
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/09/29 09:02:46



eg. (1) The girl is from England .

   → The girls are from England .

   (2) He is  polite and helpful boy .

 They are polite and helpful boys .

    上述例句中,划线的为能变的,没划线的为该保留的,加   号的a(an)为该去掉的。反之,在由复数变为单数时,则要根据句意在名词之前补上一个a (an)。

eg. They are English girls .

 → She is an English .

    但是对于"There be"句型,单复数转换时句中的 a / an不能去掉,而要根据句式将其与some或any 互换。

eg. (1) There is  a  boat on the lake .

 → There are  some  boats on the lake .

   (2) There isn't  a  tree behind the house .

 → There aren't  any  trees behind the house .

   (3) Is there  a  pet dog in your home ?

 → Are there  any  pet dogs in your home ?

   (4) There aren't  any  pictures on the wall of our classroom .

 → There isn't  a  picture on the wall of our classroom .