are mine.    那些是你的,其余的是我的。

  (2)the other表示另一个的意思,指两个人或事物中的另一个the others(=the other+复数名词)指一定范围内除去一个或一部分后,余下的人或物的全部


    The two brothers look so alike that I can’t tell one from the other


    I have two booksone in Chinese and the other in English


    This composition is better than the others.     这篇作文比其他那些都好。



    I don’t like thisShow me anotherplease.我不喜欢这个。请再拿另一个来给我看看。

    This glass is brokenget me another please.这只玻璃杯坏了,请给我再拿一个。

    I'll stay here in another few days.     我要在这儿再呆几天。






    I wrote another two letters this afternoon.

    =I wrote two other letters this afternoon.

    =I wrote two more letters this afternoon.

  4. anyoneany one

   anyone 仅指人,any one 既可指人,也可指物。


    Anyone would know that.     人人都知道那一点。 

    Did any one see the accident?     有谁目睹这次事故了吗? 

    any one anyone 可以互用

  5. how manyhow muchhow longhow oftenhow farhow soon

    how many 多少,后面总是跟一个可数名词的复数:How many books do you have?

    how much 多少,也可以问价格,价钱,后面总是跟不可数名词: How much meat do you want?

    how long 多长时间:How long have you been to China?

    how often 表示多经常,问的是频率:How often do you come here to study English?

    how far  表示问距离多远: How far is it from here to the post office?

    how soon 问多久,用于将来时:How soon will you come back?


  6. “穿的几种表达

    wear 穿着戴着,强调状态,用一般现在时表示经常状态,用现在进行时表示暂时状态。


    We wear our rain boots on a rainy day.    我们在下雨天穿雨鞋。

    Does she wear glasses?    她戴眼镜吗?

    Is she wearing the same clothes?    她穿着同样的衣服吗?

    put on 穿上戴上的意思,强调动作。


    She put on a red coat and went out.    她穿上红色大衣出去了。


    put on是一时的动作,不能跟表示一段时间的状语连用。


    误:He put on a straw hat all day.

    正:He wears a straw hat all day.

    dress 可指穿衣服的动作,用作不及物动词时,表穿好衣服,用作及物动词时,后面要接,不接衣服’”,表示给某人穿衣服


    She washeddressed and went out.    她洗完脸穿好衣服就出去了。

    My daughter is old enough to dress herself 我的女儿长大了,可以自己穿衣服了。

    have on 指穿的状态,其后可以接衣服、帽子、鞋子等能穿戴的东西。have on不能用于进行时态。


    He has on a blue coat and grey trousers today 他今天穿着一件蓝上衣和一条灰裤子。



    The girl in red is a good student. 那位穿红衣服的姑娘是个好学生。

    She was in light blue silk.    她穿着浅蓝色的绸衣。

  7. arrive /reach/get

    arrive 是不及物动词,后面需接介词atin,再接表示地点的名词。arrive at常用于到达较小的地方,如车站,学校,邮局,机场等,arrive in常用于较大的地方,如:城市,国家,地区等。


    When does the train arrive at the station?    火车什么时候到()站。

    We arrived in Shanghai this morning.    我们是今天早上到达上海的。

    reach 是及物动词,后面跟表示地点的名词。


    They reached Shanghai this morning.    他们是今天早上到达上海的。

    get 是不及物动词,后面需接介词to,再接表示地点的名词。


    Write to us when you get to the place.    到那里后请来信。


    get arrive 后面是表示地点的副词时,则不需要接介词。

    试译: 她是昨晚到达这儿的。

    误:She got to here last night.

        She arrived at here last night.

    正:She got here last night.

        She arrived here last night.


  . 重点句型

  1. Would you mind…?Do you mind…? 用于询问或请求别人做某事,或请求他人的许可。

  (1)mind后面可以用-ing形式,复合结构 one’s doingif引导的从句。

  (2)这个句型的否定形式是在mind后加not,即Would you mind not…?Do you mind not…?


  (3)回答DoWould you mind…? 提出的问题时,表示允许要说NoNot at all等;

    如果介意要做肯定回答Yes. YesI’m sorrybut I do.等。 如:



    Would you mind not playing basketball here?    你不要在这打篮球好吗?

       --Do you mind if I ask you a question? 我可以问你的一个问题吗?

    --Noplease do.可以,请问吧。

  2. Why don’t you do sth.? 这是给别人提建议,建议某人做什么事情,发出礼貌地邀请的句型。这个句子还可以写成Why not do…?


    Why don't we come more often?    咱们为什么不经常来这里呢?

    Why not get her a camera?    为什么不给她买个相机呢?

    Why don’t you have a drink of tea?    请喝茶。

    = Why not have a drink of tea?

  3. How / What about…? 表示……怎么样 / 好吗?



    How about his playing football?    他足球踢得怎么样?

    What about swimming with us?    和我们一起游泳怎么样?

    How about her English?    她的英语怎样?

  . 重点语法

  1. 现在完成进行时



  (1)I have been learning English for ten years.    我学英语已经十年了。

  (2)She has been skating for four hours.    到现在为止她滑冰已经有四个小时了。

    构成:肯定句:主语 + have / has been + 现在分词




  (1)Have you been doing your homework since this morning? 从今天早晨起你就一直在写作业吧?

  (2)Has he been writing the letters to his friend?    他是一直在给他的朋友写信吗?

  (3)I haven’t been seeing films for a long time.    我有很长时间没有看电影了。





    I have read a book about birds. (已经读完)

    I have been reading a book about birds. (一直都在读,现在还在读,有可能会继续读下去)

  (2)两种时态都有延续性, 但现在完成时往往只说明一个事实,一种影响或结果,无感情色彩;现在完成进行时表示一个动作的延续、重复,有时有一定的感情色彩。


    She has been singing all the day. 她都唱了一整天了。(抱怨、厌烦)

  2. 现在完成时

    过去的动作对现在造成的影响和结果,动作从过去持续到现在。常用的时间状语alreadyyetforsincejust these daysevernever等,不能和表示过去的时间状语连用。  


    have been(to)曾去过

    have gone (to)去了(某地)人不在此地 

    I have worked here for ten years.

    I have never been to Guangzhou.

    She has made quite a few friends since she came to China.


    for +一段时间,since +过去的时间点,从句用一般过去时。

  . 练习检测

  . 用所给词的适当形式填空。

  1. I have been playing the violin since I ______(be) seven years old.

  2. Would you mind not ______(move) my bike?

  3. You'd better stop __________(read) in the sun.

  4. Some people threw their food away after ________(get) a doll.

  5. This hat is too small. Would you mind giving me a ________(big) one?

  . 单项选择

  1. The soup tastes ________. I like it.

  A. well     B. good     C. had     D. badly

  2. I'd like ______ stamps because they are beautiful.

  A. collecting    B. collect     C. to collect    D. to raise

  3. Sam has been playing the violin ______ five years ago.

  A. since     B. for    C. in    D. before

  4. -What do you think of these flowers?   -They smell _________. I like them very much.

  A. boring     B. terrible     C. nice    D. well

  5. -It's said that there's going to be a meeting. _________ will it start?    -In two days.

  A. How soon    B. How long     C. How often     D. How far

  6. -There is a flower show in the park. When would you like to goSaturday or Sunday?

    -______ is OK. I'm free these two days.

  A. Either      B. Neither      C. Both       D. None

  7. Would you mind ______ baseball here? 

  A. no playing   B. not playing   C. not to play   D. no to play

  8. This pair of trousers is too big. I want ____ pair.

  A. other     B. the other    C. others     D. another

  9. He'll ask his teacher if he ______ some help.

  A. needs   B. need     C. will need    D. is needing

  10. Look! That house is on fire. Let's call _________ quickly.  

  A. 119    B. 114     C. 120     D. 121

  11. The doctor _________ the girl and then said nothing was serious. 

  A. looked for     B. looked over     C. looked after   D. looked out

  12. Mother keeps telling her son not to get of until the bus _________.  

  A. will stop    B. is going to stop    C. stopped    D. stops

  13. We'll go to visit Tian' anmen Square _________ it doesn't rain tomorrow. 

  A. if     B. as soon as     C. when     D. since

  14. Excuse me. Read the text louderplease. I __________ hear you.

  A. can't    B. wouldn't     C. needn't     D. may not

  15. Ohthe milk ___________ strange---do you think it's OK to drink?  

  A. was tasted    B. tasted     C. is tasting     D. tastes

  . 改错。每题的四个画线部分中有一个是错误的,找出并改正

  1. Could you mind not playing the violin at 9:00 p.m.?

   A     B    C    D

  2. How long have you run yesterday?

   A    B     C  D

  3. I didn't finish to read this book because I ran out of time.

     A    B              C    D

  4. How many women there are in the room?

      A    B    C   D

  5. I am not say it in English.

   A   B    C   D

  . 完形填空

  Mobile phones(手机) have become a problem for middle schools. Some middle schools in Australia have banned(禁止) students from ___1___ mobile phones during school hours. Mobile phones use ___2___ children has become a problem for schools this year. Mary Bluett from the government ___3___ mobile phone use was a distraction(分心的事物) to students during school hours and it also gave teachers so ___4___ in their classroom. Teachers were also saying that sometimes students ___5___ use phone messages to cheat during exams. She said some schools had tried to ban mobile phones. Some parents felt unhappy ___6___ they couldn't get in touch with their children. Many teachers explained ___7___ the students should not have mobile phones at schoolthey were ___8___ to lose and were a distraction from studies. Many people say that they understand why parents would want their children ___9___ phonesbut they ___10___ schools should let the students know when they can use their mobile phones.

  1. A. putting     B. buying      C. getting       D. carrying    

  2. A. with      B. during      C. among        D. for       

  3. A. told      B. said       C. spoke        D. talked     

  4. A. much trouble  B. many messages  C. many questions   D. much pleasure  

  5. A. need      B. should      C. might        D. must       

  6. A. but       B. because     C. so          D. and       

  7. A. why       B. what       C. when        D. where      

  8. A. difficult    B. different    C. important      D. easy       

  9. A. to give     B. give       C. to have       D. have       

  10. A. find      B. think      C. understand      D. know   


  . 阅读理解

Rules of Reading Club

  The following rules will be used for the Reading Club

  1. All books must be read from page one to the last page in the book.

  2. The parent or the teacher will initial (write the first letter of one's name) the booklist after a student has finished reading a book. Teachers will initial the booklist only for the books read at school. It is the responsibility(责任) of the student and parent to write the names of all books readand the number of pages of the book on the booklist.

  3. All books read must be of the student's reading level(水平) or above. Example: A third grade student should not read first grade books if he or she is able to read at a third grade or higher reading level.

  4. All books the student finishes during the school year (including the textbook read at school) will be counted towards the 100 books. Comic books(漫画书) and the like will not be counted. Books of good quality(高质量的) read from the school librarypublic libraryclassroomhomeetc. will be counted.

  5. When a student has finished a club booklist (one sheet of 25 books or 1500 pages)he/ she should bring the sheet to the office. The child will get a small reward(奖励) and may get another piece of booklist to go on reading.

  It takes four booklist sheets for 100 books or four 1500 pages to reach 6000 pages. Either way----You're a Winner!

  1. The student needs to ask his / her parent or teacher to initial the booklist ______.

  A. as soon as he/she begins to read a book  B. before he/she reads a book

  C. after he/she finishes reading a book  D. while he/she is reading a book

  2. What kind of books will not be counted?

  A. Story books   B. Picture books  C. History books   D. Biology books

  3. How many books should a student read before he/she gets another booklist?

  A. 25    B. 1500    C. 6000    D. 100

  4. According to the ruleswhich of the following is NOT true?

  A. The student should read the whole book through.

  B. The parent will initial the booklist for the books the student reads at home.

  C. A third grade student can read the first grade books if he/she likes to do so.

  D. The student needs to read 100 booksor 6000 pages in the school year to be a winner.

  5. According to the ruleswhich of the following is the most possible booklist?


  . 用所给词的适当形式填空

  1. was  2. moving  3. reading  4. getting  5. bigger


  1. B     taste尝起来,相当于系动词,后面接形容词。  

  2. C  would like to do sth. 

  3. A  since+过去的某个时间点。 

  4. C  smell闻起来,相当于系动词,后面接形容词。  

  5. A  be going to 表将来,问将来多久用how soon。 

  6. A  is 的主语是单数,应该用either,表示任何一个。 

  7. B  mind (not) doing sth.

  8. D  another再一个,另一个。 

  9. A   从句用一般将来时,主句用将来时。

  10. A  常识题。  

  11. B look over检查。  

  12. D  

  13. A  从句用一般将来时,主句用将来时。  

  14. A  

  15. D 

  . 改错

  1. A  应把Could改为Would  2. B  改为did   3. B  改为reading

  4. C  are there    5. A  can’t 

  . 完形填空

  1. D   2. C   3. B   4. A   5. C   6. B   7. A   8. D   9. C   10. B

  . 阅读理解  1. C   2. B   3. A   4. C   5. C

Review of units 9---10

  . 重点词语

  1. as的用法


  ①(理由) 因为……


    As it rained,I stayed home. (多用于句首)

  ②(比较) as…as… 同…一样

    例如:    He is as tall as I (am).

  ③(表结果、程度) 所以,致使

    例如:    I got up so early as to be in time.

    He spoke so loudly as to be heard by everyone. 

  ④书面语虽然…但是;同though 注意词的排序

    例如:    Young as he was,he works hard.

  2. in the same way

    in the same way 意思为“同样地,用同样的方式”,常接在动词后用作方式状语。


    way 和不同的介词连用,有不同的意思,区别如下:

    in the way 就这样,用这种方式

    by the way 顺便问一下

    on the way 在去……路上

    例如:    He finally worked out the problem in the way.


    By the way,how old is your son?


    On the way to school,he met an old friend of his.




    如:    on the way home 在回家的路上

  3. prefer的用法,宁可,宁愿,更喜欢。

  (1)prefer sth. 

    例如:    I’d prefer meat,please.    我更喜欢吃肉。

  (2)prefer sth. / doing to sth. /doing


    I prefer dogs to cats.    我喜欢狗,不太喜欢猫。

    I prefer reading to singing.    我喜爱读书胜过唱歌。

  (3)prefer to do sth.   


    Would you prefer me to come on Monday?    你是否宁可要我星期一来?

  (4)prefer to do … rather than do …


    He prefers to write his letters rather than phone them.他喜欢自己写信,不愿意给他们打电话。

  4. neithereither的区别

  (1)neither 具有否定性词义。用作形容词时,作“两者均无/皆非的”解,后接单数名词或代词;用作代词时,作“(两者中)无一个”解,与之搭配的谓语动词一般用单数式,间或用复数式;用作副词时,作“(两者中的另一个(也不”解,将其置于句首时,其后的主谓语须倒装;用作连接词时,作“也不”解,常与nor连用,构成等立连词,作“(既)不…也不”解,该词组连接两个主语时,谓语动词通常与邻近的那个主语在人称和数方面取得一致。


    Neither street/Neither of the streets is clean.    两条街都不干净。

    Neither Bill nor his parents were at home.    比尔不在家,他的父母亲也不在家。



    There is a bus-stop on either side of the street.  大街的两旁都有公共汽车站。

    She hasn't read this book,and I haven't either.  她没有读过这本书,我也没有读过。

    It's either red or green;I can't remember.它不是红色的,就是绿色的,我记不清楚了。

  5. alonelonely的区别


  (1)alone 可以用作形容词或副词,作形容词时,只能在句子中充当表语或宾语补足语。它用来陈述“单独一人”、“无其他人”这样一个事实。


    You can't do the job alone.    这活你一个人干不了。

  (2)lonely 只能用作形容词,在句子中充当表语或定语。指人时,作“孤单的”、“寂寞的”解;指地方时,作“荒凉的”、“人迹稀少的” 解。


    I live all alone but I don't feel lonely.    我一直一个人生活,但不感到孤单。

    The house was in a lonely place.    那幢房屋位于一个人迹稀少的地区。

  6. crossacrossthrough的区别

  (1)cross 是动词,指从一边到另一边的动作。


    Be careful when you’re crossing the street.    过街的时候要当心。

  (2)across 是介词,表示从一边到另一边的意思,其含义与on有关,表示动作在物体的表面进行。


    We ran across the bridge.    我们跑步过桥。

    The bookstore is across the street.    书店在街对面。



    It took them three hours to walk through the forest. 他们花了三个小时才穿过那片森林。

  7. hopewishexpect的区别

    hope 后接to do或从句

    wish 后接to do,sb to do, sb/sth+ 名词 或从句(虚拟)

    expect 后接to do,sb. to do,或从句


    I hope to be happy.

    I wish you to be happy.

    I expect you to be happy.

    I hope that you can come.

    I expect that you can come.

    I wish that you could come.

    I wish you success.


  1. 过去进行时



  ① 表示过去某一时刻正在进行着的动作:


    ——What were you doing this time yesterday?     昨天这个时间你在干什么?

    ——We were watching TV this time yesterday     昨天这个时间我们在看电视。

  ② 表示过去某一阶段在进行的动作:


    Mary was talking with her friends the whole afternoon yesterday.





    Tom wrote a letter to his friend last night.


    Tom was writing a letter to his friend last night.





    I was reading an English novel last night. 昨晚我在看一本英文小说。(可能没看完)

    I read an English novel last night  我昨晚看了一本英文小说。(已经看完)


  2. 一般将来时:

    肯定形式:①am/is/are going to + do;②will/shall + do.

    否定形式:①am/is/are going not to + do;②will/shall not + do.

  (1)表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态及打算、计划或准备做某事。将来一般时用来表示单纯的将来事实。将来一般时常和表将来的时间状语连用,如:tomorrow,next week,next month,next year,in a few days等。


    He’II come next week. 他下星期来。



    It wiIl be long before he wilI come back. 他要过很久才会回来。(此句重点是 before从句)



    I wiII come tomorrow if it will suit you.  如果对你方便的话,我明天来。

  3. 现在完成时:

    肯定形式:have/has + done

    否定形式:have/has + not +done.



    The car has arrived.    车子来了。(结果:车子已在门口)

    Someone has broken the window.  有人把窗户打破了。(结果:窗户仍破着)

  (2)现在完成时常用来表持续的动作或状态,亦用来表过去重复的动作。常用的时间状语:recently,lately,since…,for…,in the past few years already,in the past等笼统地表过去的时间状语边用。



    I have lived here for more than thirty years.    我已在此住了30多年。



    He has visited China for three days.    他在中国进行了三天访问。