二手房什么网站 洛阳:梯 子

来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/10/06 01:05:17
梯       子
梯       子
『And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.』
A ladder is a very useful thing to have. With one, you can reach things that are out of reach and, therefore, difficult to get. People are always using some kind of ladder to climb to a higher place.
Some people climb a ladder to get material things such as a ball on top of a house, a book from a high shelf or bookcase, or plates or pans on the upper shelves in the kitchen. Other people climb ladders to get things they cannot touch with their fingers but which they want very much. Those who want to have an important place in life, or who want to get more education, find the ladders they need to climb up higher. Of course we cannot see this kind of ladder, but it is being used every day by people who want to succeed in some way.
Perhaps you have read some of the “Ladder Books”. These are books prepared from well-known books or useful ones for those learning to read English. Some of these books have the common words which we say many times every day; such books are easy to read. Some use words a little harder, so you step up one more step on your English-learning 1adder when you read these books.
If you can read the books in the third grade of difficulty, you have moved up another step. As you read books with more difficult and less common words, you move up the ladder of English till you reach the “shelf” where you can read almost anything written in English without much trouble. You have used an “English” ladder to reach the shelf you want. English is not out of reach for you now.
In the Bible, the man Paul had a ladder he wanted people to climb to get God’s greatest blessings. This ladder is love. He wrote to some friends, “Love never gives up. Love lives forever.”
Paul learned about the ladder of love and that Jesus Christ is the one who can help us to use it so we can learn to really love other people. It is not always easy to love other people. When someone has done something bad to us, it is difficult for us to really love him. But when we use God’s ladder of love, it is easier.
God’s ladder of love will help us to climb towards heaven. If we trust God and learn to love others the way Christ loves us, we will become the kind of people God wants us to be. This ladder of love will help us to reach out to others and help them to find God. And as we climb this ladder of love, God will give us his wonderful blessings.
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