
来源:百度文库 编辑:中财网 时间:2024/10/02 20:26:10
  • 好老板会做的十件事

  •   1. 让人们得到应有的报酬,而不是按照你能够给予的额度。你在费用上多支出的部分,会以绩效的方式,获得几倍回报。
      2. 花时间分享你的经验和观点。导师和教练这一类的标签被滥用了。员工们可以从那些足够慷慨,愿意分享自己经验和观点的人那里学习到很多东西。他们不需要所谓最好的朋友,或者一个可以靠着哭泣的肩膀。
      3. 和员工的沟通要直接,即使是坏消息,也应该如此。对于我来说,任何一个老板都应该做的最重要的一件事就是对员工直言相告。不要废话,不要用糖衣包裹,特别是当你需要告诉他们坏消息或者需要校正他们工作中的偏差的时候,更是如此。
      4. 有效地进行管理。好的老板总是背后给员工提供支持。绝大部分老板做不到这一点,但是在这里,最重要的是要给管理层完成工作所需要的支持。
      5. 热情洋溢地表扬。热情洋溢的表扬需要勇气。对于伟大的老板来说,这是一项本能;而我们其余的人则需要通过练习掌握这一点。
      6. 分配责任,而不是工作。每个老板都要分配任务,但是糟糕的老板认为这意味着把自己不喜欢的工作扔给下属。好的老板分配的是责任,并且让人们负责。这种做法促进了员工的职业成长。
      7. 鼓励员工发展自己的天赋,挑战自己,克服缺点。这就是所谓的用人所长。
      8. 创建团队精神。如同我们之前提到的,好的团队胜过伟大的个人。好的领导可以打造出好的团队。
      9. 给员工应得的待遇。你总是会听到人们说他们应该被尊重,被平等对待。好吧,有些人不想听这个,但是,a)尊重是需要赢得的,b)绝大部分员工和他们的老板都不平等。
      10. 激励你的团队。上面所有的内容都是关于激励员工的,但是很少有老板真正有能力激励他们的员工。那怎样才能激励员工呢?要分享他们对业务的热情。知道应该在困难局面下,什么时候,做什么说什么。真实的故事能够发挥巨大的作用。幽默感也能起到良好的作用。

  • As we discovered in 7 Signs You May Be a Bad Manager, bosses aren't usually aware that they are bad bosses. The fact is that nobody wants to believe they're the problem. Nevertheless, there's a bell curve for all things involving people, which means there are few really bad bosses, few really good bosses, and most of you fall somewhere in the middle.

    To me that says, for the vast majority of you, there's lots of room for improvement.

    So, if you're not exhibiting any of the 7 Signs, that's great, pat yourself on the back. Still, if you really want to up your management game, maybe even vault into the executive or ownership ranks someday, you'd better start doing at least a few of these 10 Things That Good Bosses Do.

    Incidentally, this isn't from some academic study. These are real attributes of real bosses, culled from decades of observation, which motivate and inspire employees to perform at their best.

    1.Pay people what they're worth, not what you can get away with.为员工的付出付钱,而非你从他们身上所得
    What you lose in expense you gain back several-fold in performance.

    2.Take the time to share your experiences and insights.花时间分享你的经验与见解
    Labels like mentor and coach are overused. Let's be specific here. Employees learn from those generous enough to share their experiences and insights. They don't need a best friend or a shoulder to cry on.

    3.Tell it to employees straight, even when it's bad news. 单刀直入告诉员工,即便是坏消息
    To me, the single most important thing any boss can do is to man up and tell it to people straight. No BS, no sugarcoating, especially when it's bad news or corrective feedback.

    4.Manage up … effectively. 无为而治,有效管理
    Good bosses keep management off employee's backs. Most people don't get this, but the most important aspect of that is giving management what they need to do their jobs. That's what keeps management away.

    5.Take the heat and share the praise. 减轻压力,分享赞美
    It takes courage to take the heat and humility to share the praise. That comes naturally to great bosses; the rest of us have to pick it up as we go.

    6.Delegate responsibility, not tasks.分担责任,而非分派任务
    Every boss delegates, but the crappy ones think that means dumping tasks they hate on workers, i.e. s**t rolls downhill. Good bosses delegate responsibility and hold people accountable. That's fulfilling and fosters professional growth.

    7.Encourage employees to hone their natural abilities and challenge them to overcome their issues. 鼓励员工磨练自身能力,鞭策他们克服自身问题
    That's called getting people to perform at their best.

    8.Build team spirit.打造团队精神
    As we learned before, great groups outperform great individuals. And great leaders build great teams.

    9.Treat employees the way they deserve to be treated. 用其应得的方式对待员工
    You always hear people say they deserve respect and to be treated as equals. Well, some may not want to hear this, but a) respect must be earned, and b) most workers are not their boss’s equals.

    10.Inspire your people. 启发你的部下
    All the above motivate people, but few bosses have the ability to truly inspire their employees. How? By sharing their passion for the business. By knowing just what to say and do at just the right time to take the edge off or turn a tough situation around. Genuine anecdotes help a lot. So does a good sense of humor.

    All this adds up to an environment where people feel appreciated, recognized, challenged, and appropriately compensated. So what do you think? How do you measure up on the good boss scale?
