
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/09/29 09:00:51

一头麻醉后的黑犀牛由一架军用直升机,从东开普省丘陵地带的偷猎区,运往15英里外南非林波波省的新家。此次行动由世界野生动物基金会组织实施。他们远隔千山万水,行程1,000英里,将这些犀牛运往林波波省北部的新居。动用的运输工具也首次由卡车改为直升机。在动用直升机起运之前,他们对这些犀牛实施了麻醉,让它们能在安静平稳中顺利地到达目的地。这些犀牛的生存在整个非洲受到了严重地威胁,偷猎分子在公园和私人保护区对它们进行大肆捕杀,取其牛角。Photograph: Green Renaissance/EPA 
2A land snail of the variety Powelliphanta sp augustus New Zealand. The Department of Conservation released 4,000 of them into the wild but retained about 1,600 for a breeding programme to ensure the survival of the snails, descendants of prehistoric creatures Photograph: Walker K./EPA 
这是新西兰蜗牛的一个品种,学名为 Powelliphanta sp augustus。为了保护好这一史前物种,保护部门已将 4,000 只这类物种放归野外,还有1,600 只留为种用,以确保这一物种的延续。Photograph: Walker K./EPA 
3A duck moves through the waters along the Esplanade on an unusually warm autumn day in Boston, Massachusetts Photograph: Brian Snyder/Reuters 
马萨诸塞州波士顿,一个异常温暖的秋日,一只鸭子在秋日金黄倒影的水波中荡漾。Photograph: Brian Snyder/Reuters 
4Flowers bloom on the desert in the Llanos de Challe national park, at the doors of the Atacama desert, USA. An exceptional year with a 50 mm rainfall helped the more than 200 species of autochthonous flowers, which don't grow elsewhere, 14 of them in risk of extinction, to spread out a colorful blanket over the world's driest desert Photograph: Antoine Lassagne/AFP/Getty Images 
美国阿塔卡马沙漠入口处Llanos de Challe国家公园的沙漠上。这里姹紫嫣红,鲜花盛开。特殊的年份给这里带来50毫米的降雨量,帮助本地特有的200余种花绽放笑脸。这其中有14种面临着灭绝的危险。它们就象一张多彩的地毯,覆盖在世界上最干旱的沙漠之上。Photograph: Antoine Lassagne/AFP/Getty Images 
5A white egret sits in a tree top at White Rock Lake in Dallas, Texas, USA Photograph: Larry W. Smith/EPA 
美国得克萨斯州达拉斯白石镇湖的大树顶上,一只白鹭正栖于树冠之上。 Photograph: Larry W. Smith/EPA 
6Ralph, a two-year-old sea lion, is held by a member of Orca, Organisation for Research and Conservation of Aquatic Animals, during his treatment at the rehabilitation base in Lima. Ralph was found on a beach with injuries caused by a fishing net 45 days ago. The sea lions are being cared for by members of Orca, until they are able to survive in the wild on their own Photograph: PILAR OLIVARES/REUTERS 
拉尔夫,一只2岁的海狮,此时正被一位海洋动物研究与保护组织成员按住,在利马治疗康复基地接受治疗。拉尔夫是45天前在海滩上被人发现的。当时它被渔网缠过,身体受伤。现在它正得到一位基地保护成员的照料,直到有一天它能够靠自己独立在野外生存。Photograph: PILAR OLIVARES/REUTERS 
7A sub-nosed monkey at the Beijing zoo. The Beijing zoo is the oldest zoo in China housing over 7,000 animals of 600 different species Photograph: DIEGO AZUBEL/EPA 
这是一只在北京动物园里的滇金丝猴。北京动物园是中国最古老的动物园,里面生活着600种不同种类的 7,000多只动物。Photograph: DIEGO AZUBEL/EPA
8Three whitetail deer run through a soybean field in Felton, Pennsylvania, USA Photograph: Chris Gardner/EPA 
三只白尾鹿(Odocoileus leucurus)在美国宾夕法尼亚州费尔顿的大豆田飞奔,奔跑时尾部翘起,显露出白色的尾底。Photograph: Chris Gardner/EPA

9Paroedura masobe: Because of their IUCN red list status, species which have often been overlooked in conservation efforts, such as endangered geckos, Paroedura masobe and Uroplatus pietschmanni will be featured more prominently in future plans Photograph: Franco Andreone/IUCN 
这是一只马达加斯加本土壁虎(Paroedura masobe):由于其进入“世界自然保护联盟濒危物种红色名录”(The IUCN Red List of. Threatened Species,也称IUCN红色名录),所以常常被保护人员所忽视。此类濒危壁虎物种如Paroedura masobe 与 Uroplatus pietschmanni在未来的保护计划中将更显其突出地位。Photograph: Franco Andreone/IUCN 
10An aerial view photo shows large salt formations in the southern part of the Dead Sea, near Ein Boqek. The Dead Sea is one of the sites candidate of other 28 sits in a international online campaign votes to select the new Seven Wonders of World heritage sites Photograph: Menahem Kahana/AFP/Getty Images 
这是一张Ein Boqek附近死海南部的大片盐层的鸟瞰图。死海是世界在线投选“新七大奇迹世界遗产遗址”的28处候选地之一。 Photograph: Menahem Kahana/AFP/Getty Images 
11Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, Slimbridge, Gloucestershire Photograph: Martin Godwin/Guardian 
英格兰格洛斯特郡的野禽与湿地信托。这一旷野成了野禽的乐园。Photograph: Martin Godwin/Guardian

12Toruk, a 3-year-old male harpy eagle, held an impressive pose for guests to San Diego zoo. Harpy eagles have excellent vision that allows them to see something less than 1 inch in size from almost 220 yards away. But the feathers on the top of the head, which can be fanned out into a bold crest distinguishes this raptor from other eagles. Toruk's keepers say he seems to raise these when he is curious, but biologists also theorise it may help the eagle break its silhouette in the rain forests of Central and South America where they are found Photograph: Ken Bohn/AFP/Getty Images 
这是一只3岁大的哈比雄鹰,名叫托鲁克。它的独特身影给前来圣地亚哥动物园游玩的客人们留下了深刻的印象。哈比鹰的视力极其敏锐,无与伦比。几乎是220码开外不到1英寸大小的东西都逃不过它的法眼。头顶上的羽毛成扇形张开,大胆而夸张,让人们一眼就能将其与其他猛禽区别开来。托鲁克的收养者也称他正是出于好奇才收养它的,而生物学家还推论,它的这一特点可以帮助它在活动的中美洲和南美洲的热带雨林变换自己的身形。Photograph: Ken Bohn/AFP/Getty Images 

13Yellow leaved gingko trees make a fine autumn showing in a quiet street in Beijing, China. Autumn is regarded by many as the most enjoyable season in Beijing with mild weather, fresh fruit and vegetables and golden foliage Photograph: Adrian Bradshaw/EPA 
银杏树的树叶,一片金黄,让北京的街道在这秋意盎然之中更显安详。秋天是北京人最感喜乐的季节,气候温和,蔬菜水果新鲜,树叶金黄。Photograph: Adrian Bradshaw/EPA 
14A frozen clover flower in the heavy frost, after the temperature have dropped to below freezing, Hebburn, England, 7 November Photograph: Scott Heppell/AP 
11月7日,英格兰赫布本镇的气温已降至冰点以下。浓浓的霜冻,这朵三叶草花却不畏严寒,独自绽放于一片绿草之中。Photograph: Scott Heppell/AP
15A pygmy rabbit in a enclosure by the Washington State Department of Fish in central Washington. After more than three years of coddling and hand-care in captivity at Washington State University and then the Oregon zoo, the small Columbia Basin pygmy rabbits moved into natural habitat in the sage lands of Douglas County Photograph: Mike Bonnicksen/AP 
这是一只出现于华盛顿中部华盛顿渔业部的侏儒兔。在得到美国华盛顿州立大学和俄勒冈动物园管理人员三年多来的精心照料之后,被带道格拉斯县圣人土地的自然栖息地回归自然。Photograph: Mike Bonnicksen/AP 
16A group of myna birds and egrets sit on a shrub as a group of asiatic water buffalo passes nearby in the Pobitora wildlife sanctuary, north-east India Photograph: STR/EPA 
印度东北部的Pobitora野生动物保护区,一群亚洲水牛从附近经过。在它们经过之处,还有一群八哥鸟和白鹭上栖息于灌木之上。 Photograph: STR/EPA