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一、  动词短语。

(1)         动词+介词

look at, listen to, look after, look for, wait for, take after, depend on, think of, hand in,

hear from, hear of, study for 等,此类动词后的宾语无论是名词还是代词,都只能放在介词后。

Look at the blackboard.               Look after it carefully.

(2)         动词+副词

turn off, turn on, turn up, turn down, pick up, set up, cheer up, clean up, work out, put up, fix up, cut up, give out, give up, give away, put away, think over, put off, use up, hand out, mix up, look up, eat up等.此类动词后的宾语是名词时,放在副词前后都可,若是代词, 必须放在中间.

He turn off the light when he left.            He picked it up and give it to me.


 get along with, take pride in, pay attention to, make good use of, be proud of, keep away from, be busy with, be made of, be good at, be interested in, come up with, be satisfied with


buy, lend, borrow, die, begin, stop, finish, arrive, join, go, come等。不能与表示一段时间的状语连用,要用延续动词替换。(详见  现在完成时)


   be, become, get, look, seem, turn, sound, smell, taste, feel, keep


be, have, has, do, does, did, will, shall (详见  P54 )

Ⅰ、动词的五种基本形式(详见  P55 )


⑴       一般现在时。

1、   肯定句: 主语+V原+其他。I usually go to school by bus.         主语(三单)+V三单   She plays tennis once a week.

疑问句:Do+主语+V原……?         Does+主语(三单)+ V原……?

否定句:主语+don’t + V原.           主语(三单)+ doesn’t + V原.

2、   用法:


⑵表示客观真理、事实。  The earth goes around the sun.

⑶在时间、条件等状语从句中,用一般现在时表示将来。( if, as soon as, until, when)

  If it rains tomorrow, we won’t go to the park.  When I grow up, I’ll go to Paris.

3、   时间状语:

Always, often, sometimes, usually, on Sunday, on Monday afternoon, every day/month/year/week, in the morning, once a year, twice a day, three times a day等


1、   ⑴表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。  I got up late this morning.


When I was in the countryside. I often swam in the river.  I used to go fishing.


   肯定句:主语+ V过去+其他。   We visited the museum last week.

                                 My friend Tom went to the beach yesterday.

   疑问句:Did+主语+ V原……?  Did you go shopping with him?     Did she cook dinner for her family?

 否定句:主语+didn’t+ V原……。 He didn’t go to see the movie last Sunday.



  Yesterday, last night/week/year/month, last Sunday, in 1995, the other day, just now, ago等


1、   用法。

①      表示将来发生的动作或存在的状态。其构成:will + V原

 肯定句:They will leave for Shanghai next week.

 否定句:We won’t visit him tomorrow.

 疑问句:Will you go to Shanghai in two weeks?

(注:当主语为I 或 we时,问句中可用 shall)    where shall we meet tomorrow?

②      be going to+ V原 表示计划、打算做某事。

---what are you going to do next Sunday?   ---I am going to listen to music.

Look at the clouds, there is going to rain.

③      现在进行时be +Ving  有时可以表示将来。

常用这种结构的动词:go, come, leave, stay, start, arrive      We’re leaving for London.



肯定句:主语 + is / am / are +ving

疑问句:Is /Am /Are + 主语 +ving

否定句:主语 + isn’t / am not / aren’t + ving

2、   用法:

①      表示正在进行的动作  I’m reading book now.

②      表示现阶段正在进行的动作或状态。 They are studying hard this term.

3、   时间状语

now , these days, 当句中有look, listen , can’t you see, can you see时

                           Listen! He is singing.

(5) 现在完成时

1、already / yet 已经


I have already finished my work.

   yet一般用于否定或疑问句。 Has she gone to school yet ?     His parents haven’t been to Paris yet.

2、   现在完成时表示从过去开始延续到现在的动作,常与for, since连用.


I have lost my pen .(结果是我的笔丢失了,我现在没有钢笔了)

--have you found your watch yet ?    --No , I haven’t found it yet.

I have lived here for 10 years . 我已经在这里住了10年(可能还会继续住下去)


   肯定句:主语+ have / has +V过分

   疑问句:Have /Has + 主语+ V过分

   否定句:主语+ haven’t / hasn’t + V过分

4、时间状语  yet, already, recently , just, once, never, ever, so far, these days.

             since +过去的时间点/过去时态    for + 一段时间    in the last(past) + 一段时间


   在现在完成时中,有些动词不能与一段时间搭配,所以在与for , since 引导的肯定句搭配时,要用其他动词替代:

   buy---have    borrow---keep   die---be dead   go/leave/move---be away (from)

   begin/start---be on    fall asleep---be asleep   finish/end---be over  

   join---be in/ be a +名词   come---be here   open---be open   close---be closed

I’ve left the school for 3 years. (  )  I’ve been away from the school for 3 years. (  )

6、辨析 have / has been to ,  have /has gone to ,   have has been in

have/ has been to …  曾经去过某地,现在已经回来

I have been to Paris 3 times.

have/has gone to…   去了某地,现在还没回来,可能还在路上。

--where is your father ?  --- he has gone to Shanghai.

have/has been in…   已经在某地(呆了多久)

 My family have been in Chengdu for 20 years

(6) 过去进行时

1、结构 was / were + doing


 ① 表示过去某段时间正在进行的动作

      ---what were you doing at 9:30 last night?      --- I was watching TV.

3、when一般接一般过去时  I was doing my homework when my father came home.

   while一般接进行时      While my mother was cleaning, I went out.     He was playing basketball while she was reading books.



When I got to school, I realized I had left my backpack at hone.      By the time she got to class, the teacher had started teaching.

2、结构:had + V过分

3、时间状语 :by the time + 表示过去的时间状语从句,主句用过去完成时。

   By the time we arrived at the shop, the bus had left.


1、dress , put on , wear

   dress sb / oneself (in) 给某人穿衣。 She dressed her baby in a red skirt.

   dress up 打扮、装扮  The girl dressed herself up ant went to the party.

   Put on (动作)穿上 It’s cold outside , put on your coat.

   wear = be in 穿着、戴着  Lily wears T-shirt every day. = Lily is in T-shirt every day.

2、arrive , get , reach

arrive + at / in +地点    When did you arrive in Chengdu ?

get to +地点          How do you get to school ?

reach +地点           When she reached the supermarket , her mother is shopping.

3、die , dead , death , dying

   die(动词)死亡→(过去时)died     His friend died 3 years ago.

   dead(die的过去分词,用于完成时,与for, since搭配)

        His friend has been dead for 3 years.

   death(名词)死亡   His death is the loss(损失) of China.

   dying  垂死的       The poor man is dying.

4、   lose, forget, leave

lose 丢失、失去

forget 忘记  forget to do sth  /  forget doing sth

leave + 地点 “把某物落在某地)

5、   以must开头的疑问句,肯定回答用 must, 否定回答用 needn’t

---Must I finish the work today ?     ---No, you needn’t.

---May I come in?  ---No, you musn’t.


一、  动词不定式

1、   结构 to + V原  / not to +V原

2、   用法

① 作主语 + V三单    To speak English is not easy for us.

② 作表语            My job is to clean the room.

③ 作宾语            He likes to play soccer.

④ 作宾语补足语      She asked me not to speak loudly.

⑤ 作定语            Have you got anything to eat ?

⑥ 作状语            I went to the library to study English.(表目的)

注: 作宾语的不定式如果是不及物动词,且与所修饰的词之间有动宾关系,要在不定式后加介词。

I don’t have enough time to study for the test , so I have something to worry about.

I need a room to live in

不定式作宾语:want, refuse, wish, need, choose, hope, agree, would like, offer, expect, decide, ask + to do sth

I hope to find a good job after graduating from school.

不定式作宾补:tell, ask, want, allow, get, would like, encourage + sb (not) to do sth

My mother asks me not to play computer games before finishing homework.

不带to 的不定式: why not + do …?  Had better (not) do sth.   

Would better (not) do…     Could/Would/Will you (not) do…..?


            Hear, see, watch, notice, feel, let, make, have + sb (not) do ….但变为被动时,要加 to  

            The boss made them work the whole day.

            They were made to work the whole day. (被动)



      1、what + a/an + adj +可数名词单数+主语+谓语    What a beautiful girl she is !

      2、what + adj +可数名词复数、不可数名词+主语+谓语    What sweet water it is !


      How +adj / adv +主语+谓语    How interesting the film is !


凡是有a / an开头,多用what; 凡是adj直接加名词的,多用what;其他一般用how.


一、  时间状语从句

when, while , as, before, after, since, until, as soon as.

(1)     当主语是一般将来时或祈使句或有情态动词时,从句用一般现在时,“主将从现”

I’ll ring you as soon as I get to school. 我一到学校就打电话给你。

(2)     肯定句:until  = till 直到     I’ll wait for you until you come back.

否定句:until = before   not …. until 直到….才……    I didn’t go to bed until I finished my homework.。


if , as long as(只要) , unless(除非)

主将从现    I’ll visit you if it doesn’t rain tomorrow.       Use your head, and you’ll find a way.

            Unless you work hard, you’ll get a good job.    If the traffic lights are green, you can cross the street.




--- Do you know ______ for Shanghai last night?   A. what time he leaves       B. what time did he leave     C. what time he left.



   I wonder if you can help me. 我想知道你是否能帮我。

2、主过--- 从过 

   He told me that he would take part in English club. 他告诉我他将参加英语俱乐部。

   He asked me if I used his bike. 他问我是否我用过他的自行车。

3、   如果是客观事实,宾语从句用一般现在时。      Jim told me that the earth is round.    Jim告诉我地球是圆的。



2、what , which , who, whose, whom     He asked me whose the book is.

3、when, how, where, why       Could you tell me where the restaurant is.

                             Do you know how to get to the bank?

4、   if / whether 是否

以下情况只能用 whether :

与or not 连用          Can you tell me whether we go or not.

作介词后的宾语从句    I’m worried about whether we should study each other,

跟不定式to do          Have you decided whether to go with us.




例:Is there anything that I can do for you?(我能给你做点什么吗?)


例:Tom told her mother all that had happened.(汤姆把事情的全部情况告诉了他的妈妈。)


例:This is the most wonderful time that I have ever had. (这是我度过的最美好的时光。)


He was the first person that passed the exam.他是第一个通过考试的人。

  5.先行词被the only,the very,the same,the last修饰时,只能使用“that”。例:This will be the last chance that he can get.(这将会是他得到的唯一机会。) He is the only person that can help you out.(他是唯一能帮你的人。)


例:They talked of things and persons that they remembered in the school.(他们谈论他们记得的有关学校的事和人。)


例:Which is the book that he bought from the library yesterday?(哪本是你们昨天从图书馆借的书?)


●定词从句修饰代表地点、时间的先行词时,要看代表先行词的关系词在定语从句中是否作谓语动词的宾语.如作动词的宾语,就要用关系代词that 或which引导定语从句.反之,要用关系副词 where(表地点)或 when(表时间),在定语从句中作状语.

如:Mary would never forget the evening when she lost the book.     I’ve been to the city that you visited last week.




一般现在时 am/is/are + pp.

一般过去时 was /were + pp.

一般将来时 will be + pp.       am/is/are going to be+ pp.

情态动词 may/ can/ must/ should be + pp.

被动语态否定式为be not + pp.,

情态动词被动语态否定式为情态动词+not be + pp..

●主动语态变为被动语态时,通常将主动语态中的宾语变为被动语态的主语;主动语态的主语变为由介词by引导的宾语;谓语动词变为被动语态“be +过去分词”形式,例如:

   Everyone likes the interesting film. (主动语态) → The interesting film is liked by everyone. (被动语态)

   They used knives to cut things. (主动语态) → Knives are used to cut things. (被动语态)


My sister gave me a nice watch for my birthday. →A nice watch was given to me by my sister for my birthday.我过生日时收到了姐姐的一块手表。

They have bought us many books. → Many books have been bought for us by them. 很多书都是由他们给我们买的。

●某些动词make、hear、see、watch等在主动语态中,其宾语补足语要求用不带to的不定式。但在变为被动语态时通常省略的不定式符号to必须恢复。如:He made us clean the classroom after school. →We were made to clean the classroom after school. 我们被迫在放学后打扫教室。 

 I saw him come into the room. → He was seen to come into the room. 人们看见他进了屋子。


    They must take good care of the children. → The children must be taken good care of. 孩子们必须小心照看。

●英语中某些动词如sell、lock、draw、smell、touch、feel、sounds、write、be worth doing、sth. needs doing等可以用主动表示被动意义。如:This kind of books sells well. 这种书畅销。  The door won’t lock. 门锁不上。